graphicsmagic compare the opacity of the diff image - graphicsmagick

If I do the following on the command line:
compare out1.png out2.png diff\out1.png
The diff image is very light and it's easy to spot the differences (even if they are only a couple of pixels).
I can't seem to get the same result using gm:
gm compare -colorspace GRAY -highlight-color red -verbose -file
diff\out1.png out1.png out2.png
This will have the red difference stick out a little but the resulting image is not transparent (alpha opacity?) like with the compare command. I think compare came from installing graphicsmagick so it uses gm but with what parameters?
I just found that compare.exe is from Imagemagic

The reason I needed this is because I was using gm with webdriverjs (selenium-webdriver for node) to compare my dev environment with the production/staging site.
Because did not work with imagemagick I used graphicsmagick but solving the bug with gm was easier than trying to figure out how to use graphicsmagick.
So even though the actual question is not answered I solved the problem.
Maybe I'll turn this question into a wiki for webdriverjs.


Command-line equivalent of CSS filter

I'm currently working with pictures and I try to do the same thing as the CSS filter below but in command line:
filter: invert(0.86) hue-rotate(180deg);
To do the trick I used imagemagick's convert tool.
convert $in -evaluate add -26% -negate -modulate 100,100,0 $out
I get close to the result I expect, but I have a huge quality drop. Let's show this in an example
Original version (a random jpg image)
Clean version (made with CSS, expected result)
Dirty one, made with convert
Is there any way (with this tool or another) to convert my image smoothly? The best would be to directly apply css to this image but I don't know whether it's possible in commandline...

How to scroll up in Vim buffer with R (using Nvim-R)

I'm a happy user of the Nvim-R plugin, but I cannot find out how to scroll up in the buffer window that the plugin opens with R. Say for instance that I have a large output in console, but I cannot see the top of it - how do I scroll up to see this? In tmux for instance there's a copy mode that quite handily lets you do this, but how is this done in the R buffer?
An example below where I'm very curious to see what's on the line above the one begining with "". How can this be achieved?
I have scoured the documentation found here, but without luck.
The answer is apparently to use Ctrl+\ Ctrl+n according to this answer on the bugreports for NVim-R.
Here's what my output looks like when I output mtcars:
When I hit Ctrl+\ Ctrl+n, I can move the cursor and I get line numbers:
To get back to interactive, I just use i, the same way I normally would.
Apparently, if you are using neovim, then you can add let R_esc_term = 0 in your ~/.vimrc file and you can then use the escape key, but if you don't use neovim, you are stuck using the two ctrl commands ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
As pointed out by ZNK, it is about switching to normal mode in Vim's terminal. This, however, can easily fail due to cumbersome keybinding. If such is the case, remap the default keybinding to something reasonable, say, by putting this in your .vimrc:
tnoremap jk <C-\><C-n>
This works for me in Linux running Vim 8.0 in terminal (e.g. does not require Neovim). As you can see, I use 'jk' to switch from insert to normal mode. One can use Esc instead of jk, however, this makes me unable to use up arrow to retrieve command line history as been reported elsewhere.

Image to pencilsketch using graphicsmagick

I am new to imageprocessing. I want to convert an image to pencilsketch. I want to know how can i achieve the same with Graphicsmagick. Thanks in Advance.
It would be somewhat easier with ImageMagick than GraphicsMagick, as Anthony Thyssen has put together some excellent examples - but they rely on ImageMagick capabilities such as "aside-processing" in parentheses which GraphicsMagick lacks. They are here.
However, you can do fairly simplistic stuff with GraphicsMagick. Let's start with this picture of the White House:
gm convert whitehouse.jpg -edge 1 -negate -normalize -colorspace Gray -blur 0x0.5 sketch.png

256 colors in zsh-syntax-highlighting?

OK, so I'm using this little fancy cutting edge technology called zsh-syntax-highlighting and although I'm overall happy with the result I don't know how to set styles to anything but 8 basic colors (black, red, green, yellow, blue, magenta, cyan, white), e.g.
#doesn't work
So, how do I set more fancy colors for this zshzle plugin?
As you pointed out in the comment to chepner answer terminator is a fork of gnome-terminal and it still uses a lot of functions from gnome. In fact it seems that the whole terminator VTE widget comes from gnome and gnome-terminal by defaults "supports" only 8 basic colors. You can check that with echotc Co command. It will return 8 for both of them and for xterm too (although in xterm case this is true and only 8 colors), so basically all 3 terminal emulators you tried so far.
Now, you noted that teminator (and gnome-terminal) can in fact display more colors, but this is only because it more or less processes all those special color codes without paying attention to TERM settings what does not obey standards but well, this is gnome. Anyway to make long story short you need to set TERM environment variable to something like xterm-256color and check again with echotc Co - you should now see 256, and your ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[path]='fg=217' should work as well.
To always start with 256 colors you can put into you .zshrc
[[ "$TERM" == "xterm" ]] && export TERM=xterm-256color
and if you have any gnome shortcuts with terminator then change them as follows
terminator -e "TERM=xterm-256color pine" suggests that the value for fg be a single integer from 0 to 255:
ZSH_HIGHLIGHT_STYLES[path]='fg=167' # Whatever color 167 is in the 256-color palette.
I Notice you are using [path], it could be that a custom path with it's own color setting is interfering with your highlight setting. Try testing with a different item such as [command]:
I tried the above line and it works for me. I tried using the same value for path already knowing my custom prompt has its own colors and my prompts custom colors won out over the highlight.
I use a ZSH helper called Oh-My-ZSH so the following may be a bit different or not apply to you:
Make sure you are changing the color definition after the highlight plugin is loaded. On my setup it will actually generate an error but since I only tested on my syetem (OSX10,9, ZSH 5.0.7, Oh-My-ZSH, iTerm v2) your experience may be different.
Doesn't work:
plugins=(git osx jim colorize zsh-syntax-highlighting)
Does work:
plugins=(git osx jim colorize zsh-syntax-highlighting)

Zsh + tmux + oh-my-zsh: Autocomplete produces remnant characters

I recently installed Zsh in hope of a better life and brighter mornings. However, I quickly realized Zsh introduces various issues in conjunction with tmux.
The first issue was some weird stuff happening at the end of the prompt, before my commands, but this was resolved by supplying tmux with the -u flag for unicode-support. However, I am stuck with one final issue that needs resolution before I can use Zsh with tmux:
Usecase: Autocomplete a command which contains multiple suggestions
Issue: Autocompletion shifts suggestion one character to the right, while leaving the original character behind (visual bug, it is not included in the command)
Example 1.
Then I hit TAB..
Example 2.
Then I hit TAB..
Note 1: This does NOT occur when using the Bash-shell.
Note 2: I am using "oh-my-zsh". This issue only occurs when using the provided themes. This narrows it down to an "oh-my-zsh"-theme issue, not native zsh/tmux.
In case some people still get a similar issue, see also the top-voted answer of Remnant characters when tab completing with ZSH. The plugin you were using may have had the same non-printable characters issue, that would explain the symptoms.
