How to select first row of each table? - r

I have a SQL database with 30 tables ordered by company names. They are 30 stocks. Each table has columns date, high, low, close and volume.
My question is: how do I select the first record of each table in SQL?
Is it
FROM TOP 1 * SELECT aaple_30min?
I tried
FROM bac_30min
but this gives me only for one table.
I have decided to write the query in R, where I will loop through the companies in question and use the paste function to make calls by replacing above "bac_30" with company names as strings.


SQLite vs. CSV for data acquistion

I am designing a measurement instrument and the software is written in C++/Qt5.12 on a custom build Linux embedded system (Buildroot). The data are time series and fall into 2 categories :
actual physical data, 1..3 fields, sampling period 5 min
housekeeping parameters (temperatures, fow rates, etc.), 5..10 fields, sampling period 1..10 sec
I have been using CSV files so far, and they do the job. Although the data are not relational and the data acquisition rate is low, I am looking into SQLite because :
reduced risk to produce corrupted files in case of a crash thanks to transactions
more flexibility to alter the data format in the long run, e.g. add a column, with less impact on processing software
SQLite is supported by Buildroot
Questions :
Does SQLite look like a smart choice over CSV in this case ?
The instrument will be running 24/7 for years, so I guess I'll have to split the database into chunks (e.g. monthly) to keep the file reasonably small and for archiving. I wonder how easy that would be. Can it be automated with a cron job ?
Does SQLite look like a smart choice over CSV in this case ?
I'd suggest yes. Mainly because you would probably want to do something with the data other than spend the rest of your life looking through it.
Perhaps you want some sort of aggregated stats (a summary. averages, maximum value, minimum values perhaps to compare periods). SQLite can make that pretty easy and pretty efficient.
The instrument will be running 24/7 for years, so I guess I'll have to split the database into chunks (e.g. monthly) to keep the file reasonably small and for archiving. I wonder how easy that would be. Can it be automated with a cron job ?
Cron no need, utilise the power of SQLite, a TRIGGER could be handly.
Here's an example that shows a little of what you could do.
As you have 2 distinct sets of readings physical (table) and housekeeping (table) the example has a table per each.
the physical table has 1 column for the timestamp of the reading and 4 columns for the readings.
the housekeeping table has 1 column for the timestamp and 10 reading columns.
The example automatically generates data just_to_load some data to show results. The example has such a table that is used to control how much data is inserted, it has 1 row with 1 value (although it could have more rows) and this value is extracted to determine how much data is added.
with the value as 1000 1000 physical readings will be added for every 5 minutes (about 3.5 days worth of data).
with the value of 1000 then 300,000 rows will be added to the housekeeping table. i.e every 5 minutes 300 rows will be added.
The example demonstrates automated (TRIGGER) based tidying up (doesn't backup the data but will clear data from both the tables (just an example showing that you can do things automatically)). The TRIGGER is named auto_tidyup.
To know that the TRIGGER is being activated it additionally records the start and end of the TRIGGER's processing (what it does when activated and its WHEN clause condition is met (to reduce the times that it tries to do something)). This data is stored in another table namely tidyup_log.
The TRIGGER has been set so the WHEN clause is triggered (this would be changed after tested to a suitable schedule).
So in summary 4 tables (1 for testing purposes only) and 1 trigger.
When the data is loaded, the data is then used by 3 queries to extract useful data (well sort of).
The Example SQL (note that perhaps the most complicated SQL is for loading the testing data) :-
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS housekeeping;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS just_for_load;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS physical(timestamp INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, fld1 REAL, fld2 REAL, fld3 REAL, fld4 REAL);
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS housekeeping(timestamp INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, prm1 REAL, prm2 REAL, prm3 REAL, prm4 REAL, prm5 REAL, prm6 REAL, prm7 REAL, prm8 REAL, prm9 REAL, prm10 REAL);
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tidyup_log (timestamp INTEGER, action_performed TEXT);
WHEN CAST(strftime('%d','now') AS INTEGER) = 23 /* <<<<<<<<<< TESTING SO GET HITS >>>>>>>>>>*/
/*WHEN CAST(strftime('%d','now') AS INTEGER = 1 */ /* IF TODAY FIRST DAY OF MONTH */
INSERT INTO tidyup_log VALUES (strftime('%s','now'),'TIDY Started');
DELETE FROM physical WHERE timestamp < new.timestamp - (60 * 60 * 24 * 365 /*approx a year */);
DELETE FROM housekeeping WHERE timestamp < new.timestamp - (60 * 60 * 24 * 365);
INSERT INTO tidyup_log VALUES (strftime('%s','now'),'TIDY ENDED');
/* ONLY FOR LOADING Test Data controls number of rows added */
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS just_for_load (base_count INTEGER);
INSERT INTO just_for_load VALUES(1000); /* Number of physical rows to add 5 minutes e.g. 1000 is close to 3.5 days*/
(SELECT 1 UNION ALL SELECT i+1 FROM counter WHERE i < (SELECT sum(base_count) FROM just_for_load))
INSERT INTO physical SELECT strftime('%s','now','+'||(i * 5)||' minutes'), random(),random(),random(),random()FROM counter
(SELECT 1 UNION ALL SELECT i+1 FROM counter WHERE i < (SELECT (sum(base_count) * 300) FROM just_for_load))
INSERT INTO housekeeping SELECT strftime('%s','now','+'||(i)||' second'), random(),random(),random(),random(), random(),random(),random(),random(), random(),random()FROM counter
/* <<<<<<<<<< DATA LOADED SO EXTRACT IT >>>>>>>>> */
SELECT datetime(timestamp,'unixepoch'), fld1,fld2,fld3,fld4 FROM physical;
/* First query to basically show the 5 minute intervals (and lots of random values)*/
/* This query gets the sum and average of the 10 readings over a 5 minute window */
'From '||datetime(min(timestamp),'unixepoch')||' To '||datetime(max(timestamp),'unixepoch') AS Range,
sum(prm1)AS avgP1, avg(prm1) AS sumP1,
sum(prm2)AS avgP2, avg(prm2) AS sumP2,
sum(prm3)AS avgP3, avg(prm3) AS sumP3,
sum(prm4)AS avgP4, avg(prm4) AS sumP4,
sum(prm5)AS avgP5, avg(prm5) AS sumP5,
sum(prm6)AS avgP6, avg(prm6) AS sumP6,
sum(prm7)AS avgP7, avg(prm7) AS sumP7,
sum(prm8)AS avgP8, avg(prm8) AS sumP8,
sum(prm9)AS avgP9, avg(prm9) AS sumP9,
sum(prm10)AS avgP10, avg(prm10) AS sumP10
FROM housekeeping GROUP BY timestamp / 300
/* This query shows that the TRIGGER is being activated (even though it does no deletions) */
SELECT * FROM tidyup_log;
/* Tidy up the Testing environment */
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS housekeeping;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS just_for_load;
The comments should explain quite a bit.
you may wish to look at:
SQLite Date and Time Functions
SQLite Aggregate Functions
SQLite SQL Language Expressions
Extract from the physical table (showing 5 minute intervals of the data aka data you probably don't want to look at)
Extract more useful data averages and sums of each of the 10 readings every 5 minutes
1001 rows because rows don't end start on a 5 minute boundary
The tidyup log (to show the TRIGGER is being activated)
start and end for each physical row (noting that the WHEN criteria has been set to trigger on all) and hence 2000 rows
Lastly just to show 300000 rows part of the message log :-
(SELECT 1 UNION ALL SELECT i+1 FROM counter WHERE i < (SELECT (sum(base_count) * 300) FROM just_for_load))
INSERT INTO housekeeping SELECT strftime('%s','now','+'||(i)||' second'), random(),random(),random(),random(), random(),random(),random(),random(), random(),random()FROM counter
> Affected rows: 300000
> Time: 1.207s

Clickhouse topK query on several columns

In ClickHouse, is there any way use the topK query on more than the column ,
for example:
select topK(10)(AGE,COUNTRY) ...
meaning I want the top10 combinations of AGE+COUNTRY,
I only found a workaround using concat on fields and topK on them, wondered if there is any other way.
You can pass array (or tuple) of columns to topK:
SELECT topK(10)([Age, Country])
FROM table
Or use the straightforward calculation (it is much slower but provides the exact result):
FROM table

teradata remove periods from one table that are in another table

tables for the problem
I am trying to remove any periods or part of periods for the same id from one table if the period, or part of the period, appears in another table in Teradata.
In the image as a reference.
I would like to remove any periods from the start table if they appear in the remove table to get the result table
All the group A rows would be removed and the B rows would be kept with the second B row being split into two periods.
Is this possible?

sqlite3: Intersect two tables where one value BETWEEN two others

I have two tables, one has single entries like this:
'rs47' 1027
The other has ranges:
'gene1' 1000 1500
These tables are huge, so I am trying to figure out the most efficient way to get all entries from table 1 where the entries are within any range in table 2.
I don't think that INTERSECT can be used like this. I know how to use SELECT to do this for a single entry:
SELECT name FROM 'table2' INDEXED BY 'start_end' WHERE 1027 BETWEEN start AND end
But I am not sure how to do that for every record in a table. Any ideas?
To check whether corresponding rows exist in the other table, you can use a correlated subquery:
FROM Table1
FROM Table2
WHERE Table1.Value BETWEEN Table2.StartValue AND Table2.EndValue);

sqlite subqueries with group_concat as columns in select statements

I have two tables, one contains a list of items which is called watch_list with some important attributes and the other is just a list of prices which is called price_history. What I would like to do is group together 10 of the lowest prices into a single column with a group_concat operation and then create a row with item attributes from watch_list along with the 10 lowest prices for each item in watch_list. First I tried joins but then I realized that the operations where happening in the wrong order so there was no way I could get the desired result with a join operation. Then I tried the obvious thing and just queried the price_history for every row in the watch_list and just glued everything together in the host environment which worked but seemed very inefficient. Now I have the following query which looks like it should work but it's not giving me the results that I want. I would like to know what is wrong with the following statement:
select w.asin,w.title,
(select group_concat(lowest_used_price) from price_history as p
where p.asin=w.asin limit 10)
as lowest_used
from watch_list as w
Basically I want the limit operation to happen before group_concat does anything but I can't think of a sql statement that will do that.
Figured it out, as somebody once said "All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of indirection." and in this case an extra select subquery did the trick:
select w.asin,w.title,
(select group_concat(lowest_used_price)
from (select lowest_used_price from price_history as p
where p.asin=w.asin limit 10)) as lowest_used
from watch_list as w
