ashx - get all the possible items of QueryString -

Looking at this
I might have bits of code like this:
string file = context.Request.QueryString["file"];
if (file == "logo")
That should allow me to see different things depending on URL that I enter in a browser, for example:
The problem I am facing now is how, knowing just can I read what the all the assumed options of the file variable are? In this case it would be "logo" and anything else.
What I have in reality is I can Google up the string to get few results (i.e. or thus I know it exists and is somehow searchable. I just would like to know all the other "abcde" and "xyz". If I try just I get a singe line error saying that I am giving a wrong variable and I cannot see anything important in the source of the site.
What might be important here - I have zero knowledge about web technologies.

You can't get this information. Its all hidden in the code implementation. There is no published format (by default) that will show you all of the available options the code is looking for.


Identifying obfuscation/encription method

I have following string:
It's a query parameter generated by form on a page. (This is done server-side in We are able to submit this form programatically and get the string we need (it just leads to a detail page of an object [realworld parcel/building, publicly accessible]) and redirect our user to it. However I would like to know, if there is a way to decrypt/deobfuscate this string to know what it contains and if we could possibly just generate these without going through the form (it's a multi step form).
The string also has some sort of expiration, so I sadly cannot provide a link to the result page, as it would stop working after like 10 minutes or so.
It feels a bit like it's base64, but after trying to run it through base64 -d, it says it's invalid.
It's likely base64 with + and / replaced with - and _ to make it more browser-friendly.
Though even if it's base64-encoded, it may just be a completely random key. You won't nessesarily be able to decode it to something readable.

In gatling, how do I validate the value of a string extracted via the css check?

I'm writing a Gatling simulation, and I want to verify both that a certain element exists, and that the content of one of its attributes starts with a certain substring. E.g.:
val scn: ScenarioBuilder = scenario("BasicSimulation")
css("form#name", "action").ofType[String].startsWith(BASE_URL).saveAs("next_url")))
Now, when I add the startsWith above, the compiler reports an error that says startsWith is not a member of io.gatling.http.check.body.HttpBodyCssCheckBuilder[String]. If I leave the startsWith out, then everything works just fine. I know that the expected form element is there, but I cant confirm that its #action attribute starts with the correct base.
How can I confirm that the attribute start with a certain substring?
Refer this
I have copied the below from there but it is a session function and will work like below :-
doIf(session => session("myKey").as[String].startsWith("admin")) { // executed if the session value stored in "myKey" starts with "admin" exec(http("if true").get("..."))}
I just had the same problem. I guess one option is to use a validator, but I'm not sure how if you can declare one on the fly to validate against your BASE_URL (the documentation doesn't really give any examples). You can use transform and is.
Could look like this:
css("form#name", "action").transform(_.startsWith(BASE_URL)).is(true)
If you also want to include the saveAs call in one go you could probably also do something like this:
css("form#name", "action").transform(_.substring(0, BASE_URL.length)).is(BASE_URL).saveAs
But that's harder to read. Also I'm not sure what happens when substring throws an exception (like IndexOutOfBounds).

Nesting HTTP GET parameters (request within a request)

I want to call a JSP with GET parameters within the GET parameter of a parent JSP. The URL for this would be http://server/getMap.jsp?lat=30&lon=-90&name=http://server/getName.jsp?lat1=30&lon1=-90
getName.jsp will return a string that goes in the name parameter of getMap.jsp.
I think the problem here is that &lon1=-90 at the end of the URL will be given to getMap.jsp instead of getName.jsp. Is there a way to distinguish which GET parameter goes to which URL?
One idea I had was to encode the second URL (e.g. = -> %3D and & -> %26) but that didn't work out well. My best idea so far is to allow only one parameter in the second URL, comma-delimited. So I'll have http://server/getMap.jsp?lat=30&lon=-90&name=http://server/getName.jsp?params=30,-90 and leave it up to getName.jsp to parse its variables. This way I leave the & alone.
NOTE - I know I can approach this problem from a completely different angle and avoid nested URLs altogether, but I still wonder (for the sake of knowledge!) if this is possible or if anyone has done it...
This has been done a lot, especially with ad serving technologies and URL redirects
But an encoded URL should just work fine. You need to completely encode it tho. A generator can be found here
So this:
becomes this: http://server/getMap.jsp?lat=30&lon=-90&name=http%3A%2F%2Fserver%2FgetName.jsp%3Flat1%3D30%26lon1%3D-90
I am sure that jsp has a function for this. Look for "urlencode". Your JSP will see the contents of the GET-Variable "name" as the unencoded string: "http://server/getName.jsp?lat1=30&lon1=-90"

Sharepoint If-Modified-Since

I wrote a handler to be used within SharePoint that will generate a JSON string from a given parameter in the query-string. This JSON string will then be used by a JS function to display the relevant data in HTML to the client, however, the call is somewhat costly and would like to cache the output once.
The handler currently caters for everything regarding OUTPUT cache and tested within an application bares fruits, however, I'm baffled by the fact that, specifically in SharePoint (2007) the "If-Modified-Since" header attribute never appears, basically it always comes back as null.
I found blog-on-blog that discuss this in length in regards to images, and include files but I can't find anything specific regarding this with pages (ASPX, AXD, ASHX) and the handler self.
My only assumption here is the fact that I'm using an AXD file, which is not directly supported by OUTPUT cache by default?
The code looks something like:
bool isModifiedSinceLast = (context.Request.Headers.Get("If-Modified-Since") != null)
: true
? false;
if (!isModifiedSinceLast)
context.Response.Headers.AppendHeader("If-Modified-Since", Guid.NewGuid());
// complete the call from cache

Deleting / Replacing A Node in E4X (AS3 - Flex)

I'm building a listing/grid control in a Flex application and using it in a .NET web application. To make a really long story short I am getting XML from a webservice of serialized objects. I have a page limit of how many things can be on a page. I've taken a data grid and made it page, sort across pages, and handle some basic filtering.
In regards to paging I'm using a Dictionary keyed on the page and storing the XML for that page. This way whenever a user comes back to a page that I've saved into this dictionary I can grab the XML from local memory instead of hitting the webservice. Basically, I'm caching the data retrieved from each call to the webservice for a page of data.
There are several things that can expire my cache. Filtering and sorting are the main reason. However, a user may edit a row of data in the grid by opening an editor. The data they edit could cause the data displayed in the row to be stale. I could easily go to the webservice and get the whole page of data, but since the page size is set at runtime I could be looking at a large amount of records to retrieve.
So let me now get to the heart of the issue that I am experiencing. In order to prevent getting the whole page of data back I make a call to the webservice asking for the completely updated record (the editor handles saving its data).
Since I'm using custom objects I need to serialize them on the server to XML (this is handled already for other portions of our software). All data is handled through XML in e4x. The cache in the Dictionary is stored as an XMLList.
Now let me show you my code...
var idOfReplacee:String = this._WebService.GetSingleModelXml.lastResult.*[0].*[0].#Id;
var xmlToReplace:XMLList = this._DataPages[this._Options.PageIndex].Data.(#Id == idOfReplacee);
if(xmlToReplace.length() > 0)
delete (this._DataPages[this._Options.PageIndex].Data.(#Id == idOfReplacee)[0]);
this._DataPages[this._Options.PageIndex].Data += this._WebService.GetSingleModelXml.lastResult.*[0].*[0];
Basically, I get the id of the node I want to replace. Then I find it in the cache's Data property (XMLList). I make sure it exists since the filter on the second line returns the XMLList.
The problem I have is with the delete line. I cannot make that line delete that node from the list. The line following the delete line works. I've added the node to the list.
How do I replace or delete that node (meaning the node that I find from the filter statement out of the .Data property of the cache)???
Hopefully the underscores for all of my variables do not stay escaped when this is posted! otherwise this.&#95 == this._
Thanks for the answers guys.
I tried the replace several different ways. For some reason it would never error, but never update the list.
I figured out a solution. The issue wasn't coming from what you suggested, but from how the delete works with Lists (at least how I have it in this instance).
The Data property of the _DataPages dictionary object is list of the definition nodes (was arrived at by a previous filtering of another XML document).
<Definition Id='1' />
<Definition Id='2' />
I ended up doing this little deal:
//gets the index of the node to replace from the same filter
var childIndex:int = (this._DataPages[this._Options.PageIndex].Data.(#Id == idOfReplacee)[0]).childIndex();
//deletes the node from the list
delete this._DataPages[this._Options.PageIndex].Data[childIndex];
//appends the new node from the webservice to the list
this._DataPages[this._Options.PageIndex].Data += this._WebService.GetSingleModelXml.lastResult.*[0].*[0];
So basically I had to get the index of the node in the XMLList that is the Data property. From there I could use the delete keyword to remove it from the list. The += adds my new node to the list.
I'm so used to using the ActiveX or Mozilla XmlDocument stuff where you call "SelectSingleNode" and then use "replaceChild" to do this kind of stuff. Oh well, at least this is in some forum where someone else can find it. I do not know the procedure for what happens when I answer my own question. Perhaps this insight will help someone else come along and help answer the question better!
Perhaps you could use replace instead?
var oldNode : XML = this._DataPages[this._Options.PageIndex].Data.(#Id == idOfReplacee)[0];
var newNode : XML = this._WebService.GetSingleModelXml.lastResult.*[0].*[0];
oldNode.parent.replace(oldNode, newNode);
I know this is an incredibly old question, but I don't see (what I think is) the simplest solution to this problem.
Theo had the right direction here, but there's a number of errors with the way replace was being used (and the fact that pretty much everything in E4X is a function).
I believe this will do the trick:
oldNode.parent().replace(oldNode.childIndex(), newNode);
replace() can take a number of different types in the first parameter, but AFAIK, XML objects are not one of them.
I don't immediately see the problem, so I can only venture a guess. The delete line that you've got is looking for the first item at the top level of the list which has an attribute "Id" with a value equal to idOfReplacee. Ensure that you don't need to dig deeper into the XML structure to find that matching id.
Try this instead:
delete (this._DataPages[this._Options.PageIndex].Data..(#Id == idOfReplacee)[0]);
(Notice the extra '.' after Data). You could more easily debug this by setting a breakpoint on the second line of the code you posted, and ensure that the XMLList looks like you expect.
