Calling additional functions in Shiny - r

I developed a simple shiny app that take as inputs a score my_x on a distribution with mean my_mean and standard deviation my_sd. As output, the app return a Lattice plot with a Normal Standard distribution with the corresponding z-score of my_x. Please find the code for the app on GitHub.
Now, I would like to add a second functionality to the app:
By checking a checkboxInput I would calculate, for example, the pnorm of the inputs and shade the relative area of the graph.
I wrote the code for the graph (here an example of the expected result), but I cannot figure out how to make it work in Shiny. In particular, I cannot figure how to make the function activated with the checkbox working properly with the first function drawing the graph.
e4a <- seq(60, 170, length = 10000)
e4b <- dnorm(e4a, 110, 15)
#z-score is calculated with the inputs listed above:
z_score <- (my_x - my_mean)/my_sd
plot_e4d <- xyplot(e4b ~ e4a,
type = "l",
main = "Plot 4",
scales = list(x = list(at = seq(60, 170, 10)), rot = 45),
panel = function(x,y, ...){
panel.xyplot(x,y, ...)
panel.abline(v = c(z_score, 110), lty = 2)
xx <- c(60, x[x>=60 & x<=z_score], z_score)
yy <- c(0, y[x>=60 & x<=z_score], 0)
panel.polygon(xx,yy, ..., col='red')

I found a functioning solution. I am pretty sure that it is not the most efficient, but it works. It consists of an if/else statement within the server function calling the plot. I would like to thank #zx8754 for the inspiration.
Here is the ui.r file:
headerPanel("Standard Normal"),
numericInput('mean', 'Your mean', 0),
numericInput('sd', 'Your standard deviation', 0),
numericInput('x', 'Your score', 0),
checkboxInput('p1', label = 'Probability of getting a score smaller than x or z', value = FALSE)
h3('Standard Normal'),
h4('Your z-score is:'),
h4('Your lower tail probability is:'),
And the server.R file:
function(input, output){
output$sdNorm <- renderPlot({
dt1 <- seq(-3, 3, length = 1000)
dt2 <- dnorm(dt1, 0, 1)
my_mean <- input$mean
my_sd <- input$sd
my_x <- input$x
z <- (my_x - my_mean)/my_sd
xyplot(dt2 ~ dt1,
type = "l",
main = "Lower tail probability",
panel = function(x,y, ...){
panel.xyplot(x,y, ...)
panel.abline(v = c(z, 0), lty = 2)
xx <- c(-3, x[x>=-3 & x<=z], z)
yy <- c(0, y[x>=-3 & x<=z], 0)
panel.polygon(xx,yy, ..., col='red')
xyplot(dt2 ~ dt1,
type = "l",
main = "Standard Normal Distribution",
panel = function(x, ...){
panel.xyplot(x, ...)
panel.abline(v = c(z, 0), lty = 2)
output$z = renderPrint({
my_mean <- input$mean
my_sd <- input$sd
my_x <- input$x
z <- (my_x - my_mean)/my_sd
output$p1 <- renderPrint({
my_mean <- input$mean
my_sd <- input$sd
my_x <- input$x
p1 <- 1- pnorm(my_x, my_mean, my_sd)
} else {
p1 <- NULL

This should work:
ui = {
headerPanel("Standard Normal"),
numericInput('mean', 'Your mean', 80),
numericInput('sd', 'Your standard deviation', 2),
numericInput('x', 'Your score', 250),
checkboxInput("zScoreArea", label = "Area under z-score", value = TRUE)
h3('Standard Normal'),
h4('Your z-score is:'),
server = {
function(input, output){
dt1 <- seq(60, 170, length = 10000)
dt2 <- dnorm(dt1, 110, 15)
#xyplot panel= function()
myfunc <- reactive({
function(x,y, ...){
panel.xyplot(x,y, ...)
panel.abline( v = c(z_score(), 110), lty = 2)
xx <- c(60, x[x >= 60 & x <= z_score()], z_score())
yy <- c(0, y[x >= 60 & x <= z_score()], 0)
panel.polygon(xx,yy, ..., col='red')
function(x, ...){
panel.xyplot(x, ...)
panel.abline(v = c(z_score(), 110), lty = 2)}
#reactive z_score for plotting
z_score <- reactive({
my_mean <- input$mean
my_sd <- input$sd
my_x <- input$x
#return z score
(my_x - my_mean)/my_sd
output$sdNorm <- renderPlot({
xyplot(dt2 ~ dt1,
type = "l",
main = "Plot 4",
scales = list(x = list(at = seq(60, 170, 10)), rot = 45),
panel = myfunc()
output$z_score = renderPrint({ z_score() })


How to use shiny with check boxes from an excel file

I am trying to make a shiny app that all it does is display different line plots based on which check boxes are selected.
My data is housed in an excel file and it has 5 tabs, each of which I would like to have a plot and a corresponding check box. I have included a picture of the data
I found the code below that creates checkboxes, but it also has a slider bar that I don't need (if I could use it, I would have it set the range of years to show in the plot)
Thanks for the help
df <- iris[, colnames(iris) != "Species"]
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Density Plots of Quantitative Variables"),
sliderInput("bw", "Slide to change bandwidth of Plot",
min = 0.1,
max = 20,
value = 3,
step = 0.1,
animate = TRUE
checkboxGroupInput("variableinp", "Choose variables",
choices = colnames(df), selected = colnames(df)[1]
), verbatimTextOutput("value")
server <- function(input, output) {
# observeEvent(input$variableinp, {
# print((input$variableinp))
# })
output$densityplot <- renderPlot({
if (!is.null(input$variableinp)) {
getoutandquant <- function(x) {
q1 <- quantile(x)[[2]]
q3 <- quantile(x)[[4]]
IQR <- q3 - q1
out1 <- q3 + (1.5) * IQR
out2 <- q1 - (1.5) * IQR
# Finding the list of points which are outliers for a particular variable.
out <- x[x > out1]
out2 <- x[x < out2]
outliers <- tibble(x = c(out, out2), y = 0)
nplot <- length(input$variableinp)
x <- input$variableinp
for (i in 1:nplot) {
outlier <- getoutandquant(df[, x[i]])
p1 <- ggplot(df, aes_string(input$variableinp[i])) +
stat_density(geom = "line", adjust = input$bw) +
p1 + geom_point(data = outlier, aes(x, y), shape = 23)
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
We can keep everything in one single plot by pivoting the data and modifying getoutandquant function with an additional argument. The purpose of this is to be able to use color argument to differentiate each column.
df <- iris[, colnames(iris) != "Species"]
#pivot data to long format
df_long <- df %>%
#add an additional argument
getoutandquant <- function(x, group_name) {
q1 <- quantile(x)[[2]]
q3 <- quantile(x)[[4]]
IQR <- q3 - q1
out1 <- q3 + (1.5) * IQR
out2 <- q1 - (1.5) * IQR
# Finding the list of points which are outliers for a particular variable.
out <- x[x > out1]
out2 <- x[x < out2]
outliers <- tibble(x = c(out, out2), y = 0, group_name)
Finally we change the server to plot one or more columns depending the number of checkboxes selected.
server <- function(input, output) {
outliers <- reactive({
#call getoutandquant function with each of the selected cols
map_dfr(input$variableinp, ~ getoutandquant(df[, ..1], group_name = .x))
df_long_filt <- reactive({
filter(df_long, name %in% input$variableinp)
output$densityplot <- renderPlot({
ggplot(df_long_filt()) +
stat_density(aes(x = value, color = name),
geom = "line",
adjust = input$bw
) +
labs(y = "Density\n", color = "Column") +
#we change the dataset to plot the outliers
data = outliers(), aes(x = x, y = y, color = group_name),
shape = 23,
size = 5
The ui will remain the same.
Full app:
df <- iris[, colnames(iris) != "Species"]
#pivot data to long format
df_long <- df %>%
#add an additional argument
getoutandquant <- function(x, group_name) {
q1 <- quantile(x)[[2]]
q3 <- quantile(x)[[4]]
IQR <- q3 - q1
out1 <- q3 + (1.5) * IQR
out2 <- q1 - (1.5) * IQR
# Finding the list of points which are outliers for a particular variable.
out <- x[x > out1]
out2 <- x[x < out2]
outliers <- tibble(x = c(out, out2), y = 0, group_name)
ui <- fluidPage(
titlePanel("Density Plots of Quantitative Variables"),
sliderInput("bw", "Slide to change bandwidth of Plot",
min = 0.1,
max = 20,
value = 3,
step = 0.1,
animate = TRUE
checkboxGroupInput("variableinp", "Choose variables",
choices = colnames(df), selected = colnames(df)[1]
), verbatimTextOutput("value")
server <- function(input, output) {
outliers <- reactive({
#call getoutandquant function with each of the selected cols
map_dfr(input$variableinp, ~ getoutandquant(df[, ..1], group_name = .x))
df_long_filt <- reactive({
filter(df_long, name %in% input$variableinp)
output$densityplot <- renderPlot({
ggplot(df_long_filt()) +
stat_density(aes(x = value, color = name),
geom = "line",
adjust = input$bw
) +
labs(y = "Density\n", color = "Column") +
#we change the dataset to plot the outliers
data = outliers(), aes(x = x, y = y, color = group_name),
shape = 23,
size = 5
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

How to make it into User Interface in Shiny in R?

I have a program at below here, but I wish to make it into a Graphic User Interface in shiny in R. But I am really new to shiny. Here is the code :
#Optimization to find w for a sigmoid with given
#multiple samples for one input and one output
#x1, x2... are different observation for one x input
generate_data<- function(n){
x_neg<- -3L
x_pos<- 3L
scale<- 1.5
n_samples<- n
x_train<- matrix(c(rnorm(n_samples) + x_pos
, rnorm(n_samples) + x_neg)*scale, byrow = T)
y_train<- matrix(c(rep(1, n_samples), rep(0, n_samples)), byrow = T)
list(x_train, y_train)
n <- 10
data_train<- generate_data(n)
x_train<- as.matrix(data_train[[1]])
y_train<- as.matrix(data_train[[2]])
plot(x_train, y_train, col='green', pch= 3
, ylim= c((min(y_train)-0.2), (max(y_train)+0.2)))
#create tensor:
unity_matrix<- matrix(rep(1, nrow(x_train)))
x_tensor<- cbind(unity_matrix, x_train)
sigmoid_neuron<- function(x, w) {
output<- 1/(1 + exp(-(x_tensor%*%w)))
w<- matrix(rnorm(2), byrow = T)#initialize
(sigmoid_output<- sigmoid_neuron(x= x_tensor, w= w))
points(x_train, sigmoid_neuron(x_tensor, w), col='blue', pch= 19)
Grad<- matrix(rep(0, 2), byrow = T)
compute_gradients<- function(x, y, h) {
Grad[1]<- mean(h- y)
Grad[2]<- mean((h-y)*x)
error<<- (h-y)
compute_gradients(x= x_train, y= y_train, h= sigmoid_output)
##manually cycle through the code chunk to check if the algo works
learningRate<- 0.2
w<- matrix(rnorm(2), byrow = T)#initialize
(sigmoid_output<- sigmoid_neuron(x= x_tensor, w= w))
(grad<- compute_gradients(x_train, y_train, sigmoid_output))
w<- w - learningRate*grad
##tune sigmoid
learningRate<- 0.2
Grad<- matrix(rep(0, 2), byrow = T)
w<- matrix(rnorm(2), byrow = T)#initialize
idx_end<- 1000
error_history<- list()
for (i in 1:idx_end) {
sigmoid_output<- sigmoid_neuron(x= x_tensor, w= w)
grad<- compute_gradients(x_train, y_train, sigmoid_output)
error_history[[i]]<- error
w<- w - learningRate*grad
grad; sigmoid_output; y_train; w
points(x_train, sigmoid_neuron(x_tensor, w), col='red', pch= 4)
error_history_rmse<- sapply(1:length(error_history), function(x) sqrt(mean(error_history[[x]]^2)))
qplot(seq_along(error_history_rmse), error_history_rmse
, ylim = c(0, 0.1)
My problem is, how can I create a Sigmoid Curve (at mainPanel) which I use the sliderInput to adjust the value of idx_end (at the line of 56) on the x-axis?
Here is my code, what should I modify or add to my Server?
ui <- fluidPage(
sliderInput("x_range", "idx_end",
min = 0, max = 10000, value = c(0, 1000), step = 100)
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$distPlot <- renderPlot({
plot(seq_along(error_history_rmse), error_history_rmse,
xlim = c(0, input$x_range[2]),
#ylim = c(0,0.1),
col = 'darkgray',
border = 'white')})}
shinyApp(ui, server)
Can anyone help me? Really will appreciate it..
You can pretty much just slot in your code into the renderPlot function. Then assign input$x_range[2] to idx_end. However, there's no need to include all of your code in renderPlot, just the code that reacts to user input and makes the plot. Hence, I've placed most of your code in a source R file called 'plot_data.R' then used source to populate the global environment with variables that are static.
ui <- fluidPage(
sliderInput("x_range", "idx_end",
min = 0, max = 10000, value = c(0, 1000), step = 100)
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$distPlot <- renderPlot({
learningRate<- 0.2
Grad<- matrix(rep(0, 2), byrow = T)
w<- matrix(rnorm(2), byrow = T)#initialize
idx_end <- input$x_range[2]
error_history<- list()
for (i in 1:idx_end) {
sigmoid_output<- sigmoid_neuron(x= x_tensor, w= w)
grad<- compute_gradients(x_train, y_train, sigmoid_output)
error_history[[i]]<- error
w<- w - learningRate*grad
error_history_rmse<- sapply(1:length(error_history), function(x) sqrt(mean(error_history[[x]]^2)))
plot(seq_along(error_history_rmse), error_history_rmse,
xlim = c(0, input$x_range[2]),
#ylim = c(0,0.1),
col = 'darkgray',
border = 'white')})}
shinyApp(ui, server)

DNBuilder Shinyapps: change term labels

Im building a shinyapp from a log regression using the DynNom::DNbuilder R package. I obtained the ui.R, server.R and global.R code and the app works. However, I'm trying to change the format of the sliders and the labels but I haven't been able to do so.
I'd appreciate if someone could shed some light here . Thanks!
Here's my model and the labels i would like the app to show:
data <- data.frame(
x = c(0,1,0),
y = c(3,6,2),
z = c(1.3, 2.8, 3.1),
w = c(1,0,0)
model <- lrm(x ~ y + z + w, data = data)
modellabels <- c("ylabel", "zlabel", "wlabel")
Here's the DNbuilder code:
model <- lrm(x ~ y + z + w, data =data
DNbuilder(model, data = data, clevel = 0.95, m.summary = c("raw"), covariate = c("numeric"))
Here's what I got after running DNbuilder:
ui = bootstrapPage(fluidPage(
actionButton('add', 'Predict'),
br(), br(),
helpText('Press Quit to exit the application'),
actionButton('quit', 'Quit')
mainPanel(tabsetPanel(id = 'tabs',
tabPanel('Graphical Summary', plotlyOutput('plot')),
tabPanel('Numerical Summary', verbatimTextOutput('data.pred')),
tabPanel('Model Summary', verbatimTextOutput('summary'))
server = function(input, output){
observe({if (input$quit == 1)
limits <- reactive({ if (input$limits) { limits <- c(input$lxlim, input$uxlim) } else {
limits <- limits0 } })
output$manySliders <- renderUI({
slide.bars <- list()
for (j in 1:length(preds)){
if (terms[j+1] == "factor"){
slide.bars[[j]] <- list(selectInput(paste("pred", j, sep = ""), names(preds)[j], preds[[j]]$v.levels, multiple = FALSE))
if (terms[j+1] == "numeric"){
if (covariate == "slider") {
slide.bars[[j]] <- list(sliderInput(paste("pred", j, sep = ""), names(preds)[j],
min = preds[[j]]$v.min, max = preds[[j]]$v.max, value = preds[[j]]$v.mean))
if (covariate == "numeric") {
slide.bars[[j]] <- list(numericInput(paste("pred", j, sep = ""), names(preds)[j], value = zapsmall(preds[[j]]$v.mean, digits = 4)))
}}}, slide.bars)
output$setlimits <- renderUI({
if (is.null(DNlimits)){
setlim <- list(checkboxInput("limits", "Set x-axis ranges"),
conditionalPanel(condition = "input.limits == true",
numericInput("uxlim", "x-axis upper", zapsmall(limits0[2], digits = 2)),
numericInput("lxlim", "x-axis lower", zapsmall(limits0[1], digits = 2))))
} else{ setlim <- NULL }
a <- 0
new.d <- reactive({
input.v <- vector("list", length(preds))
for (i in 1:length(preds)) {
input.v[[i]] <- isolate({
input[[paste("pred", i, sep = "")]]
names(input.v)[i] <- names(preds)[i]
out <- data.frame(lapply(input.v, cbind))
if (a == 0) { <<- rbind(, out)
if (a > 0) {
if (!isTRUE(compare(old.d, out))) { <<- rbind(, out)
a <<- a + 1
p1 <- NULL
old.d <- NULL
data2 <- reactive({
if (input$add == 0)
if (input$add > 0) {
if (!isTRUE(compare(old.d, new.d()))) {
mpred <- getpred.DN(model, new.d(), set.rms=T)$pred
se.pred <- getpred.DN(model, new.d(), set.rms=T)$SEpred
if ( {
lwb <- "No standard errors"
upb <- "by 'lrm'"
pred <- mlinkF(mpred)
d.p <- data.frame(Prediction = zapsmall(pred, digits = 3),
Lower.bound = lwb, Upper.bound = upb)
} else {
lwb <- sort(mlinkF(mpred + cbind(1, -1) * (qnorm(1 - (1 - clevel)/2) * se.pred)))[1]
upb <- sort(mlinkF(mpred + cbind(1, -1) * (qnorm(1 - (1 - clevel)/2) * se.pred)))[2]
pred <- mlinkF(mpred)
d.p <- data.frame(Prediction = zapsmall(pred, digits = 3),
Lower.bound = zapsmall(lwb, digits = 3),
Upper.bound = zapsmall(upb, digits = 3))
old.d <<- new.d()
data.p <- cbind(d.p, counter = 1, count=0)
p1 <<- rbind(p1, data.p)
p1$counter <- seq(1, dim(p1)[1])
p1$count <- 0:(dim(p1)[1]-1) %% 11 + 1
} else {
p1$count <- seq(1, dim(p1)[1])
rownames(p1) <- c()
output$plot <- renderPlotly({
if (input$add == 0)
if (is.null(new.d()))
coll=c("#0E0000", "#0066CC", "#E41A1C", "#54A552", "#FF8000", "#BA55D3",
"#006400", "#994C00", "#F781BF", "#00BFFF", "#A9A9A9")
lim <- limits()
yli <- c(0 - 0.5, 10 + 0.5)
dat2 <- data2()
if (dim(data2())[1] > 11){ =[-c(1:(dim([1]-11)),]
dat2 <- data2()[-c(1:(dim(data2())[1]-11)),]
yli <- c(dim(data2())[1] - 11.5, dim(data2())[1] - 0.5)
in.d <-
xx <- matrix(paste(names(in.d), ": ", t(in.d), sep = ""), ncol = dim(in.d)[1])
Covariates <- apply(xx, 2, paste, collapse = "<br />")
p <- ggplot(data = dat2, aes(x = Prediction, y = counter - 1, text = Covariates,
label = Prediction, label2 = Lower.bound, label3=Upper.bound)) +
geom_point(size = 2, colour = coll[dat2$count], shape = 15) +
ylim(yli[1], yli[2]) + coord_cartesian(xlim = lim) +
labs(title = "95% Confidence Interval for Response",
x = "Probability", y = "") + theme_bw() +
theme(axis.text.y = element_blank(), text = element_text(face = "bold", size = 10))
if (is.numeric(dat2$Upper.bound)){
p <- p + geom_errorbarh(xmax = dat2$Upper.bound, xmin = dat2$Lower.bound,
size = 1.45, height = 0.4, colour = coll[dat2$count])
} else{
message("Confidence interval is not available as there is no standard errors available by 'lrm' ")
gp <- ggplotly(p, tooltip = c("text", "label", "label2", "label3"))
gp$elementId <- NULL
output$data.pred <- renderPrint({
if (input$add > 0) {
if (nrow(data2()) > 0) {
if (dim([2] == 1) {
in.d <- data.frame(
names(in.d) <- names(terms)[2]
data.p <- cbind(in.d, data2()[1:3])
if (dim([2] > 1) {
data.p <- cbind(, data2()[1:3])
stargazer(data.p, summary = FALSE, type = "text")
output$summary <- renderPrint({
t.dist <- datadist(data)
options(datadist = 't.dist')
m.summary <- 'raw'
covariate <- 'numeric'
clevel <- 0.95
I am not quite sure which type of shiny widget (or labels) you mean, but I have some comments.
Firstly, you need to make sure defining your variables' class correctly (e.g. as factors, numeric, ...), for example, by adding the following code before fitting your model:
> data$y <- as.factor(data$y)
This is especially important for factors so it gets factor levels. For numerical variables, you can get a shiny slider (by default) or a numeric input (using covariate = c("numeric")).
The labels for widgets are the same as the variable names. So the easiest way to adjust them is by changing the variable names as you like before fitting your model:
> names(data)
[1] "x" "y" "z"
> names(data)[2] <- 'ylabel'
> names(data)
[1] "x" "ylabel" "z"
> model <- lrm(x ~ ylabel + z, data = data)
Alternatively, the labels can be changed by adjusting the 'preds' object in the 'data.RData'. For example, you can use the following code to change labels:
> names(preds)
[1] "y" "z"
> names(preds)[1] <- 'labelled y'
> names(preds)
[1] "labelled y" "z"
> save.image(file = "data.RData")

SIR model in Rstudio shiny

I´m trying to build the basic SIR model in Rstudio shiny. The model takes 2 parameters (beta = infection rate/day, gamma = recovery date/day), 3 initial values (S = numbers of susceptibles, I = infectious, R = recovered) and last variable is time (in days).
Here is the code of it just in R markdown:
sir_equations <- function(time, variables, parameters) {
with(as.list(c(variables, parameters)), {
dS <- -beta * I * S
dI <- beta * I * S - gamma * I
dR <- gamma * I
return(list(c(dS, dI, dR)))
parameters_values <- c(
beta = 0.05, # infectious rate/day
gamma = 0.5 # recovery rate/day
initial_values <- c(
S = 1000, # susceptibles
I = 1, # infectious
R = 0 # recovered (immune)
time_values <- seq(0, 10) #number of days (0-10)
sir_values_1 <- ode(
y = initial_values,
times = time_values,
func = sir_equations,
parms = parameters_values
sir_values_1 <- # convert to data frame
with(sir_values_1, {
plot(time, S, type = "l", col = "blue",
xlab = "period (days)", ylab = "number of people")
lines(time, I, col = "red")
lines(time, R, col = "green")
legend("right", c("susceptibles", "infectious", "recovered"),
col = c("blue", "red", "green"), lty = 1, bty = "n")
Now I want to add this into R shiny, where the user can input the beta, gamma and days value (sliderbar, or just input), then it will plot the result. I´m pretty new to R and tried some variations here, like putting the user input into ,,UI,, the calculating into ,,server,, then combine it in like this shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server). This code below I tried, but its not working. Can you guys help me, what I´m doing wrong, and what to follow to be able to put the code into R shiny?
ui <- fluidPage(
sliderInput(inputId = "time_values", label = "Dny", value = 10, min = 1, max = 100),
sliderInput(inputId = "beta", label ="Míra nákazy", value = 0.05, min = 0.00, max = 1, step = 0.01),
sliderInput(inputId = "gamma", label ="Míra uzdravení", value = 0.5, min = 0.00, max = 1, step = 0.1),
server <- function(input, output) {
sir_equations <- function(time, variables, parameters) {
with(as.list(c(variables, parameters)), {
dS <- -beta * I * S
dI <- beta * I * S - gamma * I
dR <- gamma * I
return(list(c(dS, dI, dR)))
initial_values <- c(S = 1000, I = 1, R = 0)
sir_values_1 <- ode(
y = initial_values,
times = time_values,
func = sir_equations,
parms = parameters_values
output$plot <- renderPlot({
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
I guess it is something like this you want?
ui <- fluidPage(
sliderInput(inputId = "time_values", label = "Dny", value = 10, min = 1, max = 100),
sliderInput(inputId = "beta", label ="Míra nákazy", value = 0.05, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.01),
sliderInput(inputId = "gamma", label ="Míra uzdravení", value = 0.5, min = 0, max = 1, step = 0.1),
server <- function(input, output) {
sir_equations <- function(time, variables, parameters) {
with(as.list(c(variables, parameters)), {
dS <- -beta * I * S
dI <- beta * I * S - gamma * I
dR <- gamma * I
return(list(c(dS, dI, dR)))
initial_values <- c(S = 1000, I = 1, R = 0)
sir_values_1 <- reactiveValues(val = data.frame())
sir_values_1$val <-
y = initial_values,
times = seq(0, input$time_values),
func = sir_equations,
parms = c(beta=input$beta, gamma=input$gamma)
output$plot <- renderPlot({
with(sir_values_1$val, {
plot(sir_values_1$val$time, sir_values_1$val$S, type = "l", col = "blue",
xlab = "period (days)", ylab = "number of people")
lines(sir_values_1$val$time, sir_values_1$val$I, col = "red")
lines(sir_values_1$val$time, sir_values_1$val$R, col = "green")
legend("right", c("susceptibles", "infectious", "recovered"),
col = c("blue", "red", "green"), lty = 1, bty = "n")
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Here another solution without the need of an observer function. More about deSolve and shiny at:
sir_equations <- function(time, variables, parameters) {
with(as.list(c(variables, parameters)), {
dS <- -beta * I * S
dI <- beta * I * S - gamma * I
dR <- gamma * I
return(list(c(dS, dI, dR)))
ui <- fluidPage(
sliderInput(inputId = "time_values", label = "Dny", value = 10, min = 1, max = 100),
sliderInput(inputId = "beta", label ="Míra nákazy", value = 0.05, min = 0.00, max = 1, step = 0.01),
sliderInput(inputId = "gamma", label ="Míra uzdravení", value = 0.5, min = 0.00, max = 1, step = 0.1),
server <- function(input, output) {
output$plot <- renderPlot({
initial_values <- c(S = 1000, I = 1, R = 0)
sir_values <- ode(
y = initial_values,
times = seq(0, input$time_values, length.out=1000),
func = sir_equations,
parms = c(beta=input$beta, gamma=input$gamma)
## easiest is to use the deSolve plot function
#plot(sir_values, mfrow=c(1,3))
## but you can also do it with own plot functions, e.g.:
matplot(sir_values[,1], sir_values[,-1], type="l", xlab="time", ylab="S, I, R")
legend("topright", col=1:3, lty=1:3, legend=c("S", "I", "R"))
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Just look at the error:
Warning: Error in ode: objet 'time_values' introuvable
In ode(), you should replace time_values by input$time_values and put the full ode() function in a reactive environment since you use some inputs:
sir_values_1 <- reactive({
y = initial_values,
times = input$time_values,
func = sir_equations,
parms = parameters_values
Then you have some errors in your plot but setting xlim and ylim should make it work. However, if you want to display multiple plots, you must define several plotOutput and renderPlot. Putting three plot in one renderPlot will not display the three of them but only the last one.

R Shiny. "Error: no applicable method for 'xtable' applied to an object of class "c('double', 'numeric')"

I am trying to create an interactive data set and I need to subset it for calculations. When I try to extract certain rows and columns I get this error message about xtable being applied object of class "C('double','numeric')". Here is my code.
titlePanel("Vasicek Model Example"),
numericInput("sim", "Simulations", value = 100),
numericInput("loans", "Loans", value = 10),
numericInput("M", "Systemic Risk Factor", value = 0),
numericInput("rho", "Firm Correlation", value = 0),
sliderInput("bins", "Number of Bins:", min = 1, max = 50, value = 30),
tabPanel("Debug", tableOutput("probs"), tableOutput("dftable")),
tabPanel(plotOutput("distPlot"), tableOutput("sumtable"),
TMo <- reactive({
matrix(c(.90, .05, .04, .01,
.05, .80, .10, .05,
.05, .25, .60, .10,
.00, .00, .00, 1.0), nrow=4, ncol=4, byrow=T)
Pprob <- reactive({
TMo()[1:3, 4]
output$probs <- renderTable({
plotdata <- reactive({
R <- vector()
c <- vector()
DefRate <- vector()
groups <- vector()
ctr <- 0
for(group in 1:3){
c[group] <- qnorm(Pprob()[group])
for(i in 1:input$sim){
e <- matrix(data = rnorm(n = input$loans, mean = 0, sd = 1))
ctr <- ctr + 1
default <- 0
for(j in 1:input$loans){
R[j] <- sqrt(input$rho) * M + sqrt(1 - input$rho) * e[j]
if(R[j] <= c[group]){
default + 1
if(j == input$loans){
DefRate[ctr] <- default/input$loans
if(group == 1){
groups[ctr] = 'A'
else if(group == 2){
groups[ctr] = 'B'
groups[ctr] = 'C'
if(group == 3 & i == input$sims & j == input$loans){
DefData <- cbind(DefRate,groups)
output$dftable <- renderTable({
#output$distPlot <- renderPlot({
#bins <- seq(min(x), max(x), length.out = input$bins + 1)
#DR_plots <- ggplot(DData, aes(x=DData$Default_Rate, fill=DData$Credit_Rating))
#DR_Hist_options <- geom_histogram(binwidth = .01, alpha=.5, position = "identity")
#DR_Hist <- DR_plots + DR_Hist_options
#hist(x, breaks = bins, col = 'darkgray', border = 'white',
#main = "Default Rate Distribution", xlab = "Default Rates",
#ylab = "Frequency")
#output$tabs <- renderTable({
#x <- DR_Data
excuse the commented out sections. I'm was debugging to try to figure out the source of the problem. Thank you for the help.
