What & how much work is required to upgrade Foundation 5 to 6.2?
Our dev shop is taking over development of an existing F5 project. Seems the front-end layout is 80% complete, though we'll likely transition into JSX to little will be untouched. I need help in weighing if F6.2 is worth the extra hassle, since the client is budget-limited. Zurb's F6 announcement lists only a few lower priority advantages (A11y, fewer classes). Flexbox might be helpful, small Foundation CSS is less of a concern thanks to UnCSS.
I've used F6.2 once, but would like to hear from folks who upgraded real sites from F5 to F6.x with gotchas & time needed. There still is no F5 to F6 upgrade guide, & release notes are lacking.
Upgrading from Foundation 5 to latest Foundation 6 involves a full website rebuild from a new website Template, because much of the HTML code is a bit different. No it is not difficult, but yes, there is a fair amount of work in making the transition. However, the numerous improvements are worth it.
You need to start a new website project in a new folder to get all the updated file sets, which are contained in these folders ...
There are various ways to install Foundation for Sites 6, my preference being npm node package manager using the Command Prompt, like so :
foundation new
What are you building today? = A website (Foundation for Sites)
What's the project called = whatever_projectname
Which template would you like to use? = Basic Template: includes a Sass compiler
cd whatever_projectname
TO BUILD css\app.css using GULP
foundation build
TO UPDATE css\app.css
npm start
foundation watch
CTRL+C to end
Once you have the new set of v6 files downloaded, then in the 'scss' folder you need to customize the project SCSS files and regenerate the CSS.
Open _settings.scss and modify entries as desired, basically to match what you had in previous v5. Especially font-family, headings, font-size, colors, line-height, etc. All the $variable-names are different, but you will quickly get the gist of it.
Open app.scss and choose what #includes you want to import, just those you really do need so as to minimise final CSS filesize.
After all your #includes, then you copy/paste in all the custom SCSS style code from your previous Foundation 5 website project.
Now for the real work. You must convert all the Version 5 MIXIN and MEDIA QUERY code across to the new Version 6 format. Start by reading the Foundation 6 Media Query page here.Your website software will surely have a 'Find' and 'Replace' feature, which is the best shot for this job. Here are some examples of :OLD Foundation 5 scss code compared to theNEW Foundation 6 format.
#media #{$small-up}
#include breakpoint(small)
#media #{$large-up}
#include breakpoint(large)
#media #{$portrait}
#include breakpoint(portrait)
#include grid-column($columns:12);
#include grid-column(12);
#include flex-video-container();
#include flex-video($flexvideo-ratio-widescreen);
#include button($background:$primary-color);
#include button($expand:false, $background:$primary-color, $background-hover:auto, $color:auto, $style:solid); font-size: 0.85rem;
Command Line Prompt 'foundation watch' generates your final app.css file upon each scss file save. If there is an error in your scss, GULP displays the Line Number where that error occurred. Read up, make necessary corrections and save again until app.css is generated without error.
View your Foundation 6 website test page, continue to tweak the CSS and, when happy with appearance, you will be ready to apply your new Foundation 6 Template to every page on the website.
Foundation 5 ==> Foundation 6 conversion complete.
The more conversions you do, the quicker and easier it becomes.
I think it is much more involved than this (what is explained in the question). Following are the changes, which I had to apply to a (relatively simple project.) The amount of effort involved made me think twice before upgrading my other bigger projects. However, I thought the following might be useful for other people who might be thinking about upgrading their websites.
1. ////////////// JS:
On the File System, replace the js scripts, which are referenced at the bottom of the html/php scripts, with the new versions, which are available at \bower_components\foundation-sites\dist.
For example, copy \bower_components\foundation-sites\dist\abc.js to yourProject/js/abc.js.
2. ////////////// SCSS VARIABLES:
In the files (_settings.scss), (_custom_styles.scss), etc:
REPLACE $paragraph-font-size WITH $global-font-size
REPLACE $callout-bg WITH $callout-background
.... and replace any other variables, which fail the compilation from scss to css
3. ////////////// PANELS & ALERT BOXES:
In php/html: REPLACE the classes (panel) & (alert) WITH the class callout. For me, following are the strings, which I used in the Editor's Replace dialogue (using regular expressions). Depending on your design and coding style, you will probably need different strings.
REPLACE :<div data-alert class='alert-box **success** round'>
WITH :<div class='**success** callout' data-closable='slide-out-right'>
REPLACE :<div data-alert class='alert-box **alert** round'>
WITH :<div class='**alert** callout' data-closable='slide-out-right'>
REPLACE :<a href='#' class='close'>×</a>
WITH :<button class='close-button' aria-label='Dismiss alert' type='button' data-close> <span aria-hidden='true'>×</span> </button>
REMOVE the line: <script src="./js/foundation.alert.js"></script>
To the text inside each alert box, ADD <p> around the text message: <p>...</p>
4. ////////////// MENUS:
I think the best way of handling menus, is to re-write them from scratch.
5. ////////////// TABLES:
REPLACE :class='table'
WITH :class='hover'
6. ////////////// Make TABLES Responsive (optional):
REPLACE :<table
WITH :<div class='table-scroll'><table
REPLACE :</table>
WITH :</table></div>
7. ////////////// ABIDE:
REPLACE :</label>(.*)\r\n(.*)<small class=['|"]error['|"]>(.*)</small>
WITH :<span class="form-error">$3</span>\r\n$2</label>
REPLACE :<form (.*) data-abide(.*)>
WITH :<form $1 data-abide novalidate $2>
- Custom patterns:
- use the following 2 lines, instead of the commented lines:
// Foundation 6 Style:
Foundation.Abide.defaults.patterns['dd_mm_yyyy'] = /((0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- \/.]0[1-9]|1[012])[- \/.]\d\d/;
Foundation.Abide.defaults.patterns['short_time'] = /(0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3])(:[0-5][0-9])/;
// Foundation 5 Style:
// $(document).foundation({
// abide : {
// patterns : {
// short_time: /(0[0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-3])(:[0-5][0-9])/,
// dd_mm_yyyy: /((0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])[- \/.]0[1-9]|1[012])[- \/.]\d\d/
// },
// }
// });
**By no means, this is a comprehensive list of all the required changes. If it is, the Foundation team would have published it long time ago. However, it is a starting point, which might provide you with an idea of what is involved.
Good Luck....**
Also found that abide wants custom validators to be defined prior to initialising Foundation 6
eg. I have a phone number validator which is called first
// Set Custom validator for Description fields to not accept phone numbers
I have below scenario:
css/abc.css - myCss{prop1: val}
css_new/abc.css - myCss{prop1: newVal}
I cannot update css/abc.css. Hence, css_new/abc.css is introduced. Both these files will be used parallely in prod at least till the time complete migration is done.
All of the old code use style from css folder. The new code refers to css_new folder. My concerns are:
1. Will there be any caching at browser level.
2. Are there possibilities of my old code referring to the new css class defined in css_new.
I want to make sure there are no regressions in old code because of this change.
Some more background: upgrading UI code to angular. Mainly, image URLs referred from CSS are broken. Many thanks.
I'd like to know if there is any way to activate auto indent a CSS file in visual studio code with the shortcut ALT+SHIFT+F?
It's working fine with JavaScript but strangely not with CSS.
Yes, try installing vscode-css-formatter extension.
It just adds the functionality to format .css files and the shortcut stays the same Alt+Shift+F.
Beautify css/sass/scss/less
to run this
enter alt+shift+f
press F1 or ctrl+shift+p
and then enter beautify ..
an another one - JS-CSS-HTML Formatter
i think both this extension uses js-beautify internally
Wasted an hour finding the best option.
Just putting it together, for easy reading and choosing one them.
CSS and SASS/SCSS/LESS are all related
HTML, Javascript, Typescript, JSON - VS code is already formatting
CSS and related - VS code is not formatting as of today
To format css/sass/scss/less:
All css related supported, and not others, I choose this, it works great.
To format JavaScript/TypeScript/CSS:
Beautify css/sass/scss/less
but, already JS, TS are supported by VS code
To format JS, CSS, HTML, JSON file (wraps js-beautify)
JS-CSS-HTML Formatter
but, already JS, HTML, JSON are supported by VS code
To format CSS
CSS Formatter
but, only CSS supported, not all the related - not maintained 6+ months
To format:
Press Alt + Shift + F in VS Code, after installing Prettier.
I recommend using Prettier as it's very extensible but still works perfectly out of the box:
1. CMD + Shift + P -> Format Document
1. Select the text you want to Prettify
2. CMD + Shift + P -> Format Selection
EDIT: Prettier has become vastly more popular and standardized since I first posted this answer. It has gone so far as to even be used directly in the build flows of most modern frontend projects. I strongly encourage users looking to format their code use the Prettier VSCode extension, which tries to use the same settings configured by said build flows.
After opening local bootstrap.min.css in visual studio code, it looked unindented.
Tried the commad ALT+Shift+F but in vain.
Then installed
CSS Formatter extension.
Reloaded it and ALT+Shift+F indented my CSS file with charm.
Bingo !!!
There are several to pick from in the gallery but the one I'm using, which offers considerable level of configurability still remaining unobtrusive to the rest of the settings is Beautify by Michele Melluso. It works on both CSS and SCSS and lets you indent 3 spaces keeping the rest of the code at 2 spaces, which is nice.
You can snatch it from GitHub and adapt it yourself, should you feel like it too.
Maybe a little bit late to the party but this might help users using prettier. Just add this line to the setting.json file.
"[css]": {
"editor.defaultFormatter": "esbenp.prettier-vscode"
Save and all should be good now
Go to Files menu -> Preference -> Extentions
Then type CSS Formatter wait for it to load and click install
Install HookyQR.beautify extension. It will beautify your javascript, JSON, CSS, Sass, and HTML in Visual Studio Code. It is the most use extensions for this purpose
Beautify (Github) & Prettier (Github) are the best plugin for web development in Visual Studio Code.
To format the code in Visual Studio when you want, press:
(Ctrl + K) & (Ctrl + F)
The auto formatting rules can be found and changed in:
Tools/Options --> (Left sidebar): Text Editor / CSS (or whatever other language you want to change)
For the CSS language the options are unfortunately very limited.
You can also make some changes in: .../ Text Editor / All Languages
I'm trying to import a bootstrap/angular (made for node)/less theme my company purchased into a ASP.net MVC project from scratch.
The theme uses less, so doing some google searches, I installed "dotless" and "dotless adapter for System.Web.Optimization".
So I'm copying and pasting the references and it errors here:
<!-- prochtml:remove:dist -->
<script type="text/javascript">less = { env: 'development' };</script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="~/assets/plugins/misc/less.js"></script> <-- Errors Here
<!-- /prochtml -->
It says "LessCssHttpHandler.cs not found". "You need to find LessCssHttpHandler.cs to view the source for the current call stack frame."
I was looking into what "less.js" does.. and i couldn't find a clear cut description but it seems like it makes it so that you're able to use the LESS environment because CSS isn't a current standard like CSS is.
If i'm right in my assumption, do I not need to include "less.js" into my project? Thanks
No. Once the processing is done server-side (using dotLess), no need to include Less.js in the client-side (as data is already received as regular CSS).
Also, if you're using Visual Studio, you can set WebEssentials to automatically compile your Less files upon saving (SomeStyleSheet.less -> SomeStyleSheet.css), then on the client-side you're simply loading regular CSS. That will spare you from both server and client side compilation needs.
My supervisor just handed me a pile of JSON files from a freelancer which we are going to use to make multiple (similar) websites. Lucky me, I'll get to be the one updating the content and css for the different versions.
This is my first time working with JSON, so while I can't be sure that this is a poorly designed template, the fact that the css is very messy (in order to change the color of buttons throughout the site from yellow to orange, at least 15 different classes need to be adjusted, which seems to me to defeat the whole purpose of css...) doesn't give me hope.
I've brute-forced my way through the first two different sites, but since it looks like we'll be doing a lot more of them, I'm looking for ways to streamline the process (in particular making sure to change the content in all the places the content needs changing, which is a lot of files, with different content for different versions).
I'm personally old-school enough to like awk (well, that, and it's what I'm most used to programming in), so my backup plan is to just set up an awk/batch script or two which will take in a "these are the bits of info that go in these specific places" file and update all the relevant files. However, I'm sure there's a better way to do this, which is why I'm turning to y'all.
Is there anything that already exists for streamlining processes like these? Or a coding system/language that's well-suited to this project? A GUI which I can connect to bits of text that need changing?
Ideally, I'd like to set up something that even a monkey (or a non-caffeinated me) could use as often as needed. I'm already going to have to dive into the source code to clean it up (because, gasp, we might need to be able to have more than 5 people on the "our team" page, for example - without bad css/html workarounds), so making other tweaks that'll help with the content update process can happen en route.
I have recently used underscore to render templates from JSON. this is a front end tool, but you could automate it with some backend tools (a simple cURL or file_get_content in php will do).
Here is a link to a tutorial
your template will be a JavaScript template in your html file:
<div id="rendered"></div>
<script type="text/template" class="template">
<%- rc.listTitle %>
and in your JavaScript code you load:
<script type="text/javascript">
// When rending an underscore template, we want top-level
// variables to be referenced as part of an object. For
// technical reasons (scope-chain search), this speeds up
// rendering; however, more importantly, this also allows our
// templates to look / feel more like our server-side
// templates that use the rc (Request Context / Colletion) in
// order to render their markup.
_.templateSettings.variable = "rc";
// Grab the HTML out of our template tag and pre-compile it.
var template = _.template(
$( "script.template" ).html()
// Define our render data (to be put into the "rc" variable).
var templateData = {
listTitle: "Olympic Volleyball Players",
// Render the underscore template and inject it after the div rendered
// in our current DOM.
$( "#rendered" ).after(
template( templateData )
I have a site whose stylesheets are becoming overwhelming, and a full 50% to 90% or so is not used on certain pages. Rather than have 23 separate blocking CSS sheets, I'd like to find out which are being used on the page I'd like to target, and have those exported into one sheet.
I have seen several questions that recommend "Dust me selectors" or similar add on which will tell what selectors are and are not being used; but that's not what I want. I need to be able to export all used styles from all sheets for that particular page into one new sheet that can be used to replace the 23 others. The solution should be able to support a responsive website (media calls). The website page I'm targeting is: http://tripinary.com.
I've found: https://unused-css.com but this is a paid service and I need free;
The next closest thing I've come across is http://www.csstrashman.com/ but this does not look at stylesheets. In fact, it completely ignores them and ultimately I'm having trouble with the responsiveness of the site. Many times as well, this site just crashes.
I don't mind a programmatic solution if someone has had to do this before and can recommend a direction.
(deleted my comment to RwwL answer to make it a thorough answer)
UnCSS, whether node.js or as a grunt or gulp task, is able to list used CSS rules by an array of pages in an array of Media Queries.
uncss: https://github.com/giakki/uncss
grunt-uncss: https://github.com/addyosmani/grunt-uncss
gulp-uncss: https://github.com/ben-eb/gulp-uncss
You can pass files as an argument to any of the 3 plugins, like:
var files = ['my', 'array', 'of', 'HTML', 'files'],
options = { /* (…) */ };
uncss(files, options, function (error, output) {
urls (Array):
array of URLs to load with Phantom (on top of the files already passed if any).
NOTE: this feature is deprecated, you can pass URLs directly as arguments.
Media Queries and responsive are taken into account:
media (Array):
By default UnCSS processes only stylesheets with media query "all", "screen", and those without one. Specify here which others to include.
You can add stylesheets, ignore some of them, add inline CSS and many other options like htmlroot
Remaining problems:
1/ Conditional classes if you use them for IE9-. They obviously won't be matched in a WebKit PhantomJS environment!
<!--[if IE 9]><html class="ie9 lte-ie9" lang="en"><![endif]--> <!-- teh conditional comment/class -->
.ie9 .some-class { property: value; ] /* Only matched in IE9, not WebKit PhantomJS */
Should they be added by hand or script to the html element in testing environment? (how it renders is of no importance)
Is there an option in uncss?
As long as you don't style with :not(.ie9) (weird), it should be fine.
EDIT: you can use the ignore option with a pattern to force uncss to "provide a list of selectors that should not be removed by UnCSS". Won't be tested though.
2/ Scripts that will detect resolution (viewport width) and adapt content to it by removing/adding it or adding a class on a container. They will execute in PhantomJS in desktop resolution I guess and thus won't do their job so you'll need to modify calls to PhantomJS or something like that... Or dig into options or GitHub issues of the 3 projects (I didn't)
Other tools I heard of, not tested or barely or couldn't test, no idea about the MQ part:
in grunt-uncss readme, the Coverage part
ucss from Opera (there's already an ansswer here, couldn't make it work)
Addy Osmani has countless presentations of 100+ slides presenting awesome tools like this one: https://speakerdeck.com/addyosmani/automating-front-end-workflow (you'll regret even more that days are made only of 24 hours and not 48 err wait 72 ^^)
How about the CSS Usage plugin for Firebug?
Visit your page in Firefox
Click "CSS Usage" tab in Firebug
Click the Scan button
Click the bold file name
Save page of CSS selectors to disk
Here are some screen shots and walk through. Not sure about media queries or if it'll work on your site, and it'll probably not keep -webkit etc, but maybe it'll get you part of the way there.
Opera Software released a CSS crawler on Github that claims it can find unused and duplicate selectors. It might do the trick if you're comfortable with a command-line tool. https://github.com/operasoftware/ucss
You Can Check in Google Chrome by doing inspect element (F12) . The unused CSS has Line over the tags.
If you wanted, you could try to build a script that runs on a (non-production) server that goes through every css rule, removes it from the stylesheet, loads the page using something like phantomjs, and checks to see if anything changed from the last time it loaded the page. If so, then put the css rule back, if not, then leave it out and move on to the next rule. It would take a while to run, but it would work. You would also have to setup an instance of your server that does not use caching for it to run on.
Try using this tool,which is just a simple js script
This tool helps in getting the CSS from a specific page listing all sources for active styles and save it to a JSON with source as key and rules as value.
It loads all the CSS from the href links and tells all the styles applied from them
You can modify the code to save all css into a .css file. Thereby combining all your css.