Dynamically set background-image-url - css

In my gwt-application i got a tree with a few images. These images can be copied by drag and drop to a panel. Now i want to make them resizable in this panel. when i test my css-code with a concrete image-path for "background-image", resize:both and background-size:cover works! My problem is, that i cannot set a concrete url to the css, becacuse the imagepath is dynamic.
when i delete background-image from css and set backgroundimage in my code, the surrounding container resizes, but the image not. Is it possible to set 'background-image' to the image that I choose during runtime? how can i solve that with css?
Thank you!!

You can set background image at any time in your code. For example:
To make it resizable, you need to apply the correct CSS to this panel. There are several CSS options for you to consider.


Can i make tree graph where button means leaf?

id like to do something like tree graph with buttons. Idk how to explain my idea so ive created image. I build my website via Elementor. Is it even possible please?
My image
You can do this in one section using buttons and dividers, set width for the divider, and set it using margin and padding

Nativescript: How to overlay one StackLayout over another StackLayout

I have a search suggestion component that is displayed under a TextField. whenever text is entered into the TextField the search suggestion component displays a list of possible matches based on the current entered text... I have more content under the TextField that gets pushed to the bottom whenever the Search suggestion gets populated with results. Is there any way to overlay the search suggestions over the content underneath it instead of pushing the content down? in HTML/css I would apply the position absolute and z-index css properties to the search suggestion component but this doesn't seem to be the case in Nativescript. I see that Nativescript does support the z-index css property but just applying that doesn't seem to do anything. It doesn't look like Nativescript supports the position property... Any idea how I can make this work/what i'm missing?
You have a couple quick options. One is to use a grid as mentioned in the comments. Set the views on the same row/col. This is the same as stacking views on the z axis. Or an absolute layout and use the same positioning of the views within that layout.

How to apply css rules to html element using ExtJS?

I am drawing an image inside panel and slider field using ExtJS 4. I want to change opacity of image whenever of value of slider field changes.
I am aware that opacity and filter:alpha(opacity=); rule of CSS can be applied to image which will change its opacity.
However I do not know how to apply this css rule to the image. Can anyone please guide me on this?
You can use Ext.dom.Element.setOpacity method:
Ext.fly('image-id').setOpacity(0.5); // this will make img with id 'image-id' become half-transparent
Here is live demo
If you are using Ext.Img component you will have to do something like the following:

How to increase the size of a select box, in Tinymce?

I just wrote a tinymce plugin, which has a drop down box. I can increase the size of the select box, by manipulating the CSS file of the advanced theme (the theme I am using). Is there any other way to do it, without changing the CSS? Say in the function of the javascript code that actually creates the select box?
I did set the max_width property while creating the listbox, in the createListBox function. But it only changes the width of the elements in the dropdown, not the drop down itself :(
You can always change the css using javascript:
document.getElementById("ATTRIBUTE_ID").style.width = "1000px";
See this SOF link for more details: Change an element's class with JavaScript
You should have a closer look at the tinymce configuration option editor_css.
Using this setting you may configure a css file which will overwrite the default css for the toolbar stuff. This way you don't need to change anything of the core css.
tinymce dropdown generates internally and it's hard to do this in right way, but you always can access the needed element by CSS like:
div[id*='mceu_'].mce-container.mce-panel.mce-floatpanel.mce-menu.mce-animate.mce-fixed.mce-menu-align.mce-in div.mce-container-body.mce-stack-layout {
max-height: 200px !important;
for me it works for all dropdown select lists inside modal windows like link-plugin - reduce height of select list block.

nivo slider - next and prev image

has anyone ever used nivo slider for images? I'm having an issue with showing the next and prev images for the navigation. It shows the prev image for boh next and prev navigation.
can anyone help please?
If you simply copy/pasted the example code, you will notice that it is asking for one image. This is because it's using an image called a sprite. A sprite is an image that has multiple images on it, which then are positioned via CSS via background-position attribute. You can either create your own sprite image and position it with CSS or you can use two different images.
If you'd like to use two images, simply change the left control's image in the CSS to left.png (assuming you have a left arrow icon) and the right control's image in the CSS to right.png.
