I am using the free version of PHP Grid - Lite.
I have successfully integrated and the tool shows reports as exactly required.
The only problem is it shows a default text
"You are using phpGrid Lite. Please consider upgrading phpGrid to the full version to have great features including edit, master detail, and grouping, composite key, file upload, and premium themes!"
Is there a way I can disable it ?
Have also attached a sample image of it.
Report View
Thank you.
The div which holds this text belongs to a class named
therefore writing a CSS for this class as follows could remove (make invisible) this text.
display: none;
OR you could use PHP to change the CSS of the div containing this text you want to remove.
echo '<style type = "text/css">
display: none;
I've made a website using the academic theme of hugo; there's an example provided here. I want all of my posts (of which there are three examples provided at the link) to be wider. For example, a post initially looks like this:
where the text is constrained within a more narrow window, but I want it to look like this:
where the text has the same width as the page.
I notice that I can make this happen by unchecking the 'max-width' specification in '.article-container'. How can I edit my local files for my personal page with the academic theme to make it so this automatically happens?
This may be done by overriding the CSS in the .article-container selector.
.article-container {
max-width: none;
The simpler way is to create a file layouts/partials/custom_head.html where you place the above CSS rule inside a <style>...</style> block.
Another way is to create a file assets/css/custom.css with that rule, and then updating the property plugins_css in the file config/_default/params.toml so that the new stylesheet can be included as part of the loaded stylesheets.
plugins_css = ["custom"]
How can I add CSS to github's markdown language?
I've been able to do so by using the style property inside html tags, like:
<p style="text-align: center;">This is some random text</p>
But if I move the css to the beginning, like:
p {
text-align: center;
<p>This is some random text</p>
Github doesn't recognize it, and just writes to the screen the css code.
I'm using Atom, and the package Markdown Preview actually recognizes this correctly, even though on the remote repository it shows wrong. And so does the Google Chrome extension Markdown Preview Plus.
Is there a way to do this? Writing css within html tags just feels plain wrong.
After GitHub converts Markdown to HTML,
The HTML is sanitized, aggressively removing things that could harm you and your kin—such as script tags, inline-styles, and class or id attributes. See the sanitization filter for the full whitelist.
style tags are not included in GitHub's whitelist, so they are removed. I'm actually surprised that inline style attributes work; they don't seem to be included in the whitelist, either, and are explicitly mentioned in the previous paragraph.
In any case, GitHub does not permit arbitrary HTML to be included in Markdown.
Here is how you can accomplish what you're looking for. As the other answer states, Github doesn't support this syntax, but if you pop this Markdown into another preview tool you'll see that the bullets are removed from this list.
|DOP|Horizontal Dilution of precision|
|FIX|GPS Fix Quality indicator: <ul style="list-style-type:none;"><li>0 - fix not available</li><li>1 - GPS fix</li></ul>|
Horizontal Dilution of precision
GPS Fix Quality indicator: 0 - fix not available1 - GPS fix
You can trivially override what CSS Github uses by supplying it with your own style.css file, nested as ./assets/css/style.css (which is stylesheet URL that gets pointed to in the HTML source code that Github build off of your markdown).
Note that if you want to just "add" any CSS, you'll want to copy Github's CSS first, so you can create a file with the same content after which you place your own rules. You can find this on any view-source:https://username.github.io/repo-name/assets/css/style.css with the obvious replacements for username and repo-name.
/* CSS as copied from github's own stylesheet here, which is all one line anyway */
/* And then your own CSS */
/* remove the repo name as some kind of weird super-title */
h1:first-child { display: none }
/* and better emphasise the _real_ title */
h1:nth-child(2) { font-size: 3em; }
/* let's also give images a subtle border */
img { border: 1px solid #DDD; }
I have used drupal 7.38.
My question is I have created a view for product stock.
In this view I have used the table structure. When stock is empty then mail go to the stock manager.
In mail the product display in p tag but I want to show in table format show how can I do this?
I have some change on the views-view-table--stocks.tpl.php and views-view.tpl.php.
In your email body you could add a element :
.views-table-class { border: 1px solid black }
I guess you can add a CSS class ("views-table-class") to the table in Views interface. If not, using chrome dev tools / firebug you should be able to find a CSS selector to reach the table.
More info on CSS borders here. You can also add your CSS class on the table with your .tpl file like explained here.
Hope it helps !
I'm working on a WordPress site and attempting to break a "Read more" link to a new line. The code is automatically generated through a widget, so I cannot simply add a break or paragraph tag :(
This could be done by simply putting a class rule of display:block but my issue is that my link style uses a background color, so using block makes it look like crap (since it spans the full width).
Code :
<div>Post excerpt is here ... Read More</div>
You can make the link to behave like a table. It then becomes to a block level element, also keeps the minimum width.
.more-link {
display: table;
background: gold;
Post excerpt is here ... Read More
You can also insert a line break with a pseudo element.
.more-link {
background: gold;
.more-link:before {
content: "\a";
white-space: pre;
Post excerpt is here ... Read More
You should insert your read more text within a new <p> tag if you would like it on a new line, and keep your code nice and clean.
Then as you say you have a background style applied, you could then put it inside a <span> or some other tag that isn't block based.
There's a pretty good chance you'll need to get under the hood and adjust some php to do it right...
First Check out the documentation
You'll probably need to add something like:
add_filter( 'the_content_more_link', 'modify_read_more_link' );
function modify_read_more_link() {
return '<br><a class="more-link" href="' . get_permalink() . '">Link Text...</a>';
to your functions.php file.
Please be sure to read the documentation, don't just copy and paste the code, different setups (child themes and so on) may need slightly different code.
I have a button in asp.net (c#) that I want after click this button I could print from my html table that is in a update panel ,I only want Print my html table not all page
is there any component?
thanx very much
2 ways to handle it:
CSS to define a print media
Reporting services, hit the data directly from a sproc / direct table
and print a table layout of the data.
Based on OP comment
Straight from W3c:
Read specifically about print media, it means you can define a .css file in your asp.net project with the media type "print":
#media print {
/* style sheet for print goes here */
This is nice because you can now define CSS to hide all elements on your screen:
Except the div / table of your choice:
#myDiv {
display: block;
In your asp.net page you have this define:
<link rel="stylesheet" media="print" title="Printer-Friendly Style"
type="text/css" href="printStyle.css">
This tells your application to use the printStyle.css file when it comes to printing your page.
And once you do try to print the app will use printStyle and all the formatting and styles you have defined.
Here is a good example: https://web.archive.org/web/20200724145536/http://www.4guysfromrolla.com:80/demos/printMediaCss.html
For the second point, if you are running SQL Server, reporting services is free. Of course you will need to set this up and deploy reports. Its a bit out of the scope of this question. If you do have reporting services you may want to open a new topic and ask questions about it.
Otherwise just create a print style css file.
You can probably use the CSS #print Media Type to hide the stuff you don't want to print.
Check out the w3 Schools tutorial for a basic overview.
You can use CSS classes to define media type like #print, #screen and then mark appropriate parts of your webapge with those classes.
For the button to do the print, you will need to add: onClientClick="window.print()" to the button's definition.
Use CSS like this:
#media print
printOnly {display:block;}
screenOnly {display:none;}
#media screen
printOnly {display:none;}
screenOnly {display:block;}
Then simply decorate your DIVs or other elements with the classes:
<div class="screenOnly">this will not print but will show on screen</div> or
<div class="printOnly">this will not show on screen but will print</div>