bootstrap datepicker style - yellow ribbon - bootstrap-datepicker

I would like to know why there are yellow ribbon on the disabled dates??
Please take a look at the captured picture.
Thanks for your help in advance.
Datepicker yellow ribbon

It was another css file that had same selector.
I troubleshoot by inspecting the elements on the calendar.


Can anyone work out the CSS that is causing my hover link to be the wrong color?

I have just spent an hour going through my CSS file trying to establish why one of my links has the wrong shade of green when you hover over it.
The website is
and the link in question is about halfway down on the right and says "News & Events
(Click here for more)"
Can anyone help me identify which snippet of the CSS describes this section and/or the colour (incorrect shade of green) so that I can find it myself?
Many thanks!
The colour for that link is on line 49 in
I found this by right-clicking the link in Chrome, clicking Inspect, and then using the CSS panel, applied the :hover style to it. This then showed the CSS responsible for the hover colour.

CSS Joomla 3 How do I change the color of an icon

Sorry about the vague title and I hope it's okay to ask questions about free Joomla3 templates here.
I am working with this template Joomlage0056 - DesignCanvas - and I would like to change the color of the Facebook link in the menu bar so that it appears blue, preferably a white font on a blue background, but if that's not possible then a black font on a blue background.
I have (despite my limited CSS knowledge) managed to figure out that this Facebook link is .nav_facebook a. And I have added this to my template (in a special field made for custom CSS)
ul#navigation .nav_facebook a {
This however makes a blue square behind the white circle, so it's not working as it should.
Any idea how I can achieve this task?
Thanks in advance :)
Well this is something that you cannot change in this template. What you are looking at is not a css style but a background image being positioned to the right icon. You can see the image here:
What you can do is edit this file in photoshop and change the color to what you want it over the icon you want and replace the original file.

Style checkbox blue hover in Twitter Boostrap

I can't seem to target the blue hover background of the checkboxes in Twitter Bootstrap. My project is in local dev but just look at any of the checkboxes on this page - When I use Firebug to set them to hover they dont operate like normal hovers. I have tried Chrome dev tools also. I have also just tried styling them using
input[type="checkbox"] {
to target. I've tried affecting background-color and box-shadow (inset) and nothing seems to get rid of the blue.
Has anyone any experience of this?
I am not asking how to style checkboxes and if that answer contains and answer for me apologies and please point it out. What I am asking is specific to Bootstrap. I am asking which attribute ( in bootsrap) the blue hue comes from.
There is no Twitter Bootstrap attribute for this. It's just browser depended. Here, look at this simple checkbox. It have the same blue color on hover as it in Bootstrap.
<input type="checkbox"/>

Flex - Remove horizontallist rollover color

I'd like to remove the rollovercolor of a horizontallist (my component has a background image).
I've tried using a css style sheet by setting the "roll-over-color" property to "transparent"... But I get a black background >_<
Could anyone help me with this?
Thanks a lot =)
The style you're looking for is "useRollOver" and its a bollean, so just set it to false and you should be good to go.
Now if you have a more complicated scenario see the discussion here, this was a case where the rollOver was desired for other rollOver events, but wanted it to be transparent.

Drop shadows to the div using images

I am working on a div which should show a drop shadow at the bottom and right. Here is the link to the html page. I dont know why the classes are not getting applied to the div. Your help is highly appreciated.
Here is the image mock-up which shows the Drop shadow affect
This might help...
You can also drew shadows using css3 in the browser that supported it. Like:
