My Fonts get changed after refreshing about page in wordpress - wordpress

When I go to this page from home page. It shows proper font. But when I refresh this page its font gets changed.
Please see the screenshots:

check your browser console there is font error means fonts not found
GET 404 (Not Found)
check path and fix it then it works perfectly

I guess you are not pointing to the theme directory in the right way, you should use get_stylesheet_directory_uri() or similar.
<?php echo get_stylesheet_directory_uri(); ?>/font-folder/font.extension
right now, it's not using it, so from homepage, font gets loaded because it points to:
for other pages it is not, and it will use page url, not site url, just like:
causing the error.


404 page is not showing

I don't know why my site is not showing 404 page instead giving this output
Warning: include(none): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /thefundu/public_html/friedcoffee/wp-includes/template-loader.php on line 75
the warning comes from PHP's settings to show warnings. ( its the default instalation setting)
you dont get a (apache) 404 becouse with wp the page you requested was index.php. So for apache you got your page (index.php). and its not a 404, its the index.php.
normaly u get a 404 from wp. but in this case u got a error and the wp own 404 was not handled.
your wp is not working right and fails to load the file. The end result is a empty page becouse it could not load anything else. ( the warning is a diferent way of output not part of your page )
i am no wp expert but include(none) says to me that you have no templated selected... maybe u need a template.
( the wp 404 error uses the template to make the wp 404 look shiny :D... the apache 404 just says "Not found" in ugly letters. ( and then there are browsers that also handle 404 to make it look beter ) )
edit :
considering u want to figure this out. Open the Template-loader.php and add echo's around what u want to know.
echo the $template before the include. its usefull to know what u put into the include.
echo the result of get_404_template(); (before the big if statement )
echo some text before the $template = get_index_template();
this will give u some information on where it goes wrong. I think its a problem in the settings or template but thats always hard to find.
edit 2:
i wonder where the 'none' comes from. it comes from one of those get_ fucntions. but u have to find out witch one. If u know it it also might help in the search on where the 'none' comes from. It lookd like a setting.

Wordpress: Simple solution to have mobile devices load a different homepage

I have done quite a bit of googling and have not found a simple solution for a method or a plugin to simply load a different static homepage for mobile devices. Is there a way to do this or a plugin that will do this (without revamping the whole site for mobile devices, as the mobile site style is good, but the specific static homepage is the only thing that I need changed). Wordpress CMS is the platform.
Thanks in advance!
So I installed the plugin suggested below, copied over an exact copy of the theme I am using but named it with 'mobile' in front just for reference, other than that everything is exactly the same. I read via google that I could add the following code into the functions.php theme file but it just shows up blank when I add the specific code. Code:
//Set Homepage
$mobilehome = get_page_by_title( 'mobilehome' );
update_option( 'page_on_front', $mobilehome->ID );
update_option( 'show_on_front', 'page' );
// Set the blog page
$blog = get_page_by_title( 'Blog' );
update_option( 'page_for_posts', $blog->ID );
Update 2, solved.
I found a simple solution. I created a new theme file 'page-home.php' and changed the css class '#primary' to '#primary-home', then went into the style.css file and added all '#primary-home' css attributes to match '#primary', except on the mobile CSS area of the stylesheet, I added "display:none;" to #primary-home. So now it just doesn't display the homepage on mobile devices, all other pages work (whole point in making the new template page and CSS attribute). I know this fix is probably the simple easy fix but it worked for me!
I found a simple solution. I created a new theme file 'page-home.php' and changed the css class '#primary' to '#primary-home', then went into the style.css file and added all '#primary-home' css attributes to match '#primary', except on the mobile CSS area of the stylesheet, I added "display:none;" to #primary-home. So now it just doesn't display the homepage on mobile devices, all other pages work (whole point in making the new template page and CSS attribute). I know this fix is probably the simple easy fix but it worked for me!
I think that this is as simple as it could get:
Try this plugin - UserAgent Theme Switcher
It will use the user-agent to detect which browser you are on, in this case it could be something like mobile safari or android, etc... then serve the theme based on that.
This could be a hit or miss because you might want or not to change the theme. A more advanced way to do this would be to use a jQuery plugin that checks for the user agent and lets you "do stuff" after you detect it, in this case it could serve as another page or change some CSS.
It's easy and no need to code everything. Install "Redirection" plugin from wordpress repository.
Go to the settings page.
Enter the "Source URL" with your default desktop's homepage
On the "Match" option, select "URL and user agent" & on the "Action" option select "Redirect to URL". Click "Add Redirection".
New configuration option will be appeared. Give any title you want. The "Source URL" must be blank (means that is your base homepage). On the "User Agent" option, choose whether iPhone or Android. On the "Matched" option, set the redirection you want for the mobile homepage.
You surely can differentiate the homepage on desktop and mobile device based on the redirection you have set before with that plugin. However, you cannot have same url name (ex: for desktop & for mobile device).

Why Facebook like and send button is not getting the correct url - Wordpress

in my website I have in the home page post and in all other single post pages the same number of like, also the send button once you click is showing the Facebook Page url and not the Post url.
I have integrated all stuff for open graph, if you look at the source code it seems to be ok but still doesn't work after few changes I did. Also in the Facebook Debug tool everything shows correct.
Does Facebook need time to get updated or am I doing something wrong?
You have all your like buttons “pointing” to the base URL of your website.
If you want them to like the individual article, then include the URL to that article in the href parameter of the <fb:like> tag.
Try to like this url: <?php the_permalink() ?> instead?
<iframe src="//<?php the_permalink() ?>&send=...

Slider stops loading pictures on a different page

I am building this site -
The problem is that the slider stops loading pictures for all other pages except for the main one. To see the problem you just have to press on any link from the menu. It is a wordpress system and all the code is added to the header.php. In fact, this file should be loaded properly always, not only for the main one.
Actually, I have no idea on how to solve this, so if you have any suggestions - please share.
You have a lot of network errors, like the following, on your page.
"NetworkError: 404 Not Found -"
"NetworkError: 404 Not Found -"
So probably your issue is caused by a path error, where you are referencing your files with incorrect relative paths. If so, these might help:
<?php get_stylesheet_uri() ?>
<?php get_template_directory_uri(); ?>
get template directory uri

Wordpress goes blank after publishing new content?

So out of no where after clicking the publish button the page just goes blank...
The url at the top is:
What's good news is it still posts the content :)
Not great at coding so details rock :)
I was getting same error, when I update the site content and press update it goes to /wp-admin/post.php and this appears as blank page.
It is solved by:
I removed all the spaces at the end of functions.php file, I had included a widget and there were some spaces in between older content and new widget function, when I removed the spaces everything is working fine.
if that don't work then
- go into wp-config.php and find this "define('WP_DEBUG', false);"
change its value, if it is flase, make it true or if it is true change it to false.
And everything must work Good.
A blank page usually means Apache failed. Check your error logs. You'll probably find a line that starts with:
PHP Fatal error:
You can also display your errors on the screen instead of looking at the log.
There will be many reasons for blank page, you have not mention version for wp, php etc.
To solve wordpress blank page issue follow the steps
disable all plugin and try (if there is an error in plugins then enable 1 by 1)
switch to default theme and try (if there is an error in theme)
rename .htaccess and param-link to default (page/post id)
