How to change/alter the timezone in PingFederate 6.10 version. So that it can be reflected in all SAML and OPENToken and in the receiver end, user will receive the token with newly updated date information.
Google is your friend! From the Ping support forums:
You can adjust this by editing the file: /pingfederate/etc/jetty-runtime.xml.
In this you will find a line <Set name="LogTimeZone">GMT</Set>
Adjust the Greenwich Mean Time(GMT) offset by adding or subtracting the number of hours you are from GMT.
For Example, for Eastern Standard Time(EST) with Daylight Savings Time(DST) offset it would be: <Set name="LogTimeZone">GMT-4</Set>
I have been trying to figure this out on my own, but it's been something that I am unable to. I'm not sure if this is an issue or just something on my end. In my Dockerfile, I changed all the instances of ENV TZ=Etc/UTC to ENV TZ=America/New_York and this works correctly for the realm time in game.
Realm Time and Local Time match
Events however, Is there some other configuration I am missing? Because, for example, the STV Finishing Event does not happen at 2PM Eastern Time, but it at 2PM UTC, so 10AM Eastern. I have not been able to do the event once by it just happening. I needed to start the event manually.
Also the evening event starts earlier. I think that is supposed to start at 6PM server time? Or the Leprithus event. I believe that one is supposed to start at 8PM.
Current events at 5:55PM Realm time
Is there another configuration file that I need to modify? It does not seem like the events are adjusting for the server's timezone.
Created an event in google calendar from 24th 06:00 pm to 25th 5:00 pm
When querying the Free Busy it's not returning actual slots
Some one suggest US how to fix this issue
Seems like the issue here stems from the timeMin and timeMax parameters you have supplied for the request.
The timezone of your calendar is GMT-06:00 but timeMin and timeMax from the request are set for GMT hence the results you are receiving.
What you should do is to change the timeMin and timeMax to:
"timeMin": "2021-10-24T00:00:00-06:00",
"timeMax": "2021-10-25T23:29:00-06:00"
Please bear in mind that the timezone parameter is used to indicate the time zone used in the response.
Calendar API Freebusy:query.
We have a chart that restricts details to "today". Today means something different depending on the viewer's time zone: right now for me (in Adelaide, AUS) today means everything in the last 15 hours but for someone in the UK it only means everything in the last 6.5 hours. Is there any way of retrieving the client's time zone in a Kusto query in Application Insights?
Go to settings of the query console:
Change timezone to "Local Time" (default is UTC)
Is firebase generated server time stamp automatically converted into local time as I am getting the time stamp same as my local time or am I missing something?
"title": title,
"message": message,
"serverTimeStamp": FieldValue.serverTimestamp(),
after running the above statement I can see both devicetimestamp, and serverTimeStamp are same.
But their is slight delay in their seocons.
Data In firestore...
8 August 2020 at 16:39:08 UTC+5:30
8 August 2020 at 16:39:16 UTC+5:30
The thing I am trying to do is basically ordering on the basis of date time and the user can see when he has created the notes, but if someone creates a note and stores it into firestore anywhere from the world(irrespective of location). Will, he/she gets their local time by using server timestamp(as I want this so can user see when they have added their document). ANd for safety, I want to use server time stamp so if a device is not in sync with the current time .
Firestore's FieldValue.serverTimestamp() creates and stores the timestamp in UTC Epoch time at the moment the request reaches the Firestore server.
Calling serverTimestamp() doesn't create a timestamp at the time it is invoked and doesn't rely on your user's device time or timezone. Instead, it creates what could be thought of as a placeholder for the date/time. This placeholder is only converted to a timestamp once the request is received by the Firebase server. As a result, the Firestore timestamp will always be at least slightly later than your client date/time (assuming the client time is perfectly synced.)
Using Firestore's timestamp should generally meet your goals of storing dates/times for users across the world in a consistent way, retrieving / sorting notes by creation time, and converting the timestamps into the user's local timezone client side. You may, however, want to handle things slightly differently for scenarios when your users are offline.
See Doug Stevenson's article for a helpful, more detailed explanation of Firestore timestamps.
When the Quota type is not defined in a quota limit policy, (which means that is is a default Quota configuration), what happens when the limit is exceeded? For how long will the requests be throttled before the client can successfully send requests?
Apigee documentation only states the below. It does not provide any information on the behavior -
Default: A Quota policy that does not explicitly define a type is a default Quota configuration.
In the default configuration, quota enforcement is calendar type without StartTime configured.
The StartTime will be calendar/clock start of the corresponding interval such as hour, day, week or month. Example:
<Quota name="QuotaPolicy">
<Allow count="10000"/>
Let's say the current time when the first message received is 2013-07-08 07:35:28. Then, the StartTime will be 2013-07-08 07:00:00 and corresponding end time is 2013-07-08 08:00:00 (1 hour from the StartTime).