Login failed: error Error Could not send Message. javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException - juddi

I am unable to login through JUDDI user interface. Using newly created publisher. This is the error I am facing.
Login failed: error Error Could not send Message. javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException.
Can any one help me?


How to authenticate before doing any action with Hieu Le XMLRpc Client

I am testing following Wordpress XML-RPC PHP Client
I have 3 sites where I post remotely, however if the password on one site is wrong it gives Fatal error and stops the PHP execution, I want to catch this error and manage if one stops, it should exit and continue to post on other sites.. below is the error I get
Fatal error: Uncaught XML-RPC error: Incorrect username or password. (Code: 403) thrown in \WordpressClient.php on line 926
Is there anyway I can first authenticate login information and then proceed with the rest of the code, if it fails, it should simply exit the function and proceed with rest of the PHP code..
already explained at the top..

Symfony Mailer with SendinBlue configuration problem

I am trying do deploy my website, and i'm using a third party transport to dispatch my emails like : confirmation after subscription and reset password emails.
I am using SendinBlue. I followed Symfony documentation and run composer require symfony/sendinblue-mailer
Then i added MAILER_DSN=sendinblue+smtp://USERNAME:PASSWORD#default in my .env file. Username and password seems correct, i also encoded special characters in my username.
My website is hosted on OVH, i can connect by SSH and run php bin/console messenger:consume async
I have an error message saying : WARNING [messenger] Error thrown while handling message Symfony\Component\Mailer\Messenger\SendEmailMessage. Sending for retry #1 using 1000 ms delay. Error: "Handling "Symfony\Component\Mailer\Messenger\SendEmailMessage" failed: Connection could not be established with host "ssl://smtp-relay.sendinblue.com:587": stream_socket_client(): unable to connect to ssl://smtp-relay.sendinblue.com:587 (Connection refused)"
I also tried to use the SendinBlue API key and got this message : WARNING [messenger] Error thrown while handling message Symfony\Component\Mailer\Messenger\SendEmailMessage. Sending for retry #1 using 1000 ms delay. Error: "Handling "Symfony\Component\Mailer\Messenger\SendEmailMessage" failed: Could not reach the remote Sendinblue server."
I guess i missed something, it's the first time i build a symfony application and im a little lost. I spent all day on this and could not find a solution.
Does anyone have an idea what i did wrong ?

Server Error in '/' Application. The resource cannot be found error in asp.net

Resource not found error while trying to send URL of change password to registered email. I have checked the spelling and directories of my project. Everything is fine still I am getting that error.
This is the URL for sending email to registered users.
sbemailBody.Append("http://localhost/VirtualClassroom/Register/changePassword.aspx?uid=" + Uniqueid);
When i click this link,I am getting that error.I am new to .Net.Please help.Thanks in advance!

Detailed error messages ASP - Showing 2 lines

I am trying to debug an ASP Intranet application,
I have turned on detailed error messages and turned off Friendly error messages in IE but my error message only shows:
error '80004005'
/login.asp, line 15
If I debug an asp.net application I get a block of information including where the error occurred for example, "MySQL Failed to connect...
Is there any way to show more detailed error messages,
I have ran through Detailed 500 error message, ASP + IIS 7.5
But I still only get the basic error message which shows me there is a connection issue 'Somewhere'
Error '80004005' means that a database connection failed. Is your connection string correct, is your database running, (or if you're using Access, does your IUSR account have the correct permissions on the mdb file)?
(Comment posted as question as suggested)

Error messsage "Error occurred while communicating with the remote host. The error code is 0x80070001."

This is the error that we get when so many users go to the same page simultaneously. We are getting this error in the global.asax file. Is there a way to resolve this?
