Monitoring progress in RStudio - r

I realise this is a very basic question: is there a way to monitor progress of generic functions in R / RStudio?
I have to deal with very large datasets and each transformation or calculation is taking a couple of minutes. I would like to check progress of generic or pre-programmed functions, e.g., sum(vector). Has anything been foreseen in R or RStudio?
Rem: I am not looking at implementing progress bars in my own loops


Line by line analysis and plotting on multiple monitors during presentation

I am preparing a presentation on data analysis and I am provided with a 2-3 monitor and projector head-up. I would like to use one monitor(+projector) for code, one monitor(+projector) for console display and one monitor(+projector) for plots. Monitors are for me, projectors for the audience.
I would also like to run the code line-by-line (similar to the Ctr-Enter feature of RStudio); copy pasting code won't work. I want to use interactive graphics, analysis and plotting on-the-fly so any pre-done analysis won't work.
Is there any way to achieve this? Although Rstudio is a fantastic tool, a rather basic (and one might say easy) feature like panel detachment is not being developed although frequently requested. This would be probably the best solution to what I want.
UPDATE: Any OS (Win, Mac, Linux) will do.
You should be able to use the vanilla R GUI. Within that you have separate panels/windows for code, console, and plots (with as many plot windows as you want by calling a new device like quartz()). You can evaluate a line of code from the script using Cmd-Enter(mac) and Cntr-Enter (pc) plus the default settings highlight the line of interest. You could also use emacs in the same way, which I find much more powerful and fun.

how to convert Matlab scripts in R

I would like to run some Matlab scripts. Nevertheless we don't have the Matlab licence so it is necessary a conversion from Matlab to R language. Unfortunately I'm totally new in Matlab but not in R. Is it possible to read Matlab scripts using R or is there an easy way to translate Matlab scripts in R?
Rewriting from one language to another can be a painstaking process, especially because your have to take great care that the outcomes of both sets of codes are the same. I see roughly four approaches:
Digest the goal of the scripts, put aside the matlab code, and rewrite in R
Try and mimic the matlab code in R
Run the matlab code in octave, and interface with R
Run the code in Octave entirely
These are roughly in order of amount of work. If you just want to get the Matlab code working, definitely use Octave, which should run the code with minimal changes. If you want to convert the code to R, and continue developing in R, I would go for the first option. In that way you can leverage the real strenghts of R, as R is quite different (link with info, comparison R and matlab). But it does take the largest amount of time. Even if you reimplement in R, I would recommend getting the code running in Octave to be able to see if your results in R fit with the Matlab code.

Message during big file load in R

Is there any ways to print message during big file load or time consuming processing and calculations in R? if it will be with some countdown timer it will be also great.
Thank's for suggestions.
Look at the functions txtProgressBar, winProgressBar (windows only), and tkProgressBar (tcltk package). These can be used to show a progress bar to indicate how far along in a long process you are. Some of them have room for a label that you could use to give a more specific message.
There are a few functions that will use these (the plyr package), otherwise you need to code the updates yourself, but this is pretty simple if you are using a loop or one of the *apply functions.

Can I embed an acinonyx plot into gWidgets (gWidgetsRGTK2 or gWidgetsQt) in R?

I am trying to create a simple data viewing gui for neurophysiological recordings from EEG or MEG using R in which one could select any time point in the recorded timeseries and see the corresponding interpolated scalp distribution of the data.
What this means is that I have two graphs that need to be constantly updated on the basis of user input and I find R's regular graphs to be too slow for this task. I have recently found the acinonyx graphics device which is indeed much faster than R's regular one, but I have not been able to embed graphs made by this device in a gui using gWidgets, nor could I find any documentation on how to embed it in a gui using other packages.
Is this possible at all? If not, what are the options for faster graphic devices in R that can be embedded into a gui?

Creating interactive pplets from R Output

Currently, I generate results from statistical analyses (e.g., a three-dimensional plot) and then "manually" move it to processing - a graphics programming language) where I can (with some simple coding) export an interactive java applet (e.g., allow the person viewing the plot to move in, out, and around the data points). Can I keep this whole process within R? Specifically, I want to create an applet (doesn't have to be Java but would need to be web embeddable, interactive (so not a movie), and not require the user to work in R or have to download things) that can be passed on.
Not totally clear on your requirements: can you be sure that the user will have R installed (e.g. can you run a script on their desktops to install everything first)? Does it have to run over the web?
The animation package ( isn't interactive, but it can create moving images.
The iplots package is useful, although it requires R:
Similarly, rggobi is extremely useful for interactive graphics, but it also requires R. You can read more and
A last example is biplotgui:
I heard that there's a project in development to create Flash output from R, but I can't find anything about it.
Can I keep this whole process within R?
Check out GGobi:
GGobi is an open source visualization program for exploring high-dimensional data. It provides highly dynamic and interactive graphics such as tours, as well as familiar graphics such as the scatterplot, barchart and parallel coordinates plots. Plots are interactive and linked with brushing and identification.
