Is it possible to run a ASP.NET web project created in VS2015 on VSCode OSX? -

Thank you for the help in advance.
I'm used to developing web projects in visual studio for windows. With the new open source, I'm trying to develop on my mac. I already set my development environment and run the boilerplate. My question now is, can I import a traditional project developed in vs and in some way adapt to run and continue developing in Vscode and dmx?

Yes... So long as it's based on .Net Core.
.Net Framework 4.5, 4.7 etc is most definitely not cross platform and requires Windows and, more often than not, IIS to run.
So I suppose the real answer is, it depends.


Is it possible to develop ASP.NET MVC applications in Visual Studio for Mac?

Since I am planning to buy a new MacBook Pro (2017) and currently working on a Windows 10-device on a ASP.NET MVC (Not ASP.NET Core MVC) project for my internship, I was wondering if it is possible to continue developing the same project in Visual Studio for Mac.
To put it in other words: Is it possible to develop ASP.NET MVC applications in Visual Studio for Mac?
I tried to Google this, but I could only find ASP.NET Core MVC projects being discussed for VS for Mac. The current project is NOT a Core project, but just an ASP.NET project.
I really don't want to install Windows either on my MacBook Pro or on an external drive.
As you've correctly surmised, it's not possible to build ASP.NET MVC projects on the Mac that aren't based on .NET Core or Mono. So if your project is currently targetting ASP.NET on .NET Framework 4.x, the you'll either have to stay on Windows:
Use Bootcamp to run Windows on your Mac
Use a Virtual Machine to run Windows inside Mac
Use Parallels Desktop or VMWare Fusion to run windows applications inside your Mac
Or you can convert your application over to Mono or .NET Core, depending on your dependencies that may be relatively easy, or very hard or anywhere in between.
You could also decide to use Visual Studio Team Services to build your code on a Windows Hosted agent and edit the sources on yoru mac, you'd have to forego the ability to compile or run your code locally.
You can also decide to "rent" a virtual machine in Azure (maybe your have MSDN credits you could use for this purpose?) and remote desktop to that machine to work on your project.

Self-host WebForms project using Visual Studio Community for Mac

I'm working on my first ever .NET project. I'm using Visual Studio Community for Mac and I'm required to use a WebForms project.
I created the project using VS, the basic template, but I have no idea how to run it locally to get it to load in a browser.
Apparently most of the WebServer solutions (like Kestrel) require a Windows environment with IIS.
What are my options on the Mac?
To be clear, I'm constrained to use .NET with WebForms, I can't go with MVC for this project.

Is it possible to make desktop GUI application in .NET Core?

I have been developing Windows Forms programs for few years. I am now looking into .NET Core (including ASP.NET Core MVC). I am searching for the new GUI desktop technology. In Visual Studio 2015 update 3 I can't see any option to make a GUI app in .NET Core.
What am I missing?
You were not missing anything. Microsoft shipped no reasonable way to create GUI applications directly using .NET Core until .NET Core 3, though UWP (Universal Windows Platform) is partially built on top of .NET Core.
.NET Core 3.0 includes support for Windows Forms and WPF, though it is Windows-only.
.NET 6 will include .NET MAUI, which will support Windows and macOS desktop applications and mobile applications, with Linux desktop applications supported by the community (not MS). .NET 5 will include a preview version of .NET MAUI.
For third-party cross platform options, see other answers.
AvaloniaUI now has support for running on top of .NET Core on Windows, OS X, and Linux. XAML, bindings and control templates included.
E.g. to develop on macOS with Rider:
Follow instructions to install the Avalonia dotnet new templates
Open JetBrains Rider and from the Welcome screen,
Choose New Solution → (near the top of the Templates List) → More Templates → Button Install Template...* → browse to the directory where you cloned the templates at step 1.
Click the Reload Button
Behold! Avalonia Templates now appear in the New Solution Templates List!
Choose an Avalonia template
Build and run. See the GUI open before your eyes.
You could use Electron and wire it up with Edge.js resp. electron-edge. Edge.js allows Electron (Node.js) to call .NET DLL files and vice versa.
This way you can write the GUI with HTML, CSS and JavaScript and the backend with .NET Core. Electron itself is also cross platform and based on the Chromium browser.
It is now possible to use Qt, QtQuick, and QML with .NET Core, using Qml.Net.
It is highly performant (not "P/Invoke chatty"), fully featured and works across Linux, OS X, and Windows.
Check out my blog post to see how it compares to the other options out there currently.
PS: I'm the author.
For creating a console-based UI, you can use gui.cs. It is open-source (from Miguel de Icaza, creator of Xamarin), and runs on .NET Core on Windows, Linux, and macOS.
It has the following components:
Text entry
Text view
Time editing field
Radio buttons
Dialog boxes
Message boxes
Scroll views and Scrollbars
Hexadecimal viewer/editor (HexView)
Sample screenshot
One option would be using Electron with JavaScript, HTML, and CSS for UI and build a .NET Core console application that will self-host a web API for back-end logic. Electron will start the console application in the background that will expose a service on localhost:xxxx.
This way you can implement all back-end logic using .NET to be accessible through HTTP requests from JavaScript.
Take a look at this post, it explains how to build a cross-platform desktop application with Electron and .NET Core and check code on GitHub.
Yes, it is possible.
.NET Core doesn't have any components for native GUI application out of the box. However, there is a NuGet package for it that is called Electron.NET, as per Gregor Biswanger's answer.
Electron is a framework that allows you to build native GUI applications on top of Node.js. Electron.NET is a NuGet package that allows you to utilise Electron and Node.js from within your .NET Core code.
The good news is that you don't have to learn JavaScript, Electron or Node.js in order to be able to use the NuGet package. JS files do run inside your application, but they get automatically generated by the build process.
All you do is build a pretty standard ASP.NET Core MVC app. The only difference is that, instead of running in the browser, it runs as a native windowed app. Besides just a few lines of code specific to the Electron.NET package, you won't need to learn anything above ASP.NET Core MVC.
This page provides a tutorial on how to use it. It also contains some links to sample code repositories.
.NET Core 3 will have support for creating Windows desktop applications. I watched a demo of the technology yesterday during the .NET Conference.
This is the only blog post I could find, but it does illustrate the point: .NET Core 3 and Support for Windows Desktop Applications
I'm working on a project that might help:
The following application is written in .NET with the UI in HTML, JavaScript, and CSS (Angular).
tl;dr - I'm not sure that it would be possible for the .NET Core developers to supply a cross-platform GUI framework.
I feel like expecting a cross-platform GUI framework to be bundled into the official tooling (especially an old version of the tooling - you mention that you're running Visual Studio 2015 update 3) for an early version of .NET Core is a little premature.
GUI frameworks are really quite heavy, and dependent on the hardware abstractions already present on the host machine. On Windows, there is generally a single window manager (WM) and desktop environment (DE) used by most users, but on the many different distributions of Linux which are supported, there are any number of possible WMs and DEs - granted most users will either be using X-Server or Wayland in combination with KDE, GNOME or Xfce. But no Linux installation ever is the same.
The fact that the open source community can't really settle on a "standard" setup for a VM and DE means that it would be pretty difficult for the .NET Core developers to create a GUI framework which would work across all platforms and combinations of DEs and WMs.
A lot of folks here have some great suggestions (from use ASP.NET Core to builds a Web application and use a browser to listing a bunch of cross-platform frameworks). If you take a look at some of the mentioned cross platform GUI frameworks listed, you'll see how heavy they are.
However, there is light at the end of the tunnel as Miguel de Icaza showed off Xamarin running naively on Linux and macOS at .NET Conf this year (2017, if you're reading this in the future), so it might be worth trying that when it's ready.
(But you'll need to upgrade from Visual Studio 2015 to Visual Studio 2017 to access the .NET Core 2.0 features.)
You could develop a web application with .NET Core and MVC and encapsulate it in a Windows universal JavaScript app: Progressive Web Apps on Windows
It is still a web application, but it's a very lightweight way to transform a web application into a desktop app without learning a new framework or/and redevelop the UI, and it works great.
The inconvenience is unlike Electron or ReactXP for example, the result is a universal Windows application and not a cross platform desktop application.
I have been searching for this for ages now and none of the solution above are to my satisfaction.
I ended up working with for now.
I can confirm it works at least across macos and win10 and claims to be compatible with linux.
Leaving this here in case it can help someone.
It will be available using .NET 6:
But you can already create WinForms applications using netcore 3.1 and net 5 (at least in Visual Studio 2019 16.8.4+).
For the special case of existing Windows Forms applications:
There is a way - though I don't know how well it works.
It goes like this:
Take the Windows Forms implementation from Mono.
Port it to .NET Core or NetStandard.
Recompile your Windows Forms applications against the new System.Windows.Forms.
Fix anything that may be broken by .NET Core.
Pray that mono implements the parts you need flawlessly.
(If it doesn't, you can always stop praying, and send the Mono project a pull request with your fix/patch/feature.)
Here's my CoreFX Windows Forms repository:
Yes, it is possible to develop cross-platform desktop (GUI) applications, for Windows, Linux and macOS, using Visual Studio Code, .NET Core, C#, GTK 3, gtksharp and Glade as the GUI designer.
Here is how.
Windows Forms (and its visual designer) have been available for .NET Core (as a preview) since Visual Studio 2019 16.6. It's quite good, although sometimes I need to open Visual Studio 2019 16.7 Preview to get around annoying bugs.
See this blog post: Windows Forms Designer for .NET Core Released
Also, Windows Forms is now open source:
If you are using .NET Core 3.0 and above, do the following steps and you are good to go: (I'm going to use .NET Core CLI, but you can use Visual Studio too):
md MyWinFormsApp optional step
cd MyWinFormsApp optional step
dotnet new sln -n MyWinFormsApp optional step, but it's a good idea
dotnet new winforms -n MyWinFormsApp I'm sorry, this is not optional
dotnet sln add MyWinFormsApp do this if you did step #3
Okay, you can stop reading my answer and start adding code to the MyWinFormsApp project. But if you want to work with Form Designer, keep reading.
Open up MyWinFormsApp.csproj file and change <TargetFramework>netcoreapp3.1<TargetFramework> to <TargetFrameworks>net472;netcoreapp3.1</TargetFrameworks> (if you are using netcoreapp3.0 don't worry. Change it to <TargetFrameworks>net472;netcoreapp3.0</TargetFrameworks>)
Then add the following ItemGroup
<ItemGroup Condition="'$(TargetFramework)' == 'net472'">
<Compile Update="Form1.cs">
<Compile Update="Form1.Designer.cs">
After doing these steps, this is what you should end up with:
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk.WindowsDesktop">
<ItemGroup Condition="'$(TargetFramework)' == 'net472'">
<Compile Update="Form1.cs">
<Compile Update="Form1.Designer.cs">
Open up file Program.cs and add the following preprocessor-if
Now you can open the MyWinFormsApp project using Visual Studio 2019 (I think you can use Visual Studio 2017 too, but I'm not sure) and double click on Form1.cs and you should see this:
Okay, open up Toolbox (Ctrl + W, X) and start adding controls to your application and make it pretty.
You can read more about designer at Windows Forms .NET Core Designer.

How to deploy ASP.NET website (version prior to ASP.NET 5) to Linux server?

I am currently in process of identifying a mechanism to deploy ASP.NET websites to Linux server. I know this requires Apache to be installed on Linux, and can be achieved using Mono.
I found a lot many articles but they all are referring to ASP.NET version 5 (i believe, vNext). But couldn't find anything for a version prior to that.
Is it due to "System.Web" assembly that we can't deploy ASP.NET website on anything except IIS? I know, OWIN has replaced that in vNext.
Any help on deployment of previous versions of ASP.NET to Linux will be very appreciated.
The new version of ASP.NET, version 5, and more specifically the .NET Core, runs cross-platform. That's why there is a lot of information about running ASP.NET 5 (or vNext) on Linux with Kestrel, the new cross platform webserver for ASP.NET 5.
However, you can run older ASP.NET projects on Apache using, indeed, Mono. The official documentation can be found here: and here:

Porting Mono to .Net

I have a project that needs to be done using ASP.NET. Currently, I'm using a Linux box and don't have an access to Windows so I was wondering about doing the development in Mono.Net for the meanwhile. The final project needs to be completed on the Microsoft.NET.
How easy would it be to port a Mono.NET application to a Microsoft.NET? Or should I just wait till I get the windows machine? I don't mind an occasional challenge but not if it's going to be a big pain.
It should work fine just make sure you use the Microsoft .NET APIs only or keep track of any Mono or other opensource DLLs and include them when you run on Windows.
MonoDevelop could also help as it creates Visual Studio compatible project files which can help your migration if you want to later migrate to Visual Studio also.
