how to retrieve jive hierarchy using REST API v3.14? - hierarchy

No link was found to get jive hierarchy using REST API v3.14, i have to finish this task as early as possible.
Please help me out of this.
Thank You.

Space hierarchy can be obtained by calling the places endpoint on the space itself.
For example lets say for spaces A,B,D in your diagram: = 1 = 2 = 4
if we call /api/core/v3/places/1/places, we should get back a list of spaces, projects and blogs whose parent is A which includes space B.
if we call /api/core/v3/places/2/places we should get a list with space D.
If you know your starting place, you can retrieve the full hierarchy by recursing down the tree like that.
Social Groups are different. Groups themselves have no hierarchy, its a flat structure. They do, however, still have a /places endpoint. This endpoint will return any projects or blogs whose parent is the group.
As I mentioned, Blogs are also considered places or "containers" in some respects in Jive, so they will show up in the places API responses, but it's fairly easy to ignore them. They have no children.
Please visit Jive Community for details...


How To Exclude Certain Relationship for Real-Time Prediction in Neo4j

So I'm working on a real-time prediction matter, for example, I have a node (A) (:Person) and he has friends and node (B) as (:Games)
so node (A) has liked a certain Game and his friends liked other games so I recommend those other games for him But the matter is that I need to exclude the games which he is already liked or played.
it seems to be easy around the 'NOT' command but I couldn't find the right code for it yet although I've tried a lot of ways
the one seems closest for me is like:
match (A:Person)-[:Friend]-(n:Person)
where A <> n
with distinct n
match (n)-[:LIKED]-(B:Game)-[:ON]-(:steam), (k:Person{name:'John'})
where not ((k)-[:LIKED]-(:Game)-[:ON]-(:steam))
return B
which has to recommend the games John's friends liked without the games which John already liked.
anyway, when I Run this, the Graph just freezes for a while and then shutdown which is another problem I want to ask for.
Thanks for help
The last WHERE clause has very few constraints on it, and probably explains the hang/timeout. It may help to have a variable name for each label, either to constrain the query or to receive the nodes. more like this
where not ((k:Person{name:'John'})-[:LIKED]->(B:Game)-[:ON]->(C:steam))
return B
specify directional -> relationships (as above) in cypher queries if possible, usually it provides the answer you want, and is faster.
adding the variable name, and relationship direction also makes the query easier to read, to understand what it is doing, and if you need to look at the nodes/relationships values when debugging.
I may be wrong, but the :steam label doesn't look right to me. What are example values? I'm wondering if you meant to have a :service node, and steam would be a node instance?
Note: if you provide create nodes/rels script to create a small example of this database (e.g. a dozen nodes with these relationships) it would be easier to provide a working cypher example.
If you want to find the distinct games on Steam that John's friends liked but John has not yet liked or played, something this should work:
MATCH (j:Person{name:'John'})-[:FRIEND]-(:Person)-[:LIKED]->(g:Game)-[:ON]-(:steam)

Jagged Result Array Gremlin Query

Please may you help me to write a query that returns each source vertex in my traversal along with its associated edges and vertices as arrays on each such source vertex? In short, I need a result set comprising an array of 3-tuples with item 1 of each tuple being the source vertex and items 2 and 3 being the associated arrays.
EDIT 1: Expanded on the graph data and added my current problem query.
EDIT 2: Improved Gremlin sample graph code (apologies, didn't think anyone would actually run it.)
Sample Graph
Please note that the above is a very simplified rendering of our data.
Needed Query Results
I need to bring back each blueprint vertex as a base with each of its associated edges / vertices as arrays.
My Current Solution
Currently I do this very cumbersome query that gets the blueprints and assigns a label, gets the architects and assigns a label, then selects both labels. The solution is ok; however, it gets messy when I need to include edges or I need to get blueprint classification vertices (industrial, military, residential, commercial, etc.). In effect, the more associated data that I need to pull back for each blueprint, the sloppier my solution becomes.
My current query looks something like this:
The above produces a lot of duplication. If the number of: blueprints is b, architects is a, and classifications is c, the result set comprises b * a * c results. I'd like one blueprint with an array of its associated architects and an array of its associated classifications, if any.
I'm trying to do this in one query so that I can get all blueprint data from the graph to populate a filtered list. Once I have the list comprising all of the vertices, edges, and their properties, users can then click links to blobs, browse to project sites, etc. Accordingly, I've got pagination as well as filtering to think about and I'd prefer to make one trip to the server each time I get a new page or the filters change.
I figured out an answer; however, it quadruples the compute charge for the query. Not sure if this can be optimized further.
I just solved for blueprints and architects, but classifications just needs another by(...traversal...) and projection label.
I may have to just get the blueprints in one query, get each of their associated items in parallel queries, then put it all together in the API. That would be very bad design for the API data layer but may be necessary for performance reasons.

Neo4j Design: Property vs "Node & Relationship"

I have a node type that has a string property that will have the same value really often. Etc. Millions of nodes with only 5 options of that string value. I will be doing searches by that property.
My question would be what is better in terms of performance and memory:
a) Implement it as a node property and have lots of duplicates (and search using WHERE).
b) Implement it as 5 additional nodes, where all original nodes reference one of them (and search using additional MATCH).
Without knowing further details it's hard to give a general purpose answer.
From a performance perspective it's better to limit the search as early as possible. Even more beneficial if you do not have to look into properties for a traversal.
Given that I assume it's better to move the lookup property into a seperate node and use the value as relationship type.
Use labels; this blog post is a good intro to this new Neo4j 2.0 feature:
Labels and Schema Indexes in Neo4j
I've thought about this problem a little as well. In my case, I had to represent state:
Overall the Node + Relationship approach looks more appealing in that only a single relationship reference needs to be maintained each time rather than a property string and you don't need to scan an extra additional index which has to be maintained on the property (memory and performance would intuitively be in favor of this approach).
Another advantage is that it easily supports the ability of a node being linked to multiple "special nodes". If you foresee a situation where this should be possible in your model, this is better than having to use a property array (and searching using "in").
In practice I found that the problem then became, how do you access these special nodes each time. Either you maintain some sort of constants reference where you have the node ID of these special nodes where you can jump right into them in your START statement (this is what we do) or you need to do a search against property of the special node each time (name, perhaps) and then traverse down it's relationships. This doesn't make for the prettiest of cypher queries.

Which URL describes the resource the best?

When should I use a first-class URL for a resource, and when should I use a nested URL?
Update 1
Thanks for the answers so far. I'll try to clarify things a little further.
Competition and Club have a many-to-many relationship. Clubs can participate in multiple competitions. I guess that would make Club a first class entity, so the way to access a club would be for instance:
But I also need to be able to access clubs that participate in a specific competition, so I need something like this too:
But someone mentioned it isn't recommendable to make a resource accessible via multiple URI's. Doesn't this violate that?
Also, I presume a URI like this would not be preferable:
But rather use this:
Club has a one-to-many relationship with Player.
As a URI is the identifier of a single resource, I would say the general rule is that if it is an object, it gets a 'first-class URL'.
I only tend to use the query parameters only when limiting/filtering lists, for example, /competitions/1/clubs/5/players?gender=MALE.
I use path elements if the relation "feels" tree/directory wise (like club has players /clubs/berlin/players). Parameters are more "tags", I use it often for search-filters (e.g. defenders of 'berlin' club with age older as 22 /clubs/berlin/players?position=defender&age=22).
I design URL structure by 'domain-importance'. The most basic concepts should go to the root. If possible don't go too deep down url-structure, I try not to duplicate or create alias collections which represent identical resources (costs double maintenance in code + documentation).
Generally putting /clubs as root feels more natural: /clubs/{club_id}/players
I would only expose players through /competitions/{comp_id}/clubs/{club_id}/players, if players-set of is different as /clubs/{club_id}/players, e.g. during competition
several players are blocked or didn't make it for the match-squad.
What do you mean with /competitions? Is it a tournament or a single match? If single match with two clubs maybe use home + away domain-concepts: /competitions/{comp_id}/home-club and
/competitions/{comp_id}/away-club .
Update-1 Answer
Here my thoughts on your update-question:
I guess /competitions/2/clubs is a subset of /clubs, not every club is competing in every competition. So both resources are different, so two URLs are fine.
Thinking again /competitions/2/clubs/33/players/5 should also be fine (but it is important that in server code duplication is avoided). This URL should even be mandatory when the returned resource is a subset of /clubs/33/players (e.g. players are injured or limit of team-size has been hit for specific competition).
I wouldn't put the ID numbers in the URL. They mean something only for those who actually knows what they mean, but for everyone else they are meaningless numbers.
You should always choose descriptive and related words for your URL, because the URL contribute to give informations about the linked resource.
Instead of using meaningless ID numbers, choose a unique name representing the name of the team or the competition, for example
But if you really need to send that kind of anonymous data in the URL, then I would prefer to see them in a query.
Use only meaningful text for the URL.

Drupal 6: sort display of node references

I have a content type that references multiple nodes, and I need a way to sort the display of those referenced nodes.
Any ideas?
--- EDIT ---
I'm not using views, but rather am using my own queries.
I have a bunch of teachers (teacher content-type), and some conferences (conference content-type).
Within the conference content-type I want a node-reference field set to handle multiple teacher selections. But I need to be able to manually order them independently. What that means is that each individual conference needs to be able to sort the order of the particular teachers selected.
That's the ideal situation, but not the way I'm actually doing it.
What I'm ACTUALLY doing to jury-rig this thing is to have separate node-reference fields (teacher 1, teacher 2, teacher 3 etc.). Each node-reference field independent of the others.
It makes for a mess when it comes to creating views or composing db queries.
I know what I'm looking for is all but impossible, but I thought I'd run it by the Drupal gurus here anyway...
--- EDIT 2 ---
Further clarification:
Another way to do what I want, but is really impractical, is to create a separate nodequeue for each conference. Then you could select a handful of teachers associated with each conference and order them via the nodequeue. - That should help with visualizing the problem. But as a solution, it's even more messy (in terms of administration) than the one I'm currently using.
Also: I should mention that we're talking about 40 to 80 conferences, and 100-200 teachers. Just to get an idea of why I'm looking for a more elegant solution than the two I mentioned above.
Node reference with autocomplete widget gives you reordering capabilities when number of values set to 'unlimited'. Maybe not the most comfortable, but works.
I'm assuming you're using Views since you mentioned "displays". You can always change the order of the view fields from the Views UI but the order will be static (all items will have the same order).
If you want each item to have a potentially different order for the fields maybe you can set up a parent child relationship where the child item is ordered dynamically.
