Redux with Immutable JS - redux

When using immutablejs with Redux, we will get a regular javascript object back from combineReducers, meaning it won't be an immutable data structure even if everything within it is. Doesn't this mean that using immutablejs will be in vain since a whole new state object will be created on every action anyhow?
const firstReducer = (state = Immutable.Map({greeting : 'Hey!'})) => {
return state
const secondReducer = (state = Immutable.Map({foo : 'bar'})) => {
return state
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
firstReducer, secondReducer

a whole new state object will be created on every action
Yes but the slices of that state that are assigned by combineReducers are not recreated. It's sort of analogous to doing this:
const person = { name: 'Rob' };
const prevState = { person };
const nextState = { person };
I created a new state object (nextState), but its person key is still set to the same exact object as was prevState's person key. There is only one instance of the string 'Rob' in memory.
The problem is when I mutate the person object, I'm changing it for multiple states:
const person = { name: 'Rob' };
const prevState = { person }; = 'Dan'; // mutation
const nextState = { person };
console.log(; // 'Dan'
Coming back to Redux, once all reducers have been called for the first time, they will have initialized their slices of the application's state, and your application's entire overall state would basically be equal to this:
firstReducer: Immutable.Map({greeting : 'Hey!'}),
secondReducer: Immutable.Map({foo : 'bar'}),
Note that this is a normal object. It has properties that hold Immutable objects.
When an action is dispatched and goes through each reducer, the way you've got it, the reducer simply returns the existing Immutable object back again, it doesn't create a new one. Then the new state is set to an object with a property firstReducer simply pointing back to the same Immutable object that the previous state was pointing to.
Now, what if we didn't use Immutable for firstReducer:
const firstReducer = (state = {greeting : 'Hey!'}) => {
return state
Same idea, that object that is used as the default for state when the reducer is first called is just passed from the previous state to the next state. There is only ever one object in memory that has the key greeting and value Hey!. There are many state objects, but they simply have a key firstReducer that points to the same object.
This is why we need to make sure we don't accidentally mutate it, but rather replace it when we change anything about it. You can accomplish this without Immutable of course by just being careful, but using Immutable makes it more foolproof. Without Immutable, it's possible to screw up and do this:
const firstReducer = (state = {greeting : 'Hey!'}, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
const capitalized = state.greeting.toUpperCase();
state.greeting = capitalized; // BAD!!!
return state;
default: {
return state;
The proper way would be to create a new state slice:
const firstReducer = (state = {greeting : 'Hey!'}, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
const capitalized = state.greeting.toUpperCase();
const nextState = Object.assign({}, state, {
greeting: capitalized,
return nextState;
default: {
return state;
The other benefit Immutable gives us is that if our reducer's slice of the state happened to have a lot of other data besides just greeting, Immutable can potentially do some optimizations under the hood so that it doesn't have to recreate every piece of data if all we did was change a single value, and yet still ensure immutability at the same time. That's useful because it can help cut down on the amount of stuff being put in memory every time an action is dispatched.

combineReducers() that comes with Redux indeed gives you a plain root object.
This isn’t a problem per se—you can mix plain objects with Immutable objects as long as you don’t mutate them. So you can live with this just fine.
You may also use an alternative combineReducers() that returns an Immutable Map instead. This is completely up to you and doesn’t make any big difference except that it lets you use Immutable everywhere.
Don’t forget that combineReducers() is actually easy to implement on your own.
Doesn't this mean that using immutablejs will be in vain since a whole new state object will be created on every action anyhow?
I’m not sure what you mean by “in vain”. Immutable doesn’t magically prevent objects from being created. When you set() in an Immutable Map, you still create a new object, just (in some cases) more efficiently. This doesn’t make a difference for the case when you have two keys in it anyway.
So not using Immutable here doesn’t really have any downsides besides your app being slightly less consistent in its choice of data structures.


When do you use updater() and patchstate() in ngrx/component-store?

I'm using ngrx/component-store and loving it so far. Having prior store knowledge building my own simple ones, the only real headache I've had so far is when I've had to update an array and figured out I have to always create a new one for the internal compare() pipe to realize the array got updated.
Anyway, reading through the documentation it talks about updater methods and patchState. To me they do exactly the same thing, but their creation is slightly different. You would call patchState inside of a method while this.updater() returns a method giving you a function you can expose in your service. Anytime I'm updating my state it's always after a network call. I assume there are plenty of scenarios where you'd want to update your state without a network call so this is why you would want to have an updater available to your component to call. The question is if an updater and patchState are really doing the same thing then is it a better practice to call an updater in an effect or use patchState, or maybe am I putting too much logic in my effect?
On a side note, the docs say an updater method is supposed to be a pure function. If you're using it to your push an object onto an array then is it really pure?
// adding the selectors so people know what components are subscribing to
readonly approvals$ = => state.requestApprovals);
readonly registration$ = => state);
readonly updateAssessment = this.effect(($judgement: Observable<{id: string, isApproved: boolean}>) => {
return $judgement.pipe(
switchMap((evaluation) => {
const state = this.get();
return this.requestApproval.patch(, state.companyName,, evaluation.isApproved).pipe(
(result) => {
// is it better to call patchState()?
this.patchState((state) => {
for(let i = 0; i < state.requestApprovals.length; i++) {
if(state.requestApprovals[i].id == {
state.requestApprovals[i].isApproved = result.isApproved;
// the take away is you must assign a whole new array object when you update it.
state.requestApprovals = Object.assign([], state.requestApprovals);
return state;
// or this updater?
// this.applyDecisionPatch(evaluation);
// oh look! another updater reassigning my array to the state so
// it propagates to subscribers to reset the UI
() => { this.reverseDecision(); }
// this is private to make sure this can only be called after a network request
private readonly applyDecisionPatch = this.updater((state, value: {id: string, isApproved: boolean}) => {
for(let i = 0; i < state.requestApprovals.length; i++) {
if(state.requestApprovals[i].id == {
state.requestApprovals[i].isApproved = value.isApproved;
state.requestApprovals = Object.assign([], state.requestApprovals);
return state;
Note: There's no tag for ngrx-component-store so couldn't tag it.
An updater can be compared to a reducer.
All the options to modify the state should change it in an immutable way.
A library like ngrx-immer can be used to make this easier.
The main difference is that updater receives the current state, and you can change the state based on it. E.g. a conditional update, or can be used with #ngrx/entity
While with setState and patchState, you just set state properties.
setState updates the whole state object, whereas patchState only sets the given properties and doesn't touch the rest of the state object.
These two methods are also easier to use when you just want to set the state, because you don't have to create an updater function.
To answer the side question, push is not immutable. Instead of creating a new instance, it updates the array instance.

Updating normalised data without causing more re-renders outside of the state slice that has been updated

I have some normalised data (items) within my redux store:
items: {
index: ['a','b'],
dict: {
a: {
title: "red",
b: {
title: "car",
So, if I want to update anything within an item object, the reducer looks like this:
const itemsReducer = (state = initialState.items, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
case itemsActions.types.UPDATE_ITEM: {
return {
[action.payload.itemId]: {
title: action.payload.title,
default: return state;
But this technique creates a new object for items, which can cause unnecessary components to re-render, when really it should only cause components that subscribe to state changes of the individual object to re-render.
Is there any way to get around this?
That is how immutable updates are required to work - you must create copies of every level of nesting that needs to be updated.
In general, components should extract the smallest amount of data that they need from the store, to help minimize the chance of unnecessary re-renders. For example, most of the time a component probably shouldn't be reading the entire state.items slice.
FWIW, it looks like you're hand-writing your reducer logic. You should be using our official Redux Toolkit package to write your Redux logic in general. RTK also specifically has a createEntityAdapter API that will do most typical normalized state updates for you, so you don't have to write reducer logic by hand.
I'll also note that the recently released Reselect 4.1 version has new options you can use for customizing memoized selectors as well.

How can I avoid duplicating business logic in my Redux reducers?

Lets say I have an application that displays issues for a given project. A user can open an issue, meaning they can see it on the screen, or close the issue, meaning it disappears. When I close the project, I want to also hide the issue visible to the user.
How can I avoid duplicating the business logic for mutating the state within the reducer? I can think of three options, and am wondering which is best, or what alternatives are available.
Idea one: Just repeat the code. I copy the CLOSE_PROJECT code into any method that needs it, like CLOSE_ISSUE.
const reducer = (state, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
state.project = action.payload.project
state.project = null
state.issue = null
state.issue = null
Idea two: Move re-used code into helper functions. Pass the state into the helper function, get back the new state. (Note: I am using immer.js, but just picture this as psuedo code that doesn't actually mutate the state)
const closeProject = (state, action) => {
state.project = null
const closeIssue = (state, action) => {
state.project = null
const reducer = (state, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
state.project = action.payload.project
state = closeProject(state)
state = closeIssue(state)
state.issue = null
Idea three: Handle the logic outside of the reducer. Have helper functions that co-ordinate multiple dispatch calls.
const closeProject = (dispatch) {
const ReactThing = (dispatch) => {
const handleCloseProjectClick = () => {
return (
<div onClick={ e => handleCloseProjectClick() }>Close</div>
I think idea three is the best. But it feels strange to have all these business logic functions just kind of floating around outside of Redux. Are there better alternatives?
All three options are entirely valid. To some extent, it's a question of how you want to model your logic, and how you want to abstract common functionality.
There's a couple sections of the Redux docs that mostly address your questions:
Redux FAQ: Where should my "business logic" live?
Structuring Reducers: Reusing Reducer Logic
I also discussed several aspects related to this in my post The Tao of Redux, Part 2: Practice and Philosophy.
Also, as a side note: I strongly recommend using our Redux Starter Kit package, which uses Immer internally for simplified reducer setup.

Reusability of reducers at different levels of app state structure

For example we have reducer photos, which handles array of photos via actions ADD_PHOTO and REMOVE_PHOTO. And if we have arrays users and posts, they both have field for array of photos.
So, in order to avoid code duplicates I'm going to do the following:
Create reducer user = combineReducers(..., photos, ...)
Create actionCreator updateUser
const updateUser = (id, subAction) => ({
payload: {
Create reducer users (Here I'm using Immutable.js)
function users(state = List(), action) {
switch (action.type) {
const { id, subAction } = action.payload
const index = state.findIndex(user => == id)
return state.updateIn(
[index, 'photos'],
state => photos(state, subAction)
return state
And then I'm going to use all of it like this:
dispatch(updateUser(id, addPhoto(url)))
Is this a correct solution of my problem?
Why not simply dispatch both in the place where this is initiated by the user?
I haven't come across this pattern you're applying before. It seems a bit unusual that one reducer is responsible for reducing state of another. Creates a dependency between them that doesn't feel very pure. I'm not even sure one reducer should be able to/can see the state of another.
So no idea about "correct", but I'd say it's not ideal to do it your way. I'd try dispatching both sequentially or maybe in a sort of meta-action that takes care of nested updates and dispatches actions to multiple reducers.

Compare previous state

In issue 303 in the Redux repo, Dan Abramov gives an example of a function that can wrap a store’s subscribe method in order to pass the previous state to the subscriber.
function observeStore(store, select, onChange) {
let currentState;
function handleChange() {
let nextState = select(store.getState());
if (nextState !== currentState) {
currentState = nextState;
let unsubscribe = store.subscribe(handleChange);
return unsubscribe;
For some reason, this doesn't work for me. The first time my onChange handler is called currentState is undefined, as I’d expect. However, on each subsequent state change, the properties of currentState are equivalent in value (==) to those of nextState. The two state objects aren’t the same object, though because nextState === currentState evaluates to false.
I’m likely missing something really obvious. How do I capture the previous state in a closure?
The problem is that my reducer wasn’t actually creating a new instance of the state, i.e. I was mutating the state in place, rather than returning a new copy. My reducer code was something like:
const newState = Object.assign({}, state); = …;
return newState;
However, Object.assign and ES2015 destructuring assignment only do shallow copies, meaning they only affect one level deep. In my app, the state I was updating was three levels deep. I used a quick, dirty, ugly hack in my reducer to test my theory:
const newState = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(state)); // <-- Yuck! = …;
return newState;
Don’t try that at home. This was my first clue, though. A proper implementation would use something like Facebook’s Immutable library to ensure each mutation results in a fresh clone.
