Reapply actions/action history with Redux - redux

I'm using Redux (with React) to handle state in my application. I have the following scenario:
Load a list of items
Apply transform(s) to a list (arbitrary number of transforms)
Reduce displayed items in list
Increase displayed items in list
At step 4: How do I best achieve to again increase displayed items, with transforms from step 1 still applied/reapplied?
An example:
Load list with 50 items
Uppercase items
Filter items to display items with less than 4 chars (=> results in
30 items)
Apply filter again to display items with less than 10 chars (=> should result in 50 items with all still uppercased)

Based on your description, the only actual state that should be kept in the store is the initial data and the information about current filters. For example, your state shape might look like:
items: ['April', 'Jake', 'Mary', 'Zooey', 'Dan'],
filters: {
isUppercase: false,
maxLength: 10
As you change the data, the items reducer would handle adding and deleting items. As you change the filters, the filter reducer would record the new filter setting.
Now comes the important part. The actual filtering happens when the data is selected for the components.
We suggest to store the minimal possible state in Redux. In this case the list itself and the information about the filters is the minimal possible state. The current list with the filters applied can always be calculated from the state, so it shouldn’t be in the state.
Instead, you can write a pure function that selects the data according to the current state:
function filterItems(items, filters) {
return items.filter(item => {
// return true or false depending on your logic
Now, if you use React, you can call it in your render() method:
var filteredItems = filterItems(this.props.items, this.props.filters)
You might find that re-computing this on every render can be inefficient. Thankfully, the solution is simple: memoization. Make sure the derived data is only recalculated when the inputs change. Reselect is a tiny library that lets you do that, and it is often used together with Redux.
You can find more information about this topic with some examples in the official Computing Derived Data recipe on Redux website, and in the Reselect README.


Store a manipulated collection in Power Apps

(1) In my Canvas App I create a collection like this:
Collect(colShoppingBasket; {Category: varCategoryTitle ; Supplier: lblSupplier.Text ; ProductNumber: lblProductNumber.Text });;
It works - I get a collection. And whenever I push my "Add to shopping basket" button, an item are added to my collection.
(2) Now I want to sort the collection and then use the sorted output for other things.
This function sorts it by supplier. No problems here:
Sort(colShoppingBasket; Supplier)
(3) Then I want to display the SORTED version of the collection in various scenarios. And this is where the issue is. Because all I can do is manipulate a DISPLAY of the collection "colShoppingBasket" - (unsorted).
(4) What would be really nice would be the option to create and store a manipulated copy of the original collection. And the display that whereever I needed. Sort of:
Collect(colShoppingBasketSORTED; { Sort(colShoppingBasket; supplier) });; <--- p.s. I know this is not a working function
You could use the following:
ClearCollect(colShoppingBasketSorted, Sort(colShoppingBasket, Supplier))
Note that it is without the { }
This will Clear and Collect the whole colShoppingBasket sorted.
If you want to store the table in a single row in a collection, you can use
ClearCollect(colShoppingBasketSortedAlternative, {SingleRow: Sort(colShoppingBasket, Supplier)})
I wouldn't recommend this though because if you want to use the Sorted values you'd have to do something like this:
First(colShoppingBasketSortedAlternative).SingleRow -> this returns the first records of the colShoppingBasketSortedAlternative then gets the content of the SingleRow column, which in this case is a Collection
Note: You will need to replace the , with ; to work on your case

How do I create a random item spawner with no repeats?

I am currently working on a rogue-like game in GameMaker Studio 2 and i would like to have an item spawner where no items are repeated.
I have tried multiple different ideas of what i think would work, such as giving items and id variable and only spawning items which hasn't had it's id called, although it doesn't seem to work.
The code I have right now is basic, but that is because it's the only way I've been able to spawn an item, there is repeating items with what i have and i would like to stop that from happening.
Here is the Create code of the object:
// Items
var items = choose(
instance_create_layer(x, y, "Items", choose(items));
I haven't had any actually crashes in the game, although the errors i have faced are multiple of the same object spawning twice when i would like items to not repeat.
One option is to modify the items array after each call to remove the spawned item, and re-initialize it as full only at the start of each game or when the array is empty.
The problem I'm seeing in looking through the Game Maker Language Documentation is that I cannot find a way to delete an object from an existing array and resize the array.
You're placing choose on both defining the var, and when creating the layer.
Now, I don't know exactly what choose does, but I assume it's choosing randomly a selection from the array.
So Items would only return a single chosen item from the array, maybe it's better to remove the choose function from the Items, and only decide that when creating the object.
So the Items should become an array:
var items = [
Just save the random instance in a variable, then when you create a random instance, check if equals to the instance that you have created previously, and if it is, call again the function until the previous instance is different from the new generated instance.
If you want to spawn every item only once, how about changing the current spawned object in the array to "noone".
And at every spawn cycle, you would check, if the selected item is noone and if so, select the next item (array[i++]).
Also do not forget to randomize the seed, somewhere in the beginning of your game with randomize().

Realm asObservable() emit only new items

I'm new to RxJava, and trying to use the Realm Observable feature.
When doing this
.findAllSorted("time", Sort.DESCENDING)
I get the full list of items, but when soemthing changes (ie item added), I get the full list again.
What is the RxJava-way to get only the new items?
Thanks in advance
You are currently observing the query results. Because your query can contain multiple items (findAllSorted()), you're always observing the RealmResults that will emit all sorted items when there's a change (see docs).
You can do something like this:
.findAllSorted("time", Sort.DESCENDING)
.flatMapIterable(results -> results)
This does 2 more things:
convert your RealmResults to singular Intake instances
only let distinct items pass through (make sure your Intake implements equals() correctly)
This does however impose some extra CPU load, because each time the query passes on a new RealmResult, processing is done to filter out the distinct items.
In the above example, sorting will work on the initial set of emitted Intake objects. However, any subsequent emitted items could be observed out of order because they are new and emitted after the initial results.

modify field value in a crossfilter after insertion

I need to modify a field value for all records in a crossfilter before inserting new records.
The API doesn't say anything about it. Is there a way to do that ?
Even if it's a hack that would be really useful to me.
Looking at the code, the data array is held as a private local variable inside the crossfilter function so there's no way to get at it directly.
With that said, it looks like Crossfilter really tries to minimize the number of copies of the data it makes. So callback functions like the ones passed into crossfilter.dimension or dimension.filter are passed the actual records themselves from the data array (using the native so any changes to make to the records will be made to the main records.
With that said, you obviously need to be very careful that you're not changing anything that is relied on by the existing dimensions, filters or groups. Otherwise you'll end up with data that doesn't agree with the internal Crossfilter structures and chaos will ensue.
The cool thing about .remove is it only removes entries that match the currently applied filters. So if you create a 'unique dimension' that returns a unique value for every entry in your dataset (like an ID column), you can have a function like this:
function editEntry(id, changes) {
uniqueDimension.filter(id); // filter to the item you want to change
var selectedEntry =[0]; // get the item
_.extend(selectedEntry, changes); // apply changes to it
ndx.remove(); // remove all items that pass the current filter (which will just be the item we are changing
ndx.add([selectedEntry]); // re-add the item
uniqueDimension.filter(null); // clear the filter
dc.redrawAll(); // redraw the UI
At the least you could do a cf.remove() then readd the adjusted data with cf.add().

Hiding a specific object of a catalog results

There is a way to hide a specific object of my catalog results?
I have a configuration file that I don't want to show.
I'm filtering by id, but it seems so ugly.
from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
def search(context):
catalog = getToolByName(context, 'portal_catalog')
items = catalog()
for item in items:
if != "config_file":
'do something'
If you are already hiding the object from the navigation tree, you can filter on the same property by testing for exclude_from_nav:
items = catalog()
for item in items:
if item.exclude_from_nav:
# do something with all objects *not* excluded from navigation.
It is harder to filter out things that don't match a criteria. Using a test on the brain object like the above is a perfectly fine way to remove a small subset from your result set.
If you need handle a larger percentage of 'exceptions' you'll need to rethink your architecture, perhaps.
With Products.AdvancedQuery you can create advanced queries and filtering on catalog results. See also this how to.
In the general case, setting a content item's expiration date to some past date hides it from search results (so long as the user does not have the Access inactive portal content permission).
It's an easy way to hide pieces of content that should be visible to all, but that you don't want cluttering up search results e.g. a Document that serves as the homepage.
I always use 1st Jan 2001 as the date so I can easily recognise when I've used this little 'hack'.
