Custom Graph Partitioning algorithms in Giraph - graph

There have been mentions of using Custom Partitioning algorithms for Giraph applications. However it is not clearly given at any place. As Castagna pointed out here in how to partition graph for pregel to maximize processing speed?, there may not be a need for such partitioning as HashPartitioner will in itself be very good in most cases.
The problem of partitioning a graph 'intelligently' in order to minimize execution time is an interesting one, however it's not simple and it depends on your data and your algorithm. You might find also that, in practice, it's not necessary and a random partitioning is sufficiently good.
For example, if you are interested in exploring Pregel-like approaches, you can have a look at Apache Giraph and experiment with different partitioning techniques.
However for the purpose of learning, it would be good to see live examples and there are none found as far as I've seen. For example, the normal k-way partitioning algorithm (Kerninghan-Lin) being executed in Giraph or atleast the direction I should implement it towards.
All the google results were from the Apache giraph page where there are only definitions of the functions and various options to use them.


How to setup nested driver/ optimizer?

I'm pretty new to OpenMDAO. If would like to setup my problem such that there is a subdiscipline that is driven by its own optimizer, and it hands off the results to the top level problem, where a separate optimizer will use those results.
For a bit more context, the sub-problem is trajectory optimization of a vehicle. I successfully got that problem to converge in a few iterations, without varying the vehicle parameters (mass, thrust, fuel etc.). So far so good. However, if I let the optimizer also vary some vehicle parameters, it can't seem to get it to go to the global optimum.
So my thought was to let trajectory optimization subproblem do what it does succesfully, and incorporate that as subproblem to the overall problem, and see if that works better.
So my question is:
Can an OpenMDAO problem have multiple drivers?
What's the right way to set that up? Do I wrap my subproblem into its own ExplicitComponent?
While this is possible, solving a problem in this way will not pass accurate analytic derivatives between the system design and the trajectory design.
We've developed another tool specifically for the purpose of doing multidisciplinary optimization which involves trajectory optimization. Dymos
It supports pseudospectral methods (like those in GPOPS, PSOPT, and OTIS) as well as shooting methods, and it allows a trajectory to be optimized as part of a larger system optimization problem.
Take a look at some of the example problems and see if it might work for you.

Tuning Mathematical Parallel Codes

Assuming that I am interested in performance rather than portability of my linear algebra iterative multi-threaded solver and that I have the results of profiling my code in hand, how do I go about tuning my code to run optimally on that machine of my choice?
The algorithm involves Matrix-Vector multiplications, norms and dot-products. (FWIW, I am working on CG and GMRES).
I am working on codes which are of matrix size roughly equivalent to the full size of the RAM (~6GB). I'll be working on Intel i3 Laptop. I'll be linking my codes using Intel MKL.
Is there a good resource(PDF/Book/Paper) for learning manual tuning? There are numerous things that I learnt by doing for instance : Manual Unrolling isn't always optimal or about compiler flags but I would prefer a centralized resource.
I need something to translate profiler information to improved performance. For instance, my profiler tells me that my stacks of one processor are being accessed by another or that my mulpd ASM is taking too much time. I have no clue what these mean and how I could use this information for improving my code.
My intention is to spend as much time as needed to squeeze as much compute power as possible. Its more of a learning experience than for actual use or distribution as of now.
(I am concerned about manual tuning not auto-tuning)
Misc Details:
This differs from usual performance tuning since the major portions of the code are linked to Intel's proprietary MKL library.
Because of Memory Bandwidth issues in O(N^2) matrix-vector multiplications and dependencies, there is a limit to what I could manage on my own through simple observation.
I write in C and Fortran and I have tried both and as discussed a million times on SO, I found no difference in either if I tweak them appropriately.
Gosh, this still has no answers. After you've read this you'll still have no useful answers ...
You imply that you've already done all the obvious and generic things to make your codes fast. Specifically you have:
chosen the fastest algorithm for your problem (either that, or your problem is to optimise the implementation of an algorithm rather than to optimise the finding of a solution to a problem);
worked your compiler like a dog to squeeze out the last drop of execution speed;
linked in the best libraries you can find which are any use at all (and tested to ensure that they do in fact improve the performance of your program;
hand-crafted your memory access to optimise r/w performance;
done all the obvious little tricks that we all do (eg when comparing the norms of 2 vectors you don't need to take a square root to determine that one is 'larger' than another, ...);
hammered the parallel scalability of your program to within a gnat's whisker of the S==P line on your performance graphs;
always executed your program on the right size of job, for a given number of processors, to maximise some measure of performance;
and still you are not satisfied !
Now, unfortunately, you are close to the bleeding edge and the information you seek is not to be found easily in books or on web-sites. Not even here on SO. Part of the reason for this is that you are now engaged in optimising your code on your platform and you are in the best position to diagnose problems and to fix them. But these problems are likely to be very local indeed; you might conclude that no-one else outside your immediate research group would be interested in what you do, I know you wouldn't be interested in any of the micro-optimisations I do on my code on my platform.
The second reason is that you have stepped into an area that is still an active research front and the useful lessons (if any) are published in the academic literature. For that you need access to a good research library, if you don't have one nearby then both the ACM and IEEE-CS Digital Libraries are good places to start. (Post or comment if you don't know what these are.)
In your position I'd be looking at journals on 2 topics: peta- and exa-scale computing for science and engineering, and compiler developments. I trust that the former is obvious, the latter may be less obvious: but if your compiler already did all the (useful) cutting-edge optimisations you wouldn't be asking this question and compiler-writers are working hard so that your successors won't have to.
You're probably looking for optimisations which like, say, loop unrolling, were relatively difficult to find implemented in compilers 25 years ago and which were therefore bleeding-edge back then, and which themselves will be old and established in another 25 years.
First, let me make explicit something that was originally only implicit in my 'answer': I am not prepared to spend long enough on SO to guide you through even a summary of the knowledge I have gained in 25+ years in scientific/engineering and high-performance computing. I am not given to writing books, but many are and Amazon will help you find them. This answer was way longer than most I care to post before I added this bit.
Now, to pick up on the points in your comment:
on 'hand-crafted memory access' start at the Wikipedia article on 'loop tiling' (see, you can't even rely on me to paste the URL here) and read out from there; you should be able to quickly pick up the terms you can use in further searches.
on 'working your compiler like a dog' I do indeed mean becoming familiar with its documentation and gaining a detailed understanding of the intentions and realities of the various options; ultimately you will have to do a lot of testing of compiler options to determine which are 'best' for your code on your platform(s).
on 'micro-optimisations', well here's a start: Performance Optimization of Numerically Intensive Codes. Don't run away with the idea that you will learn all (or even much) of what you want to learn from this book. It's now about 10 years old. The take away messages are:
performance optimisation requires intimacy with machine architecture;
performance optimisation is made up of 1001 individual steps and it's generally impossible to predict which ones will be most useful (and which ones actually harmful) without detailed understanding of a program and its run-time environment;
performance optimisation is a participation sport, you can't learn it without doing it;
performance optimisation requires obsessive attention to detail and good record-keeping.
Oh, and never write a clever piece of optimisation that you can't easily un-write when the next compiler release implements a better approach. I spend a fair amount of time removing clever tricks from 20-year old Fortran that was justified (if at all) on the grounds of boosting execution performance but which now just confuses the programmer (it annoys the hell out of me too) and gets in the way of the compiler doing its job.
Finally, one piece of wisdom I am prepared to share: these days I do very little optimisation that is not under one of the items in my first list above; I find that the cost/benefit ratio of micro-optimisations is unfavourable to my employers.

Modelling / documenting functional programs

I've found UML useful for documenting various aspects of OO systems, particularly class diagrams for overall architecture and sequence diagrams to illustrate particular routines. I'd like to do the same kind of thing for my clojure applications. I'm not currently interested in Model Driven Development, simply on communicating how applications work.
Is UML a common / reasonable approach to modelling functional programming? Is there a better alternative to UML for FP?
the "many functions on a single data structure" approach of idiomatic Clojure code waters down the typical "this uses that" UML diagram because many of the functions end up pointing at map/reduce/filter.
I get the impression that because Clojure is a somewhat more data centric language a way of visualizing the flow of data could help more than a way of visualizing control flow when you take lazy evaluation into account. It would be really useful to get a "pipe line" diagram of the functions that build sequences.
map and reduce etc would turn these into trees
Most functional programmers prefer types to diagrams. (I mean types very broadly speaking, to include such things as Caml "module types", SML "signatures", and PLT Scheme "units".) To communicate how a large application works, I suggest three things:
Give the type of each module. Since you are using Clojure you may want to check out the "Units" language invented by Matthew Flatt and Matthias Felleisen. The idea is to document the types and the operations that the module depends on and that the module provides.
Give the import dependencies of the interfaces. Here a diagram can be useful; in many cases you can create a diagram automatically using dot. This has the advantage that the diagram always accurately reflects the code.
For some systems you may want to talk about important dependencies of implementations. But usually not—the point of separating interfaces from implementations is that the implementations can be understood only in terms of the interfaces they depend on.
There was recently a related question on architectural thinking in functional languages.
It's an interesting question (I've upvoted it), I expect you'll get at least as many opinions as you do responses. Here's my contribution:
What do you want to represent on your diagrams? In OO one answer to that question might be, considering class diagrams, state (or attributes if you prefer) and methods. So, obviously I would suggest, class diagrams are not the right thing to start from since functions have no state and, generally, implement one function (aka method). Do any of the other UML diagrams provide a better starting point for your thinking? The answer is probably yes but you need to consider what you want to show and find that starting point yourself.
Once you've written a (sub-)system in a functional language, then you have a (UML) component to represent on the standard sorts of diagram, but perhaps that is too high-level, too abstract, for you.
When I write functional programs, which is not a lot I admit, I tend to document functions as I would document mathematical functions (I work in scientific computing, lots of maths knocking around so this is quite natural for me). For each function I write:
an ID;
sometimes, a description;
a specification of the domain;
a specification of the co-domain;
a statement of the rule, ie the operation that the function performs;
sometimes I write post-conditions too though these are usually adequately specified by the co-domain and rule.
I use LaTeX for this, it's good for mathematical notation, but any other reasonably flexible text or word processor would do. As for diagrams, no not so much. But that's probably a reflection of the primitive state of the design of the systems I program functionally. Most of my computing is done on arrays of floating-point numbers, so most of my functions are very easy to compose ad-hoc and the structuring of a system is very loose. I imagine a diagram which showed functions as nodes and inputs/outputs as edges between nodes -- in my case there would be edges between each pair of nodes in most cases. I'm not sure drawing such a diagram would help me at all.
I seem to be coming down on the side of telling you no, UML is not a reasonable way of modelling functional systems. Whether it's common SO will tell us.
This is something I've been trying to experiment with also, and after a few years of programming in Ruby I was used to class/object modeling. In the end I think the types of designs I create for Clojure libraries are actually pretty similar to what I would do for a large C program.
Start by doing an outline of the domain model. List the main pieces of data being moved around the primary functions being performed on this data. I write these in my notebook and a lot of the time it will be just a name with 3-5 bullet points underneath it. This outline will probably be a good approximation of your initial namespaces, and it should point out some of the key high level interfaces.
If it seems pretty straight forward then I'll create empty functions for the high level interface, and just start filling them in. Typically each high level function will require a couple support functions, and as you build up the whole interface you will find opportunities for sharing more code, so you refactor as you go.
If it seems like a more difficult problem then I'll start diagramming out the structure of the data and the flow of key functions. Often times the diagram and conceptual model that makes the most sense will depend on the type of abstractions you choose to use in a specific design. For example if you use a dataflow library for a Swing GUI then using a dependency graph would make sense, but if you are writing a server to processing relational database queries then you might want to diagram pools of agents and pipelines for processing tuples. I think these kinds of models and diagrams are also much more descriptive in terms of conveying to another developer how a program is architected. They show more of the functional connectivity between aspects of your system, rather than the pretty non-specific information conveyed by something like UML.

query language for graph sets: data modeling question

Suppose I have a set of directed graphs. I need to query those graphs. I would like to get a feeling for my best choice for the graph modeling task. So far I have these options, but please don't hesitate to suggest others:
Proprietary implementation (matrix)
and graph traversal algorithms.
RDBM and SQL option (too space consuming)
RDF and SPARQL option (too slow)
What would you guys suggest? Regards.
EDIT: Just to answer Mad's questions:
Each one is relatively small, no more than 200 vertices, 400 edges. However, there are hundreds of them.
Frequency of querying: hard to say, it's an experimental system.
Speed: not real time, but practical, say 4-5 seconds tops.
You didn't give us enough information to respond with a well thought out answer. For example: what size are these graphs? With what frequencies do you expect to query these graphs? Do you need real-time response to these queries? More information on what your application is for, what is your purpose, will be helpful.
Anyway, to counter the usual responses that suppose SQL-based DBMSes are unable to handle graphs structures effectively, I will give some references:
Graph Transformation in Relational Databases (.pdf), by G. Varro, K. Friedl, D. Varro, presented at International Workshop on Graph-Based Tools (GraBaTs) 2004;
5 Conclusion and Future Work
In the paper, we proposed a new graph transformation engine based on off-the-shelf
relational databases. After sketching the main concepts of our approach, we carried
out several test cases to evaluate our prototype implementation by comparing it to
the transformation engines of the AGG [5] and PROGRES [18] tools.
The main conclusion that can be drawn from our experiments is that relational
databases provide a promising candidate as an implementation framework for graph
transformation engines. We call attention to the fact that our promising experimental
results were obtained using a worst-case assessment method i.e. by recalculating
the views of the next rule to be applied from scratch which is still highly inefficient,
especially, for model transformations with a large number of independent matches
of the same rule. ...
They used PostgreSQL as DBMS, which is probably not particularly good at this kind of applications. You can try LucidDB and see if it is better, as I suspect.
Incremental SQL Queries (more than one paper here, you should concentrate on " Maintaining Transitive Closure of Graphs in SQL "): "
.. we showed that transitive closure, alternating paths, same generation, and other recursive queries, can be maintained in SQL if some auxiliary relations are allowed. In fact, they can all be maintained using at most auxiliary relations of arity 2. ..
Incremental Maintenance of Shortest Distance and Transitive Closure in First Order Logic and SQL.
Edit: you give more details so... I think the best way is to experiment a little with both a main-memory dedicated graph library and with a DBMS-based solution, then evaluate carefully pros and cons of both solutions.
For example: a DBMS need to be installed (if you don't use an "embeddable" DBMS like SQLite), only you know if/where your application needs to be deployed and what your users are. On the other hand, a DBMS gives you immediate benefits, like persistence (I don't know what support graph libraries gives for persisting their graphs), transactions management and countless other. Are these relevant for your application? Again, only you know.
The first option you mentioned seems best. If your graph won't have many edges (|E|=O(|V|)) then you might earn better complexity of time and space using Dictionary:
var graph = new Dictionary<Vertex, HashSet<Vertex>>();
An interesting graph library is QuickGraph. Never used it but it seems promising :)
I wrote and designed quite a few graph algorithms for various programming contests and in production code. And I noticed that every time I need one, I have to develop it from scratch, assembling together concepts from graph theory (BFS, DFS, topological sorting etc).
Perhaps a lack of experience is a reason, but it seems to me that there's still no reasonable general-purpose query language to solve graph problems. Pick a couple of general-purpose graph libraries and solve your particular task in a programming (not query!) language. That will give you best performance and space consumption, but will also require understanding of graph theory basic concepts and of their limitations.
And the last one: do not use SQL for graphs.

How to get started on Information Extraction?

Could you recommend a training path to start and become very good in Information Extraction. I started reading about it to do one of my hobby project and soon realized that I would have to be good at math (Algebra, Stats, Prob). I have read some of the introductory books on different math topics (and its so much fun). Looking for some guidance. Please help.
Update: Just to answer one of the comment. I am more interested in Text Information Extraction.
Just to answer one of the comment. I am more interested in Text Information Extraction.
Depending on the nature of your project, Natural language processing, and Computational linguistics can both come in handy -they provide tools to measure, and extract features from the textual information, and apply training, scoring, or classification.
Good introductory books include OReilly's Programming Collective Intelligence (chapters on "searching, and ranking", Document filtering, and maybe decision trees).
Suggested projects utilizing this knowledge: POS (part-of-speech) tagging, and named entity recognition (ability to recognize names, places, and dates from the plain text). You can use Wikipedia as a training corpus since most of the target information is already extracted in infoboxes -this might provide you with some limited amount of measurement feedback.
The other big hammer in IE is search, a field not to be underestimated. Again, OReilly's book provides some introduction in basic ranking; once you have a large corpus of indexed text, you can do some really IE tasks with it. Check out Peter Norvig: Theorizing from data as a starting point, and a very good motivator -maybe you could reimplement some of their results as a learning exercise.
As a fore-warning, I think I'm obligated to tell you, that information extraction is hard. The first 80% of any given task is usually trivial; however, the difficulty of each additional percentage for IE tasks are usually growing exponentially -in development, and research time. It's also quite underdocumented -most of the high-quality info is currently in obscure white papers (Google Scholar is your friend) -do check them out once you've got your hand burned a couple of times. But most importantly, do not let these obstacles throw you off -there are certainly big opportunities to make progress in this area.
I would recommend the excellent book Introduction to Information Retrieval by Christopher D. Manning, Prabhakar Raghavan and Hinrich Schütze. It covers a broad area of issues which form a great and up-to-date (2008) basis for Information Extraction and is available online in full text (under the given link).
I would suggest you take a look at the Natural Language Toolkit (nltk) and the NLTK Book. Both are available for free and are great learning tools.
You don't need to be good at math to do IE just understand how the algorithm works, experiment on the cases for which you need an optimal result performance, and the scale with which you need to achieve target accuracy level and work with that. You are basically working with algorithms and programming and aspects of CS/AI/Machine learning theory not writing a PhD paper on building a new machine-learning algorithm where you have to convince someone by way of mathematical principles why the algorithm works so I totally disagree with that notion. There is a difference between practical and theory - as we all know mathematicians are stuck more on theory then the practicability of algorithms to produce workable business solutions. You would, however, need to do some background reading both books in NLP as well as journal papers to find out what people found from their results. IE is a very context-specific domain so you would need to define first in what context you are trying to extract information - How would you define this information? What is your structured model? Supposing you are extracting from semi and unstructured data sets. You would then also want to weigh out whether you want to approach your IE from a standard human approach which involves things like regular expressions and pattern matching or would you want to do it using statistical machine learning approaches like Markov Chains. You can even look at hybrid approaches.
A standard process model you can follow to do your extraction is to adapt a data/text mining approach:
pre-processing - define and standardize your data to extraction from various or specific sources cleansing your data
segmentation/classification/clustering/association - your black box where most of your extraction work will be done
post-processing - cleansing your data back to where you want to store it or represent it as information
Also, you need to understand the difference between what is data and what is information. As you can reuse your discovered information as sources of data to build more information maps/trees/graphs. It is all very contextualized.
standard steps for: input->process->output
If you are using Java/C++ there are loads of frameworks and libraries available you can work with.
Perl would be an excellent language to do your NLP extraction work with if you want to do a lot of standard text extraction.
You may want to represent your data as XML or even as RDF graphs (Semantic Web) and for your defined contextual model you can build up relationship and association graphs that most likely will change as you make more and more extractions requests. Deploy it as a restful service as you want to treat it as a resource for documents. You can even link it to taxonomized data sets and faceted searching say using Solr.
Good sources to read are:
Handbook of Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing
Foundations of Statistical Natural Language Processing
Information Extraction Applications in Prospect
An Introduction to Language Processing with Perl and Prolog
Speech and Language Processing (Jurafsky)
Text Mining Application Programming
The Text Mining Handbook
Taming Text
Algorithms of Intelligent Web
Building Search Applications
IEEE Journal
Make sure you do a thorough evaluation before deploying such applications/algorithms into production as they can recursively increase your data storage requirements. You could use AWS/Hadoop for clustering, Mahout for large scale classification amongst others. Store your datasets in MongoDB or unstructured dumps into jackrabbit, etc. Try experimenting with prototypes first. There are various archives you can use to base your training on say Reuters corpus, tipster, TREC, etc. You can even check out alchemy API, GATE, UIMA, OpenNLP, etc.
Building extractions from standard text is easier than say a web document so representation at pre-processing step becomes even more crucial to define what exactly it is you are trying to extract from a standardized document representation.
Standard measures include precision, recall, f1 measure amongst others.
I disagree with the people who recommend reading Programming Collective Intelligence. If you want to do anything of even moderate complexity, you need to be good at applied math and PCI gives you a false sense of confidence. For example, when it talks of SVM, it just says that libSVM is a good way of implementing them.
Now, libSVM is definitely a good package but who cares about packages. What you need to know is why SVM gives the terrific results that it gives and how it is fundamentally different from Bayesian way of thinking ( and how Vapnik is a legend).
IMHO, there is no one solution to it. You should have a good grip on Linear Algebra and probability and Bayesian theory. Bayes, I should add, is as important for this as oxygen for human beings ( its a little exaggerated but you get what I mean, right ?). Also, get a good grip on Machine Learning. Just using other people's work is perfectly fine but the moment you want to know why something was done the way it was, you will have to know something about ML.
Check these two for that :
Okay, now that's three of them :) / Cool
The Wikipedia Information Extraction article is a quick introduction.
At a more academic level, you might want to skim a paper like Integrating Probabilistic Extraction Models and Data Mining to Discover Relations and Patterns in Text.
Take a look here if you need enterprise grade NER service. Developing a NER system (and training sets) is a very time consuming and high skilled task.
This is a little off topic, but you might want to read Programming Collective Intelligence from O'Reilly. It deals indirectly with text information extraction, and it doesn't assume much of a math background.
