Send SignalR notification from other process -

I have an architectural question with signalR
Let's say I have a web app (pure front JS) that use a web api and the web app query an API that do a long task and want to be notified when the task is finished.
So the web api create a fire and forget task, and we use SSE with signalR to notify the web app. It's working. Great, thanks to signalR.
But now, I want the long task to be run in another process, let's say with a msmq based system.
So, the web app query the API, the web api create a message, and the msmq service process the message asynchronously.
Can the msmq service hosted in another process (maybe another machine !) notify the web app that the task is finished ? It can be possible to put the connection id in the message, but the service can be able to send the notification ?

I would use a servicebus, you can then use this library to forward the message directly to the clients.


Azure - Sending data from IoT Hub to Web App Backend

I'm searching for a solution to get data from the Azure IoT Hub to the backend of a Web App also hosted in Azure which is written in ASP.NET 4.6.
It would be best to just receive the raw Json string as fast as possible.
I found others suggesting using Webhooks or Azure functions for a similar purpose but the delay these solutions bring aren't really acceptable.
It would be best to just connect directly to the IoT endpoint and get every message as it comes in. Can anybode please point me to the right direction?
You can simply use the EventHub .NET SDK in your web app, connect to the EventHub-compatible endpoint of the IoT Hub and directly consume the events in your app. This has minimal delay and involves no extra components.
How to guide (.NET core but same applies to .NET Framework):
var eventProcessorHost = new EventProcessorHost(
// Registers the Event Processor Host and starts receiving messages
await eventProcessorHost.RegisterEventProcessorAsync<SimpleEventProcessor>();
The Azure SignalR Service can help to broadcast messages to the Web App instances.
There are no direct integration between the Azure IoT Hub and Azure SignalR Service. Basically you can use two patterns for this integration such as PULL-PUSH and PUSH-PUSH.
The following screen shows these integration patterns:
Note, that the PUSH-PUSH pattern with the Azure Event Grid is suitable for solution when the subscriber (consumer) is not critical for processing events in the order.

Is message queueing mandatory for Azure web app when sending emails through SendGrid

I have an Azure web application ( MVC & WebAPI) that sends emails through SendGrid service. I'm not using SendGrid's API but rather use .net built-in SMTP that I configured in web.config and directed to SendGrid.
I'm now wondering whether I also need message queueing application in my solution that would be used to actually send emails to SendGrid to minimize request/response times of my web app?
Azure already has Queue Storage that I could use but I wonder how others have implemented this? I'm also looking for the most simple example of Azure web app using queueing if one exists.
I expect message queueing will become relevant when I'll have several emails to send during single request to make my app scalable. Currently I'm sending email synchronously when my backend executes code and so far with the low number of emails it works fine.
If your application need to manage and send bulk emails asynchronously, it would be better to have separate application which will take emails as bulk.
In my recent project, I have created separate application using web role, worker role and a service bus queue. Web role is a web API which used for application to post bulk emails and put it into a service bus queue. Then worker role will be responsible for dealing with the queues and send the emails. This allowed me to send emails asynchronously and storing any email messages or message status in a table storage.
Further, this approach helps me to use same notification application (email sending application) in different projects by using a wrapper to handle web api integration.

Sending a signalr message directly via scaleout from different Azure role

I have 2 roles in my Azure cloud service application: a web role (signalr connections here) and a worker role.
The web role uses Azure service bus as its scaleout provider.
At certain points in time the worker role will emit certain events. I'd like to send this data directly to clients connected to a Hub.
My current implementation involves the worker role placing a message on a service bus queue which the web role subscribes to, the web role then forwards this message to clients via a HubContext call.
My question is: how can I send this message directly to connected clients from the worker role? So far I have considered 3 methods:
Configure signalr as in the web role so that they use the same servicebus topic. - this done not work as intended as worker role instances "steal messages" from topic subscriptions intended for the web role. This would seem to be the cleanest way of doing it but configuration is a problem.
Use the .Net client to send a hub message - this is not ideal as it places unnecessary load on the web role, as well as double the amount of service bus messages when compared to the above method.
Manually write a signalr compatible message to the topic - very hacky and succeptable to breaking changes.
I know that the team are currently rewriting scaleout for the next release but will this be possible at some point?
I have noticed that this is supported in the RabbitMq implementation.
It seems an issue with my configuration was responsible for the first method not working.
However, it seems like that method is slower end to end (by about 150 ms) even with one less message in the loop.
I will wait and see if the scaleout work brings any improvements to this method before making any changes.

SignalR connecting to existing WebApi Service to get updates

Just an outline of what I am trying to do.
I have an existing WebApi service that returns the running windows services on a machine. I have a front end hooked up so that it querys the service using jQuery and Knockout.js
What I am trying to do with SignalR is to use it to poll the WebAPi service to always push the latest changes to the client.
Is SignalR the right framework for this?
Can someone provide me an example of calling a RESTful service with SignalR?
What i would really like to happen is if a service goes down that SignalR would raise that all the way through the WebApi to the Client.
SignalR is not the right framework for creating or consuming RESTful services. SignalR is designed to make it easy to push data from the server to the client. REST is designed to support clients making requests and receiving a (near) immediate responses.
You can make requests from a SignalR client to a server-side Hub method, but Hub methods do not expose REST endpoints.

SignalR for updating clients on events passed from another Event system

We have this Pub/Sub system that you subscribe to via a callback mechanism in C# to recieve events from various things that happen within the database. This subscription has a callback signature attached to it that allows for the Pub / Sub system to callback any subscribers it has and notify them of the change on that Callback thread.
We are taking our windows application and migrating it into a web application. In doing so, I need a way to update this Web Application (The clients) with information from this Pub / Sub. I want to use SignalR, but not sure where to host it. I assume if I host it on the same Web Application as the Client, it won't be able to subscribe to the pubsub due to it not being able to do background threading.
Currently, I have it in a Console application hosting the SignalR server on a specific port. Obviously this is for testing and not ideal for a larger scale.
My question is.. is it really safe to be hosting SignalR outside of IIS? should I put this in a Windows Service? Web Service somehow? Can it go in a Web Application somehow?
