Change URL view by client with HAPROXY - http

I am loadbalancing to a server and i dont want the url to change. The client has to see the same url that he typed.
For example if the client enters :
The haproxy balances between the backends and the client sees:
And i want the client to see only: or even
Is it possible with HAProxy to rewrite an URL ?
I have been searching and i don't know how to do it !
Thanks a lot !!

Assuming you have a working haproxy, the problem may be in the website itself. Make sure that the website uses relative URLs instead of fixed ones. Example: Login link: /blablah/blablalogin.htmx instead of


How to create a HTTPS->HTTPS subdirectory redirect using subdomains?

I am currently having issues with setting up an HTTPS domain redirect. I have a DNS URL redirect entry that points a few sub-domains to same-server URLs. For example: -> ->
The issue I am currently experiencing is that when using the subdomains, it mostly works, but it can only use HTTP. If I attempt to use HTTPS (like for example the redirect won't work and will get stuck apparently waiting for the HTTPS certificate (I think, but I don't know for sure, since it loads forever and gets a time-out).
So my DNS provider does its job for the most part as I want, but I am not sure how to add the HTTPS encryption to these redirects. Is there maybe even some DNS configuration or even middle-man service for redirects I can use, where these HTTPS encryptions are built-In? Since receiving a "Warning: Insecure connection" every time someone uses the sub-domains is a massive problem for me.
Note though that considering I am hosting on a GitHub Pages server, I am unable to do these redirects on the server side myself, as I can't use any code in this case.
I would greatly appreciate any ideas for fixing this or what I could use to achieve this another way.
Thanks in advance!

On Demand TLS and Reverse Proxy Support for Custom Domains

I came into a situation today. Please share your expertise 🙏
I have a project ( and one of the features is to generate a status page consisting of different endpoints.
Current Workflow
User login into the system
User creates a status page for one of his sites ( and adds different endpoints and components to be included on that page.
System generates a link for a given status page.
For Example.
But the user may want to see this page in his custom domain.
For Example.
Since this is a custom domain, we need on-demand TLS functionality. For this feature, I used Caddy and is working fine. Caddy is running on our subdomain and user's custom domain has a CNAME to our subdomain
Besides on-demand TLS, I am also required to do reverse proxy as
shown below.
For Example. ->(CNAME)-> ->(REVERSE_PROXY)->
But Caddy supports only protocol, host, and port format for reverse proxy like but my requirement is to support reverse proxy for custom page How can I achieve this? Is there a better alternative to Caddy or a workaround with Caddy?
You're right, since you can't use a path in a reverse-proxy upstream URL, you'd have to do rewrite the request to include the path first, before initiating the reverse-proxy.
Additionally, upstream addresses cannot contain paths or query strings, as that would imply simultaneous rewriting the request while proxying, which behavior is not defined or supported. You may use the rewrite directive should you need this.
So you should be able to use an internal caddy rewrite to add the /status-page/google path to every request. Then you can simply use as your Caddy reverse-proxy upstream. This could look like this:
https:// {
rewrite * /status-page/google{path}?{query}
You can find out more about all possible Caddy reverse_proxy upstream addresses you can use here:
However, since you probably can't hard-code the name of the status page (/status-page/google) in your Caddyfile, you could set up a script (e.g. at /status-page) which takes a look at the requested URL, looks up the domain (e.g. in your database, and automatically outputs the correct status-page.

How to protect a web server FROM a reverse proxy server

I have a website "".
Recently I found out that somebody has set up a reverse proxy with an almost identical url "" in front of my website.
I'm concerned of those users who came to my website through that reverse proxy. Their username and passwords might be logged when they login.
Is there a way for me to have my web server refuse reverse proxy?
For example, I've set up a reverse proxy using squid with the url "" in front of "". So whenever I type "" in my web browser address bar, I'll be redirected to "" by the reverse proxy. Then I notice the url in my address bar changed to "" indicating that I'm no longer going through the reverse proxy.
"" must've detected that I came to the website from another url and then redirected me to the website through the actual url.
How do I do something like that in ASP.NET web application?
Also asked on server fault.
First, use JavaScript to sniff document.location.href and match it against your domain:
var MyHostName = "";
if (0 == document.location.href.indexOf("https://"))
MyHostName = "https://" + MyHostName + "/";
if (0 != document.location.href.indexOf(MyHostName)) {
var new_location = document.location.href.replace(/https:\/\/[^\/]+\//, MyHostName);
if(new_location != document.location.href)
MyHostName = "http://" + MyHostName + "/";
if (0 != document.location.href.indexOf(MyHostName)) {
var new_location = document.location.href.replace(/http:\/\/[^\/]+\//, MyHostName);
if(new_location != document.location.href)
Second: write a init script to all your ASP pages to check if the remote user IP address matches the address of the reverse proxy. If it matches, redirect to a tinyurl link which redirects back to your real domain. Use tinyurl or other redirection service to counter reverse proxy's url rewriting.
Third: write a scheduled task to do a DNS lookup on the fake domain, and update a configuration file which your init script in step 2 uses. Note: Do not do a DNS lookup in your ASP because DNS lookups can stall for 5 seconds. This opens a door for DOS against your site. Also, don't block solely based on IP address because it's easy to relocate.
Edit: If you're considered of the proxy operator stealing user passwords and usernames, you should log all users who are served to the proxy's IP address, and disable their accounts. Then send email to them explaining that they have been victims of a phishing attack via a misspelled domain name, and request them to change their passwords.
After days of searching and experimenting, I think I've found an explanation to my question. In my question, I used as an example but now I'm going to use as my example since both exhibit the same behaviour in the sense of url rewriting plus is able to tell my ip address.
First, in order to reproduce the behaviour, I visited and got my ip address, say Then I visited (note the additional www. as its prefix) and the url in my browser's address bar changed back to discarding the prefix. After reading comments from Josh Stodola, it strucked me to prove this point.
Next, I set up a reverse proxy with the url and ip address and I have it performed the two scenarios below:
I have the reverse proxy points to (without the prefix **www.). Then typed in my browser's address bar. The reverse proxy then relayed me to and the url in my address bar didn't change (still showing I further confirmed this by checking the ip address on the webpage which showed (which is the ip address of the reverse proxy). This means that I'm still viewing the webpage through the reverse proxy and not directly connected to
Then I have the reverse proxy points to (with the prefix wwww. this time). I visited and this time the url in my address bar changed from to The webpage showed my ip address as (which is the real ip address of my pc). This means that I'm no longer viewing the webpage through the reverse proxy and redirected straight to
I think this is some kind of url rewriting trick which Josh Stodola has pointed out. I think I'm gonna read more on this. As to how to protect a server from reverse proxy, the best bet is to use SSL. Encrypted information passing through a proxy will be of no use since it can't be read in plain sight thus preventing eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle attack which what reverse proxy exactly is.
Safeguarding with javascript though can be seen trivial since javascript can be stripped off easily by a reverse proxy and also prevent other online services like google translate from accessing your website.
If you were to do Authentication over SSL using https://, you can bypass the proxy in most cases.
You can also look for the X-Forwarded-For header in the incoming request and match it against the suspicious proxy.
As I see it, your fundamental issue here is that whatever application layer defence measures you put in place to mitigate this attack can be worked around by the attacker, assuming this really is a malicious attack made by a competent adversary.
In my view, you should definitely be using HTTPS, which in principle would allow the user to confirm for sure whether they're talking to the right server, but this relies on the user knowing to check for this. Some browsers these days display extra information in the URL bar about which legal entity owns the SSL certificate, which would help, as it's unlikely an attacker would be able to persuade a legitimate certificate authority to issue a certificate in your name.
Some of the other comments here said that HTTPS can be intercepted by intermediate proxy servers, which is not actually true. With HTTPS, the client issues a CONNECT request to the proxy server, which tunnels all future traffic direct to the origin server, without being able to read any of it. If we assume that this proxy server is entirely bespoke and malicious, then it can terminate the SSL session and intercept the traffic, but it can only do that with its own SSL certificate, not with yours. This certificate will either be self signed (in which case clients will get lots of warning messages) or a genuine certificate issued by a certificate authority, in which case it'll have the wrong legal entity name, and you should be able to go back to the certificate authority, have the cert revoked and potentially ask the police to take action against the owner of the certificate, if you have reasonable suspicion that they are phishing.
The other thing I can think of which would mitigate this threat to some extent would be to implement one-time password functionality, either using a hardware/software token or using (my personal favorite) an SMS sent to the user's phone when they log in. This wouldn't prevent the attacker getting access to the session once, but should prevent them being able to log in in future. You could further protect the users by requiring another one time password before allowing them to see/edit particularly sensitive details.
There's very little you can do to prevent this without causing legitimate proxies (translation, google cache, etc..) from failing. If you don't care if people use such services, then simply set your web app to always redirect if the base url is not correct.
There are some steps you can take if you are aware of the proxies, and can find out their IP addresses, but that can change and you would have to stay on top of it. #jmz's answer is quite good in that regard.
I have come with an idea, and I think a solution.
First of all you do not need all page to be overwrite because this way you block other proxies, and other services (like google automatic translate).
So let say that you won to be absolute sure about the login page.
So what you do, when a user gets on login.aspx page you make a redirect with the full path of your site again to login.aspx.
if(Not all ready redirect on header / or on parametres from url)
This way I do not think that transparent proxy can change the get header and change it.
Also you can log any proxy, and or big requests from some ips and check it. When you found a Fishing site like the one you say you can also report it.
Maybe create a black-list of URLs and compare requests with Response.Referer if the website is on that list then kill the request or do a redirection of your own.
The black-list is obviously something you would have to manually update.
Ok i have went throu a similar situation but i managed to overcome it by using another forwarded domain that points to my original perminantly , then checking with code if the client is the reverse server or not if it it i would redirect them to my second domain which will go to the original
Check out more info from here:
The simplest way would probably be to put some Javascript code on your page that examines window.location to see if the top level domain (TLD) matches what you expect, and if not, replaces it with your correct domain (causing the browser to reload to the proper site instead).

Hide webpage file with random folder and SSL?

Does an SSL request show the page being requested or just the domain?
I am trying to hide files in a directory on a webserver by using random folder names.
The random folder name providing the security instead of a password. The risk of this is any third party intercepting router hops to see the page request and then the hidden folder is not so hidden.
If is access it using SSL is the SSL connection made to first, then the page requested or will a snooper see the entire:
ending of the request made?
Thanks for your help!
A normal man-in-the-middle attack will not see the full URL. However, your end user might choose to pass around the URL. Is that a concern?
If you mean HTTPS, then the snooper will see nothing at all; just the address of the site to which the user is connecting.
Try it yourself using a HTTP sniffer like Fiddler. (Fiddler has an option to decrypt HTTPS, but this is not possible for a snooper.)
Yes, SSL will protect the URL from third parties.

Alternative to Response.Redirect to effect a subdomain

I have a site that is hosted in shared hosting environment. They use a wildcard subdomain setup and suggest using Response.Redirect to achieve the illusion of a subdomain.
Is there a way of doing this such that the "switch" takes place on the server rather than bouncing back down to the browser first?
Server.Transfer only works if I transfer to an actual resource. So redirecting from to does not work. I'd have to redirect to instead which i dont want to do.
To ensure that the "switch" takes place on the server, you could create a simple HTTP Module to intercept each request, inspect the requested URL and then forward them as needed . All your module has to do is handle the OnBeginRequest event, and then forward the request. In this way you could really have unlimited sub-domains.
Also might want add a blank host header, so that any requests for subdomains not listed get forwarded to the proper default website
If you aren't familiar with them, modules are very simple to create and work with.
Heres a link to a very similar implementation by Brendan Tompkins:
You could also do some URL rewriting in the module should you need specific URL "look" behavior.
