Passing data from screen to screen conductor - caliburn.micro

Suppose I have two ViewModels and a Screen Conductor in my application.
public class ShellViewModel : Conductor<IScreen>, IShell
public ShellViewModel()
public void ShowConnectionScreen()
ActivateItem(new ConnectionViewModel());
public void ShowSetupScreen()
ActivateItem(new SetupViewModel());
The first ViewModel is displayed on start up, and contains some setup information and a Connect button which initializes a connect to somewhere.
If the connection is established successfully, then I would like the first ViewModel to close and the second ViewModel to display some information about the connection. If it fails, the first ViewModel should simply display that, and allow the user to attempt connection once again.
Thus I need the actual connection object to be passed from the first ViewModel to the second ViewModel and the Screen Conductor to change viewmodels on success.
How can this be achieved in Caliburn.Micro?

To illustrate #mvermef's comment:
use a common type between the 3 class objects, obviously create this type in question
This would be the connection object that the first view model populates and is used by the second view model.
public class Connection {
// props, methods, etc...
and pass it either in constructor or make it a property of all 3 classes
public class ShellViewModel : Conductor<IScreen>, IShell
public Connection Connection { get; set; }
public ShellViewModel()
Connection = new Connection();
public void ShowConnectionScreen()
ActivateItem(new ConnectionViewModel(Connection));
public void ShowSetupScreen()
ActivateItem(new SetupViewModel(Connection));
Do what you want with the Connection object inside ConnectionViewModel
public class ConnectionViewModel : Screen
public Connection Connection { get; set; }
// establish connection
// can call (Parent as IConductor).DeactivateItem(this)
// after connection is established
You can notify the parent conductor if a connection is established by (1) registering through ConnectionViewModel's Deactivated event (assuming you subclass Screen). Or (2) you can use EventAggregator to fire an event if the connection is established and having ShellViewModel implement IHandle. You can then call ShowSetupScreen() inside the Deactivated event handler or the Handle method.
Option 1:
// ShellViewModel
public void ShowConnectionScreen()
var connectionVM = new ConnectionViewModel();
connectionVM.Deactivated += ConnectionViewModel_Deactivated;
private void Scheduler_Deactivated1(object sender, DeactivationEventArgs e)
Option 2:
public class ShellViewModel : Conductor<IScreen>,
IShell, IHandle<string>
private readonly IEventAggregator _eventAggregator;
public ShellViewModel(IEventAggregator eventAggregator)
_eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
// from IHandle<string>. you can create a custom object to represent this event
public void Handle(string message)
if (message.Equals("connection.successful"))
public class ConnectionViewModel : Screen
private readonly IEventAggregator _eventAggregator;
public ConnectionViewModel(IEventAggregator eventAggregator)
_eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
// call _eventAggregator.PublishOnUIThread("connection.successful");


AggregateMember inheritance: No handler was subscribed to command

I have the below aggregate which contains an aggregate member.
public class CpaAggregate {
private String externalId;
private Entity entity;
public CpaAggregate() {
public CpaAggregate(CreateCpaCommand cmd) {
AggregateLifecycle.apply(new CpaCreatedEvent(...));
protected void on(CpaCreatedEvent evt) {
public class Entity {
private String entityId;
private Set<Identifier> identifiers = new HashSet<>();
public Entity() {
public void on(IdentifiantUpdatedEvent evt) {
public class Laboratory extends Entity {
private OperatingSystem operatingSystem;
public Laboratory() {
public void handle(UpdateIdentifierLABCommand cmd) {
AggregateLifecycle.apply(new IdentifiantUpdatedEvent(....));
commandGateway.sendAndWait(new UpdateIdentifierLABCommand(...));
When i send a command to update an identifier of entity of type laboratory, i get this error
org.axonframework.commandhandling.NoHandlerForCommandException: No
handler was subscribed to command [UpdateIdentifierLABCommand]
I would model your CpaAggregate slightly differently, Aymen.
Instead of using the generic Entity aggregate member, I'd go for more specific entities like the Laboratory instance.
This is, for one, a lot more clear modeling-wise, as the model structure becomes clearer. Secondly, Axon Framework will move up into parent class for specifics. So, you can still have common information in an Entity class, like entity identifiers, command handlers, and event sourcing handlers.
I would thus adjust it like so:
public class CpaAggregate {
private String externalId;
private Laboratory laboratory;
public CpaAggregate() {
public CpaAggregate(CreateCpaCommand cmd) {
AggregateLifecycle.apply(new CpaCreatedEvent(...));
protected void on(CpaCreatedEvent evt) {
This should ensure Axon Framework spots the command handler inside the aggregate member too, by the way.

SqliteConnection Xamarin forms Exception Unhandled?

When i try to run the project, i am getting this kind of error: "System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object"
pointing in this code:
sqliteconnection = DependencyService.Get().GetConnection();
This is my Class for DB actions:
namespace DevoApp.DevoAppFinal.Helpers
public class DatabaseHelper
static SQLiteConnection sqliteconnection;
public const string DbFileName = "Devotion.db";
public DatabaseHelper()
sqliteconnection = DependencyService.Get<ISQLite>().GetConnection();
// Get All Contact data
public List<Devotion> GetAllDevotionsData()
return (from data in sqliteconnection.Table<Devotion>() select data).ToList();
//Get Specific Contact data
public Devotion GetDevotionData(int id)
return sqliteconnection.Table<Devotion>().FirstOrDefault(t => t.devotionalId == id);
// Delete all Contacts Data
public void DeleteAllDevotions()
// Delete Specific Contact
public void DeleteDevotion(int id)
// Insert new Contact to DB
public void InsertDevotion(Devotion contact)
// Update Contact Data
public void UpdateDevotion(Devotion contact)
When using the DependencyService, you have to implement the interface in each targeted platform project.
In this case, you should have the ISQLite interface implemented on the platforms you're targeting, i.e. iOS and Android.
To make Xamarin find it at runtime, you will have to register the implementation with the Dependency attribute above the namespace. Observe the following example based on a few assumptions of your project.
In your shared library you have declared the interface:
public interface ISQLite
// Members here
Nothing fancy going on there. Then for each platform, you want to run the app on, do something like this:
[assembly: Xamarin.Forms.Dependency (typeof (SQLiteImplementation_iOS))]
namespace DevoApp.DevoAppFinal.iOS
public class SQLiteImplementation_iOS : ISQLite
// ... Your code
From the error, it looks like you forgot to add the attribute

When do we need data classes?

Im using core. Here is the basic way to use model with controller.
public class BookController : Controller
private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context { get; set; }
public BookController(ApplicationDbContext context)
_context = context;
public IActionResult Create(Book model)
// adding new model
public IActionResult Edit(Book model)
// modifying the model
public IActionResult Delete(Book model)
// removing the model
My question: when shall/should I implement the code inside the controller? When shall/should I implement it in another class?
Something like this:
public interface IBook
int Add(Book book);
int Update(Book book);
int Remove(Book book);
public class BookData : IBook
private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context { get; set; }
BookData(ApplicationDbContext context)
_context = context
public int Add(Book model)
// ...
return _context.SaveChanges();
// other implements...
Then, calling it inside controller:
public IActionResult Create(Book model)
var bookData = new BookData(_context);
int result = bookData.Add(model);
// ...
For the interface, I think it may be useful for the case: I have many controllers that require same action/method names.
Example: MessageController requires 3 actions/methods at least (Create/Add, Edit/Update, Delete/Remove). It's same to NotificationController class, CommentController class...
So, the interface can be improved to:
public interface IMyService<T> where T : class
int Add(T model);
int Update(T model);
int Remove(T model);
public class MyService<T> : IMyService<T> where T : class
private readonly ApplicationDbContext _context { get; set; }
public MyService(ApplicationDbContext context)
_context = context;
public int Add(T model)
Type type = typeof(model);
if (type == typeof(Book))
// adding new book model
else if (type == typeof(Comment))
// adding new comment model
// ...
return -1;
// other implements...
Do I misunderstand something?
If I read it correctly with data classes you actually means repository (which is an abstraction over the persistence layer). You should always encapsulate persistence logic behind a class (be it via repository pattern, command/query pattern or request handler) and use it instead of directly using the context in your service classes.
That being said, you can directly inject your BookData to your controller instead of the ApplicationDbContext. One thing you should consider you lose in your current implementation is the Unit of Work pattern. Right now, every add will instantly persist the data.
This may not be what you want, so you should move the _context.SaveChanges(); outside of the Add/Remove/Update methods and call it explicitly. This allows you to insert i.e. 10 records and if one of them fails, nothing will be persisted to the database.
But if you call _context.SaveChanges(); after each insert and you get an error in the 8th (of 10) records, then 7 get persisted and 3 will be missing and you get inconsistent data.
Controller shouldn't contain any logic at all, only do short validation of the input model (ModelState.IsValid check) and if its okay, call the services which do all the logic and report the result back to the user. Only in very simple tutorials and guides logic is put into the controller action for reasons of simplicity. In real world applications you should never do that. Controllers are much harder to unit test than service classes.

Is there a way to get the current controller instance in ASP.NET 5?

Is there a way to do this using DI? I tried IScopedInstance<Controller> but this gives me null. Poked around aspnet's source code but didn't win. Any ideas?
I have a controller that accepts different IPaymentMethods. The IPaymentMethod can be a ViewComponent that can render Views. If the IPaymentMethod is a ViewComponent, I want it to use MVC's built-in model binding on post back.
public class XController : Controller
// ctor, props, ...
public IActionResult Checkout()
return View(new Model
PaymentMethodId = 1,
PaymentMethodType = typeof(MyPaymentMethod) // The razor file will use this type to render it as a ViewComponent
public IActionResult Checkout(Model model)
var paymentMethod = _paymentService.GetPaymentMethodById(model.PaymentMethodId);
// ..
This is where I need the controller to be injected. I wanted to make use of the built-in MVC validation and model binding.
public class MyPaymentMethod : IPaymentMethod
private Controller _currentController;
public MyPaymentMethod(IScopedInstance<Controller> controller)
_currentController = controller.Value;
public void ProcessPayment()
var model = new PaymentModel();
_currentController.TryUpdateModel(model, typeof(PaymentModel), null);
if (!_currentController.ModelState.IsValid)
return; // or exception
// Process Payment using model
public Task<IViewComponentResult> InvokeAsync()
// returns View
public interface IPaymentMethod
void ProcessPayment();
Since the model instance is required in the ProcessPayment method, why not simply pass it as a parameter?
public IActionResult Checkout(PaymentModel model)
var paymentMethod = _paymentService.GetPaymentMethodById(model.PaymentMethodId);
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return; // or exception
// ..
public void ProcessPayment(PaymentModel model)
// Process Payment using model
Your service is taking on responsibilities that belong to the controller - namely checking ModelState.IsValid.
public interface IPaymentMethod
void ProcessPayment(PaymentModel model);
You may wish to also pass just the properties that are needed from the payment model, or you may wish to make an IPaymentModel interface to decouple your model from your PaymentService. In that case, your IPaymentModel would go into a shared layer.
public interface IPaymentMethod
void ProcessPayment(IPaymentModel model);
This no longer works with beta7
At this time of writing (beta6), this probably isn't supported and there is a good reason for it: Controllers in ASP.NET 5 does not need to inherit from the Controller class. I have, however, found a way for this to work using ActionFilters.
public class ScopeControllerActionFilterAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
private readonly IScopedInstance<Controller> _controller;
public ScopeControllerActionFilterAttribute(IScopedInstance<Controller> controller)
_controller = controller;
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
if (_controller.Value == null)
_controller.Value = context.Controller as Controller;
Note that depending on the stage of the http request lifecycle, the Value of IScopedInstance<Controller> may still be empty.

Proper way of using Unit of Work with unity injection

I am using unity, entity framework 4 with POCO classes, repository pattern for DAL and services for Business Logic control.
I also want to use Unit of Work so I can package together CRUD operations which I perform on different services and then commit them all together.
My question is what would be the proper way to inject the Unit Of Work mechanism into my application using Microsoft Unity?
I understand that I can put the IUnitOfWork together with the repository on the constructor of the proper service and then if Unity mapping is specified it would auto initiate the proper instances, but this way I do not pass the global unit of work but rather create a new instance on each level, which can't be a smart way to do it (actually the repository is initiated even before the service).
What am I missing? (Attached is constructor code as I wrote it now of service and its repository).
U also understand that I can use Unity's ParameterOverrides method to take some global instance of Unit of Work (lets say from my aspx.cs file) and pass it into the service and then into the repository. But it seems a bit lame. Is this my only option?
public class GenericRepository<T> : IUnitOfWorkRepository, IGenericRepository<T> where T : BaseEntity, IAggregateRoot
private IUnitOfWork _uow;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the active object context
/// </summary>
private ObjectContext ObjectContext
return ObjectContextManager.GetObjectContext();
public GenericRepository(IUnitOfWork uow)
_uow = uow;
public void Add(T entity)
_uow.RegisterNew(entity, this);
public void Delete(T entity)
_uow.RegisterRemoved(entity, this);
//.....blah blah....
public void PersistCreationOf(IAggregateRoot entity)
this.ObjectContext.AddObject(GetEntitySetName(), entity);
public void PersistUpdateOf(IAggregateRoot entity)
// Do nothing as EF tracks changes
public void PersistDeletionOf(IAggregateRoot entity)
public class CategoryRepository : GenericRepository<XComSolutions.FB.Domain.Model.Entities.Category>, ICategoryRepository
public CategoryRepository(IUnitOfWork uow)
: base(uow)
{ }
public class CategoryService : ICategoryService
public int myID {get; set;}
private ICategoryRepository _categoryRepository;
private IUnitOfWork _uow;
public CategoryService(ICategoryRepository categoryRepository,
IUnitOfWork uow)
_categoryRepository = categoryRepository;
_uow = uow;
public List<Category> GetAll()
return _categoryRepository.GetAll();
Define an IUnitOfWorkFactory and inject that in your services:
public class Service
private readonly IUnitOfWorkFactory factory;
public Service(IUnitOfWorkFactory factory)
this.factory = factory;
public void DoOperation()
using (UnitOfWork context = this.factory.CreateNew())
What I think you need to do is to define unit of work factory. You register this factory with your DI container and you resolve for this factory every time you need your unit of work. Then you get unit of work from the factory, work with it and let it go. You often will see that you need your unit of work within a scope of single method or single class. This article discuss Unit of Work pattern in connection with Entity Framework:
