Slideshow plugin not displaying images in Chrome - drupal

I'm new at Drupal and I'm now administrating an existing site. There's a bug that the home slider asigns a size of 0x0 to its images, so only the pager is displayed.
When you open the website in another browser, it works fine.
What could be the problem? I googled it but non of the solutions I found work.

First, it's not Drupal related issue, but it's CSS related, so you tagged it wrong and probably googled about it wrong.
Problem can be in:
a) your theme (called "Porto")
b) slideshow module if you are using one
In any case you should (temporary) disable caching of CSS on page (admin menu) Configuration -> Development -> Performace
Then find out what CSS causes this issue, find out what file you should change (user Firebug or some similar tool), change the CSS file, turn on CSS cache again, clear the cache (just in case).
So, Darko's solution can be correct, but definitely there is no point of changing cached CSS file since it will be re-generated in time and you'll loose your change, but it should be applied on correct file. Instead, as I said, disable cache, find the real CSS file, change it there and clear the cache.
Or, since you have access to all CSS files you don't even have to disable the cache, but just find and fix CSS in real file and clear the cache.

Let's say it is CSS related problem but it is not quite correct answer here.
You can see in different browsers different render outputs based on module settings. Issue is on this setting: {
height: 460px;
position: relative;
width: 930px;
} values are the values you set up in your module (in this case view_slideshow). In Firefox you get good output (code from above) but in google chrome you got just next code: {
position: relative;
It is a bug for sure and it is a module related because for some reason Google Chrome not read values which are set in module. First you should try to update your slideshow module on latest release. If you still have a problem you can easily fix it via changing CSS file.
#MilanG have a good point because once you clear the cache new CSS will be generated and you will have the same problem. I will try to explain what you should with little more details.
Go on admin/config/development/performance (if you are using drupal 7) and check out option Aggregate and compress CSS files. That will disable caching of CSS.
Open Firebug on your front page and find next line:
<div id="views_slideshow_cycle_teaser_section_carrusel_home- block"class="views-slideshow-cycle-main-frame views_slideshow_cycle_teaser_section" style="position: relative;">
If you use Firebug on Firefox you should find same line (but it is outputted different as you can see):
<div id="views_slideshow_cycle_teaser_section_carrusel_home-block" class="views-slideshow-cycle-main-frame views_slideshow_cycle_teaser_section" style="position: relative; width: 930px; height: 460px;">
Now you find which CSS is used on that line (it should be something like sites/all/themes/your_theme_name/css/views.css )
Find the right line in that CSS and change it like i showed you in my first post.
Clear the cache and now you go back on admin/config/development/performance and turn on caching.
Hope this helps.

You can fix this like this:
Go on sites/default/files/css
Open css_Ad8ea4Il0r-gy2oHf2eZpgamt3p0W3GurWCoZa6MhXU.css
Find this code in CSS:
Replace it with this code:
Save CSS


anomaly when overriding bootstrap in django

For the past two hours I've been trying to figure out a strange behavior when trying to override bootstrap in Django.
At the beginning, without any custom css file, the result was this:
Then I created a custom css file: my_site/css/master.css
.index-jumbotron {
background-color: #006DB0;
#main-title {
text-align: center;
color: white;
It resulted in this:
So far, so good.
But now, if I change anything on that same file (even when putting !important and taking good care of the specificity system), the result is always the same as the image immediately above.
However, when I indicate my template to point to another file my_site/css/master2.css or css/master.css, indeed the result is as I would have expected:
I can't get my head around this. Do you have any idea? Do you know if the package django-bootstrap3 could have anything to do with that? I installed it in between my two different version of the custom css file.
Looks like a browser caching issue - did you say 'disable cache' in the developer toolbar (network tab) of your browser? This is usually the easiest solution.
Another option is to open the styles file in your browser and hit 'ctrl+r' to force reload of the css file.

Added CSS style not disappearing on reload in Chrome developer tools

I am working on some front end design, and while fiddling with some stuff in Chrome developer tools I added the following to the webpage I am working on:
Even after reloading (and emptying cache and hard reloading) this style persists, regardless of whether or not I have the developer tools open.
I am not sure where this style is coming from or why it refuses to quit!
Has anyone experience something similar and were able to figure out a solution?
EDIT: If it matters this is being applied to a table element
Only two options really: either you defined the width: 100% as an inline style or it's being added via JS as an inline style.

Firefox is not rendering CSS background (Firefox error/bug?)

After spending a while creating an online portfolio, then uploading it, I noticed an issue with one of my sections. On the "Advertisement" section, I noticed it was not displaying the information, just the title. So, I kept on re-pushing the stylesheet.css, even editing it, and it would still look the same. The HTML, CSS, and JS is working how I wrote it. But it is just the section that is not showing. After browsing online and on stackoverflow for an answer, I believe it has to do with Firefox. When using Firebug, I noticed the section's background has been removed, causing the entire section to "disappear." It works just fine on Chrome. I'm not worried about IE, I know that browser has some issues in itself. Anyway, would anyone on here have an idea to resolve this issue, if I can? Or even, what could be causing this issue?
Here is my website to see for yourselves.
It is the opposite for me your entire site works in firefox for me but not in chrome, looking through your code, its being caused by your naming conventions. Namely #advertise
I use the adguard extension in chrome and below is the css it plugs into my html pages to hide ads, so im guessing your using an adblocker in firefox
#adsense_top, #adsensewide, #adspace, #adspace_top, #adspot-300x250-pos-1, #adspot-300x250-pos-2, #adswidget1-quick-adsense, #adswidget2-quick-adsense, #adtext, #adtop, #adv-masthead, #adv-top, #advert1, #advert2, #advertbox3, #advertise, #advertisement1, #advertisetop, #advertising-container, #advertising_wrapper {
display: none!important;
Might as well post a random answer on this... As i wont visit posted links by new users.. i'm just gonna guess that your background image might not be 100%...
In general i use background-image instead of background.. Short hand can be a little pain and breaks in some browsers if not perfect.
so i would compare against the following example
Basically alot of people do not use the url and just go straight for a file name or dont quote it.. And have seen that be the problem in the past, so do use the url('') method.
Otherwise if it still fails to work and you know the image is absolute, you would then have some other css that is either over riding your elements background or is preventing it from loading.
Another trick is using your console / inspect element to manually inject the background-image and see if that works... So once the page has loaded in chrome, inspect the element as normal.. And double click on your css property listing as you can add your own styles this way and if it fails, then its not the markup but something else.

Avatars not showing on phpbb forum

I have a PHPBB forum and my avatars aren't being displayed. When I inspect the element the img element is greyed out.
I can't work out what the problem is, I have tried to edit the css to display: block but this doesn't resolve anything. In the settings avatars are also enabled so that isn't the problem.
As you can see the image when you hover over the source, I'm confident that you don't have a image directory error.
Have you edited many css files?
Have you put some display: none; lines in any of them?
If yes, go over each line (use search function in your IDE) and comment them out, see if it resolves your issue.
Report back with your result.

Does chrome caches resources inside css file?

I am trying to do tracking pixel implementation where tracking pixel is being loaded from css, not js - body:after { background-image: url(url-to-tracking-pixel); }. While it works correctly in all other browsers, chrome keeps caching that tracking pixel. It only occurs when css file with code is also cached. How to prevent this so that resource in css file would not be cached in chrome?
Put a ?=datemodstamp at the end of any URL to prevent caching. The mod stamp would be a date modified timestamp of the file you are referencing. You'll have to echo this with a script.
If you are already referencing a file with ?a=b and so on, just add &=datemodstamp.
P.S. And I'm pretty sure Chrome caches everything.
This code won't work because nothing's changing. All that's wanted is for the image to be loaded from the server every time.
The solution?
Use an inline image with a current date stamp query.
<img src="tracking.png?=currentTimeStamp" style="position: absolute; top: -1000px; left: -1000px;"/>
It's basically the same idea as before.
I'm not setting display to none because the browser might not download it. So I'm just hiding it with a negative position.
Have you thought of doing <link rel="stylesheet" href=... instead of doing an image?
