How to substitute a value in a variable - unix

Good day,
I have a simple UNIX script
I need to substitute the value of a variable.
This variable contains a directory path.
My script
echo "archive path is " $archivePath
I get a "bad substitution" error when I run it.
The required output for archivePath should be:
What am I doing wrong and what could be a possible solution?

Must use bash (or ksh or zsh), use correct syntax ${varname/pattern/replacement} and escape / by \ in pattern and replacement.
echo "archive path is $archivePath"

found a solution with sed:
echo $filepath | sed -e %s/in/archive/g
archivePath=`echo $filepath | sed -e s/in/archive/g`
echo "archive path is $archivePath"


Append "/" to end of directory

Completely noob question but, using ls piped to grep, I need to find files or directories that have all capitals in their name, and directories need to have "/" appended to indicate that it is a directory. Trying to append the "/" is the only part I am stuck on. Again, I apologize for the amateur question. I currently have ls | grep [A-Z] and the example out should be: BIRD, DOG, DOGDIR/
It's an interesting question because it's a somewhat difficult thing to accomplish with a bash one-liner.
Here's what I came up with. It doesn't seem very elegant, but I'm not sure how to improve.
find /animals -type d -or -type f \
| grep '/[A-Z]*$' \
| xargs -I + bash -c 'echo -n $(basename +)$( test -d + && echo -n /),\\ ' \
| sed -e 's/, *$//'; echo
I'll break that down for you
find /animals -type d -or -type f writes out, once per line, the directories and files it found in /animals (see below for my test environment dockerfile - I created /animals to match your desired output). Find can't do a regex match as far as I know on the name, so...
grep '/[A-Z]*$' filter's find's output so that only paths are shown where the last part of the file or directory name, after the final /, is all uppercase
xargs -I + bash -c '...' when you're in a shell and you want to use a "for" loop, chances are what you should be using is xargs. Learn it, know it, love it. xargs takes its input, separated by default by $IFS, and runs the command you give it for each piece of input . So this is going to run a bash shell for each path. that passed the grep filter. In my case, -I + will make xargs replace the literal '+' character with its current input filename. -I also makes it pass one at a time through xargs. For more information, see the xargs manual page.
'echo -n $(basename +)$( test -d + && echo -n /),\\ ' this is the inner bash script that will be run by xargs for each path that got through grep.
basename + cuts the directory component off the path; from your example output you don't want eg /animals/DOGDIR/, you want DOGDIR/. basename is the program that trims the directories for us.
test -d + && echo -n / checks to see whether + (remember xargs will replace it with filename) is a directory ,and if so, runs echo -n /. the -n argument to echo suppresses the newline, important to get the output in the CSV format you specified.
now we can put it all together to see that we're echo -n the output of basename + , with / appended, if it's a directory, and then , appended to that. All the echos run with -n to suppress newlines to keep output CSV looking.
| sed -e 's/, *$//'; echo is purely for formatting. Adding , to each individual output was an easy way to get the CSV, but it leaves us with a final , at the end of the list. The sed invocation removes , followed by any number of spaces at the end of the output so far - eg the entire output from all the xargs invocations. And since we never did output a newline at the end of that output, the final echo is adding that.
Usually in unix shells, you probably wouldn't want a CSV style output. You'd probably instead want a newline-separated output in most cases, one matching file per line, and that would be somewhat simpler to do because you wouldn't need all that faffing with -n and , to make it CSV style. But, valid requirement if the need is there.
FROM debian
RUN mkdir -p /animals
WORKDIR /animals
RUN mkdir -p DOGDIR lowerdir && touch DOGDIR/DOG DOGDIR/lowerDOG2 lowerdir/BIRD
ENTRYPOINT [ "/bin/bash" ]
CMD [ "-c" , "find /animals -type d -or -type f | grep '/[A-Z]*$'| xargs -I + bash -c 'echo -n $(basename +)$( test -d + && echo -n /),\\ ' | sed -e 's/, *$//'; echo"]
$ docker run --rm test
You can start looking at
ls -F | grep -v "[[:lower:]]"
I did not add something for a comma-seperated line, because this is the wrong method: Parsing ls should be avoided ! It will go wrong for filenames like
I am a terribble filename,
with newlines inside me,
and the ls command combined with grep
will only show the last line
To get the files without a pipe, you can use
shopt -s extglob
ls -dp +([[:upper:]])
shopt -u extglob
An explanation of the extglob and uppercase can be found at
When you want the output in one line, you can get troubles with filenames that have newlines or commas in its name. You might want something like
# parsing ls, yes wrong and failing for some files
ls -dp +([[:upper:]]) | tr "\n" "," | sed 's/,$/\n/'

Error in unix shell scripting

I want to get the part of the filename by using AWK command. For,example my filename will be like ABC_20100702001500.CSV. I want to get YYYYMMDD format from my filename to create a directory. I tried with
name=$(awk -F"." '{print $f}' | awk -F"_" '{print $NF}').
But its shows error like syntax error near unexpected token `name=awk'. How could I resolve the problem. Please correct me with correct syntax.
You may want to do this in Bash alone.
$ st="ABC_20100702001500.CSV"
You can use parameter expansion to remove the front and back portion:
$ tmp="${st#*_}"
$ echo "${tmp%.*}"
Or, Bash has regex capability as well:
$ [[ $st =~ ^[^_]*_([^.]+) ]] && echo ${BASH_REMATCH[1]}
Or, use sed if you have an older non Bash shell:
$ echo "$st" | sed -E 's/^[^_]*_//; s/\..*$//'

Handling file permissions in UNIX using awk

I want to know which permission is given to a file using a shell script. So i used the below code to test for a file. But it shows nothing in output. I just wanted to know where i have made the mistake. Please help me.
The file "" has all read write and execute files enabled.
ls -l | awk ' {if($1 -eq "-rwxrwxrwx")print 'True'; }'
The single quotes (') around True should be double quotes ("), and awk uses == for string comparison.
However, depending on what you're trying to do, it might be cleaner to use the Bash builtin tests:
if [ -r -a -x ]; then
echo "Yes, we can read (-r) and (-a) execute (-x) the file"
echo "No, we can't."
This avoids having to parse ls output. For a longer list of checks, see
in awk, you shouldn't write shell test, e.g. [[ ... -eq ...]], you should do it in awk way:
you could use
ls -l | awk '{if ($1 == "-rwxrwxrwx") print "True" }'

unix script using sed

Im trying to get the following script to work, but Im having some issues:
g++ -g -c $1
DWARF=echo $1 | sed -e `s/(^.+)\.cpp$/\1/`
and Im getting -
./dcompile: line 3: test3.cpp: command not found
./dcompile: command substitution: line 3: syntax error near unexpected token `^.+'
./dcompile: command substitution: line 3: `s/(^.+)\.cpp$/\1/'
sed: option requires an argument -- 'e'
and then bunch of stuff on sed usage. What I want to do is pass in a cpp file and then extract the file name without the .cpp and put it into the variable DWARF. I would also like to later use the variable DWARF to do the following -
readelf --debug-dump=info $DWARF+".o" > $DWARF+".txt"
But Im not sure how to actually do on the fly string concats, so please help with both those issues.
You actually need to execute the command:
DWARF=$(echo $1 | sed -e 's/(^.+)\.cpp$/\1/')
The error message is a shell error because your original statement
DWARF=echo $1 | sed -e `s/(^.+)\.cpp$/\1/`
is actually parsed like this
run s/(^.+)\.cpp$/\1/
set DWARF=echo
run the command $1 | ...
So when it says test3.cpp: command not found I assume that you are running with argument test3.cpp and it's literally trying to execute that file
You also need to wrap the sed script in single quotes, not backticks
In BASH you can crop off the extension from $1 by
if you need to set the DWARF var use
or just reference $1 as
readelf --debug-dump=info "${1%*.cpp}.o" > "${1%*.cpp}.txt"
which will chop off the rightmost .cpp so test.cpp.cpp will be test.cpp
You can use awk for this:
$ var="testing.cpp"
$ DWARF=$(awk -F. '{print $1}' <<< $var)
$ echo "$DWARF"

unable to run awk command as a shell script

i am trying to create a shell script to search for a specific index in a multiline csv file.
the code i am trying is:
echo "please enter the line no. to search: "
read line
echo "please enter the index to search at: "
read index
awk -F, 'NR=="$line"{print "$index"}' "$1"
the awk command I try to use on the shell works absolutely fine. But when I am trying to create a shell script out of this command, it fails and gives no output. It reads the line no. and index. and then no output at all.
is there something I am doing wrong?
I run the file at the shell by typing:
./ newfile.csv
Your quoting is not going to work. Try this:
awk -F, 'NR=="'$line'"{print $'$index'}' "$1"
Rather than going through quoting hell, try this:
awk -F, -v line=$line -v myindex=$index 'NR==line {print $myindex}' "$1"
(Index is a reserved word in awk, so I gave it a slightly differet name)
