Is there a way to nest Twitter Bootstrap modals? - css

I need a way to identify a 2nd modal as being a child of the first, eg:
.modal .modal {
/*change some styles to make nested modal look different*/
Even though I place the HTML of the 2nd modal within that of the first, when the Browser loads Bootstrap compiles them to sit independently outside of the #wrapper.
Eg, I set it up as this:
<div id="wrapper">
<div class="modal">
<div class="modal"></div>
But on browser load I get this:
<div id="wrapper"></div>
<div class="modal"></div>
<div class="modal"></div>
So my css (.modal .modal) deosnt work.
Would anyone know how I can identify a child modal?
(I know I can put IDs on them, but as these modals are shared on other pages and appear as stand alone [non-nested] modals, styling the ID directly would not work).

You can open a modal via a modal. That should solve your issue :)

I found a not-so-elegant way to do this with JQuery, but am open to better suggestions.
$(".modal [data-toggle='modal']").each(function( index ) {
$(this).click(function() {
var modalref = $(this).attr('data-target');
$('.modal [data-dismiss="modal"]').click(function() {


Position of "like" and "reblog" buttons on tumblr

I tried to add some buttons under posts on my tumblr page but they are displaying incorrectly. Like button has right position but reblog appears at the beginning of the post (and on the next posts reblog appears even outside post block). Also after first post text in the other posts moves to the left side. I don't know how to solve this problem.
Blog with problem:
Original code:
Fragment with needed code:
<div id="buttons">{likebutton}</div>
<div id="buttons">{reblogbutton}</div>
First, if you're planning to use styles in a specific element, use ID. If you're planning to use styles repeatedly in multiple elements use Class. I will recommend that you change the ID's to class instead.
Example: <div id="post">...</div> to <div class="post">...</div> same goes to <div id="buttons">...</div>.
Anyway, back to your question.
Your first <div id="post">...</div> is inside <div id="wrapper"> then the rest are outside it. Put the rest of your post inside <div id="wrapper"> and all of them will be the same.
Next, for your buttons. Change it to this <div class="buttons">...</div> instead of <div id="buttons">...</div> then add styles to your CSS:
.buttons { display: inline-block; margin: 5px; }

How to Disable CSS of one of two col-md-12 divs

I have made 2 Divisions out of bootstrap property <div class="col-md-12" > on the same page. In the first one, I have added a different Background and some hover property, now in the second one I have to make a "Sign Up" Div but with other properties with the same <div class="col-md-12" > ie. Full page width row. But the changes are happening on both the Divisions.
Can somebody Help ?
I am using Visual Studio 13 for aspx webpage.
Sorry if it is a silly question.
Thanks In Advance.
You can append another class to the ones you want to style:
<div class="col-md-12 styleme">
.styleme {
background-color: #000;
This way, you can style the div using your own custom class as opposed to overriding BootStrap's native one.
NOTE: ensure to place the custom style in your own custom CSS file and ensure it is referenced in your site AFTER the BootStrap CSS file.

Add different style to different kendo window

I'm using multiple window on the same page and i want to apply
different styles on which window. I try to write a wrapper over the
window so it can be identified in the css by id but that does not work.
This is the source:
<div class="wrapper">
<div kendo-window="InitialisingApp">
This is the result:
<div class="wrapper"></div>
<div class="k-widget k-window....">
Any ideas about this problem?
Thank you! Have a nice day!
You can take a look at this:
Limit scope of external css to only a specific element?
Only other option that I see is to copy the theme and add a css selector in front of everything so that the theme only apply when wrapped with a specific class. Also keep in mind the CSS priorities to make sure the blue style gets applied over the default style.
.blueStyleWrapper .k-window {
/* Some kendo styles */
<div class="blueStyleWrapper">
<div class="k-window">
This window will be using the blue theme!

Change css style of an element by clicking another

I've got this structure:
<div id="d1">
<div id="d2">Word</div>
My other text
Now, I want that on click to #hide:target, div#d2 disappear.
Can I do this with CSS?
You can do this with CSS!
If you change your HTML markup a little bit you can achieve this by using CSS :target
#d2:target {
display: none;
<div id="d1">
<div id="d2">Word
My other text
You can do this with CSS but you need to use javascript to change the CSS (style) of the element.
This solution requires no plug ins (such as jQuery).
<div id="d1">
<div id="d2">Word</div>
My other text
If you would like it to be completely functionless.
<div id="d1">
<div id="d2">Word</div>
My other text
You should probably use javascript or jQuery to accomplish this.
To make it specific for this (local scope)
if($('#d2 a').attr('href')=='#hide'){
$('#d2 a').click(function(){
But that isn't the proper way to do it. Use classes.
You can do this with jQuery simply:
I strongly believe that CSS is for style, and Javascript is for function (and HTML is for markup).
I have made the mistake of using :target and building functionality with CSS where it shouldn't be, and trust me, you are going to make a nightmare for yourself with these bad habits down the road. jQuery is going to be your best friend in situations like this. It works on ALL browsers (that support javascript) and you won't have your functionality breaking down in edge-cases and your users pissed off. Do what Jack says and use some simple jQuery. you can also use .addClass and .removeClass to change the css in other ways than just hide/show.
With css I think it isn't possible, but you could use this code that I am letting here, it is based in javascript, that can be really usefull in this situations. I am not so good at explaining but for these type of questions I recomend learning Javascript.
<div id="d1">Text</div>
<div id="d2">Word</div>
<a onclick="hide()">My other text</a>
This is your HTML file for now, I created a DOM event, when you click the , a function called hide() will run in our js file. TIP: Don't forget to link the html with de javascript file. You can do that with:
<script src="yourfilegoeshere"><script>
Now let's head in the css:
#d1 {
opacity: 1;
#d2 {
opacity: 1;
Based with this css both of them are visible. Now let's go to our Js file:
function hide() {
var d2 = document.getElementById('d2') = '0'
Now if you click in your a the d2 will not be visible
I hope I helped!

Maximizing the size of the content div in jQueryMobile

How can I maximize the size of the div that plays the role of "content"?
I recognize that this may simply be a basic CSS question, but it feels like it is tied to CSS in jQueryMobile.
I'm placing a Google Map in the content div and I'd like the map to fill the available verticle space on the mobile browser. Instead, it's a fixed size of about 10px (give or take).
<div data-role="page">
<div data-role="header" class="ui-header ui-bar-a">Header</div>
<div data-role="content" class="ui-body ui-content">
<div id="divMap">google map via javascript</div>
<div data-role="footer">footer</div>
In this case, jQueryMobile always creates the minimal size for its contents, and I always want it to be 80% of the available page.
You could probably use jQuery (I haven't worked with jQuery mobile, though, so this might not work directly):
JS Fiddle demo
