Confidence intervals with clustered standard errors and texreg? - r

I'm trying to reproduce the 95% CI that Stata produces when you run a model with clustered standard errors. For example:
regress api00 acs_k3 acs_46 full enroll, cluster(dnum)
Regression with robust standard errors Number of obs = 395
F( 4, 36) = 31.18
Prob > F = 0.0000
R-squared = 0.3849
Number of clusters (dnum) = 37 Root MSE = 112.20
| Robust
api00 | Coef. Std. Err. t P>|t| [95% Conf. Interval]
acs_k3 | 6.954381 6.901117 1.008 0.320 -7.041734 20.9505
acs_46 | 5.966015 2.531075 2.357 0.024 .8327565 11.09927
full | 4.668221 .7034641 6.636 0.000 3.24153 6.094913
enroll | -.1059909 .0429478 -2.468 0.018 -.1930931 -.0188888
_cons | -5.200407 121.7856 -0.043 0.966 -252.193 241.7922
I am able to reproduce the coefficients and the standard errors:
library(lmtest) <- function(model_result, data, cluster) {
model_variables <-
intersect(colnames(data), c(colnames(model_result$model), cluster))
model_rows <- rownames(model_result$model)
data <- data[model_rows, model_variables]
cl <- data[[cluster]]
M <- length(unique(cl))
N <- nrow(data)
K <- model_result$rank
dfc <- (M / (M - 1)) * ((N - 1) / (N - K))
uj <-
apply(estfun(model_result), 2, function(x)
tapply(x, cl, sum))
vcovCL <- dfc * sandwich(model_result, meat = crossprod(uj) / N)
standard.errors <- coeftest(model_result, vcov. = vcovCL)[, 2]
p.values <- coeftest(model_result, vcov. = vcovCL)[, 4] <-
list(vcovCL = vcovCL,
standard.errors = standard.errors,
p.values = p.values)
elemapi2 <- read.dta13(file = 'elemapi2.dta')
lm1 <-
lm(formula = api00 ~ acs_k3 + acs_46 + full + enroll,
data = elemapi2)
clustered_se <- = lm1,
data = elemapi2,
cluster = "dnum")
lm1, = clustered_se$standard.errors,
override.p = clustered_se$p.value,
star.symbol = "\\*",
digits = 7
Model 1
(Intercept) -5.2004067
acs_k3 6.9543811
acs_46 5.9660147 *
full 4.6682211 ***
enroll -0.1059909 *
R^2 0.3848830
Adj. R^2 0.3785741
Num. obs. 395
RMSE 112.1983218
*** p < 0.001, ** p < 0.01, * p < 0.05
Alas, I cannot reproduce the 95% confidence Interval:
lm1, = clustered_se$standard.errors,
override.p = clustered_se$p.value,
digits = 7,
ci.force = TRUE
Model 1
(Intercept) -5.2004067
[-243.8957845; 233.4949710]
acs_k3 6.9543811
[ -6.5715605; 20.4803228]
acs_46 5.9660147 *
[ 1.0051987; 10.9268307]
full 4.6682211 *
[ 3.2894567; 6.0469855]
enroll -0.1059909 *
[ -0.1901670; -0.0218148]
R^2 0.3848830
Adj. R^2 0.3785741
Num. obs. 395
RMSE 112.1983218
* 0 outside the confidence interval
If I do it 'by hand', I get the same thing than with texreg:
level <- 0.95
a <- 1-(1 - level)/2
coeff <- lm1$coefficients
se <- clustered_se$standard.errors
lb <- coeff - qnorm(a)*se
ub <- coeff + qnorm(a)*se
> lb
(Intercept) acs_k3 acs_46 full enroll
-243.895784 -6.571560 1.005199 3.289457 -0.190167
> ub
(Intercept) acs_k3 acs_46 full enroll
233.49497100 20.48032276 10.92683074 6.04698550 -0.02181481
What is Stata doing and how can I reproduce it in R?
PS: This is a follow up question.
PS2: The Stata data is available here.

It looks like Stata is using confidence intervals based on t(36) rather than Z (i.e. Normal errors).
Taking the values from the Stata output
coef=6.954381; rse= 6.901117 ; lwr= -7.041734; upr= 20.9505
## [1] 2.028095
## [1] -2.028094
Computing/cross-checking the tail values for t(36):
## [1] 0.975
## [1] 2.028094
I don't know how you pass confidence intervals to texreg. Since you haven't given a reproducible example (I don't have elemapi2.dta) I can't say exactly how you would get the df, but it looks like you would want tdf <- length(unique(elemapi2$dnum))-1
level <- 0.95
a <- 1- (1 - level)/2
bounds <- coef(lm1) + c(-1,1)*clustered_se*qt(a,tdf)

Indeed Stata is using the t distribution rather than the normal distribution. There is now a really easy solution to getting confidence intervals that match Stata into texreg using lm_robust from the estimatr package, which you can install from CRAN install.packages(estimatr).
> library(estimatr)
> lmro <- lm_robust(mpg ~ hp, data = mtcars, clusters = cyl, se_type = "stata")
> screenreg(lmro)
Model 1
(Intercept) 30.10 *
[13.48; 46.72]
hp -0.07
[-0.15; 0.01]
R^2 0.60
Adj. R^2 0.59
Num. obs. 32
RMSE 3.86
* 0 outside the confidence interval


Clustered standard errors, stars, and summary statistics in modelsummary for multinom models

I want to create a regression table with modelsummary (amazing package!!!) for multinomial logistic models run with nnet::multinom that includes clustered standard errors, as well as corresponding "significance" stars and summary statistics.
Unfortunately, I cannot do this automatically with the vcov parameter within modelsummary because the sandwich package that modelsummary uses does not support nnet objects.
I was able to calculate robust standard errors with a customized function originally developed by Daina Chiba and modified by Davenport, Soule, Armstrong (available from:
I was also able to include these standard errors in the modelsummary table instead of the original ones. Yet, neither the "significance" stars nor the model summary statistics adapt to these new standard errors. I think this is because they are calculated via broom::tidy automatically by modelsummary.
I would be thankful for any advice for how to include stars and summary statistics that correspond to the clustered standard errors and respective p-values.
Another smaller question I have is whether there is any easy way of "spreading" the model statistics (e.g. number of observations or R2) such that they center below all response levels of the dependent variable and not just the first level. I am thinking about a multicolumn solution in Latex.
Here is some example code that includes how I calculate the standard errors. (Note, that the calculated clustered SEs are extremely small because they don't make sense with the example mtcars data. The only take-away is that the respective stars should correspond to the new SEs, and they don't).
# load data
dat_multinom <- mtcars
dat_multinom$cyl <- sprintf("Cyl: %s", dat_multinom$cyl)
# run multinomial logit model
mod <- nnet::multinom(cyl ~ mpg + wt + hp, data = dat_multinom, trace = FALSE)
# function to calculate clustered standard errors
mlogit.clust <- function(model,data,variable) {
beta <- c(t(coef(model)))
vcov <- vcov(model)
k <- length(beta)
n <- nrow(data)
max_lev <- length(model$lev)
xmat <- model.matrix(model)
# u is deviance residuals times model.matrix
u <- lapply(2:max_lev, function(x)
residuals(model, type = "response")[, x] * xmat)
u <-, u)
m <- dim(table(data[,variable]))
u.clust <- matrix(NA, nrow = m, ncol = k)
fc <- factor(data[,variable])
for (i in 1:k) {
u.clust[, i] <- tapply(u[, i], fc, sum)
cl.vcov <- vcov %*% ((m / (m - 1)) * t(u.clust) %*% (u.clust)) %*% vcov
return(cl.vcov = cl.vcov)
# get coefficients, variance, clustered standard errors, and p values
b <- c(t(coef(mod)))
var <- mlogit.clust(mod,dat_multinom,"am")
se <- sqrt(diag(var))
p <- (1-pnorm(abs(b/se))) * 2
# modelsummary table with clustered standard errors and respective p-values
statistic = "({round(se,3)}),[{round(p,3)}]",
shape = statistic ~ response,
stars = c('*' = .1, '**' = .05, '***' = .01)
# modelsummary table with original standard errors and respective p-values
models = list(mod),
statistic = "({std.error}),[{p.value}]",
shape = statistic ~ response,
stars = c('*' = .1, '**' = .05, '***' = .01)
This code produces the following tables:
Model 1 / Cyl: 6
Model 1 / Cyl: 8
R2 Adj.
^^ * p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01
Model 1 / Cyl: 6
Model 1 / Cyl: 8
R2 Adj.
^^ * p < 0.1, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01
This is not super easy at the moment, I just opened a Github issue to track progress. This should be easy to improve, however, so I expect changes to be published in the next release of the package.
In the meantime, you can install the dev version of modelsummary:
Them, you can use the tidy_custom mechanism described here to override standard errors and p values manually:
tidy_custom.multinom <- function(x, ...) {
b <- coef(x)
var <- mlogit.clust(x, dat_multinom, "am")
out <- data.frame(
term = rep(colnames(b), times = nrow(b)),
response = rep(row.names(b), each = ncol(b)),
estimate = c(t(b)),
std.error = sqrt(diag(var))
out$p.value <- (1-pnorm(abs(out$estimate / out$std.error))) * 2
row.names(out) <- NULL
output = "markdown",
shape = term ~ model + response,
stars = TRUE)
Model 1 / Cyl: 6
Model 1 / Cyl: 8
R2 Adj.

Estimate and 95% CI for planned contrasts in R

Here's my problem: Why do the following procedures (classical version and custom function) for planned contrasts lead to different results for the estimate and the 95%CI? Please note that I copied the custom function from this website.
#classical version
#set Helmert contrasts
contrasts(mtcars$cyl) <-cbind(c1,c2)
classical<-summary.lm(aov(disp~cyl, mtcars))
#custom function (I want to use it because it includes results for equal AND unequal variances --> if the custom function is correct, results for equal variances should be the same as in the classical example):
oneway <- function(dv, group, contrast, alpha = .05) {
# -- arguments --
# dv: vector of measurements (i.e., dependent variable)
# group: vector that identifies which group the dv measurement came from
# contrast: list of named contrasts
# alpha: alpha level for 1 - alpha confidence level
# -- output --
# computes confidence interval and test statistic for a linear contrast of population means in a between-subjects design
# returns a data.frame object
# estimate (est), standard error (se), t-statistic (z), degrees of freedom (df), two-tailed p-value (p), and lower (lwr) and upper (upr) confidence limits at requested 1 - alpha confidence level
# first line reports test statistics that assume variances are equal
# second line reports test statistics that do not assume variances are equal
# means, standard deviations, and sample sizes
ms <- by(dv, group, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
vars <- by(dv, group, var, na.rm = TRUE)
ns <- by(dv, group, function(x) sum(!
# convert list of contrasts to a matrix of named contrasts by row
contrast <- matrix(unlist(contrast), nrow = length(contrast), byrow = TRUE, dimnames = list(names(contrast), NULL))
# contrast estimate
est <- contrast %*% ms
# welch test statistic
se_welch <- sqrt(contrast^2 %*% (vars / ns))
t_welch <- est / se_welch
# classic test statistic
mse <- anova(lm(dv ~ factor(group)))$"Mean Sq"[2]
se_classic <- sqrt(mse * (contrast^2 %*% (1 / ns)))
t_classic <- est / se_classic
# if dimensions of contrast are NULL, nummer of contrasts = 1, if not, nummer of contrasts = dimensions of contrast
num_contrast <- ifelse(is.null(dim(contrast)), 1, dim(contrast)[1])
df_welch <- rep(0, num_contrast)
df_classic <- rep(0, num_contrast)
# makes rows of contrasts if contrast dimensions aren't NULL
if(is.null(dim(contrast))) contrast <- t(as.matrix(contrast))
# calculating degrees of freedom for welch and classic
for(i in 1:num_contrast) {
df_classic[i] <- sum(ns) - length(ns)
df_welch[i] <- sum(contrast[i, ]^2 * vars / ns)^2 / sum((contrast[i, ]^2 * vars / ns)^2 / (ns - 1))
# p-values
p_welch <- 2 * (1 - pt(abs(t_welch), df_welch))
p_classic <- 2 * (1 - pt(abs(t_classic), df_classic))
# 95% confidence intervals
lwr_welch <- est - se_welch * qt(p = 1 - (alpha / 2), df = df_welch)
upr_welch <- est + se_welch * qt(p = 1 - (alpha / 2), df = df_welch)
lwr_classic <- est - se_classic * qt(p = 1 - (alpha / 2), df = df_classic)
upr_classic <- est + se_classic * qt(p = 1 - (alpha / 2), df = df_classic)
# output
data.frame(contrast = rep(rownames(contrast), times = 2),
equal_var = rep(c("Assumed", "Not Assumed"), each = num_contrast),
est = rep(est, times = 2),
se = c(se_classic, se_welch),
t = c(t_classic, t_welch),
df = c(df_classic, df_welch),
p = c(p_classic, p_welch),
lwr = c(lwr_classic, lwr_welch),
upr = c(upr_classic, upr_welch))
#results for mtcars with and without Welch correction:
oneway(dv = disp, group= cyl, contrast = list (cyl1=c(-1,-1,2), cyl2 =c(-1,1,0)))))
Now results are the same for p and t for the classical and the custom version, as expected (at least when equal_var = Assumed). But why are the estimate and the 95%CIs different?
> custom
contrast equal_var est se t df p lwr upr
1 cyl1 Assumed 417.74935 37.20986 11.226845 29.000000 4.487966e-12 341.64664 493.8521
2 cyl2 Assumed 78.17792 24.96113 3.131986 29.000000 3.945539e-03 27.12667 129.2292
3 cyl1 Not Assumed 417.74935 40.30748 10.364066 18.452900 3.985000e-09 333.21522 502.2835
4 cyl2 Not Assumed 78.17792 17.67543 4.422972 9.224964 1.566927e-03 38.34147 118.0144
> classical
aov(formula = disp ~ cyl, data = mtcars)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-77.300 -30.586 -6.568 20.814 118.900
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 213.850 9.507 22.494 < 2e-16 ***
cyl1 69.625 6.202 11.227 4.49e-12 ***
cyl2 39.089 12.481 3.132 0.00395 **
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
Residual standard error: 51.63 on 29 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.8377, Adjusted R-squared: 0.8265
F-statistic: 74.83 on 2 and 29 DF, p-value: 3.551e-12
PS: This was my best attempt to solve this problem. Alternatively, I would be happy for any ideas on how to get estimates and 95%CIs for Welch-corrected contrasts in R that would not involve relying on custom functions from blogs.

Robust standard errors for negative binomial regression in R do not match those from Stata

I am replicating a negative binomial regression model in R. When calculating robust standard errors, the output does not match Stata output of standard errors.
The original Stata code is
nbreg displaced eei lcostofwar cfughh roadskm lpopdensity ltkilled, robust nolog
I have attempted both manual calculation and vcovHC from sandwich. However, neither produces the same results.
My regression model is as follows:
mod1 <- glm.nb(displaced ~ eei + costofwar_log + cfughh + roadskm + popdensity_log + tkilled_log, data = mod1_df)
With vcovHC I have tried every option from HC0 to HC5.
Attempt 1:
cov_m1 <- vcovHC(mod1, type = "HC0", sandwich = T)
se <- sqrt(diag(cov_m1))
Attempt 2:
mod1_rob <- coeftest(mod1, vcovHC = vcov(mod1, type = "HC0"))
The most successful has been HC0 and vcov = sandwich but no SEs are correct.
Any suggestions?
My output is as follows (using HC0):
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 1.3281183 1.5441312 0.8601 0.389730
eei -0.0435529 0.0183359 -2.3753 0.017536 *
costofwar_log 0.2984376 0.1350518 2.2098 0.027119 *
cfughh -0.0380690 0.0130254 -2.9227 0.003470 **
roadskm 0.0020812 0.0010864 1.9156 0.055421 .
popdensity_log -0.4661079 0.1748682 -2.6655 0.007688 **
tkilled_log 1.0949084 0.2159161 5.0710 3.958e-07 ***
The Stata output I am attempting to replicate is:
Estimate Std. Error
(Intercept) 1.328 1.272
eei -0.044 0.015
costofwar_log 0.298 0.123
cfughh -0.038 0.018
roadskm 0.002 0.0001
popdensity_log -0.466 0.208
tkilled_log 1.095 0.209
The dataset is found here and the recoded variables are:
mod1_df <- table %>%
select(displaced, eei_01, costofwar, cfughh, roadskm, popdensity,
mod1_df$popdensity_log <- log(mod1_df$popdensity + 1)
mod1_df$tkilled_log <- log(mod1_df$tkilled + 1)
mod1_df$costofwar_log <- log(mod1_df$costofwar + 1)
mod1_df$eei <- mod1_df$eei_01*100
Stata uses the observed Hessian for its computations, glm.nb() uses the expected Hessian. Therefore, the default bread() employed by the sandwich() function is different, leading to different results. There are other R packages that employ the observed hessian for its variance-covariance estimate (e.g., gamlss) but these do not supply an estfun() method for the sandwich package.
Hence, below I simply set up a dedicated bread_obs() function that extracts the ML estimates from a negbin object, sets up the negative log-likelihood, computes the observed Hessian numerically via numDeriv::hessian() and computes the "bread" from it (omitting the estimate for log(theta)):
bread_obs <- function(object, method = "BFGS", maxit = 5000, reltol = 1e-12, ...) {
## data and estimated parameters
Y <- model.response(model.frame(object))
X <- model.matrix(object)
par <- c(coef(object), "log(theta)" = log(object$theta))
## dimensions
n <- NROW(X)
k <- length(par)
## nb log-likelihood
nll <- function(par) suppressWarnings(-sum(dnbinom(Y,
mu = as.vector(exp(X %*% head(par, -1))),
size = exp(tail(par, 1)), log = TRUE)))
## covariance based on observed Hessian
rval <- numDeriv::hessian(nll, par)
rval <- solve(rval) * n
rval[-k, -k]
With that function I can compare the sandwich() output (based on the expected Hessian) with the output using the bread_obs() (based on the observed Hessian).
s_exp <- sandwich(mod1)
s_obs <- sandwich(mod1, vcov = bread_obs)
cbind("Coef" = coef(mod1), "SE (Exp)" = sqrt(diag(s_exp)), "SE (Obs)" = sqrt(diag(s_obs)))
## Coef SE (Exp) SE (Obs)
## (Intercept) 1.328 1.259 1.259
## eei -0.044 0.017 0.015
## costofwar_log 0.298 0.160 0.121
## cfughh -0.038 0.015 0.018
## roadskm 0.002 0.001 0.001
## popdensity_log -0.466 0.135 0.207
## tkilled_log 1.095 0.179 0.208
This still has slight differences compared to Stata but these are likely numerical differences from the optimization etc.
If you create a new dedicated bread() method for negbin objects
bread.negbin <- bread_obs
then the method dispatch will use this if you do sandwich(mod1).
In R you need to manually provide a degree of freedom correction, so try this which I borrowed from this source:
dfa <- (G/(G - 1)) * (N - 1)/pm1$df.residual
# display with cluster VCE and df-adjustment
firm_c_vcov <- dfa * vcovHC(pm1, type = "HC0", cluster = "group", adjust = T)
coeftest(pm1, vcov = firm_c_vcov)
Here G is the number of Panels in your data set, N is the number of observations and pm1 is your model estimated. Obviously, you could drop the clustering.

R: lm() result differs when using `weights` argument and when using manually reweighted data

In order to correct heteroskedasticity in error terms, I am running the following weighted least squares regression in R :
#lm(formula = a ~ q + q2 + b + c, data = mydata, weights = weighting)
#Weighted Residuals:
# Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
#-1.83779 -0.33226 0.02011 0.25135 1.48516
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#(Intercept) -3.939440 0.609991 -6.458 1.62e-09 ***
#q 0.175019 0.070101 2.497 0.013696 *
#q2 0.048790 0.005613 8.693 8.49e-15 ***
#b 0.473891 0.134918 3.512 0.000598 ***
#c 0.119551 0.125430 0.953 0.342167
#Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#Residual standard error: 0.5096 on 140 degrees of freedom
#Multiple R-squared: 0.9639, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9628
#F-statistic: 933.6 on 4 and 140 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
Where "weighting" is a variable (function of the variable q) used for weighting the observations. q2 is simply q^2.
Now, to double-check my results, I manually weight my variables by creating new weighted variables :
mydata$a.wls <- mydata$a * mydata$weighting
mydata$q.wls <- mydata$q * mydata$weighting
mydata$q2.wls <- mydata$q2 * mydata$weighting
mydata$b.wls <- mydata$b * mydata$weighting
mydata$c.wls <- mydata$c * mydata$weighting
And run the following regression, without the weights option, and without a constant - since the constant is weighted, the column of 1 in the original predictor matrix should now equal the variable weighting:
lm(formula = a.wls ~ 0 + weighting + q.wls + q2.wls + b.wls + c.wls,
data = mydata)
# Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
#-2.38404 -0.55784 0.01922 0.49838 2.62911
# Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
#weighting -4.125559 0.579093 -7.124 5.05e-11 ***
#q.wls 0.217722 0.081851 2.660 0.008726 **
#q2.wls 0.045664 0.006229 7.330 1.67e-11 ***
#b.wls 0.466207 0.121429 3.839 0.000186 ***
#c.wls 0.133522 0.112641 1.185 0.237876
#Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
#Residual standard error: 0.915 on 140 degrees of freedom
#Multiple R-squared: 0.9823, Adjusted R-squared: 0.9817
#F-statistic: 1556 on 5 and 140 DF, p-value: < 2.2e-16
As you can see, the results are similar but not identical. Am I doing something wrong while manually weighting the variables, or does the option "weights" do something more than simply multiplying the variables by the weighting vector?
Provided you do manual weighting correctly, you won't see discrepancy.
So the correct way to go is:
X <- model.matrix(~ q + q2 + b + c, mydata) ## non-weighted model matrix (with intercept)
w <- mydata$weighting ## weights
rw <- sqrt(w) ## root weights
y <- mydata$a ## non-weighted response
X_tilde <- rw * X ## weighted model matrix (with intercept)
y_tilde <- rw * y ## weighted response
## remember to drop intercept when using formula
fit_by_wls <- lm(y ~ X - 1, weights = w)
fit_by_ols <- lm(y_tilde ~ X_tilde - 1)
Although it is generally recommended to use and lm.wfit when passing in matrix directly:
matfit_by_wls <- lm.wfit(X, y, w)
matfit_by_ols <-, y_tilde)
But when using these internal subroutines and lm.wfit, it is required that all input are complete cases without NA, otherwise the underlying C routine stats:::C_Cdqrls will complain.
If you still want to use the formula interface rather than matrix, you can do the following:
## weight by square root of weights, not weights
mydata$root.weighting <- sqrt(mydata$weighting)
mydata$a.wls <- mydata$a * mydata$root.weighting
mydata$q.wls <- mydata$q * mydata$root.weighting
mydata$q2.wls <- mydata$q2 * mydata$root.weighting
mydata$b.wls <- mydata$b * mydata$root.weighting
mydata$c.wls <- mydata$c * mydata$root.weighting
fit_by_wls <- lm(formula = a ~ q + q2 + b + c, data = mydata, weights = weighting)
fit_by_ols <- lm(formula = a.wls ~ 0 + root.weighting + q.wls + q2.wls + b.wls + c.wls,
data = mydata)
Reproducible Example
Let's use R's built-in data set trees. Use head(trees) to inspect this dataset. There is no NA in this dataset. We aim to fit a model:
Height ~ Girth + Volume
with some random weights between 1 and 2:
set.seed(0); w <- runif(nrow(trees), 1, 2)
We fit this model via weighted regression, either by passing weights to lm, or manually transforming data and calling lm with no weigths:
X <- model.matrix(~ Girth + Volume, trees) ## non-weighted model matrix (with intercept)
rw <- sqrt(w) ## root weights
y <- trees$Height ## non-weighted response
X_tilde <- rw * X ## weighted model matrix (with intercept)
y_tilde <- rw * y ## weighted response
fit_by_wls <- lm(y ~ X - 1, weights = w)
#lm(formula = y ~ X - 1, weights = w)
#X(Intercept) XGirth XVolume
# 83.2127 -1.8639 0.5843
fit_by_ols <- lm(y_tilde ~ X_tilde - 1)
#lm(formula = y_tilde ~ X_tilde - 1)
#X_tilde(Intercept) X_tildeGirth X_tildeVolume
# 83.2127 -1.8639 0.5843
So indeed, we see identical results.
Alternatively, we can use and lm.wfit:
matfit_by_wls <- lm.wfit(X, y, w)
matfit_by_ols <-, y_tilde)
We can check coefficients by:
#(Intercept) Girth Volume
# 83.2127455 -1.8639351 0.5843191
#(Intercept) Girth Volume
# 83.2127455 -1.8639351 0.5843191
Again, results are the same.

Clustered standard errors with texreg?

I'm trying to reproduce this stata example and move from stargazer to texreg. The data is available here.
To run the regression and get the se I run this code:
cluster_se <- function(model_result, data, cluster){
model_variables <- intersect(colnames(data), c(colnames(model_result$model), cluster))
model_rows <- as.integer(rownames(model_result$model))
data <- data[model_rows, model_variables]
cl <- data[[cluster]]
M <- length(unique(cl))
N <- nrow(data)
K <- model_result$rank
dfc <- (M/(M-1))*((N-1)/(N-K))
uj <- apply(estfun(model_result), 2, function(x) tapply(x, cl, sum));
vcovCL <- dfc*sandwich(model_result, meat=crossprod(uj)/N)
elemapi2 <- read.dta13(file = 'elemapi2.dta')
lm1 <- lm(formula = api00 ~ acs_k3 + acs_46 + full + enroll, data = elemapi2)
se.lm1 <- cluster_se(model_result = lm1, data = elemapi2, cluster = "dnum")
stargazer::stargazer(lm1, type = "text", style = "aer", se = list(se.lm1))
acs_k3 6.954
acs_46 5.966**
full 4.668***
enroll -0.106**
Constant -5.200
Observations 395
R2 0.385
Adjusted R2 0.379
Residual Std. Error 112.198 (df = 390)
F Statistic 61.006*** (df = 4; 390)
Notes: ***Significant at the 1 percent level.
**Significant at the 5 percent level.
*Significant at the 10 percent level.
texreg produces this:
Model 1
(Intercept) -5.20
acs_k3 6.95
acs_46 5.97 ***
full 4.67 ***
enroll -0.11 ***
R^2 0.38
Adj. R^2 0.38
Num. obs. 395
RMSE 112.20
How can I fix the p-values?
Robust Standard Errors with texreg are easy: just pass the coeftest directly!
This has become much easier since the question was last answered: it appears you can now just pass the coeftest with the desired variance-covariance matrix directly. Downside: you lose the goodness of fit statistics (such as R^2 and number of observations), but depending on your needs, this may not be a big problem
How to include robust standard errors with texreg
> screenreg(list(reg1, coeftest(reg1,vcov = vcovHC(reg1, 'HC1'))),
custom.model.names = c('Standard Standard Errors', 'Robust Standard Errors'))
Standard Standard Errors Robust Standard Errors
(Intercept) -192.89 *** -192.89 *
(55.59) (75.38)
x 2.84 ** 2.84 **
(0.96) (1.04)
R^2 0.08
Adj. R^2 0.07
Num. obs. 100
RMSE 275.88
*** p < 0.001, ** p < 0.01, * p < 0.05
To generate this example, I created a dataframe with heteroscedasticity, see below for full runnable sample code:
df <- data.frame(x = 1:100);
df$y <- 1 + 0.5*df$x + 5*100:1*rnorm(100)
reg1 <- lm(y ~ x, data = df)
First, notice that your usage of as.integer is dangerous and likely to cause problems once you use data with non-numeric rownames. For instance, using the built-in dataset mtcars whose rownames consist of car names, your function will coerce all rownames to NA, and your function will not work.
To your actual question, you can provide custom p-values to texreg, which means that you need to compute the corresponding p-values. To achieve this, you could compute the variance-covariance matrix, compute the test-statistics, and then compute the p-value manually, or you just compute the variance-covariance matrix and supply it to e.g. coeftest. Then you can extract the standard errors and p-values from there. Since I am unwilling to download any data, I use the mtcars-data for the following:
cluster_se <- function(model_result, data, cluster){
model_variables <- intersect(colnames(data), c(colnames(model_result$model), cluster))
model_rows <- rownames(model_result$model) # changed to be able to work with mtcars, not tested with other data
data <- data[model_rows, model_variables]
cl <- data[[cluster]]
M <- length(unique(cl))
N <- nrow(data)
K <- model_result$rank
dfc <- (M/(M-1))*((N-1)/(N-K))
uj <- apply(estfun(model_result), 2, function(x) tapply(x, cl, sum));
vcovCL <- dfc*sandwich(model_result, meat=crossprod(uj)/N)
lm1 <- lm(formula = mpg ~ cyl + disp, data = mtcars)
vcov.lm1 <- cluster_se(model_result = lm1, data = mtcars, cluster = "carb")
standard.errors <- coeftest(lm1, vcov. = vcov.lm1)[,2]
p.values <- coeftest(lm1, vcov. = vcov.lm1)[,4]
texreg::screenreg(lm1,, override.p = p.values)
And just for completeness sake, let's do it manually:
t.stats <- abs(coefficients(lm1) / sqrt(diag(vcov.lm1)))
(Intercept) cyl disp
38.681699 5.365107 3.745143
These are your t-statistics using the cluster-robust standard errors. The degree of freedom is stored in lm1$df.residual, and using the built in functions for the t-distribution (see e.g. ?pt), we get:
manual.p <- 2*pt(-t.stats, df=lm1$df.residual)
(Intercept) cyl disp
1.648628e-26 9.197470e-06 7.954759e-04
Here, pt is the distribution function, and we want to compute the probability of observing a statistic at least as extreme as the one we observe. Since we testing two-sided and it is a symmetric density, we first take the left extreme using the negative value, and then double it. This is identical to using 2*(1-pt(t.stats, df=lm1$df.residual)). Now, just to check that this yields the same result as before:
all.equal(p.values, manual.p)
[1] TRUE
