Embedded web tab Facebook Fanpage - facebook-page

I want to create a tab on a Facebook fanpage, but this tab is a website developed and hosted on a server, is it possible?
I do not know if what I want to do it like they did here, but create something similar


How to show PowerBI Dashboard in on AspDotNet C# WebForm page

I am having various PowerBI dashboards hosted on Azure. Dashboard doesn't have EmbbedCode to directly get the url run. Neither I want to use SSRS or any other tool to implement anytype of dataset. Just want to consume the url of the dashboard to display it in iFrame. How should I do this?

How can I embed the Open Graph or Twitter preview from another site into my WordPress site?

I want to embed the Open Graph or Twitter preview from another site into my WordPress site.
I assume this means using web scraping. Is there another, better way to do this?

Can we integrate the Google Data Studio dashboard into our website as a home view?

I have the google data studio reporting dashboard of my laravel website and I want to integrate this dashboard as a home page of my site’s admin panel when I hit the page. Is it possible to integrate this dashboard in my website so that every time I open my admin panel it shows me the same view of data studio as a dashboard first? Meanwhile, instead of writing a code to develop dashboard, I want to show the exact same view of data studio on my site.
It's not recommended, but there is a workaround.
First, you need to make your data studio report open to world wide. That means click on share --> advanced --> Select -- On- Public on the web .
Secondly, add that report inside an iframe on the web page, and your problem would be resolved ;)

Asp.net and facebook share buttom

i have an asp.net web application and i need to add a button that shares content to facebook.
Is there any way to do it ?
You can share your webpage on Facebook by referring to the developer guide provided by facebook.

How to make developed features like Google Street view in my own site

I would like to develop an application using google street. I will upload images in my application. The users of my application will then be able to view the uploaded images like google street. like we can see images in the link below
How can i develop like this.?
can you please help me?
