Responsive Filemanager preview images no theme icons - tinymce-4

I am using latest 9.10.1 version of Response file manager
But I have a problem with showing preview images. Instead of I have there icon theme. Only two images are visible as normal. Could you please gave me advice, what setting could I change to show all images (or if it's possible to show images < 2MB)?

I found it in dialog.php on line 851
if($img_width<122 && $img_height<91){
just comment if or increase width+height


Wordpress Hello Elementor Child Theme style.css not working even with !important

I have an active child theme called "Hello Elementor Child". Since other people have problems overriding Elementor and add !important to every css rule, I have done the same.
My problem is that nothing is overriding. When I "view source" and find a background image used on the home page, I can confirm that the link to that image is good. But, it's simply not showing up on the site.
I do not want to add all custom code to Elementor editor (or a css plugin) because (1) I don't have the pro version for this budget-conscious client and (2) I don't want a bunch of code in the head.
The style.css document
Link to the background image so you know what it's supposed to look like:
Test location is
If you shrink the viewport of your browser you will see a background image appear. The trouble is with your media queries, #media all and (max-width:600px) is missing a closing bracket. You have so many queries in there, I suggest chunking your code under a handful of common breakpoints so you can keep track of what overrides what better.

Want to change Wordpress website navigation menu font but Why the style.css is empty?

I want my Wordpress website navigation menu font larger And make the font become normal type, but NOT capital letters.
I have googled it and the result said need to change the theme style.css in WordPress dashboard, based on the tips but there has another issue, the style.css in my child theme is almost blank, only a few lines with the theme description (i.e. theme name / version / templates/ author etc.) , but Not the site theme CSS. Is the theme creator hide the CSS? So why this happened? And what should I do?
please see the screenshots below.
Big thanks in advance.
Most of the themes also have a section where you can put custom CSS. You can usually find this in the Wordpress Customizer, otherwise in the theme settings. This way you are always sure it wont disapear after updating your theme. Of course you can also use a child theme, but the style.css above doesn't look like it is from a child theme.
The CSS you are probably looking for is the following:
If you don't know the correct CSS selector (.nav) you can find it here. To see what styles you should use for the element you can look at the CSS Reference of W3Schools. Hope it helps you.
Use a code inspector ie. Chrome dev tools to make the changes you want to the existing style and copy/paste that code into your child theme stylesheet.
In Chrome for example, open the code inspector using ctrl+shift+i might be different on a mac, I don't know. by default it will show you your html markup and your css styles below. Locate the element you want to change either by finding it in the html portion or using the selector tool (top-right of the developer window) and selecting the element you want to change on your page.
That will show you the css for that element that you can modify as you wish underneath. Once you are satisfied with the styles you have changed/removed/added, you can copy that code to your child theme css.
Other than that, I can only suggest you find some resources and videos on using dev tools to help you out. If you are building a child theme you will need to be using them significantly.
PS. One more thing to note is that some wp themes have some code that you can only really change with a plugin or by writing custom css under the customizer.
You can figure out exactly what you need to write in the custom css area by using chrome's dev tools and selecting the font you want to change.

wordpress woocommerce with wp touch the site is not coming mobile friendly and there is no image on carousal preview and next

I have 2 questions
how come does my css resets after using certain css code?
how come products other then on homepage is not showing in the middle on mobile
website url : (
I have a wordpress website with woocommerce installed I wanted to make mobile friendly so I installed a plugin called wptouch, I have added certain css values to it to make it more mobile friendly these are
these css script only triggers when someone from a mobile goes on the website
but the problem is I have carousal on the website which has next/preview and it dosent show the arrows for it so I tried adding this code to the css
.owl-nav .owl-next::before {
content: ">";
.owl-nav div::before {
content: "<";
I tried it with firebug and it looked all friendly but when i actually put the code in it resets all the other css values that i did there a way it works without resetting the other css values because it works with firebug
when I go on shop the products and the font is coming on the left now i m not sure how to make them position all of them in the middle so it could be more mobile friendly.
Unfortunately the custom css file is first in line, which means it won't ever override anything. CSS works with a cascade meaning the last duplicate class wins out, according the browser. Put your custom css last and it will override.
You shouldn't need the WP Touch plugin as your theme is already responsive, in fact it's duplicating the mobile menu so I'd turn it off. (search for the "Responsive" description box for proof of this)
Do the following to replace the icons, you need access to your custom javascript file:

Why custom font-icons are not loading on first load?

I have converted material svg as font icons in my project using GULP, similar to custom icon fonts. Occasionaly, these font-icons are appearing jumbled/empty and on refresh, all icons are arranged properly in the site.
Example: instagram icon instead of apple icon
This happens occasionally and only in published site, why is it happening like this and how to solve this?
Note: After adding text-rendering:optimizeLegibility; in font css , this issue started.

Plone logo not appearing on mobile devices such as iPod

I'm adding responsive styles for our website built in Plone 4 CMS and testing on an old iPod 2 device. When viewing on this device, the logo.png does not display. top left logo has similar problem and does not appear on this device. Other Plone websites tested have logos appearing.
I've changed the logo to a different format, i.e. logo.gif, and logo.jpg in the 'base_properties.props' file with no improved results. I was careful to ensure spelling of logo files was accurate.
Many Thanks
It's explicitly removed in the mobile.css file:
#portal-logo {
display: none;
I believe you just have to add the icon to a link object in the element.
Take a look at
This could be done by customizing the main_template or by customizing/adding a viewlet that is in the head.
