Loading dependencies from package-internal packrat library - r

I am building an R package with packrat. The package is fully tested and installation from the locally saved source file by
install.packages("myPackage.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type = "source")
works if all dependencies (specified in the Imports: field) are installed on the local machine.
However, I would like to install that package on another server where dependencies are not installed. When I try to do this, I get the error
"ERROR: dependencies ‘survey’, ‘dplyr’ are not available for package 'myPackage'"
I also tried to install the packrat bundle which I created by calling
packrat::bundle(project = 'pathtomypackageproject', file = 'myPackage.tar.gz',
include.lib = TRUE)
but I get the same error.
I think the problem is that, upon installing 'myPackage', R searches the first element of .libPaths(), doesn't find anything and since "repos = NULL" is specified, has nowhere to install the packages from so the error is thrown.
A solution I'm still trying to avoid is to transfer a repository containing all dependencies to the server and pointing to the repository when installing the package. Ideally, I only have to transfer myPackage.tar.gz.
My question is if there is some way to point to the internal packrat library, where all dependencies can be found, and import the namespaces from there.

If you have included the list of packages to be imported in DESCRIPTION File, then you just need to do this while installation of your package:


install dependencies from CRAN for a package installed from source

I want to give a beta version of my package to a coworker for testing purposes.
I build the package and put the .zip file on the Network Folder.
The Problem is, how to tell R that it should install the package from the ZipFile but its dependencies from CRAN?
install.packages("path\\to\\zipfile.zip", source = TRUE, repos = NULL)
Because repos = null disables the dependency resultion. If under stand the documentation correctly:
logical indicating whether to also install uninstalled packages which these packages depend on/link to/import/suggest (and so on recursively). Not used if repos = NULL. Can also be a character vector, a subset of c("Depends", "Imports", "LinkingTo", "Suggests", "Enhances").
I would like to give the coworker a short snippet of code to install for himself without him having to interact further with the installation.
As the Imports or dependencies might change in later development, i would prefer not to hardcode them.
I found devtools::install() which satisfies this requirement. Although it needs devtools.

Install dependencies of custom package

I have developed a local package that depends on others available on CRAN (as an example, pool). Therefore, when I attempt to install the package using the standard
repos = NULL,
type = "source")
I get an error because the dependencies aren't installed. install.packages has an argument dependencies which by default would try to install those dependencies. However, as stated by the man page (and commented in the linked question below), repos = NULL means the dependencies are ignored.
To get around that, I used package miniCRAN to create a repo containing my package, hoping I could do a repos = c("myRepo", getOption("repos")) to get it to work.
Now I can install my package using
repos = c("/path/to/repo", getOptions("repos"),
type = "source")
But only if I've already installed pool. If not, I still get an error because it can't find the dependencies.
So I called miniCRAN::addPackage("pool"), which adds that package and its many dependencies to my repo, and they all appear if I call miniCRAN::pkgAvail().
However, if I attempt to install my package again, I still get a there is no package called 'pool' error.
Interestingly, if I try to install pool itself from the repo, it works.
repos = "/path/to/repo",
type = "source")
repos = "/path/to/repo",
type = "source")
Obviously, however, this kind of beats the point of adding pool to the repo: I might just as well have installed it from CRAN.
So what's going on here, and is this really the only way to install local packages and their CRAN dependencies?
Figured it out.
The problem was a misunderstanding on my part regarding roxygen, which I've been using for my documentation. I assumed it handled the Imports: section of the DESCRIPTION file, which it doesn't ((1), (2)). So while the NAMESPACE file has all the necessary importFrom(pool, ...) calls, pool wasn't actually on my DESCRIPTION.
After fixing that oversight, using remote::install_local("path/to/pkg") (or devtools::install()) ((3)) worked: it installed my package and pulled its dependencies from CRAN.

Error: "there is no package called ..." and trying to use install.packages to solve it

The R studio I have in my university computer gives me an error when I try to download different packages, whereas when I'm with my laptop in the university server, I don't get this error. Because of this, I don't think that there is some kind of a proxy/server problem.
Error in library(readr) : there is no package called 'readr'
I also tried to download the package using R.exe program or download other packages and it gave me the same error.
After looking for a solution in the internet, I found this script:
install.packages('readr', dependencies = TRUE, repos='http://cran.rstudio.com/')
But it downloaded many different packages:
I would like to know the reason why RStudio gives me this error and what happened when I tried to download readr package using install.packages?
Error in library(readr) : there is no package called 'readr'
This means that you don't have the package readr installed on your computer.
You then installed it with
install.packages('readr', dependencies = TRUE, repos='http://cran.rstudio.com/')
which is good. Most packages are not "stand-alone", they use other packages too, called dependencies. Because you used the default dependencies = TRUE, all the dependencies (and their dependencies) were also installed.
You can look at the CRAN page for readr: https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=readr to see its dependencies (anything in the "Depends" or "Imports" fields is required). And of course you need the dependencies of those dependencies, etc. Now that readr is installed along with its dependencies, you can run library(readr) to load it.
Because you set dependencies = TRUE it installed all the dependencies for the package readr
Those several packages you listed are considered dependencies for readr.
You get that initial error when a package has yet to be downloaded.

How to use R CMD Install without dependencies check?

I'm running R CMD INSTALL --build package on a windows computer. My package imports a couple of other packages which themselves depend on some more packages. I have all dependencies installed in the local r_libs folder and everything works.
Now sometimes I have the my package source code on a different windows computer. On this computer I don't have all the dependency packages installed.
When I try to use R CMD INSTALL --build package, I get the obvious "ERROR: dependencies 'package a', 'package b', etc, are not available for package".
My question is: Can I build the package using R CMD INSTALL --build without the dependency checks and without removing the Import and Depends entries in the DESCRIPTION file?
After consulting --help, I tried the --no-test-load option but no luck.
I reckon you want to build a .zip binary version of the package on a computer where not all dependencies are installed. And I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you, as this won't be possible.
Building a binary package is done in two steps: first the package is installed from source (that's why you have to use R CMD INSTALL and then the created binaries are zipped in a convenient format for installation on a windows machine. The dependencies are checked at time of installation from source, and any missing dependencies will throw the error you're facing.
As R needs information from the dependencies at time of installation from source, you can't get around installing them before building the whole thing. This also makes sense. An installed package in R contains a set of .rds files which contain package information in a more convenient format for R. In order to create that information for the NAMESPACE file, it needs to be able to access the packages from which functions are imported. If not, it can't construct the correct information about the namespace.
So your only option is to install the dependencies on the computer you use to build. And if you actually want to use the package on that computer, you'll have to install those dependencies anyway.
More information:
R Internals : https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-ints.html#Package-Structure
Writing R Extensions: https://cran.r-project.org/doc/manuals/r-release/R-exts.html#Package-namespaces

Possible to install a package without installing dependencies?

Is it possible to install a package without installing dependencies?
When run the following command:
if the dependencies are not installed beforehand, isn't it that the installation of the package fails?
My question comes from this post Install a local R package with dependencies from CRAN mirror. Why does it say installing a local package without installing dependencies?
if I set repos=NULL it correctly tries to install the local package
file (as documented), but obviously it does not find the dependencies
You cannot install and get a package to work without its dependencies. The dependencies= parameter is really an indicator if you would like R to automatically install the dependencies. If set to FALSE, R still stop and warn you so you can decide what you would like to do; if TRUE, R will automatically try to download from your current CRAN repository mirror. With repos=NULL (a local file install) there is nowhere else to look for dependencies so the dependencies= parameter is ignored.
