Suppose we have files file1.csv, file2.csv, ... , and file100.csv in directory C:\R\Data and we want to read them all into separate data frames (e.g. file1, file2, ... , and file100).
The reason for this is that, despite having similar names they have different file structures, so it is not that useful to have them in a list.
I could use lapply but that returns a single list containing 100 data frames. Instead I want these data frames in the Global Environment.
How do I read multiple files directly into the global environment? Or, alternatively, How do I unpack the contents of a list of data frames into it?
Thank you all for replying.
For completeness here is my final answer for loading any number of (tab) delimited files, in this case with 6 columns of data each where column 1 is characters, 2 is factor, and remainder numeric:
##Read files named xyz1111.csv, xyz2222.csv, etc.
filenames <- list.files(path="../Data/original_data",
##Create list of data frame names without the ".csv" part
names <-substr(filenames,1,7)
###Load all files
for(i in names){
filepath <- file.path("../Data/original_data/",paste(i,".csv",sep=""))
assign(i, read.delim(filepath,
sep = "\t"))
Quick draft, untested:
Use list.files() aka dir() to dynamically generate your list of files.
This returns a vector, just run along the vector in a for loop.
Read the i-th file, then use assign() to place the content into a new variable file_i
That should do the trick for you.
Use assign with a character variable containing the desired name of your data frame.
for(i in 1:100)
oname = paste("file", i, sep="")
assign(oname, read.csv(paste(oname, ".txt", sep="")))
This answer is intended as a more useful complement to Hadley's answer.
While the OP specifically wanted each file read into their R workspace as a separate object, many other people naively landing on this question may think that that's what they want to do, when in fact they'd be better off reading the files into a single list of data frames.
So for the record, here's how you might do that.
#If the path is different than your working directory
# you'll need to set full.names = TRUE to get the full
# paths.
my_files <- list.files("path/to/files")
#Further arguments to read.csv can be passed in ...
all_csv <- lapply(my_files,read.csv,...)
#Set the name of each list element to its
# respective file name. Note full.names = FALSE to
# get only the file names, not the full path.
names(all_csv) <- gsub(".csv","",
list.files("path/to/files",full.names = FALSE),
fixed = TRUE)
Now any of the files can be referred to by my_files[["filename"]], which really isn't much worse that just having separate filename variables in your workspace, and often it is much more convenient.
Here is a way to unpack a list of data.frames using just lapply
filenames <- list.files(path="../Data/original_data",
filelist <- lappy(filenames, read.csv)
#if necessary, assign names to data.frames
names(filelist) <- c("one","two","three")
#note the invisible function keeps lapply from spitting out the data.frames to the console
invisible(lapply(names(filelist), function(x) assign(x,filelist[[x]],envir=.GlobalEnv)))
Reading all the CSV files from a folder and creating vactors same as the file names:
setwd("your path to folder where CSVs are")
filenames <- gsub("\\.csv$","", list.files(pattern="\\.csv$"))
for(i in filenames){
assign(i, read.csv(paste(i, ".csv", sep="")))
A simple way to access the elements of a list from the global environment is to attach the list. Note that this actually creates a new environment on the search path and copies the elements of your list into it, so you may want to remove the original list after attaching to prevent having two potentially different copies floating around.
I want to update the answer given by Joran:
#If the path is different than your working directory
# you'll need to set full.names = TRUE to get the full
# paths.
my_files <- list.files(path="set your directory here", full.names=TRUE)
#full.names=TRUE is important to be added here
#Further arguments to read.csv can be passed in ...
all_csv <- lapply(my_files, read.csv)
#Set the name of each list element to its
# respective file name. Note full.names = FALSE to
# get only the file names, not the full path.
names(all_csv) <- gsub(".csv","",list.files("copy and paste your directory here",full.names = FALSE),fixed = TRUE)
#Now you can create a dataset based on each filename
df <-$nameofyourfilename)
a simplified version, assuming your csv files are in the working directory:
listcsv <- list.files(pattern= "*.csv") #creates list from csv files
names <- substr(listcsv,1,nchar(listcsv)-4) #creates list of file names, no .csv
for (k in 1:length(listcsv)){
assign(names[[k]] , read.csv(listcsv[k]))
#cycles through the names and assigns each relevant dataframe using read.csv
#copy all the files you want to read in R in your working directory
a <- dir()
#using lapply to remove the".csv" from the filename
for(i in a){
list1 <- lapply(a, function(x) gsub(".csv","",x))
#Final step
for(i in list1){
filepath <- file.path("../Data/original_data/..",paste(i,".csv",sep=""))
assign(i, read.csv(filepath))
Use list.files and map_dfr to read many csv files
df <- list.files(data_folder, full.names = TRUE) %>%
Reproducible example
First write sample csv files to a temporary directory.
It's more complicated than I thought it would be.
data_folder <- file.path(tempdir(), "iris")
iris %>%
# Keep the Species column in the output
# Create a new column that will be used as the grouping variable
mutate(species_group = Species) %>%
group_by(species_group) %>%
nest() %>%
file = file.path(data_folder, paste0(.$species_group, ".csv")),
row.names = FALSE))
Read these csv files into one data frame.
Note the Species column has to be present in the csv files, otherwise we would loose that information.
iris_csv <- list.files(data_folder, full.names = TRUE) %>%
I have 1,000 files in a folder and want to work on them as a data frame in R. I can convert individual files but need a way to convert files all at once. Any help is needed, please.
what I have so far:
my code:
my_files <- list.files()
my_files <-
The class(my_files) shows a data frame but not really working as a data frame
Here is the solution I use in this situation. Make changes where needed. You need to install the packages rio and data.table first.
my_files <- list.files(path = "~", # change this to the path where your files are
pattern = ".xlsx$", # use the file ending of your files
full.names = TRUE,
recursive = TRUE)
my_df_list <- lapply(my_files, rio::import) # imports files and produces list of data.frames
my_df <- data.table::rbindlist(my_df_list) # attempts to bind data.frames into one
We can use list.files to get path of the files and using lapply we can iterate over file names, read files and remove the first column.
my_files <- list.files(full.names = TRUE)
all_files <- lapply(my_files, function(x) read.csv(x)[-1])
all_files is a list of dataframes without the first column in each file which can be accessed via all_files[[1]], all_files[[2]] etc.
I have several .csv files of data stored in a directory, and I need to import all of them into R.
Each .csv has two columns when imported into R. However, the 1001st row needs to be stored as a separate variable for each of the .csv files (it corresponds to an expected value which was stored here during the simulation; I want it to be outside of the main data).
So far I have the following code to import my .csv files as matrices.
#Load all .csv in directory into list
dataFiles <- list.files(pattern="*.csv")
for(i in dataFiles) {
#read all of the csv files
name <- gsub("-",".",i)
name <- gsub(".csv","",name)
i <- paste(".\\",i,sep="")
assign(name,read.csv(i, header=T))
This produces several matrices with the naming convention "sim_data_L_mu" where L and mu are parameters from the simulation. How can I remove the 1001st row (which has a number in the first column, and the second column is null) from each matrix and store it as a variable named "sim_data_L_mu_EV"? The main problem I have is that I do not know how to call all of the newly created matrices in my for loop.
Couldn't post long code in comments so am writing here:
# Use dialog to select folder
# Full names are required to access files that are not in the current working directory
file_list <- list.files(path = choose.dir(), pattern = "*.csv", full.names = T)
big_list <- lapply(file_list, function(z){
df <- read.csv(z)
scalar <- df[1000,1]
return(list(df, scalar))
To access the scalar value from the third file, you can use
The elements in big_list follow the order of file_list so you always know which file the data comes from.
If you use data.table::fread() instead of read.csv, you can play around with assigning column names, selecting which rows/columns to read etc. It's also considerably faster for large datafiles.
Hope this helps!
I am trying to clean up some data in R. I have a bunch of .txt files: each .txt file is named with an ID (e.g. ABC001), and there is a column (let's call this ID_Column) in the .txt file that contains the same ID. Each column has 5 rows (or less - some files have missing data). However, some of the files have incorrect/missing IDs (e.g. ABC01). Here's an image of what each file looks like:
What I am trying to do here is to import everything AND replace the ID_Column with the filename (which I know to all be correct).
Is there any way to do this easily? I think this can probably be done with a for loop but I would like to know if there is any other way. Right now I have this:
all_files <- list.files(pattern=".txt")
data <-, lapply(all_files, read.table, header=TRUE))
So, basically, I want to know if it is possible to use lapply (or any other function) to replace data$ID_Column with the filenames in all_files. I am having trouble as each filename is only represented once in all_files, while each ID_Column in data is represented 5 times (but not always, due to missing data). I think the solution is to create a function and call it within lapply, but I am having trouble with that.
Thanks in advance!
I would just make a function that uses read.table and adds the file's name as a column.
all_files <- list.files(pattern=".txt")
data <-, lapply(all_files, function(x){
a = read.table(x, header=TRUE);
I am working on a project that imports all csv files from a given folder and merges them into one file. I was able to import the rows and columns I wanted from each of the files from the folder but now need help merging them all into one file. I do not know how many files I will eventually end up with (probably around 120) so I do not want to merge them 1 by 1.
Here is what I have so far:
# Import All files
rowsToUse <- c(9:104,657:752)
colsToUse <- c(15,27,28,29,30,33,35)
filenames <- list.files("save", pattern="*.csv", full.names=TRUE)
for (i in seq_along(filenames)) {
assign(paste("df", i, sep = "."), read.csv(filenames[i])[!,][rowsToUse,colsToUse])
# Merge into one file
for (i in seq_along(filenames)) {
The first part of the code creates a series of dataframes labled df.1, df.2, etc. I would like them to end up in one final dataframe called df. All files are identical in structure.
I would really appreciate some help if someone has a few extra minutes! Thank you!
Since you have already read the files in, you can try the following:, mget(ls(pattern = "df")))
The ls(pattern = df) should capture all of your "df.1", "df.2", and so on. Hopefully you don't have other things named with the same pattern, but if you do, experiment with a stricter pattern until the command lists just your data.frames.
mget() will bring all of these into a list on which you can use, ...).
Those all seem complicated ;). The answers above seem to be operating on "we have a list of objects with very similar names, how do we handle that". Answer: they don't need to have very similar names. They don't even have to be different objects.
If you read the files in not through a for loop, but through lapply(), you get a single object that contains all of the data frames - each one as a single element. These can then trivially be extracted. So you'd have something that looks like...
#Grab a list of filenames
filenames <- list.files("save", pattern="*.csv", full.names=TRUE)
#Iterate through that list of names, using lapply(), reading the data in.
list_of_data_frames <- lapply(filenames, function(x){
#Read the data in
to_return <- read.csv(x)[!,][c(9:104,657:752),c(15,27,28,29,30,33,35)])
#Return it. You could save lines of code (and processor time!) by just reading
#straight into return(), but it would be a lot less clear.
#Now use to turn it into a single data frame.
data.df <-"rbind", list_of_data_frames)