Dynamic options in Options Framework Theme - wordpress

I'm using this plugin options to put my subject, I make a slide of photos, but do not want to set a limit of photos, would be added as needed, any idea how to do it?

Your safest bet here would be to create a custom post type that feeds the slide of photos as opposed to theme options. The customizor framework as it stands is temperamental and is used more as a user interface for previewing layout and styling changes.
http://www.layerswp.com/ is a theme that allows what you are looking for, but it is not the usual practice as it stands now.
With that being said there are plugins available that might be able to do what you are asking. The best one that I have found is Kirki (http://wptavern.com/kirki-a-free-plugin-to-style-the-wordpress-customizer-and-add-advanced-controls).


What is the best way to create a modular Wordpress theme?

I'm going to create a theme and I would like to create a functionality that I have seen in other themes that I have used: for example every page can be created with different modules in different order (videos, images, texts, etc...) so its up to the person creating the page to decide which elements are going to be used.
What is the best way to achieve this? I have created custom templates but I have never tried to separate the content with modules, my first guess is that it can be done using WPBakery or a similar plugin because that is what I have seen in the themes I have bought but I'm wondering if that's the best option. Do you have any recommendations or maybe a tutorial where I can see how I can accomplish this?
Thank you.
Use Advanced Custom Fields plugin and create a field with multiple possible elements. So you decide how elements will look like and the client can build his own site with that modules. The chance the client will break the layout because of superfancy layout builder is nearly zero.

Advanced Custom Fields in wordpress

I am making my first steps learning to code. I made some courses on Internet and now I am building a Wordpress theme to continue learning from the experience.
The thing is that I am learning how to install a jquery slider plugin and I see that it's necessary to install advanced custom fields plugin and the repeater plugin that is only available in his pro version ($25) and that's not cool...
Now I would like to know if there is some free good plugin with the same functions of advanced custom fields?
I am just starting my experiments with wordpress to learn everything that I need to start building sites, so I don't have the enough experience to know if it worth to pay the $25 for the advanced custom fields plugin or not.
Do you have some suggestion? It will be something useful in the future? Are there other plugins that you recommends to download even if I have to pay for them?
There's so little context around what you're using the slider for and how much the site admins would need to update slides, etc., but I have two comments:
Do you need to use that specific slider? You could rig something up with custom post types, hide the editor and metaboxes, leave only a field for an image upload and whatever meta you like, and have the admin user just add a new post for each slide. Generate those posts in the PHP and have the jQuery slider take it from there. If you're just learning code, that might be more of a challenge, though. I just tend to resist paying for things when there are reasonable alternatives out there.
ACF is a worthwhile plugin. If the general context-free question is "Is ACF worth the $25?", the answer is 100% 'yes.' I use it virtually every day and often wonder how I'd make use without it. In your case, if you have other potential use for the project you're on, then yes, I'd say it's worth it. But still, in the simple context of a jQuery slider, I'm hesitant to purchase it just for that.

What are the limitations to customizing a free Wordpress theme?

I have been asked to create an eCommerce website for a client on a strict budget. I figured using WordPress would be my best bet in this case. I am new to both WordPress and developing an eCommerce/online store. I intended on designing and developing my own bespoke theme for the client, however their limited budget does not accommodate the fee I quoted for designing and developing a bespoke theme. Therefore, I thought that a free theme would be the most suitable option in working within the constraints of the budget.
My questions regarding using the free theme are:
What are the limitations to using a free pre-made theme in terms of its styling, look and layout (structure)? For example, could I easily move the logo or other elements and graphics to elsewhere on the same page if I wanted or I am stuck with having those items wherever they are originally placed? In other words, what flexibility do I get in changing the design?
How 'unique' could I expect it to look with some customization?
What are the limitations on features and functionality?
Would I get more design flexibility with a premium theme instead?
There are pretty much no limitations.
You can make a child theme out of the free theme, then you can customise the css and php files which make up that theme, as much as you like. That will allow you to do everything you mention in point 1. See http://codex.wordpress.org/Child_Themes for details.
Wordpress provides a simple web interface that allows you to view and edit the files, or you can just edit them using your favourite code editor.
The idea with a child theme is that any file which you customize overrides the file in the original theme. This means if there are updates to that theme in the future, you can safely download them without wiping out the customisations you've made.
I would recommend you start with something like the twitter bootstrap theme for wordpress, which gives you a neutral design and quite a lot of useful javascript functions. That will help you with point 2 - ensuring uniqueness, as you don't start with something that already has a distinctive look and feel.
re: point 3 - that's the great thing with wordpress. Just add plugins and widgets (or even develop your own). There really are no limits.
To answer point 4: Premium themes typically provide more sophistication in terms of design features and add-ins like scrollers, slideshows and shortcodes. Sometimes they also provide customised interfaces that allow limited customisation such as colour schemes and page layout, but essentially the wordpress interface for customisation is the same, whether you've paid for the theme or not.

Do you really use all those WP theme options? I don't think so

There are quite a few days now, since I started to think about creating a WP theme framework backend. Working with wordpress for some time, I studied a lot of themes from "wp theme clubs" and their backend. All settings sections are organised in vertical tabs, nothing more. Same thing again and again and again. I think 90% of the buyers (customers) will never use those options. Am I right or this is just in my mind ?
Should I create a theme backend using the same old/booooooring style or better try to think outside of the box and create some new, intuitive and innovative ?
Even if 90% of your users don't want to customize the theme then you will leave 10% out that would like to customize your theme.
I suggest you implement 2 things to let your users customize things.
theme customizer
Since 3.4 there is the theme customizer. It already works in twentyeleven and twentytwelve.
Take a look at it if you haven't it's quite easy to use for users and can be extended.
Read more:
Actions and filters
You probably used add_action() and add_filter() before. You can add your own filters to your theme so more advanced users can modify stuff. It costs you less effort then making an option of it while keeping your theme easy to modify (for users who know how to code)
Check out some more extensive themes, they are full off do_action() and
An example. Before you start your loop you might add an do_action('before_content'). Now a user can add an add_action('before_content', 'add_breadcrumbs_callback_fnc');. Now your theme will execute the add_breadcrumbs_callback_fnc function so the user can add breadcrumbs without editing you theme.
Read more:
Attempt to introduce a set of default hook for each themes:
I don't necessarily think the issue is mutually exclusive.
Users with simple needs might want simplicity, right up until options are needed. A broad and ambiguous answer to a open-ended question.
Check out the wp-svbtle theme: https://github.com/gravityonmars/wp-svbtle
He did a separate boiled down back end.

Options Theme - Wordpress

Searching about options page, I found a lot of themes that uses a options theme page like this one:
There is an pre-built option? What framework do you advise?
If you're not a fan of plugins go with these two options, where you can place the files within your theme and a options panel will appear. I have listed two very good ones that alot of developer use. Also there are many open source option frameworks but they're not as documented.
Option Theme Framework
Have a look at the Options Tree plugin for this.
It's very good, easy to customise via an XML file that you load in and also easy to style the panel so your client feels like they've got a fully customised options panel put together just for them.
There is also a media uploader built in, very handy for a gallery tab.
NHP is a powerful one, but it just merged with ReduxFramework to make it even more powerful. Give it a go.
