Error: invalid multibyte character in parser at line 1 and stop - r

Described as title, R stopped with the following error message:
Error: invalid multibyte character in parser at line 1
Usually, the error message emerges intermittently during R usage and it's hard to pin point the cause. Sometimes it pops up when I turn to R (using Rstudio) and the process stops.
I have tried reinstalling R, Rstudio, JDK maybe 5 times... to no avail.

source("Function.R", encoding="utf-8")

Please use 0.98 verion even though this version has a little problem with Data Viewer. This is the known problem as posted by Josée Martens!msg/rropen/o8Xhjo0Zes0/P8C0Wb56CAAJ

tool->global option ->code->saving-> default text encoding:UTF-8
use library(KoNLP)
rewrite r script without Korean
I succeed step no.3

Try updating your RStudio via "Tools" -> "Check for Package Updates", as shown in the screenshot below,and you may solve your problem.


gsub error message when addressing column in dataframe in RStudio

Since a couple of days I get the following error message in RStudio from time to time and can't figure out what is causing it.
When I write in the console window to address a data.frame followed by $ to address a specific column in the data.frame (for example df$SomeVariable), the following message is shown in the console window and is printed over an over with every letter I type
Error in gsub(reStrip, "", completions, perl = TRUE) :
input string 38 is invalid UTF-8
The error message doesn't have any real effect. Everything works just fine except the automatic completion of the variable name.
I'm using R version 3.4.4 and RStudio Version 1.0.143 on a Windows computer. In the R script I am currently working on I don't use gsub or any other "string" or regular expression function for that matter. The issue appeared with various data.frames and various types of variables in the data.frames (numeric, integer, date, factor, etc.). It also happens with various packages. Currently, I am using combinations of the packages readr, dplyr, plm, lfe, readstata13, infuser, and RPostgres. The issue disappears for a while after closing RStudio and opening it again but re-appears after working for a while.
Does anyone have an idea what may cause this and how to fix it?
I used to have the same problem a few days ago. I made some research and i found that when you import the dataset, you can change the encoding. Change the encoding to "latin1" and maybe that could fix your problem. Sorry for my poor english, im from Southamerica. Hope it works.

R pander doesn't show result with accentuated character

I've worked for some months with pander/rmarkdown/rstudio without problem, but on this new machine, something as simple as
give me back "Error in table.expand(x, t.width, justify, sep.col) :
I don't understand, because on my previous machine, it works without a flaw.
Same pander version (0.6.0), same configuration of Rstudio (default encoding utf-8), windows 7 on both sides.
It's quite strange because pander has no problem if I have only one accentuated character (car$test="qsdfé") but it's the second that trigger the problem.
In rmarkdown, it makes the compiler stop instantly, with no error message.
This is a bug, which doesn't have a solution (other than reverting R-version) as of now. There is an open issue on github: Link
Issue #296

Error with setwd in R

When trying to use the sample code for SubgraphMining (the example is on 35th page), I get an error:
"Error in setwd(paste(Sys.getenv("R_HOME"), "library", "subgraphMining", :
cannot change working directory"
I'm using RStudio 0.97.551, 32-bit R (2.15.3 - this version of R was recommended to use with subgraphMining), igraph0 (was recommeded too, instead of igraph library), Java installed. Operation system is Windows 8.
Can anyone help me with the issue?
The error message is coming from the gspan function of subgraphMining, from here:
setwd(paste(Sys.getenv("R_HOME"), "library", "subgraphMining",
"parsemis", sep = "\\"))
The reason for it is that R uses / as path separator, and not \\, which only works on windows. A workaround is not modify the function and use / instead of \\.
Btw. this has nothing to do with the igraph package, so I'll remove that tag.
In my case, it displayed the error because I expected it to create a new folder which I mentioned in the path in setwd. Unfortunately, R does not have this functionality and the matter was resolved when I created the folder and then used setwd command.
I know it's almost 1 year since this question was posted. I encountered the same problem with subgraphMining package. A quick hack is: You can write "gspan" on RStudio's command line and it will show the function, copy that function and create your own function in your own script (of course with new name, let's say gspanNew) and fix it by replacing "\\" with "/", as Gabor Csardi pointed out.
Cheers! :)
You can always use file.path("path","with","code") instead of simple paste in order for your code to be OS independent.

Slow or stacking file.choose() in R

If I have more data loaded in R I'm having difficulties with opening and choosing new file via file.choose() and later upload via read.csv(), but I would not get to that point since the file.choose function stacks and the R "crushes" and reports something like "unidentified error occurred and that the R must restart".
I'm using RStudio and running this on Windows 7. The hardware is up to date.
Could someone point me on why this is happing and what would be a remedy against this. Are there other options to select file? I know I can insert the path right into the read.csv command, but the (file is different every time).
The error just happened again. I can not reproduce the error so it happens rather only with high likelihood if the conditions for it are met.
The error reads as: R Session Aborted.R encountered fatal error. The session was terminated. And in window: "Start New Session".
I would just rephrase my question. The question is whether there is other option like command or package that deals with choosing a file. [file.choose()]
The error can not be reproduced and hence I can not expect someone gives reasonable comment on this. But if this occurred someone in the past and solved it, I would like to hear about it. Thanks.
EDIT 3: Further to the error. I have spotted just now sentence in red in Console: Error: Unable to provide connection with R

invalid multibyte character crashes when script is loaded from source (umlauts / special characters)

Thx to suggestions from the mailing list I realized that the problem I got has nothing to do with Sweave or Latex. It´s some Mac OS X related issue. Whenever I run my script by selecting all and sending it to R it works.
When I use
i get the error message stated below
finally I got sweave working together with ggplot2 on my Mac OS X. I invoke Sweave inside R with
which creates the desired latex output. Now that the basic tests work, I try to source my real world file and it crashes at the following line:
gl_bybranch = ddply(new_wans,.(period,Branchen),
I guess it has either to do with the ".(period...)" or the "ä" . Unfortunately I can't change these labels because they are also used in legends. So, somewhere in my code these ugly umlauts will appear. Is there a way to escape them in Sweave? I can't believe that this is problem since Sweave is written by a German who probably have second most umlaut characters (behind Turkey).
The error message I get is: invalid multibyte character in Parser on line 195
Thx for any ideas in advance!
YAY ! i got it. Sorry for the noise everybody. I switched all three files (.Rnw, mysource.R , invokeSweave.R) to UTF-8 it finally worked. So everybody who works with Komodo on a Mac make sure to change your default encoding to UTF-8 !
