Skype bots do not work - skype

Have anybody got their bots working in Skype on iOS or Windows 10 (Desktop)?
Mine bots just doesn't work. I open chat with them, type commands and nothing happends. Same think for bots from Bots Directory. (iOS)
My desktop Skype just doesn't see any bots.

Update your Skype version (Help/Check for updates).
I can see my bot from Skype for PC.

Not sure how the above fix was a solution since the bing "Summarize" bot is a microsoft store app that sets up the contact and behavior support in the Skype store app not the Skype desktop app.
I'm still stuck on the bot not responding to any url I provide it with a summary and have followed all the steps outlined in this support forum thread .


How would I start a new paragraph in a mobile linkedin app in android device?

When writing a message in LinkedIn on android devise, the 'enter' button sends the message. How would I start a new paragraph?
This is due to the keyboard that your app is using. You will need to go into the app settings and change to a US keyboard to allow for the enter to be used as the enter key instead of send.
This answer was given to me by a LinkedIn community expert Julie
I have followed her instructions on my Android phone and the problem is resolved
Unfortunately, it does not work on Samsung Galaxy A5.
I removed all lenguages and keyboards other than English (US) and it still sends instead of insert (break paragraph).
A working solution would be highly appreciated!

How to launch Skype in HoloLens from Unity through script

I have read a question similar to this one, but years ago. I just want to know if there is now an option or some code to put in my Unity app to run Skype from HoloLens.
I have tried putting the Skype uri by code, but it only works on my PC, not on my HoloLens. It just exit my App and I have to open Skype manually, so it is not the thing I really want.
Anyone knows what to do?
You cannot open up or run Skype from within your own app. It works on your Desktop because that Skype is the full release version. The Skype app that is on the HoloLens is essentially just a beta version and doesn't contain all the features and the Skype URI would be one of the features that it doesn't have.
The only workaround there currently is, is to invoke Cortana to do it for you since you can do that through scripting and it basically is what you described as what you don't want to do.
Sorry, currently it is still not possible.

Android Management API (COSU) on AndroidTV?

Android Management APIs are supposed to be "compatible with any device running Android 5.1 or above that has Google Play installed." I really want that to be true, but am having trouble with Android TVs. (Specifically, a NexBox A95x and a TX3mini I'm testing with.)
My stumbling point is how to enter the enrollment token into the device when provisioning it? I had no problem with a Samsung tablet. But, the Android TVs don't use the same startup wizard after hardware reset, so there doesn't seem to be an opportunity to trigger a QR reader, or manually enter the token. I've tried entering the enrollment token into Google Play app (in lieu of the email or phone number to log in), but no luck.
Any ideas or insight how to make this work? If anyone knows a definitive reason why this can't be made to work (e.g. Management APIs don't work on AOSP) that'd be helpful information too.
Clarification (Updated 26 Dec 2017)
Here's a minimal, complete, and verifiable example of the Google Management APIs. The Quickstart exercise from Google, themselves.
Problem: The Quickstart exercise doesn't seem to work with Android TV (tested on a NexBox A95x and a TX3mini). The blocker appears on this step: (Provision A Device). The Android TVs have their own setup wizards that do not accept an Android For Work enrollment token. (I have completed the Quickstart on a Samsung tablet without problem.)
Google's documentation says the Management APIs are "compatible with any device running Android 5.1 or above that has Google Play installed" so it seems these Android TVs should qualify.
Has anyone found a workaround to do complete the Management API Quickstart on an Android TV?
As far as I know the Android Management API doesn't supports Android-based OS's like Android TV, Android Wear, Android Auto or Android Things. It just supports standard Android for phones and tablets.

write a skype plugin for this requirements

I'm starting some research on skype programming. Is there one technologie for skype plugins or are there multiple frameworks or apis?
I'd like to make a plugin where user from my database can communicate with each other (video, audio, chat) over skype without seeing each others' real skype id's - is it possible? (I guess yes, I tried skycandy a couple years ago and it was actually the same)
any hints for realization?
primary platform would be windows, but maybe android/ios as well (are mobile versions plugin enabled?)
Is skype a good choice for the requirements or is there a better solution for a small project without budget?
Skype offers an API for its Desktop clients, Desktop API and an SDK for you build your own client.
The Desktop API is in maintenance mode and doesn't support newer features in the client and has a number of known bugs.
SkypeKit is fully supported but doesn't currently support Multi Part Video, at the time of writing.
Neither of these technologies can be used on mobile devices, in the case of SkypeKit its specifically prohibited in the licence terms, and you may never obscure the sending or receiving parties Skype name as this is prohibited.
For additional info please see
Allen Smith
Community Manager
Skype Developer

Is it possible to show images in Skype chat window?

Is it possible to show images in Skype chat window ?
(windows 7 Skype client)
You can share your desktop using the windows desktop client (not Windows Modern), or drag and drop a image (or any file) into an IM window, or if you are using the iOS client do this -
Update 7/9/14: More clients now support picture sharing in the chat: Xbox one, Windows Phone and iOS all have it now.
Update 09/10/14: Window and Mac too now (improved-skype-desktop-clients-for-a-dynamic-new-chat-experience)
Disclosure: I currently work for Microsoft/Skype
I think no, only you can share links to image, if you think on showing send image immediately, without download them.
There's a discussion/plea for such a feature at the Skype Community. Also, there's this Feature Suggestion separately. Please support.
If you are looking to share photos in real-time, the following tool allows for an online, collaborative slide show. I use it regularly to show pictures to my family over a skype session:
