JavaFX Scene Builder Menu object not draggable - javafx

I'm new to JavaFX and SceneBuilder.
In SB, I'm trying to place a Menu object in a AnchorPane with a drag and drop and this operation is not being possible as no menu object instance is being dragged.
Also, no drag and drop is being allowed also to the Hierarchy pane of the Library accordion.
The AnchorPane is the one placed by default when the tool is started from NetBeans "new - empty FXML".
This problem doesn't exist to other objects, like buttons.
I'm using Ubuntu 14.04
NetBeans IDE 8.0.2 (Build 201411181905)
Updates: NetBeans IDE is updated to version NetBeans 8.0.2 Patch 2
Java: 1.7.0_80; Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 24.80-b11
Runtime: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 1.7.0_80-b15
System: Linux version 3.19.0-58-generic running on amd64; UTF-8; en_US (nb)
Product Version
JavaFX Scene Builder 2.0
Build Information
Version: 2.0-b20, Changeset: 5cac093e5c1f
Date: 2014-03-21 09:30
Toolkit = QuantumToolkit
Pipeline = SWPipeline
Hardware acceleration DISABLED
1.8.0-b132, Oracle Corporation
Operating System
Linux, amd64, 3.19.0-58-generic
Any help,please?

A Menu is not a Node, so you can't put it in an AnchorPane. You can only put it in a MenuBar. Probably what you want to do is put a MenuBar in the AnchorPane, and then add Menus to the MenuBar. Another option might be to use a MenuButton, depending on exactly what it is you're trying to do.


Gluon Scene Builder 16.0.0 does not launch in Windows 10 64 bit

When trying to launch the latest Gluon Scene Builder release, 16.0.0, nothing happens. The process shows up in Task Manager but the window does not actually display on the screen. I have confirmed that I am able to install release 8.5.0 and it launches just fine. I have also tried running the 16.0.0 installer as Administrator but that also did not launch after installation. Am I missing a configuration step that was not there for previous versions of Scene Builder?
The scenebuilder.cfg files for the two versions look like this:
java-options=--add-opens=javafx.fxml/javafx.fxml=ALL-UNNAMED –
[ArgOptions] –

How to enable JavaFX in NetbeansIDE 11.3

I can't get JavaFX working with NetBeans 11.3.
The NetBeans documentation says:
If you install JavaFX 2.1 to Windows manually, consider installing the JavaFX 2.1 libraries and runtime to the default location (C:/Program Files/Oracle/). NetBeans IDE checks the default locations for the JavaFX. If JavaFX 2 is in the default locations the IDE can automatically create a JavaFX-enabled Java platform.
I've put the Gluon SDK there, though the number is 11.0.2. NetBeans does not automatically create a JavaFX enabled platform.
This StackOverflow answer suggests cleaning the cache. That didn't help.
If I try to create a new JavaFX project from the IDE, I get the message:
Failed to automatically set-up a JavaFX Platform. Please go to Platform Manager, create a non-default Java SE platform, then go to the JavaFX tab, enable JavaFX and fill in the paths to valid JavaFX SDK and JavaFX Runtime. Note: JavaFX SDK can be downloaded from JavaFX website.
But there is no "JavaFX" tab on the platform manager. The NetBeans release notes way back in version 8.0.2 say:
Unlike previous versions of NetBeans IDE, NetBeans IDE 8.0.2 does not require that you set up an "FX-enabled" Java platform in order to utilize JavaFX support in the IDE. You can develop JavaFX projects in the IDE if you install any standard Java platform that is JDK 7 Update 6 or newer (JDK 7 Update 10 or newer is strongly recommended).
But presumably that is from when JavaFX was bundled in the JDK.
So how do I get NetBeans to recognise the Gluon JavaFX?
Manual workaround:
/nbproject/ file
run.jvmargs=--module-path "D:\\Libraries\\Java9\\openjfx-13.0.2_windows-x64_bin-sdk\\javafx-sdk-13.0.2\\lib" \
--add-modules=javafx.base,javafx.controls,javafx.fxml,,,javafx.swing,javafx.web \ \
// you may need to add more --ad-exports arguments based on the errors that will crop up during the run phase. this stuff basically removes package access limiters at runtime so be careful.
then there's the compiler arguments
and i'm pretty sure you need this too

Trouble adding font awesome to scene builder(Missing classes)

I recently started my school project containing graphics with JavaFX. I added Font Awsome to maven dependencies and classes are fine loaded in the IntelliJ but when I am added its JAR file to scene builder there are only: 1. GlyphCheckBox and 2. GlyphStack and there isn't any FontAwsomeIconView in it.
How should I fix this problem? (I'm using JDK 13, JavaFX 14 and scene builder 11)
The latest version of FontAwesomeFX (11) is hosted at bintray; the one in maven central (8.9) is not compatible with the the latest JDK because of some old com.sun references in the code.
Open the JAR/FXML Manager in SceneBuilder (dropdown menu in the Library pane)
Add a repository with the URL -
Then you have to add de.jensd:fontawesomefx-commons:11.0 as well as de.jensd.fontawesomefx-fontawesome:4.7.0-11 to get FontAwesomeIconView to show up in the controls list.

Qt 5.9.5 in Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS Error "GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged"

I've just installed Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS and have just installed and am trying to run Qt but whenever I open a dialog box within Qt, such as when I want to Open an existing Project or File, it causes Qt Creator to freeze until I terminate it. Creating a new Project or File does not cause this to happen (different kind of window I imagine).
The version I have is Qt Creator 4.5.2 based on Qt 5.9.5.
I tried running qtcreator from the command line and when I go to open a file or folder from within the GUI the command line returns the following (and the GUI freezes):
$ qtcreator
Gtk-Message: 01:33:28.712: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged
Note, the Gtk-Message only occurs when I do something in Qt that would bring up a dialog box such as to navigate to and select a file. The Qt GIU freezes at this point.
I hope someone knows how to fix this or if it's a compatibility issues between Ubuntu 18.04 and the versions of Qt Creator and Qt that I am using.

setting up Scene Builder with NetBeans 8.0.2

I am using:
Mac OS X 10.10.1
NetBeans 8.0.2
SceneBuilder 8.0.0 downloaded from
I dragged SceneBuilder to Applications folder.
When I go to Options>Java>JavaFX and set Scene Builder path to the Applications folder, I get the error:
Selected location does not represent a valid JavaFX Scene Builder installation
Kindly guide me.
Add Scene Builder to Netbeans 8.2
Here are the steps that I went through to setup Scene Builder:
You can download Scene Builder 8.2 here
Install the package (or run the installer) and find the install location
/opt/SceneBuilder on Ubuntu
C:\Users\{username}\AppData\Roaming\Scene Builder on Windows 10
Then to link it to Netbeans IDE 8.2 go to Tools>Options>Java>JavaFX
Select Browse from the Scene Builder Home drop down menu
Finally navigate to the install location for Scene Builder 8.2 and click Open and then Ok
To enjoy your newly found Scene Builder bliss, right click on a .fxml file in the Project Pane, and select Open.
[Note: One would use the Edit option to edit the .fxml code ]
[Update: You can still download Oracle's JavaFX Scene Builder 2.0 here, but Gluon is now maintaining Scene Builder ]
Create project File > New project > JavaFX > JavaFX FXML Application
Download Scene Builder follow this link
To link Scene Builder(no matter v1.1 or v2.0) do next steps:
Service > Parameters > Java > JavaFX > Scene Builder start page > Preview
and show path to unpacked folder. Confirm.
In your project right click .fxml and click Open.
you can also download a javafx program an you specify well the path where you wan to install your scene builder; on netbeans ... i have the version 8.0.2 then go to tools-> options->javaFX specify exactly the directory where you installed it (scnene builder) i tried on windows. Your project w'll automatically build then go to your file fxml right click and open
Make sure your Java(JDK) version and Scene Builder version must be same. Scene Builder v10 is not compatible with Java v1.8.
When you use NetBeans 8 in Mac OS X, if your NetBeans IDE is running, after installing SceneBuilder, you can not integrate SceneBuilder with NetBeans IDE before restart NetBeans! So the only thing you can do is restarting NetBeans, and NetBeans will find and integrate in Applications folder automatically.
