How does CORS (Access-Control-Allow-Origin header) increase security? - css

I'm doing some work with this right now and I have to say, it makes no sense at all to me! Basically, I have some CDN server which provides css, images ect for a site. For whatever reason, in order for my browser to stop blocking those resources with a CORS error, I had to have that server (the CDN) add the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header. But as far as I can tell that does absolutely nothing to increase security. Shouldn't the page I request which references those cross-domain resources be telling the browser it's safe to get stuff from the other domain? If that were a malicious domain wouldn't it just have the Access-Control-Allow-Origin set to * so that sites load their malicious responses (you don't have to answer that because obviously they would)?
So can someone explain how this mechanism/feature provides security? As far as I can tell the implementors fucked up and it actually does nothing. The header should be required from the page which references/requests cross-domain resources rather than from that domain being requested.
To be clear; if I request a page at domain A it would make sense for the response to include the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header white listing resources from domain B (, however it makes no sense at all for domain B to effectively white list itself by providing the header; Access-Control-Allow-Origin: which is how this is currently implemented. Can anyone clarify what the benefit of this feature is?

If I have a protected resource hosted on site A, but also control sites B, C, and D, I may want to use that resource on all of my sites but still prevent anyone else from using that resource on theirs. So I instruct my site A to send Access-Control-Allow-Origin: B, C, D along with all of its responses. It's up to the web browser itself to honor this and not serve the response to the underlying Javascript or whatever initiated the request if it didn't come from an allowed origin. Error handlers will be invoked instead. So it's really not for your security as much as it's an honor-system (all major browsers do this) access control method for servers.

Primarily Access-Control-Allow-Origin is about protecting data from leaking from one server (lets call it to another server (lets call it via an unsuspecting user's web browser.
Consider this scenario:
You are on your home network browsing the web when you accidentally stumble onto This web page contains malicious javascript that tries to look for web servers on your local home network and then sends their content back to It does this by trying to open XMLHttpRequests on all local IP addresses (eg.,, .. until it finds a web server.
If you are using an old web browser that isn't Access-Control-Allow-Origin aware or you have set Access-Control-Allow-Origin * on your privateHomeServer then your browser would happily retrieve the data from your privateHomeServer (which presumably you didn't bother passwording as it was safely behind your home firewall) and then handing that data to the malicious javascript which can then send the information on to the server.
On the other hand using an Access-Control-Allow-Origin aware browser and default web configuration on privateHomeServer (ie. not sending Access-Control-Allow-Origin *) your web browser would block the malicious javascript from seeing any data retrieved from privateHomeServer. So this way you are protected from such attacks unless you go out of your way to change the default configuration on your server.
Regarding the question:
Shouldn't the page I request which references those cross-domain
resources be telling the browser it's safe to get stuff from the other
The fact that your page contains code that is attempting to get resources from a particular server is implicitly telling the web browser that you believe the resources are safe to fetch. It wouldn't make sense to need to repeat this again elsewhere.

CORS makes only sense for Mashup content provider and nothing more.
Example: You are a provider of a embedded maps mashup service which requires a registration. Now you want to make sure that your ajax mashup map will only work for your registered users on their domains. Other domains should be excluded. Only for this reason CORS makes sense.
Another example: Someone misuse CORS for a REST-Service. The clever developer set up a ajax proxy and et voilà you can access from every domain on that service.
Such a ajax proxy would make no sense for a mashup, on the other way the CORS makes no sense for REST-Services, because you could bypass the restriction with a simple http-client.


Downsides of 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'?

I have a website with a separate subdomain for static files. I found out that I need to set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header in order for certain AJAX features to work, specifically fonts. I want to be able to access the static subdomain from localhost for testing as well as from the www subdomain. The simple solution seeems to be Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *. My server uses nginx.
What are the main reasons that you might not want to use a wildcard for Access-Control-Allow-Origin in your response header?
You might not want to use a wildcard when e.g.:
Your web and let’s say its AJAX backend API are running on different domains, or just on different ports and you do not want to expose backend API to whole Internet, then you do not send *. For example your web is on and backend API on, then the API would respond with Access-Control-Allow-Origin:
If the API wants to request cookies from client it must not send Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *, but its value must be the value of the origin from the actual request.
For testing, actually adding entry in /ets/hosts file for is a decent workaround.
Other way can be to have another domain served by nginx itself like pointing to the same/test-instance of backend servers & static-web-root with some security measures like:
satisfy all;
allow <YOUR-CIDR/IP>;
deny all;
Clarification on: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
This setting protects the users of your website from being scammed/hijacked while visiting other evil-websites in a modern-browser which respects this policy (all known browsers should do).
This setting does not protect the webservice from scraper scripts to access your static-assets & APIs at rapid speed - doing bruteforce attacks/bulk downloading/causing load etc.
P.S: (1) For development: you can consider using a free, low-footprint private-p2p vpn-like network b/w your development box & server:
In my opinion, is that you could have other websites consuming your API without your explicit permission.
Imagine you have an e-commerce, another website could do all the transactions using their own look and feel but backed by you, for you, in the end, it is good because you will get the money in the end but your brand will lose its "recognition".
Another problem could be if this website would change the sent payload to your backend doing things like changing the delivery address and other things.
The idea behind is just to not authorize unknown websites to consume your API and show its result to users.
You could use the hosts file to map to your domain name, "", as you do not like to use Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *.

Chrome's Advanced REST Client doesn't mind CORS restrictions, how?

I developped a client and a server app. In the server's Web.config, I set the property
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="http://domain.tld:4031" />
And, indeed, when I try connecting with a client installed in a different location, I get rejected. But I do not get rejected when I use Chrome's Advanced REST Client from the very same location!
In the extensions, the header of the response indicates
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://www.domain.tld:4031
So how comes I still get a answer "200 OK", and the data I requested?
I do not think this topic is enough of an answer : How does Google Chrome's Advanced REST client make cross domain POST requests?
My main concern is : how comes is it possible to "ask" for those extra permissions. I believe the client shouldn't be allowed to just decide which permission it receives. I thought it was up to the server only. What if I just "ask" for extra permissions to access your data on your computer? It doesn't make sense to me...
The reason that the REST client (or really the browser) is able to bypass the CORS restriction is that it is a client side protection. It isn't the responsibility of the server to provide this protection but it is a feature implemented by most modern browser vendors to protect their users from XSS-hazards.
The following quote from the Wikipedia CORS page sums it up quite good
"Although some validation and authorization can be performed by the server, it is generally the browser's responsibility to support these headers and respect the restrictions they impose." - Wikipedia
You could of course, like the quote imposes, do some server side validation on your own. The "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" header however is more of a indication to the browser that is is okay for the browser to allow the specified origins. It's then up to the browser to decide if it want's to honor this header. In previous versions of for example chrome there actually existed a flag to turn off the same origin policy all together.

What happens when a HTTP request uses different browser headers?

I'm trying to understand how an IIS server handles different browsers in the header of an HTTP request.
The situation is that I have some load tests set up that fire off HTTP requests to an IIS server, constructing them and sending them over the wire. My code allows me to specify the browser in the header, but I'm not sure what that would actually change.
So what does IIS do with that particular information in the header?
As far as i am aware IIS doesn't actually do anything with the header.
You can create rules to explicitly handle a type of browser, this is pretty useful if you block traffic from countries but you still want to allow bots for example.
Its useful to also have this information in Log Files too

What is the point of the Access-Control-Allow-Origin http header?

I have difficulties in seeing the point of the Access-Control-Allow-Origin http header.
I thought that if a client (browser) gets a "no" from a server once, than it will not send any further requests. But chrome and firefox keep sending requests.
Could anyone tell me a real life example where a header like this makes sense?
The Access-Control-Allow-Origin header should contain a list of origins which are "allowed" to access the resource.
Thus, determining which domains can make requests to your server for resources.
For example, sending back a header of Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * would allow all sites to access the requested resource.
On the other hand, sending back Access-Control-Allow-Origin: will allow access only to
There's some more information on this over at the Mozilla Developer Site
For example
Let's suppose we have a URL on our own domain that returns a JSON collection of Music Albums by Artist. It might look like this:
We might use some AJAX on our website to get this JSON data and then display it on our website.
But what if someone from another site wishes to use our JSON object for themselves? Perhaps we have another website which we own and would like to use our feed from
Traditionally we can't make cross-domain requests for this data.
By specifying other domains that are allowed access to our resource, we now open the doors to cross-domain requests.
CORS implements a two-part security view of cross-origin. The problem it is trying to solve is that there are many servers sitting out there on the public internet written by people who either (a) assumed that no browser would ever allow a cross-origin request, or (b) didn't think about it at all.
So, some people want to permit cross-origin communications, but the browser-builders do not feel that they can just unlock browsers and suddenly leave all these websites exposed. To avoid this, they invented a two-part structure. Before a browser will permit a cross-origin interaction with a server, that server has to specifically indicate that it is willing to allow cross-origin access. In the simple cases, that's Access-Control-Allow-Origin. In more complex cases, it's the full preflight mechanism.
It's still true that servers have to implement appropriate resource access control on their resources. CORS is just there to allow the server to indicate to browsers that it is aware of all the issues.

IHTTPModule to switch between HTTP and HTTPS in ASP.NET

I'm working on a web site which contains sections that need to be secured by SSL.
I have the site configured so that it runs fine when it's always in SSL, I see the SSL padlock in IE7/IE8/FireFox/Safari/Chrome
To implement the SSL switching, I created a class that implemented IHTTPModule and wired up HTTPApplication.PreRequestHandlerExecute.
I go through some custom logic to determine whether or not my request should use SSL, and then I redirect. I have to deal with two scenarios:
Currently in SSL and request doesn't require SSL
Currently not in SSL but request requires SSL
I end up doing the followng (where ctx is HttpContext.Current and pathAndQuery is ctx.Request.Url.PathAndQuery)
// SSL required and current connection is not SSL
if (requestRequiresSSL & !ctx.Request.IsSecureConnection)
ctx.Response.Redirect("" + pathAndQuery);
// SSL not required but current connection is SSL
if (!requestRequiresSSL & ctx.Request.IsSecureConnection)
ctx.Response.Redirect("" + pathAndQuery);
The switching back and forth now works fine. However, when I go into SSL mode, FireFox and IE8 warns me that my request isn't entirely encrypted.
It looks like my module is short circuiting my request somehow, would appreciate any thoughts.
I would suspect, that when you determine which resources require encryption, and which not, you do not include the images, or some header and footers as well, or even CSS files, if you use any.
As you always throw away SSL for such a content, it may happen that part of the page (main html) requires SSL, but the consequential request for an image on this page does not.
The browser is warning you, that some parts of the page were not delivered using SSL.
I will check if the request is for HTML, and only then drop the SSL if needed. Otherwise, keep it the way it is (most probably images and such are referenced with relative paths, than a full blown url).
I.e., if you have:
Some content...
<img src="images/someimage.jpg">
and you request this page using SSL, but your evaluation of requestRequiresSSL does not take into account the images as secured resources, it will form a http, not https request, and you will see the warning.
Make sure when you request a resource and evaluate requestRequiresSSL, to check the referrer and if this is an image:
// SSL not required but current connection is SSL
if (!requestRequiresSSL && ctx.Request.IsSecureConnection && !isHtmlContent)
ctx.Response.Redirect("" + pathAndQuery);
Just figure out how to determine isHtmlContent (if you do not serve images from a database, etc., but from a disk location), just check the the resource filename (.aspx, .asmx, .ashx, .html, etc.).
That way, if the connection is encrypted, but the resource itself is not html, and no set for "encryption", you are not going to drop the encryption.
I highly recommend using this (free / open source) component to do what you're trying:
Any content that is not normally handled by .Net (such as regular html and most graphic files) will not execute the httpmodule because it doesn't go through .net
Your best bet is to just handle this at the IIS level. See the following for info on how to configure your server.
I highly recommend you this product:
It is professional and easy to use. It comes with a powerful configuration tool, by which just one click can finish the entire configuration for you.
Just use SSL throughout your site, for all pages and for all images/scripts/stylesheets. That just makes everything oh-so-simple. IE and Firefox will no longer complain, you will no longer have crazy modules trying to guess whether any given request should be redirected, etc.
For the average user it's nearly impossible for them to make a informed decision when the only thing Firefox vaguely tells them is, "Parts of the page you are viewing were not encrypted before being transmitted over the Internet." This is about as helpful as the "somethings wrong" engine light and in fact is telling them after their information has been transferred.
The least this message should be accompanied with is a list providing the URL, type of content (images, javascript, css) and what it means to the user. BTW I get this message when using GMail.
Until that happens, as others stated your code should work once you determine the unsecured elements. Then you can use Firebug ( to check the content being delivered over the connection.
