Hello, i have been working on this problem for 3 days and i cant figure out what is wrong with it. The error message i got is "SpawnObject for Player(Clone) (UnityEngine.GameObject), NetworkServer is not active. Cannot spawn objects without an active server." i know that the server is starting fine because when i connect to it with a client then close the server the client says that the server may have shutdown. Here is the code i have so far. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.Networking;
using System.Collections;
public class MENU_CONTROLLER : NetworkBehaviour
public GameObject ipField;
public GameObject connectButton;
public GameObject hostButton;
public GameObject player;
public Text ip;
public Text PlayerCount;
private int playercount = 0;
void Update() {
void vanishMenu() {
public void ServerConnect() {
Network.Connect(ip.text.ToString(), 4444);
public void SpawnPlayer() {
GameObject p = (GameObject)Instantiate(player, transform.position,transform.rotation);
public void ServerStart() {
Network.InitializeServer(30, 4444, true);
Network.Connect("localhost", 4444);
void OnPlayerConnected(NetworkPlayer player) {
PlayerCount.text = playercount.ToString();
You must call the NetworkServer.Spawn() from within an "is server" block.
if (is Server) {
//do your thing to spawn
I am trying to create a chat application in a Unity game. So basically in one instance of the game if someone sends a message , all the other open instances of the game should get the message.
I successfully created a self-hosted SignalR 2 server using this tutorial
The code for the console app is as follows:
using System;
using Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR;
using Microsoft.Owin.Hosting;
using Owin;
using Microsoft.Owin.Cors;
namespace SignalRSelfHost
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// This will *ONLY* bind to localhost, if you want to bind to all addresses
// use http://*:8080 to bind to all addresses.
// See http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/system.net.httplistener.aspx
// for more information.
string url = "http://localhost:8080";//a web application of type Startup is started at the specified URL (http://localhost:8080).
using (WebApp.Start(url))
Console.WriteLine("Server running on {0}", url);
class Startup
{// the class containing the configuration for the SignalR server ,which creates routes for any Hub objects in the project.
public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
public class MyHub : Hub
{//the SignalR Hub class that the application will provide to clients.
public void Send(string name, string message)
Clients.All.addMessage(name, message);//clients will call to broadcast a message to all other connected clients.
I created a dummy Unity game as of now. There are the username input field and chat input field. Next to the chat input field there is a send button. So the person enters his/her name and enters something into the chat and all running instances of the game should receive the message , but I am not able to achieve that thing
The script for this is attached to a empty GameObject SignalRManager. The code is as follows:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System;
using TMPro;
public class SignalRManager : MonoBehaviour
string url = "http://localhost:8080";
HubConnection connection;
[SerializeField] private GameObject ChatMessage;
[SerializeField] private GameObject UserName;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
connection = new HubConnection(url);
connection.StateChanged += connection_StateChanged;
private void connection_StateChanged(StateChange state)
if(state.NewState== ConnectionState.Connected)
Debug.Log("Connected to Server");
if(state.NewState == ConnectionState.Disconnected)
Debug.Log("Disconnected from Server");
public void OnClickSendChatButton()
string message= ChatMessage.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text;
string userName= UserName.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text;
private void OnDisable()
connection.StateChanged -= connection_StateChanged;
I am able to connect to the server as the log message appears , but dont know what to write to send message to the server. Also how do I receive the message from the server as well
I tried to use a function called connection.Send(), but it is not accepting two arguments. I tried to look into many tutorials ,but many are for asp.netcore Signal r , but I need it for asp.net signalR because thats my requirement.
I was able to send data to the server but I am not able to receive data from the server on my Unity game. The updated code is as follows:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Microsoft.AspNet.SignalR.Client;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System;
using TMPro;
public class SignalRManager : MonoBehaviour
string url = "http://localhost:8080";
HubConnection connection;
IHubProxy hubProxy;
[SerializeField] private GameObject ChatMessage;
[SerializeField] private GameObject UserName;
[SerializeField] private TextMeshProUGUI OutputText;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
connection = new HubConnection(url);//Create a connection for the SignalR server
hubProxy = connection.CreateHubProxy("MyHub");//Get a proxy object that will be used to interact with the specific hub on the server.There may be many hubs hosted on the server, so provide the type name for the hub
connection.StateChanged += connection_StateChanged;
OutputText.text = "";
private void OnReceivedMessageFromServer(string name, string message)
OutputText.text = OutputText.text+name + ":" + message + "\n";
Debug.Log(OutputText.text + name + ":" + message + "\n");
private void connection_StateChanged(StateChange state)
if(state.NewState== ConnectionState.Connected)
Debug.Log("Connected to Server");
if(state.NewState == ConnectionState.Disconnected)
Debug.Log("Disconnected from Server");
public void OnClickSendChatButton()
string message= ChatMessage.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text;
string userName= UserName.GetComponent<TMP_InputField>().text;
hubProxy.On<string, string>("addMessage", OnReceivedMessageFromServer);//register hub events (methods invoked by the hub). The following code registers a handler method for ChatMessage event.
hubProxy.Invoke("Send", userName, message);
private void OnDisable()
connection.StateChanged -= connection_StateChanged;
The callBack OnReceivedMessageFromServer is not invoked. Can anyone help me here?
I was wondering why I can't directly write what's in my battle.resume() method right into my frame.keyPressed() method? If I do so I get a IllegalMonitorStateException, I've found out on the net that this exception is "Thrown to indicate that a thread has attempted to wait on an object's monitor or to notify other threads waiting on an object's monitor without owning the specified monitor" so I assumed it has to be directly in the class you want to wait/notify on.
Since I feel like an example is better than 10 lines, so here's a simplified version of what I don't understand, I don't understand why what I linked work and what's between /**/ doesn't, and if it is gonna work all the time.
My Battle class:
public class Battle{
public void run(){
}catch(InterruptedException e){}
public void resume(){
My Frame class:
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
public class Frame extends JFrame implements KeyListener{
private Battle battle;
public Frame(){
this.battle = new Battle();
setSize(200, 200);
public Battle getBattle(){
return battle;
public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e){
if(e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_A){
public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e){}
public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e){}
should work. I assume you tried doing synchronized(this) in your keyPressed method, and "this" there referred to the Frame class, not battle. You need to have lock on the object that you are calling notify() on.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Vuforia;
public class fullscreen : MonoBehaviour, IVirtualButtonEventHandler
private GameObject vbButtonObject;
// Use this for initialization
void Start()
vbButtonObject = GameObject.Find("fullb");
public void OnButtonPressed(VirtualButtonBehaviour vb)
public void OnButtonReleased(VirtualButtonBehaviour vb)
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
This is my codes for a project when I try VirtualButtonAbstractBehaviour instead of VirtualButtonBehaviour it's underlining it like there is a typo. My virtual button not working please help.
Just make sure the AR camera is on the image target It works for me !!!
enter image description here
I am new to Netty. I am using “Netty 3.6.2.Final”. I have created a Netty Client (MyClient) that talks to a remote server (The server implements a custom protocol based on TCP). I create a new ClientBootstrap instance for each MyClient instance (within the constructor).
My question is if I share “NioClientSocketChannelFactory” factory object among all the instances of MyClient then when/how do I release all the resources associated with the “NioClientSocketChannelFactory”?
In other words, since my Netty Client runs inside a JBOSS container running 24x7, should I release all resources by calling “bootstrap.releaseExternalResources();” and when/where should I do so?
More Info: My Netty Client is called from two scenarios inside a JBOSS container. First, in an infinite for loop with each time passing the string that needs to be sent to the remote server (in effect similar to below code)
for( ; ; ){
//Prepare the stringToSend
//Send a string and receive a string
String returnedString=new MyClient().handle(stringToSend);
Another scenarios is my Netty Client is called within concurrent threads with each thread calling “new MyClient().handle(stringToSend);”.
I have given the skeleton code below. It is very similar to the TelnetClient example at Netty website.
import org.jboss.netty.bootstrap.ClientBootstrap;
import org.jboss.netty.channel.socket.nio.NioClientSocketChannelFactory;
public class MyClient {
//Instantiate this only once per application
private final static Timer timer = new HashedWheelTimer();
//All below must come from configuration
private final String host ="";
private final int port =9699;
private final InetSocketAddress address = new InetSocketAddress(host, port);
private ClientBootstrap bootstrap;
//Timeout when the server sends nothing for n seconds.
static final int READ_TIMEOUT = 5;
public MyClient(){
bootstrap = new ClientBootstrap(NioClientSocketFactorySingleton.getInstance());
public String handle(String messageToSend){
bootstrap.setOption("connectTimeoutMillis", 20000);
bootstrap.setOption("tcpNoDelay", true);
bootstrap.setOption("keepAlive", true);
bootstrap.setOption("remoteAddress", address);
bootstrap.setPipelineFactory(new MyClientPipelineFactory(messageToSend,bootstrap,timer));
// Start the connection attempt.
ChannelFuture future = bootstrap.connect();
// Wait until the connection attempt succeeds or fails.
channel = future.awaitUninterruptibly().getChannel();
if (!future.isSuccess()) {
return null;
// Wait until the connection is closed or the connection attempt fails.
MyClientHandler myClientHandler=(MyClientHandler)channel.getPipeline().getLast();
String messageReceived=myClientHandler.getMessageReceived();
return messageReceived;
Singleton NioClientSocketChannelFactory
public class NioClientSocketFactorySingleton {
private static NioClientSocketChannelFactory nioClientSocketChannelFactory;
private NioClientSocketFactorySingleton() {
public static synchronized NioClientSocketChannelFactory getInstance() {
if ( nioClientSocketChannelFactory == null) {
nioClientSocketChannelFactory=new NioClientSocketChannelFactory(
return nioClientSocketChannelFactory;
protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
// Shut down thread pools to exit.
}catch(Exception e){
//Can't do anything much
public class MyClientPipelineFactory implements ChannelPipelineFactory {
private String messageToSend;
private ClientBootstrap bootstrap;
private Timer timer;
public MyClientPipelineFactory(){
public MyClientPipelineFactory(String messageToSend){
public MyClientPipelineFactory(String messageToSend,ClientBootstrap bootstrap, Timer timer){
public ChannelPipeline getPipeline() throws Exception {
// Create a default pipeline implementation.
ChannelPipeline pipeline = pipeline();
// Add the text line codec combination first,
//pipeline.addLast("framer", new DelimiterBasedFrameDecoder(8192, Delimiters.lineDelimiter()));
pipeline.addLast("decoder", new StringDecoder());
pipeline.addLast("encoder", new StringEncoder());
//Add readtimeout
pipeline.addLast("timeout", new ReadTimeoutHandler(timer, MyClient.READ_TIMEOUT));
// and then business logic.
pipeline.addLast("handler", new MyClientHandler(messageToSend,bootstrap));
return pipeline;
public class MyClientHandler extends SimpleChannelUpstreamHandler {
private String messageToSend="";
private String messageReceived="";
public MyClientHandler(String messageToSend,ClientBootstrap bootstrap) {
public void channelConnected(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ChannelStateEvent e){
public void messageReceived(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, MessageEvent e){
//This take the control back to the MyClient
public void exceptionCaught(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, ExceptionEvent e) {
// Close the connection when an exception is raised.
You should only call releaseExternalResources() once you are sure you not need it anymore. This may be for example when the application gets stopped or undeployed.
I'm trying build out our logging framework using EntLib Logging and use attribute to indicate which class/method should be logged. So I think Interception would be a good choice. I'm a super noob to Ninject and Interception and I's following the tutorial at Innovatian Software on how to use interception via attributes. But when I run the app, BeforeInvoke and AfterInvoke was never called. Help Please, Thank You!
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Castle.Core;
using Ninject;
using Ninject.Extensions.Interception;
using Ninject.Extensions.Interception.Attributes;
using Ninject.Extensions.Interception.Request;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
var kernel = new StandardKernel();
var test= kernel.Get<ObjectWithMethodInterceptor>();
public class TraceLogAttribute : InterceptAttribute
public override IInterceptor CreateInterceptor(IProxyRequest request)
return request.Context.Kernel.Get<TimingInterceptor>();
public class TimingInterceptor : SimpleInterceptor
readonly Stopwatch _stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
protected override void BeforeInvoke(IInvocation invocation)
Console.WriteLine("Before Invoke");
protected override void AfterInvoke(IInvocation invocation)
Console.WriteLine("After Invoke");
string message = string.Format("Execution of {0} took {1}.",
public class ObjectWithMethodInterceptor
[TraceLog] // intercepted
public virtual void Foo()
Console.WriteLine("Foo - User Code");
// not intercepted
public virtual void Bar()
Console.WriteLine("Bar - User Code");
I figured it out, I missed the part where I've to disable auto module loading and manually load the DynamicProxy2Module to the kernel. Here's the change to the code:
//var kernel = new StandardKernel(); //Automatic Module Loading doesn't work
var kernel = new StandardKernel(new NinjectSettings() { LoadExtensions = false }, new DynamicProxy2Module());
Hope this help someone else.