upgrading cloudera manager from cdh 5.4.9 to 5.6.0 - cloudera

when i'm trying to upgrade cloudera manager via CM parcel page (at: http://hostname:7180/cmf/parcel/status) i get the flowing errors:
Local parcel error for parcel CDH-5.6.0-1.cdh5.6.0.p0.45-el6.parcel : The version 5.6.0-1.cdh5.6.0.p0.45 is too new to be supported. Please upgrade Cloudera Manager to at least 5.6.0 before using this parcel..
when trying to activate the parcel i get the following error:
The new version of CDH: '5.6.0-1.cdh5.6.0.p0.45' is newer than the running Cloudera Manager version: '5.4.8'.
how can i fix that?

It seems your cloudera manager is older version. So first update your manager then try to upgrade your cluster. Refer below link for more details


Cloudera Manager isn't opening

I have an VM: cloudera-quickstart-vm-5.13.0-0-virtualbox, run now.
But the Cloudera Manager's Page isn't being shown.
The message: 'Attempting to connect to Cloudera Manager...'
is being shown the all day.
How Can I solve this problem?
Cloudera manager has to be restarted separately in the quickstart VM. You can run the below command and see it works:
/home/cloudera/cloudera-manager --force --express

Cloudera Spark2 Installation

I'm trying to install Spark2 in my cloudera cluster (evaluation version) following the cloudera's instructions to install this component. I downloaded the CSD, installed it and using the parcel downloaded the component, distribute it but when I try to activate it I'm having this message:
CDH (5.8 and higher) parcel required for SPARK2
(2.2.0.cloudera1-1.cdh5.12.0.p0.142354) is not available.
This is the information of the cluster:
Version: Cloudera Enterprise Data Hub Edition Trial 5.12.1 (#6 built
by jenkins on 20170818-0807 git:
Java VM Name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
Java VM Vendor: Oracle Corporation
Java Version: 1.7.0_67
I'm thinking it could be because my CDH version (5.12.1) and the version of the last spark2 parcel (cdh5.12.0) but I don't find any other package for cdh5.12.1 and my next question is: for cdh5.13.0 which is the spark2 parcel?
The error message is misleading. The real issue is that your cluster is running on Java 1.7. Spark 2.2 is only supported on Java 1.8. Upgrade Java on your cluster and you should be able to install the Spark 2.2 parcel.
Finally solved. The problem was that I need to update de cdh core, after update, spark 2 just works fine.

CDH Installation Issues On Centos 7.3

I have created Virtual Machine using Hyper V manager and wanted to install cloudera 5.11 on the VM.
I followed the steps mentioned in cloudera website.But whenever I check the status of cloudera-scm-server its active in exited state.
Can someone help me out to resolve with this issue ?

Cloudera: Add the Accumulo 1.7.2 parcel into Cloudera manager

I am trying to add the new accumulo 1.7.2 parcel for el7 into Cloudera manager. My version of Cloudera manager is 5.5.2 which is valid with the Accumulo parcel (minimum is 5.5.0). And My cloudera machine have no internet connection
I downloaded the new parcel from this site: http://archive.cloudera.com/accumulo-c5/parcels/1.7.2/ACCUMULO-1.7.2-5.5.0.ACCUMULO5.5.0.p0.8-el7.parcel
I added the parcel into /opt/cloudera/parcel-repo/accumulo/
I have an older version of Accumulo there that is running fine. I also updated the manifest.json file include the SHA of the new parcel.
I am not able to see the parcel under Parcels in Cloudera manager.
I could not find any documentations about it.
How can I get the new Accumulo Parcel run with Cloudera manager?
Thank you
Keep Accumulo parcel and manifest.json in one directory, in the same location start simple python server python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000. Now open Cloudera Manager --> parcel icon --> edit settings --> Remote Parcel Repository URLs. In this windows you will see URI's like below
Now click on + and add your ipaddress:8000. Then click on Check for new parcels

Configuring Cloudera Connector for MicroStrategy

I have installed ClouderaHiveODBCSetup_v2_00 on my windows XP and I am following instructions as per the following page
I am get the following error
the setup routine for the cloudera ODBC driver for APACHE hive ODBC driver could not be loaded due to system error code 127
What could be the problem . I have tried with all privileges as an admin
Cloudera had updated the Hive ODBC driver. Have you try their latest version of the driver? The latest version runs fine on XP.
Here is the download link:
