In WordPress customize preview not work SVG use on Chrome - wordpress

I have an SVG sprite symbol after my body in my WordPress theme:
<svg style="display:none;" aria-hidden="true" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
<symbol viewBox="0 0 104 64" id="icon1">...</symbol>
<symbol viewBox="0 0 64 64" id="icon2">...</symbol>
and block with xlink use
<svg><use xlink:href="#icon1"></use></svg>
<svg><use xlink:href="#icon2"></use></svg>
It works on normal pages, but these icons are not displayed in Chrome (49.0.2623.112 Mac[64-bit]) when active WordPress customize preview (page load in iframe). In Safari it works everywhere. Is this a Chrome bug or can I fix it?

This seems to be a bug in WordPress with inlined SVG due to the fact that the page is loaded via AJAX in the Customizer.
If you use an external svg file with a full url it works:
<use xlink:href="/img/some-sprite.svg#icon1"></use>
Here is the corresponding trac issue I took this example from:
But please be aware that using an external source may result in problems with IE. See here for more information on that issue:
You could also use the WP function is_customize_preview() to test if we are in the Customizer and only use external SVG in that case. Something like this:
<use xlink:href="<?php echo is_customize_preview()?'/img/some-sprite.svg':''; ?>#icon1"></use>


Import an SVG element from another document, without losing the CSS <style> from the original file

I need to create a number of SVG files and would love to keep a set of common symbols in one file and import them into the others.
I managed to do this using a <use> element:
<use href="common.svg#symbol1" />
The problem is that if common.svg has a CSS style that affects an element, the style has no effect in the file where the element is imported.
I uploaded two SVGs on to show this:
...defines a circle with id ball affected by a style that sets a red border around it.
<svg width="100" height="100" version="1.1" xmlns="">
<style>#ball { stroke:#ff0000; stroke-width:10; }</style>
<circle id="ball" cx="50" cy="50" r="45" />
...uses the circle. The circle is visible but the border is not.
<svg width="100" height="100" version="1.1" xmlns="">
<use href="bYv.svg#ball" />
Is this a bug of the SVG renderer I'm using or is it how it's supposed to behave?
Every renderer I tried (chrome, firefox, inkscape) shows the same result so I suspect this might be the intended behavior.
Is there any way to import an element from an external SVG file and the CSS styles that affect it too, so that it appears exactly like it does in its original document?
Is this a bug of the SVG renderer I'm using or is it how it's supposed to behave?
It is the intended behaviour. CSS rules do not apply across document boundaries. You are importing the SVG into your main document, but your CSS is in another document.
Is there any way to import an element from an external SVG file and the CSS styles that affect it too...
Well I suppose you could technically write some Javascript to load the other file and extract the CSS rules. But I strongly suspect you don't want to do that.
You SVG "sprite document" should not have CSS rules in a <style> tag.
The best approach is to pre-prepare you SVGs to be used as sprites.
What I would do is import your common.svg into a vector editor and convert all your CSS attributes into presentation attributes. For example Illustrator lets you choose the method of styling when you export an SVG.
What you want is for something like this:
.st0 {
fill: red;
<symbol id="whatever">
<path d="..." class="st0"/>
to be converted to:
<symbol id="whatever">
<path d="..." fill="red"/>
According to the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 2
specification (W3C Editor’s Draft, 08 June 2021) it seems that the style of the original document should be applied where an element is imported.
Section 5.5. The ‘use’ element:
The cloned content inherits styles from the ‘use’ element and can be the target of user events. However, these cloned element instances remain linked to the referenced source and reflect DOM mutations in the original. In addition, all style rules that apply in the scope of the referenced element also apply in the scope of the cloned shadow tree.
And 5.5.3. Style Scoping and Inheritance:
The use-element shadow tree, like other shadow trees, exhibits style encapsulation, as defined in the CSS Scoping module [css-scoping-1]. This means that elements in the shadow tree inherit styles from its host ‘use’ element, but that style rules defined in the outer document do not match the elements in the shadow tree. Instead, the shadow tree maintains its own list of stylesheets, whose CSS rules are matched against elements in the shadow tree.
When the referenced element is from an external document, the stylesheet objects generated when processing that document apply to the shadow tree, and are read-only. All URL references in the stylesheet, including fragment-only references, must be made absolute, relative to the URL of the document that contains the referenced element. User agents may re-use the same stylesheet objects for any shadow trees that reference that same external document.
So it's the browsers and SVG renderers I tried that are not conforming to the standard.
I'm still looking for a way to emulate this behavior on existing SVG user agents.
Your styles will be applied, provided your svg asset code is inlined
<svg style="display:none" class="svg-asset" width="100" height="100" version="1.1" xmlns="">
#inline-ball { stroke:#ff0000; stroke-width:10; }
<circle id="inline-ball" cx="50" cy="50" r="45" />
<svg width="100" height="100" version="1.1" xmlns="">
<use xlink:href="#inline-ball" />
If you prefer not to inline svg code then "fragment identifiers" might be the better embedding approach.
It's basically a sprite concept:
So your image assets(like symbols) need to be positioned with some x or y offset on sprite pane (unlike symbols who could be positioned with overlapping).
You're actually loading a complete svg including embedded css style elements but choose a particular view frame.
See this articel on How SVG Fragment Identifiers Work
Your svg would be something like this
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" viewBox="0 0 32 96" >
<g id="icon01">
<path d="M20.6,23.3L14,16.7V7.9h4v7.2l5.4,5.4L20.6,23.3z M16-0.1c-8.8,0-16,7.2-16,16s7.2,16,16,16s16-7.2,16-16S24.8-0.1,16-0.1z M16,27.9c-6.6,0-12-5.4-12-12s5.4-12,12-12s12,5.4,12,12S22.6,27.9,16,27.9z"/>
<g id="icon02">
<path d="M32,43.2c0,2.7-1.2,5.1-3,6.8l0,0l-10,10c-1,1-2,2-3,2s-2-1-3-2l-10-10c-1.9-1.7-3-4.1-3-6.8c0-5.1,4.1-9.2,9.2-9.2c2.7,0,5.1,1.2,6.8,3c1.7-1.9,4.1-3,6.8-3C27.9,33.9,32,38.1,32,43.2z"/>
<view id="icon-clock-view" viewBox="0 0 32 32" />
<view id="icon-heart-view" viewBox="0 32 32 32" />
For using the fragment identifiers we need to add <view> elements with corresponding sprite area coordinates (defined in viewBox attribute).
Unlike symbol definitions we don't nest the actual path data in view elements.
Embedding in html works by adding the target ID to our src url.
<img class="svg-fragment" src="fragment-ready-1.svg#icon-heart-view">
However, inlining svg graphics in your html, still offers the best styling controls.
(e.g styling elements in your websites css file)
Maybe we'll see additional support for styling remotely embedded svg assets in the future ... Until then we still have to cope with some browser quirks.

How can I get the facebook customer chat svg?

I want to have the facebook customer chat svg icon from this site: How can I get it? Thanks
I want the icon that have round white background EXACTLY on the above web. Fb also provides messenger icon but it does not look like the version on the web
I inspect the web but don't know how to extract the svg tag to .svg file
You can visit this link:
This has facebook icons that you want in many forms. Click on Download > Select SVG tab > Select the Size of icon that you wish to download > Finally Download.
Or I have created an SVG for you:
<svg xmlns="" x="0px" y="0px" width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 172 172" style=" fill:#000000;"><g fill="none" fill-rule="nonzero" stroke="none" stroke-width="1" stroke-linecap="butt" stroke-linejoin="miter" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-dasharray="" stroke-dashoffset="0" font-family="none" font-weight="none" font-size="none" text-anchor="none" style="mix-blend-mode: normal"><path d="M0,172v-172h172v172z" fill="none"></path><path d="M86,172c-47.49649,0 -86,-38.50351 -86,-86v0c0,-47.49649 38.50351,-86 86,-86v0c47.49649,0 86,38.50351 86,86v0c0,47.49649 -38.50351,86 -86,86z" fill="#3498db"></path><g><path d="M86,28.66667c-30.1,0 -54.46667,23.22 -54.46667,51.6c0,14.90667 6.59333,28.09333 17.2,37.55333v25.51333l22.36,-13.47333c4.58667,1.14667 9.74667,2.00667 14.90667,2.00667c30.1,0 54.46667,-23.22 54.46667,-51.6c0,-28.38 -24.36667,-51.6 -54.46667,-51.6z" fill="#ffffff"></path><path d="M51.6,97.46667l28.66667,-31.53333l14.33333,14.33333l25.8,-14.33333l-28.66667,31.53333l-14.33333,-14.33333z" fill="#3498db"></path></g><path d="" fill="none"></path></g></svg>
Hope this helps.
Also - if you're using Font Awesome, they have an icon for it as well.
You can also download it and serve it locally, depending on your needs.

How can you use a symbol from SVG defs.svg as background image in CSS?

I'm trying to use a symbol from my defs.svg as a background image in CSS, as opposed to a direct path to an individual SVG file.
So instead of:
background: url(spoon.svg);
I want to do something like this:
background: url(defs.svg#spoon);
With #spoon being a symbol in defs.svg with id="spoon". Unfortunately, this isn't working for me. Has anyone come across a solution that doesn't involve custom JS/etc?
You'd need to define view and use tags inside your defs.svg so CSS would know where to look and what to show.
So, for example, say you have inside your SVG a symbol defined as this:
<symbol id="poop" viewBox="0 0 100 100">
<!-- Your shapes here -->
And before closing the svg tag, you must add the view and use defining tags:
<view id="poop-view" viewBox="0 0 100 100" /><!-- This ID used here is what you'll use in your CSS! -->
<use xlink:href="poop" width="100" height="100" x="0" y="0"></use>
Note that at this point, you can open your raw SVG file in a browser and it will show your drawing - before it showed blank!
And now you can set your SVG symbol in your CSS:
div{background-image:url("defs.svg#poop-view")} /* Remember, it's the ID used on your <view> def! */
Also, be sure your SVG includes a xmlns:xlink namespace on the opening tag, or it won't be supposed to work.
Disclaimer: I'm trying to use this setup at work hosting the SVG file on a server on my university, but for some reason this doesn't work (even SVG files won't show if <?xml>and <!DOCTYPE> tags are missing on the SVG), so be sure to check the sanity of your SVG file.
Find more about this on Jennifer Hiller's codepen blog.

Resizing an SVG to specific dimensions

I am trying to resize an svg to the exact size which I want it (32x32).
Look at the example at
This fiddle is a short outtake of a larger .svg file which I include in my html file and refeer to which image I want using:
<svg class="small" viewBox="0 0 512 512" preserveAspectRatio="none">
<g filter="">
<use xlink:href="#login"></use>
(Any easier way to do this by the way?).
As you can see, I've tried using preserveAspectRatio, but without luck. I've also tried different styling techniques (ie. sizing in span tags outside the svn, styling in the svn tags, fiddling with height both in and where I call it by id.).
If you use a developer tool to look at the height/width of the images in the fiddle, you will see that it is 26x20.. But why is that?
Tweeking the viewBox values (guessing the value of viewBox="120 70 340 340" in this case) kinda did the trick. But it is error prone, not nice, and tedious to tweek the parameters.. Look at the example at for a tweeked vs untweeked version.
There must be a better way?

How do I change the colour of an SVG image in a CSS content property?

I'd like to use an SVG image as a CSS sprite through a content property, bootstrap-style, like so:
i.rectangle-image {
content: url(rectangle.svg);
and here's my SVG:
<svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 100 100">
<rect x="10" y="10" width="80" height="80"/>
and proposed HTML:
<div><i class="rectangle-image"></i> Hello, world!</div>
I'd like to be able to re-colour the SVG in my application, for example to have the icon appear purple in some locations, and white in others. I know I can accomplish this by having three different SVG files (or data URIs) with the fill attribute set differently on the <rect> tag, but I'm wondering if there's a way for me to do this through CSS in my HTML?
I've tried adding a fill attribute to the i.rectangle-image selector, but that doesn't work.
I've looked at this answer and it's not quite what I want. They suggest embedding SVG throughout the page, and I'd prefer to do this via CSS content if possible. Any thoughts? Am I out of luck?
If you use the CSS content facility you're loading the SVG data basically as an image. For privacy reasons you can't affect how the image is displayed using external CSS or javascript.
If you want to change the contents of SVG data you'd either have to load it via an <object> or <iframe> tag or put it inline in the HTML file.
What abouth giving the SVG transparency and fill the background using css background color?
The sugested solution from #MMM looks great:
<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px"
width="13px" height="12.917px" viewBox="0 0 13 12.917" enable-background="new 0 0 13 12.917" xml:space="preserve">
<polygon fill="#000000" points="6.504,0 8.509,4.068 13,4.722 9.755,7.887 10.512,12.357 6.504,10.246 2.484,12.357 3.251,7.887 0,4.722 4.492,4.068 "/>
document.getElementsByTagName("polygon")[0].setAttribute("fill", location.hash);
You can use SVG Image Editor tool to edit the colors in front end and copy the code and use it where you wanna place it, which requires short time of period.. Try it surely it will work out
