view data using ID in -

I want to view another page using
but considering a customerID along with it. here is my button code:
protected void btnPlaceOrder_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string productids = string.Empty;
DataTable dt;
if (Session["MyCart"] != null)
dt = (DataTable)Session["MyCart"];
decimal totalPrice, totalProducts;
bool totalPriceConversionResult = decimal.TryParse(txtTotalPrice.Text, out totalPrice), totalProductsConversionResult = decimal.TryParse(txtTotalProducts.Text, out totalProducts);
ShoppingCart k = new ShoppingCart()
CustomerName = txtCustomerName.Text,
CustomerEmailID = txtCustomerEmailID.Text,
CustomerAddress = txtCustomerAddress.Text,
CustomerPhoneNo = txtCustomerPhoneNo.Text,
TotalProducts = totalProductsConversionResult ? Convert.ToInt32(totalProducts) : 0,
TotalPrice = totalPriceConversionResult ? Convert.ToInt32(totalPrice) : 0,
ProductList = productids,
PaymentMethod = rblPaymentMethod.SelectedItem.Text
DataTable dtResult = k.SaveCustomerDetails();
for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) // loop on how many products are added by the user
ShoppingCart SaveProducts = new ShoppingCart()
CustomerID = Convert.ToInt32(dtResult.Rows[0][0]),
ProductID = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["ProductID"]),
TotalProducts = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[i]["ProductQuantity"]),
What it does is that it gets all the user input then in the end, i want to show to the user his/her order summary. As you can see, i am trying to use Response.Redirect.
The problem is i want to use the current customerID when i use the
any tricks on this?

You have CustomerID already. Substitute {0} before redirecting with that value
var customerId = Convert.ToInt32(dtResult.Rows[0][0]);
Response.Redirect(String.Format("Admin/OrderDetails.aspx?Id={0}", customerId.ToString()));


Gridview not populating by datatable

Below is the code where The four columns("Challan Number","Proposal Number","CTS Number" and "Amount") is obtained from Sql-Database, and the ("Land" and "Ward") values are obtained from respective methods. The values obtaines are correct but still the "ChallanGridview" is not getting populated.
The datarow "dr1" gets populated with the correct required values, but the "ChallanGridview" doesn't shows anything.
public void FillChallanGrid()
string query = string.Empty;
string cs = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConStrg"].ConnectionString;
query = CtrlChallenSearch1.GetChallanQuery();
using(SqlConnection con=new SqlConnection(cs))
SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(query,con);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
int x = ds.Tables["entry"].Rows.Count;
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt.Columns.Add("Challan Number");
dt.Columns.Add("Proposal Number");
dt.Columns.Add("CTS Number");
for(int i=0;i<x;i++)
DataRow dr = ds.Tables["entry"].Rows[i];
DataRow dr1 = dt.NewRow();
dr1["Challan Number"] = dr["ReceiptNo"].ToString();
dr1["Proposal Number"] = dr["ProposalNo"].ToString();
dr1["CTS Number"] = dr["CTSNo"].ToString();
dr1["Amount"] = dr["Amount"].ToString();
dr1["Land"] = GetLand(dr["ProposalNo"].ToString());
ChallanGridView.DataSource = dt;
private object GetLand(string ProposalNumber)
string retvalue = string.Empty;
if (ProposalNumber != "" || ProposalNumber != null || ProposalNumber != string.Empty)
string[] splittedvalue = ProposalNumber.Split('/');
retvalue = splittedvalue[1];
return retvalue;
private object GetWard(string ProposalNumber)
string retvalue = string.Empty;
string[] splittedvalue = new string[3];
splittedvalue = ProposalNumber.Split('/');
retvalue = splittedvalue[0];
return retvalue;
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Its solved, I just deleted the present gridview and added another fresh one,
don't know how and why, but the error was gone.
btw thnks Asif.Ali!

Index out of bound at xmlworkerhelper in c#

PaymentService.PaymentServiceClient client = new
PaymentTransactionDto model = new PaymentTransactionDto();
OrderInvoiceDto invoiceData;
List<ProductRepoDto> products;
List<OrderTaxDto> taxes;
// Check payment status
int chkProduct = 0;
int chkCourse = 0;
int chkProductCourse = 0;
#region Get order details for invoice
var order_details = client.GetOrderDetailsForInvoice(Convert.ToInt32(Oid.Rows[0]["OrderId"]));
invoiceData = new OrderInvoiceDto();
if (order_details != null)
invoiceData = AutoMapConverter<PaymentService.OrderInvoiceDto, OrderInvoiceDto>.GetMappedData(order_details);
#region Get Products list in order
var productList = client.GetOrderItemsByOrderId(Convert.ToInt32(Oid.Rows[0]["OrderId"]));
products = new List<ProductRepoDto>();
if (productList != null && productList.Count() > 0)
products = AutoMapConverter<PaymentService.ProductRepoDto, ProductRepoDto>.GetMappedList(productList.ToList());
#region ADD Taxes
#region check product type
decimal Amount = 0;
foreach (var item in products)
if (item.TypeId == 1)
chkCourse = 1;
if (item.TypeId == 2)
chkProduct = 1;
if (chkCourse == 1 && chkProduct == 1)
chkProductCourse = 1;
Amount = Amount + (item.Amount * item.Quantity);
Amount = Amount - item.Discount;
// Apply taxes
client.AddOrderTaxMappingDetails(Convert.ToInt64(orderid), Amount);
#region Get Applied Tax details
var taxesApplied = client.GetOrderAppliedTaxes(Convert.ToInt64(orderid));
taxes = new List<OrderTaxDto>();
if (taxesApplied != null && taxesApplied.Count() > 0)
taxes = AutoMapConverter<PaymentService.OrderTaxDto, OrderTaxDto>.GetMappedList(taxesApplied.ToList());
string pdfbody = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Server.MapPath("~/Views/Payment/InvoiceView.cshtml"));
Document document = new Document();
string fileName = string.Format("{0}.pdf", invoiceData.OrderNumber);
var fpath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Document/Payment/Invoice/");
if (!Directory.Exists(fpath))
pdfbody = pdfbody.Replace("$name$", string.Format("{0} {1}", invoiceData.Billing_FirstName, invoiceData.Billing_LastName));
pdfbody = pdfbody.Replace("$address$", invoiceData.Billing_Address);
pdfbody = pdfbody.Replace("$billingCity$", invoiceData.Billing_City);
pdfbody = pdfbody.Replace("$billingPinCode$", invoiceData.Billing_PinCode.ToString());
pdfbody = pdfbody.Replace("$billingState$", invoiceData.Billing_State);
pdfbody = pdfbody.Replace("$billingCountry$", invoiceData.Billing_Country);
//pdfbody = pdfbody.Replace("$netAmt$", invoiceData.NetAmt.ToString());
//pdfbody = pdfbody.Replace("$grossAmt$", invoiceData.GrossAmt.ToString());
//pdfbody = pdfbody.Replace("$discountAmt$", invoiceData.DiscountAmt.ToString());
pdfbody = pdfbody.Replace("$orderNumber$", invoiceData.OrderNumber.Remove(0, 2));
pdfbody = pdfbody.Replace("$orderDate$", CommonFunctions.EpochToIstDate(Convert.ToDouble(invoiceData.OrderDate)));
StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder();
decimal totalAmount = 0;
foreach (var item in products)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ActivationKey))
item.ActivationKey = string.Format("Activation Key:{0}", item.ActivationKey);
b.AppendFormat("<tr><td width='60%'>{0}<br/>{1}</td>", item.ProductName, item.ActivationKey);
b.AppendFormat("<td width='10%' align='left'>{0}</td>", item.Quantity);
b.AppendFormat("<td width='30%' align='right'>{0}</td></tr>", (item.Amount * item.Quantity) - item.Discount);
totalAmount = totalAmount + (item.Amount * item.Quantity);
totalAmount = totalAmount - item.Discount;
pdfbody = pdfbody.Replace("$OrderDetailsList$", Convert.ToString(b));
if (taxes != null && taxes.Count > 0)
b = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var item in taxes)
b.AppendFormat("<tr><td width='80%' colspan='2'>{0} ({1}%)</td>", item.TaxName, item.Percentage);
b.AppendFormat("<td width='20%' align='right'>{0}</td></tr>", item.Amount);
pdfbody = pdfbody.Replace("$OrderTaxDetailsList$", Convert.ToString(b));
pdfbody = pdfbody.Replace("$OrderTaxDetailsList$", "");
pdfbody = pdfbody.Replace("$netAmt$", totalAmount.ToString());
pdfbody = pdfbody.Replace("$rupees$", CommonFunctions.ConvertNumbertoWords(Convert.ToInt32((int)Math.Ceiling(totalAmount))));
PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, new FileStream(fpath + fileName, FileMode.Create));
StringReader sr = new StringReader(pdfbody);
XMLWorkerHelper.GetInstance().ParseXHtml(writer, document, sr);
I want to generate pdf i am using itextsharp.
but i am getting Index out of bound array at XMLWorkerHelper.
I am using itextsharp.xmlworker.dll, v5.4.5.0
when i try to update itextsharp.xmlworker.dll, v5.4.5.9
this code works fine..but all other modules of my project which use iTextsharp starts getting error.
if this is version problem, then how i add two different dll in bin folder and use it
or it is code related error?

How to perform Rollback in when using Stored Procedure

I want to insert data into 12 different tables on a single click of a button. For this I am using single stored procedure. But my problem is when I am doing this and if there is any exception occurs my data is getting inserted partially i.e values is getting inserted in some tables and some remains empty and due to this problem occurs since all are related to one another. So wanted to know is there any way to perform Rollback so that if any exception occurs entire query is rolled back and data is not inserted in any of the table.
This is the code I am currently using for inserting values.
public int Sp_InsertUpdateDelete(string s, SqlParameter[] spa)
SqlConnection sc = new SqlConnection(cs);
SqlCommand scm = new SqlCommand(s, sc);
scm.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
foreach (SqlParameter sql in spa)
int k = scm.ExecuteNonQuery();
return k;
protected void btnHostingSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string select = "select * from tbl_Hosting where Customer_Id='" + ddlCustomerName.SelectedValue + "'";
DataSet s =;
if (s.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
Response.Write("<script>alert('Customer Already Exist');</script>");
if (ddlHosting.SelectedValue == "Yes")
SqlParameter[] spa = new SqlParameter[29];
spa[0] = new SqlParameter("#Customer_Id", Convert.ToInt16(ddlCustomerName.SelectedValue));
spa[1] = new SqlParameter("#Type", 2);
if (txtHostingSDate.Text == "" || txtHostingSDate.Text == null)
spa[2] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_start_date", null);
spa[2] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_start_date", Convert.ToDateTime(txtHostingSDate.Text));
if (txtHosingEDate.Text == "" || txtHosingEDate.Text == null)
spa[3] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_end_date", null);
spa[3] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_end_date", Convert.ToDateTime(txtHosingEDate.Text));
spa[4] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_provider", ddlHostingPro.SelectedItem.ToString());
spa[5] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_type", ddlHostingType.SelectedItem.ToString());
spa[6] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_server", ddlHostingServer.SelectedItem.ToString());
spa[7] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_total_id", Convert.ToInt16(txtHostingId.Text));
spa[8] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_mail_tracking", ddlHostingMailTracking.SelectedItem.ToString());
spa[9] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_mail_tracking_users", Convert.ToInt16(txtHostingMtUser.Text));
spa[10] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_dns", ddlHostingDns.SelectedItem.ToString());
spa[11] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_mail", ddlHostingMail.SelectedItem.ToString());
spa[12] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_web", ddlHostingWeb.SelectedItem.ToString());
spa[13] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_manage_dns", ddlHostingMngDns.SelectedItem.ToString());
if (ddlHostingDns.SelectedValue == "No" && (ddlHostingMail.SelectedValue == "Yes" || ddlHostingWeb.SelectedValue == "Yes"))
spa[14] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_ns1", txtNS1.Text);
spa[15] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_ns2", txtNS2.Text);
spa[14] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_ns1", ddlHostingNS1.SelectedItem.ToString());
spa[15] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_ns2", ddlHostingNS2.SelectedItem.ToString());
spa[16] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_rec_ip", txtHostingARecordIp.Text);
spa[17] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_mx_rec1", txtMXRecord1.Text);
spa[18] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_mx_rec2", txtMXRecord2.Text);
spa[19] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_mx_ip1", txtHostingMxIp1.Text);
spa[20] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_space", ddlHostingSpace.SelectedItem.ToString());
spa[21] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_mx_ip2", txtHostingMxIp2.Text);
spa[22] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_data_transfer", ddlhostingDataTrans.SelectedItem.ToString());
spa[23] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_manage_dns_amt", txtHostingMangDnsAmt0.Text);
spa[24] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_amt", txtHostingAmt0.Text);
spa[25] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_c_ns1", txtHostingNS1.Text);
spa[26] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_c_ns2", txtHostingNS2.Text);
spa[27] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_c_ns3", txtHostingNS3.Text);
spa[28] = new SqlParameter("#Hosting_c_ns4", txtHostingNS4.Text);
int k = gs.Sp_InsertUpdateDelete("Sp_Hosting", spa);
if (k > 0)
Response.Write("<script>alert('Hosting Added Success');</script>");
using(SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection())
SqlTransaction tran = conn.BeginTransaction("Transaction1");
Cmd = new SqlCommand(sQuery, Conn);
Cmd.Transaction = tran;
//Your Code
tran.Commit(); //both are successful
catch(Exception ex)
//if error occurred, reverse all actions. By this, your data consistent and correct
You need to modify your Stored procedure and use Transactions for this feature.
Something like this:
SELECT #TranName = 'MyTransaction';
USE AdventureWorks2012;
DELETE FROM AdventureWorks2012.HumanResources.JobCandidate
WHERE JobCandidateID = 13;
MSDN Reference

How to add filters with customer data source of telerik reporting?

I set my report‘s data source in the backstage of the page that display the report.The code is below:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack)
string acceptedStatus = QuoteStatusEnum.Accepted.ToString();
string rejectedStatus = QuoteStatusEnum.Rejected.ToString();
string canceledStatus = QuoteStatusEnum.Canceled.ToString();
IList<QuoteRequest> list = ServiceFactory.QuoteRequestService.QueryItems(p => (p.QuoteRequestStatus.QuoteRequestStatusName == acceptedStatus) ||
(p.QuoteRequestStatus.QuoteRequestStatusName == rejectedStatus) ||
(p.QuoteRequestStatus.QuoteRequestStatusName == canceledStatus)).OrderBy(p => p.CreatedBy).ToList();
var data = from d in list
select new
ClientName = d.Client.CompanyName,
Client = d.Client.ClientID,
CompanyName = d.Client.CompanyName,
QuoteNumber = d.QuoteNumber,
PropertyAddress = d.Property.PropertyAddressLine1 + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(d.Property.PropertyAddressLine2) ? "" : " ," + d.Property.PropertyAddressLine2),
QuotePrice = d.QuotePrice.HasValue ? d.QuotePrice.Value : 0,
ClientContact = ServiceFactory.ContactService.Read(p => p.ContactID == d.ClientContactID).FirstName + " " + ServiceFactory.ContactService.Read(p => p.ContactID == d.ClientContactID).LastName,
IsConverted = d.QuoteRequestStatus.QuoteRequestStatusName == "Accepted" ? "Yes" : "No",
ModifiedDate = d.ModifiedDate ?? DateTime.Now.AddYears(-10)
int pastDueCount = list.Count(p => p.ClientDueDate < DateTime.Today);
var instanceReporSouce = new InstanceReportSource();
instanceReporSouce.ReportDocument = new CompletedQuotesReport();
instanceReporSouce.ReportDocument.Reports.First().DataSource = data;
ReportViewer1.ReportSource = instanceReporSouce;
Now, I want to add some filter to the report.just like the effect that add filter in the design view by using "Fields.XX=parameter.value" expression,For there is no data source in the report now,so it can't be use 'Fields.XX......' expressions.How can i achieve my goal by programs in the backstage. BTW,I try to add parameter by code:
instanceReporSouce.ReportDocument.Reports.First().ReportParameters.Add(new ReportParameter("TotalAccepted", ReportParameterType.String, "TotalAccepted:" + list.Count(p => p.QuoteRequestStatus.QuoteRequestStatusName == acceptedStatus)));
I can get the parameters. but still can't filter data. How can i solve this problem?
Any suggestion is appreciated,
Best regards,
private void RegisterByDept_NeedDataSource(object sender, EventArgs e)
string groupBy = string.Empty;
string sortBy = string.Empty;
Telerik.Reporting.Processing.Report report = (Telerik.Reporting.Processing.Report)sender;
var payoutUID = report.Parameters["payoutUID"].Value.ToString();
// some code here...

Editable gridview based on list

Is it possible to create a gridview based on a list? I have the following list:
ID = 1
Name = John
Zip = 33141
ID = 2
Name = Tim
Zip = 33139
I want to be able to create an editable gridview with this list
When i bind it to the grid view, it seems to put everyting in one column, and i can't figure out how to get it to seperate it into different columns
Here is my code for setting the DataSource of the GridView:
DataTable table = ConvertListToDataTable(personList);
GridView1.DataSource = table;
static DataTable ConvertListToDataTable(List<string> list)
// New table.
DataTable table = new DataTable();
// Get max columns.
int columns = 7;
// Add columns.
for (int i = 0; i < columns; i++)
// Add rows.
foreach (var rd in list)
return table;
Here is an example:
private class Person
int m_iID;
string m_sName;
string m_sZip;
public int ID { get { return m_iID; } }
public string Name { get { return m_sName; } }
public string Zip { get { return m_sZip; } }
public Person(int iID, string sName, string sZip)
m_iID = iID;
m_sName = sName;
m_sZip = sZip;
private List<Person> m_People;
private void ConvertListToDataTable(List<Person> People)
DataTable table = new DataTable();
DataColumn col1 = new DataColumn("ID");
DataColumn col2 = new DataColumn("Name");
DataColumn col3 = new DataColumn("Zip");
col1.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
col2.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
col3.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
foreach (Person person in People)
DataRow row = table.NewRow();
row[col1] = person.ID;
row[col2] = person.Name;
row[col3] = person.Zip;
GridView1.DataSource = table;
