Intuitive Understanding of GCD algorithm - math

What's an intuitive way to understand how this algorithm finds the GCD?
function gcd(a, b) {
while (a != b)
if (a, b)
a -= b;
b -= a;
return a;

Wikipedia has a good article on it under the name Euclidean algorithm. In particular, this image from the article might answer your literal question: the intuitive way to understand how this algorithm finds GCD:
Subtraction-based animation of the Euclidean algorithm. The initial rectangle has dimensions a = 1071 and b = 462. Squares of size 462×462 are placed within it leaving a 462×147 rectangle. This rectangle is tiled with 147×147 squares until a 21×147 rectangle is left, which in turn is tiled with 21×21 squares, leaving no uncovered area. The smallest square size, 21, is the GCD of 1071 and 462.

The original inventor of the greatest common divisor algorithm was Euclid, who described it in his book Elements about 300 years before the birth of Christ. Here is his geometric explanation, including his diagram:
Let AB and CD be the two given numbers not relatively prime.
It is required to find the greatest common measure of AB and CD.
If now CD measures AB, since it also measures itself, then CD is a common measure of CD and AB. And it is clear that it is also the greatest, for no greater number than CD measures CD.
But, if CD does not measure AB, then, when the less of the numbers AB and CD being continually subtracted from the greater, some number is left which measures the one before it.
For a unit is not left, otherwise AB and CD would be relatively prime, which is contrary to the hypothesis.
Therefore some number is left which measures the one before it.
Now let CD, measuring BE, leave EA less than itself, let EA, measuring DF, leave FC less than itself, and let CF measure AE.
Since then, CF measures AE, and AE measures DF, therefore CF also measures DF. But it measures itself, therefore it also measures the whole CD.
But CD measures BE, therefore CF also measures BE. And it also measures EA, therefore it measures the whole BA.
But it also measures CD, therefore CF measures AB and CD. Therefore CF is a common measure of AB and CD.
I say next that it is also the greatest.
If CF is not the greatest common measure of AB and CD, then some number G, which is greater than CF, measures the numbers AB and CD.
Now, since G measures CD, and CD measures BE, therefore G also measures BE. But it also measures the whole BA, therefore it measures the remainder AE.
But AE measures DF, therefore G also measures DF. And it measures the whole DC, therefore it also measures the remainder CF, that is, the greater measures the less, which is impossible.
Therefore no number which is greater than CF measures the numbers AB and CD. Therefore CF is the greatest common measure of AB and CD.
Observe that Euclid uses the word "measures" to indicate that some multiple of a smaller length is the same as a larger length; that is, his concept "measures" is identical to our concept "divides" as in 7 divides 28.

In short, if both a and b is dividable by a D then it has to be a divisor of a-b and can not be bigger than a-b. The logic is to apply this recursively with the addition of the rule that for a=b the GCD is a:
GCD(a, b) = a == b ? a : GCD(min(a, b), abs(a-b))


Why we get to approach asymptotically the value 0 "more" than the value 1?

Probably this is elementary for the people here. I am just a computer user.
I fooled around near the extreme values (0 and 1) for the Standard Normal cumulative distribution function (CDF), and I noticed that we can get very small probability values for large negative values of the variable, but we do not get the same reach towards the other end, for large positive values, where the value "1" appears already for much smaller (in absolute terms) values of the variable.
From a theoretical point of view, the tail probabilities of the Standard Normal distribution are symmetric around zero, so the probability mass to the left of, say, X=-10, is the same as the probability mass to the right of X=10. So at X=-10 the distance of the CDF from zero is the same as is its distance from unity at X=10.
But the computer/software complex doesn't give me this.
Is there something in the way our computers and software (usually) compute, that creates this asymmetric phenomenon, while the actual relation is symmetric?
Computations where done in "r", with an ordinary laptop.
This post is related, Getting high precision values from qnorm in the tail
Floating-point formats represent numbers as a sign s (+1 or −1), a significand f, and an exponent e. Each format has some fixed base b, so the number represented is s•f•be, and f is restricted to be in [1, b) and to be expressible as a base-b numeral of some fixed number p of digits. These formats can represent numbers very close to zero by making e very small. But the closest they can get to 1 (aside from 1 itself) is where either f is as near 1 as it can get (aside from 1 itself) and e is 0 or f is as near b as it can get and e is −1.
For example, in the IEEE-754 binary64 format, commonly used for double in many languages and implementations, b is two, and p is 53, and e can be as low as −1022 for normal numbers (there are subnormal numbers that can be smaller). This means the smallest representable normal number is 2−1022. But near 1, either e is 0 and f is 1+2−52 or e is −1 and f is 2−2−52. The latter number is closer to 1; it is s•f•be = +1•(2−2−52)•2−1 = 1−2−53.
So, in this format, we can get to a distance of 2−1022 from zero (closer with subnormal numbers), but only to a distance of 2−53 from 1.

average value when comparing each element with each other element in a list

I have number of strings (n strings) and I am computing edit distance between strings in a way that I take first one and compare it to the (n-1) remaining strings, second one and compare it to (n-2) remaining, ..., comparing until I ran out of the strings.
Why would an average edit distance be computed as sum of all the edit distances between all the strings divided by the number of comparisons squared. This squaring is confusing me.
I assume you have somewhere an answer that seems to come with a squared factor -which I'll take as n^2, where n is the number of strings (not the number of distinct comparisons, which is n*(n-1)/2, as +flaschenpost points to ). It would be easier to give you a more precise answer if you'd exactly quote what that answer is.
From what I understand of your question, it isn't, at least it's not the usual sample average. It is, however, a valid estimator of central tendency with the caveat that it is a biased estimator.
Let's define the sample average, which I will denote as X', by
X' = \sum^m_i X_i/N
IF N=m, we get the standard average. In your case, this is the number of distinct pairs which is m=n*(n-1)/2. Let's call this average Xo.
Then if N=n*n, it is
X' = (n-1)/(2*n) Xo
Xo is an unbiased estimator of the population mean \mu. Therefore, X' is biased by a factor f=(n-1)/(2*n). For n very large this bias tends to 1/2.
That said, it could be that the answer you see has a sum that runs not just over distinct pairs. The normalization would then change, of course. For instance, we could extend that sum to all pairs without changing the average value: The correct normalization would then be N = n*(n-1); the value of the average would still be Xo though as the number of summands has double as well.
Those things are getting easier to understand if done by hand with pen and paper for a small example.
If you have the 7 Strings named a,b,c,d,e,f,g, then the simplest version would
Compare a to b, a to c, ... , a to g (this are 6)
Compare b to a, b to c, ... , b to g (this are 6)
. . .
Compare g to a, g to b, ... , g to f (this are 6)
So you have 7*6 or n*(n-1) values, so you divide by nearly 7^2. This is where the square comes from. Maybe you even compare a to a, which should bring a distance of 0 and increase the values to 7*7 or n*n. But I would count it a bit as cheating for the average distance.
You could double the speed of the algorithm, just changing it a small bit
Compare a to b, a to c, ... , a to g (this are 6)
Compare b to c, ... , b to g (this are 5)
Compare c to d, ... , b to g (this are 4)
. . .
Compare f to g (this is 1)
That is following good ol' Gauss 7*6/2, or n*(n-1)/2.
So in Essence: Try doing a simple example on paper and then count your distance values.
Since Average is still and very simply the same as ever:
sum(values) / count(values)

Calculate original set size after hash collisions have occurred

You have an empty ice cube tray which has n little ice cube buckets, forming a natural hash space that's easy to visualize.
Your friend has k pennies which he likes to put in ice cube trays. He uses a random number generator repeatedly to choose which bucket to put each penny. If the bucket determined by the random number is already occupied by a penny, he throws the penny away and it is never seen again.
Say your ice cube tray has 100 buckets (i.e, would make 100 ice cubes). If you notice that your tray has c=80 pennies, what is the most likely number of pennies (k) that your friend had to start out with?
If c is low, the odds of collisions are low enough that the most likely number of k == c. E.g. if c = 3, then it's most like that k was 3. However, the odds of a collision are increasingly likely, after say k=14 then odds are there should be 1 collision, so maybe it's maximally likely that k = 15 if c = 14.
Of course if n == c then there would be no way of knowing, so let's set that aside and assume c < n.
What's the general formula for estimating k given n and c (given c < n)?
The problem as it stands is ill-posed.
Let n be the number of trays.
Let X be the random variable for the number of pennies your friend started with.
Let Y be the random variable for the number of filled trays.
What you are asking for is the mode of the distribution P(X|Y=c).
(Or maybe the expectation E[X|Y=c] depending on how you interpret your question.)
Let's take a really simple case: the distribution P(X|Y=1). Then
P(X=k|Y=1) = (P(Y=1|X=k) * P(X=k)) / P(Y=1)
= (1/nk-1 * P(X=k)) / P(Y=1)
Since P(Y=1) is normalizing constant, we can say P(X=k|Y=1) is proportional to 1/nk-1 * P(X=k).
But P(X=k) is a prior probability distribution. You have to assume some probability distribution on the number of coins your friend has to start with.
For example, here are two priors I could choose:
My prior belief is that P(X=k) = 1/2k for k > 0.
My prior belief is that P(X=k) = 1/2k - 100 for k > 100.
Both would be valid priors; the second assumes that X > 100. Both would give wildly different estimates for X: prior 1 would estimate X to be around 1 or 2; prior 2 would estimate X to be 100.
I would suggest if you continue to pursue this question you just go ahead and pick a prior. Something like this would work nicely: WolframAlpha. That's a geometric distribution with support k > 0 and mean 10^4.

Multinomial Generation of Degree n

I'm basically looking for a summation function that will compute multinomials given the number of variables and a degree.
2 Variables; 2 Degrees:
See Knuth The Art of Computer Programming, Vol. 4, Fascicle 3 for a comprehensive answer.
Short answer: it's enough to generate all multinomial expressions in n variables with degree exactly d. Then, for your problem, you can either put together the answers with degrees ≤d, or add a dummy variable "1".
The problem of generating all expressions with degree exactly d is thus simply one of generating all ordered partitions (i.e., all nonnegative integer solutions to x1 + ... + xn = d), and this can be done with a simple backtracking algorithm. ("Depth-first search")
Given N variables, and a maximum degree of D, you have an array of D slots to fill with all possible combinations of variables.
[_, _, ..., _, _]
You are allowed to fill the slots with any of the N variables any number <= D times total. Since multiplication is commutative, it suffices to not care about ordering of variables. As such, this problem is reduced to generating (1) partitions of an integer and (2) subsets of a set.
I hope this is at least a start to your solution.
This also seems to be a Dynamic programming variant of the 0-1 Knapsack problem. Here we would be interested in all possible leaves of the decision tree.

higher order linear regression

I have the matrix system:
A x B = C
A is a by n and B is n by b. Both A and B are unknown but I have partial information about C (I have some values in it but not all) and n is picked to be small enough that the system is expected to be over constrained. It is not required that all rows in A or columns in B are over constrained.
I'm looking for something like least squares linear regression to find a best fit for this system (Note: I known there will not be a single unique solution but all I want is one of the best solutions)
To make a concrete example; all the a's and b's are unknown, all the c's are known, and the ?'s are ignored. I want to find a least squares solution only taking into account the know c's.
[ a11, a12 ] [ c11, c12, c13, c14, ? ]
[ a21, a22 ] [ b11, b12, b13, b14, b15] [ c21, c22, c23, c24, c25 ]
[ a31, a32 ] x [ b21, b22, b23, b24, b25] = C ~= [ c31, c32, c33, ?, c35 ]
[ a41, a42 ] [ ?, ?, c43, c44, c45 ]
[ a51, a52 ] [ c51, c52, c53, c54, c55 ]
Note that if B is trimmed to b11 and b21 only and the unknown row 4 chomped out, then this is almost a standard least squares linear regression problem.
This problem is illposed as described.
Let A, B, and C=5, be scalars. You are asking to solve
which has an infinite number of solutions.
One approach, on the information provided above, is to minimize
the function g defined as
g(A,B) = ||AB-C||^2 = trace((AB-C)*(AB-C))^2
using Newtons method or a quasi-secant approach (BFGS).
(You can easily compute the gradient here).
M* is the transpose of M and multiplication is implicit.
(The norm is the frobenius norm... I removed the
underscore F as it was not displaying properly)
As this is an inherently nonlinear problem, standard linear
algebra approaches do not apply.
If you provide more information, I may be able to help more.
Some more questions: I think the issue is here is that without
more information, there is no "best solution". We need to
determine a more concrete idea of what we are looking for.
One idea, could be a "sparsest" solution. This area is
a hot area of research, with some of the best minds in the
world working here (See Terry Tao et al. work on Nuclear Norm)
This problem although tractable is still hard.
Unfortunately, I am not yet able to comment, so I will add my comments here.
As said below, LM is a great approach to solving this and is just one approach.
along the lines of the Newton type approaches to either
the optimization problem or the nonlinear solving problem.
Here is an idea, using the example you gave above: Lets define
two new vectors, V and U each with 21 elements (exactly the same number of defined
elements in C).
V is precisely the known elements of C, column ordered, so (in matlab notation)
V = [C11; C21; C31; C51; C12; .... ; C55]
U is a vector which is a column ordering of the product AB, LEAVING OUT THE
ELEMENTS CORRESPONDING TO '?' in matrix C. Collecting all the variables into x
we have
x = [a11, a21, .. a52, b11, b21 ..., b25].
f(x) = U (as defined above).
We can now try to solve f(x)=V with your favorite nonlinear least squares method.
As an aside, although a poster below recommended simulated annealing, I recommend
against it. THere are some problems it works, but it is a heuristic. When you have
powerful analytic methods such as Gauss-Newton or LM, I say use them. (in my own
experience that is)
A wild guess: A singular value decomposition might do the trick?
I have no idea on how to deal with your missing values, so I'm going to ignore that problem.
There are no unique solutions. To find a best solution you need some sort of a metric to judge them by. I'm going to suppose you want to use a least squares metric, i.e. the best guess values of A and B are those that minimize sum of the numbers [C_ij-(A B)_ij]^2.
One thing you didn't mention is how to determine the value you are going to use for n. In short, we can come up with 'good' solutions if 1 <= n <= b. This is because 1 <= rank(span(C)) <= b. Where rank(span(C)) = the dimension of the column space of C. Note that this is assuming a >= b. To be more correct we would write 1 <= rank(span(C)) <= min(a,b).
Now, supposing that you have chosen n such that 1 <= n <= b. You are going to minimize the residual sum of squares if you chose the columns of A such that span(A) = span(First n eigen vectors of C). If you don't have any other good reasons, just choose the columns of A to be to first n eigen vectors of C. Once you have chosen A, you can get the values of B in the usual linear regression way. I.e. B = (A'A)^(-1)A' C
You have a couple of options. The Levenberg-Marquadt algorithm is generally recognized as the best LS method. A free implementation is available at here. However, if the calculation is fast and you have a decent number of parameters, I would strongly suggest a Monte Carlo method such as simulated annealing.
You start with some set of parameters in the answer, and then you increase one of them by a random percentage up to a maximum. You then calculate the fitness function for your system. Now, here's the trick. You don't throw away the bad answers. You accept them with a Boltzmann probability distribution.
P = exp(-(x-x0)/T)
where T is a temperature parameter and x-x0 is the current fitness value minus the previous. After x number of iterations, you decrease T by a fixed amount (this is called the cooling schedule). You then repeat this process for another random parameter. As T decreases, fewer poor solutions are chosen, and eventually the procedure becomes a "greedy search" only accepting the solutions that improve the fit. If your system has many free parameters (> 10 or so), this is really the only way to go where you will have any chance of getting to a global minimum. This fitting method takes about 20 minutes to write in code, and a couple of hours to tweak. Hope this helps.
FYI, Wolfram has a nice discussion of this in the context of the traveling salesman problem, and I've been using it very successfully to solve some very difficult global minimization problems. It is slower than LM methods, but much better in most difficult/relatively large cases.
Based on the realization that cutting B to a single column and them removing row with unknowns converts this to very near a known problem, One approach would be to:
seed A with random values.
solve for each column of B independently.
rework the problem to allow solving for each row of A given the B values from step 2.
repeat at step 2 until things settle out.
I have no clue if that is even stable.
