HTTPS to HTTP redirect via .htaccess - wordpress

I have a website hosted on a GoDaddy wordpress hosting. We had an SSL, but not longer have the SSL. Google archive some pages with the SSL so I just want to redirect https requests to the http version of the sit.e I have access to the .htaccess file so I figured that was the best way to do it.
I have been searching around and tried tons of different .htaccess redirects, but none of them are working. Including this https to http 301 redirect via htaccess. I know the htaccess is functioning because wordpress is working and I added a few test redirects to it and they worked as well.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be much appreciated.

Wordpress has its own redirect procedure.
Check in the General Settings of you WP Panel for the WordPress Address and the Site Address fields. Make sure they both are non ssl absolute paths.
Another thing to check is on the wp-config.php
define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true);
That could have been added by another plugin. Remove it or make it false.
One last thing you could try (not the best option) is to ask google to remove those specific links, here's a reference for that.
I hope this helps.


WordPress domain redirection

Beginner question:
I need to perform a 301 redirect from one Wordpress site (domain), to another Wordpress domain, like this:
A problem is that I have no FTP credentials for my From-site. I can't reach the .htaccess file.
Is there a plugin to use? I have studied the Redirection plugin, but this one seems working on pages within the same domain only(?)
I guess I need to be careful, because if some plugin edits the .htaccess file and something breaks, I can't reach the file...
Thankful for any help!
Whit Redirection Plugin you can redirect a url from old to new website.
You can create and manage redirects quickly and easily without needing Apache or Nginx knowledge. If your WordPress supports permalinks then you can use Redirection to redirect any URL.
There is full support for regular expressions so you can create redirect patterns to match any number of URLs.
The plugin can also be configured to monitor when post or page permalinks are changed and automatically create a redirect to the new URL.
You can easily find multiple plugins to perform 301 redirection in wordpress,but if you want to edit .htaccess you can install the plugin called "WP htaccess control" .
Through this plugin you can edit the .hraccess file from admin side.

Redirect URL in Nginx

I recently migrated my website to Digital Ocean through the help of a Server Guy. I had good knowledge about .htacess apache rules but Nginx is realy difficult for me.
I had some files on my Wordpress site which have been deleted now. I want to permanently redirect those URLs to the homepage of my site.
Issue with the site:
Status: Resolved
I have tried to add several codes in Nginx.conf and restarted the server but the redirection isn't taking place.
May be, I'm adding wrong codes. Kindly, help me to redirect these pages :)
For permanent redirects use return and use if conditions for conditional redirects
See here

Wordpress Subdomain sites redirect to main site

We use wordpress and our subdomain sites recently started redirecting to our main site.
Exmaple, redirects to and gets a 404.
I did notice if I add https:// in front of the subdomain it goes to the proper subdomain site. What would cause that? How would I fix that issue? I want the user to be able to put and get the proper site without needing to type in the https part.
The only thing that I remember changing recently was adding the ssl certificate.
I recently experienced this issue. Check for any wordpress plugins forcing HTTPs on any http domains. Or anything on your subdomain forcing https when it isn't an https site.

How can I do a 301 Redirect from HTTPS to HTTPS via .htaccess

I've done a bunch of research and have tried a lot of code to accomplish the following task and I am not having any luck. I am trying to forward the following:
The reason behind the domain change was rebranding and SEO purposes. We do not have the old hosting available anymore, but I have added as an alias to the We are using GoDaddy's Wordpress hosting/installation.
Please note, the non-SSL (http://) forwards to the with no issues; when someone clicks on an existing link with that is when the link breakage occurs. GoDaddy has recommended added the old domain as an alias (completed) and modifying the .htaccess file to perform the redirect, but it doesn't work.
Anyone have experience solving this issue?

301 redirect vs. wordpress

I am getting really desperate over here.
In order to make up some SEO I want to redirect my none-www into www site. Of course simple 301 redirect ill d the trick, and it also work.
What doesn't work, at all, is a wordpress. I have my own VPS, and I am installing wordpress by application manager in plesk panel. But if i activate the htaccess file, wordpress cannot be installed anymore (strangely enough it tells me that mysql extension is not activated) and existing wordpress pages will stop orking with infinite loop error. Once I delete htaccess everything works fine.
Please if anyine has idea how can i redirect and have wordpress at the same, it would me much appreciated
Bypass the problem. Set up a simple domain/site in Apache, and force it to unconditionally redirct to Wordpress would only be active in the site's setup, and exists ONLY to redirect to the www version.
That way you're not trying to get your .htaccess stuff to coexist with Wordpress', and the redirection occurs far outside of Wordpress' domain.
