Gremlin: How to get duplicates in a graph? - gremlin

Assume I have a graph with vertices that have property name, what is a good way to get Ids of all vertices that have the same name.
Extending this, if I have a graph with day and month properties, how to return IDs of these vertices that share the same values.

Assuming you don't know the value of the duplicates and you just want to find all duplicates possible:
Here is a quick and dirty solution for you. Use Group By, for example:
I only use limit because doing this operation on the whole graph will be very time consuming. For the day and month properties you can do the same thing.

Assuming you have created indices for these indexed properties before you created the vertices, then you can create a gremlin query like:
def g = graph.traversal(); def vertices = g.V().has("name", "David").id();
This assumes you know the value you are searching for.


Gremlin select multiple vertices gives an output without the properties with null values

In order to get all data from two vertices a and b i used the following
I get values of X where the value of Y isnt null.I wanted to get all X where the value of Y can be or may not be null.
Any ideas as to how i can tweak the above query?
I'm not sure that this matters to you any more but to directly answer your question you need to deal with the chance that there are no "hasB" edges. You might do that with coalesce() in the following fashion:

In Gremlin, how to query two or more vertices with same value on one property?

I want to find two or more vertices which have one same property. For example, find two different Person vretices with same name.
I have tried the following:
graph.traversal().V().hasLabel("Person").as("a").where("a", P.eq("a")).by("name").where("a", P.neq("a")).by("vid").toList()
but the result is null(I am quite sure that there are qualified vertices in the graph.)
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
You have to scan through the vertices twice. With your current traversal, you only compare each vertex with itself.
where("a", P.eq("b")).by("name").
where("a", P.neq("b"))

Preventing duplicate SIMILAR relationships when using algo.similarity.jaccard on continuously updated data

I am computing the Jaccard similarity index for a category of nodes in a graph using the algo.similarity.jaccard algorithm from the Neo4j graph algorithm's library. Once calculating the Jaccard similarity and indicating a cutoff, I am storing the metric in a relationship between the nodes (this is a feature of the algorithm). I am trying to see the change of the graph over time as I get new data to add into the graph (I will be reloading my CSV file with new data and merging in new nodes/relationships).
A problem I foresee is that once I run the Jaccard algorithm again with the updated graph, it will create duplicate relationships. This is the Neo4j documentation example of the code that I am using:
MATCH (p:Person)-[:LIKES]->(cuisine)
WITH {item:id(p), categories: collect(id(cuisine))} as userData
WITH collect(userData) as data
CALL algo.similarity.jaccard(data, {topK: 1, similarityCutoff: 0.1, write:true})
YIELD nodes, similarityPairs, write, writeRelationshipType, writeProperty, min, max, mean, stdDev, p25, p50, p75, p90, p95, p99, p999, p100
RETURN nodes, similarityPairs, write, writeRelationshipType, writeProperty, min, max, mean, p95
Is there a way to specify I do not want to have duplicate relationships each time I run this code with an updated graph? Manually, I'd use MERGE instead of CREATE but seeing as though this an algorithm from a library, I'm not sure how to go about that. FYI I will not have the ability to add changes to a library plug in and it seems like there is no way to store the relationship under a different label such as SIMILARITY2.
There are at least 2 ways to avoid duplicate relationships from multiple calls to algo.similarity.jaccard:
Delete the existing relationships (by default, they have the SIMILAR type) before each call. This is probably the easiest approach.
Omit the write:true option when making the calls (so that the procedure won't create relationships at all), and write your own Cypher code to optionally create relationships that do not already exist (using MERGE).
Here is an example of the second approach (using the variant of the procedure, which yields more useful values for our purposes):
MATCH (p:Person)-[:LIKES]->(cuisine)
WITH {item:id(p), categories: collect(id(cuisine))} as userData
WITH collect(userData) as data
CALL, {topK: 1, similarityCutoff: 0.1})
YIELD item1, item2, similarity
WHERE item1 < item2
WITH algo.getNodeById(item1) AS n1, algo.getNodeById(item2) AS n2, similarity
MERGE (n1)-[s:SIMILAR]-(n2)
SET s.score = similarity
Since the procedure will return the same node pair twice (with the same similarity score), the WHERE clause is used to filter out one of the pairs, to speed up processing. The algo.getNodeById() utility function is used to get a node by its native ID. And the MERGE clause's relationship pattern does not specify a value for score, so that it will match an existing relationship even if it has a different value. The SET clause for setting the score is placed after the MERGE, which also helps to ensure the value is up to date.

Smart way to generate edges in Neo4J for big graphs

I want to generate a graph from a csv file. The rows are the vertices and the columns the attributes. I want to generate the edges by similarity on the vertices (not necessarily with weights) in a way, that when two vertices have the same value of some attribute, an edge between those two will have the same attribute with value 1 or true.
The simplest cypher query that occurs to me looks somewhat like this:
Match (a:LABEL), (b:LABEL)
WHERE a.attr = b.attr
CREATE (a)-[r:SIMILAR {attr : 1}]->(b)
The graph has about 148000 vertices and the Java Heap Sizeoption is: dynamically calculated based on available system resources.
The query I posted gives a Neo.DatabaseError.General.UnknownFailure with a hint to Java Heap Space above.
A problem I could think of, is that a huge cartesian product is build first to then look for matches to create edges. Is there a smarter, maybe a consecutive way to do that?
I think you need a little change model: no need to connect every node to each other by the value of a particular attribute. It is better to have a an intermediate node to which you will bind the nodes with the same value attribute.
This can be done at the export time or later.
For example:
Match (A:LABEL) Where A.attr Is Not Null
Merge (S:Similar {propName: 'attr', propValue: A.attr})
Merge (A)-[r:Similar]->(S)
Later with separate query you can remove similar node with only one connection (no other nodes with an equal value of this attribute):
Match (S:Similar)<-[r]-()
With S, count(r) As r Where r=1
Detach Delete S
If you need connect by all props, you can use next query:
Match (A:LABEL) Where A.attr Is Not Null
With A, Keys(A) As keys
Unwind keys as key
Merge (S:Similar {propName: key, propValue: A[key]})
Merge (A)-[:Similar]->(S)
You're right that a huuuge cartesian product will be produced.
You can iterate the a nodes in batches of 1000 for eg and run the query by incrementing the SKIP value on every iteration until it returns 0.
MATCH (a:Label)
MATCH (b:Label)
WHERE b.attr = a.attr AND id(b) > id(a)
CREATE (a)-[:SIMILAR_TO {attr: 1}]->(b)
RETURN count(*) as c

neo4j cypher : how to query a linked list

I'm having a bit of trouble to design a cypher query.
I have a graph data structures that records some data in time, using
Each of the data nodes has a date, and some data as attributes that I want to sum.
Now, for the sake of the example, let's say I want to query what happened last week.
The closer I got is to query something like
start n= ... // definition of the many starting nodes here
match n-[:last]->d1, path = d1-[:previous*0..7]->dn
where > some_date_a_week_ago
Unfortunately, as I get the right path, I also get all the intermediate paths (from 2 days ago, from 3 days ago...etc).
Since there is many starting nodes, and thus many possible path lengths, I cannot ask for the longest path in my query. Furthermore, can be different from date_a_week_ago ( if there is only one data node this week, and one data node last month, then the expected path is of length=1).
Any tip on how to filter the intermediate paths in my query ?
Thanks in advance !
ps : by the way, I'm quite new with the graph modeling, and I'd be interested with any answer that would require to change the graph structure if needed.
You can add a further point "dnnext" in your path, and add a condition to ensure the "dn" is the last one that satisfis the condifition,
start n= ... // definition of the many starting nodes here
match n-[:last]->d1, path = d1-[:previous*0..7]->dn-[:previous*0..1]->dnnext
where > some_date_a_week_ago and dnnext < some_date_a_week
