Ljung-Box test in R - unexpected results - r

I am studying the property of a simulated time series z_t. In brief, z_t is generated as follows: y_t is an AR(1) process with innovations e_t; z_t is y_t * e_t. I expect z_t to show lag-1 correlation.
I performed the Ljung-Box test for z_t in R and found that my result depends a lot on the seed value (for certain seeds I get p-value < 0.001, for others I get p-value near 1; I tested 10 seeds). I also tried to compute the p-value explicitly based on a possible definition of the LB test and found that it's always small. The same analysis done in Python provides low p-values. I suspect that I may be using the Box.test() function incorrectly.
Here is some code to reproduce the problem; the last 3 lines are for my hands-on LB test:
n <- 1000; phi = 0.9; set.seed(9)
errors <- rnorm(n); Y <- rep(0, times <- n)
for (k in 2:1000){
Y[k] <- phi * Y[k-1] + errors[k]
y <- ts(Y)
z <- y * errors
Box.test(z, lag=1, type="Ljung-Box", fitdf = 0)
# note: result doesn't depend very much on number of lags
# sometimes result > 0.1.
r1 <- sum(z*lag(z,-1)) / sum(z**2) #1st order autocorrelation
LB <- n * ((n+2)/(n-1))*r1**2 #LB statistic for lag = 1.
1 - pchisq(LB, 1) # p-value of the LB test; always << 1.


R generating binomial Random variables from exponential random variables

I have 100000 exponential random variables generated withrexp and I am asked to generate 100000 binomial random variables from them using built in R functions.
I really don't know how can I generate one random variable from another. I searched some resources on internet but they were mostly about generating poisson from exponential which are very related because exponential distribution can be interpreted as time intervals of poisson. making poisson can be easily achieved by applying cumsum on exponentials and using cut function to make some bins including number of occurrences in a time interval.
But I don't know how is it possible to generate binomial from exponential.
The function rbin below generates binomial rv's from exponential rv's. The reason why might be a question for CrossValidated, not for StackOverflow, which is about code.
rbin <- function(n, size, p){
onebin <- function(i, size, thres){
I <- 0L
S <- sum(rexp(I + 1)/(size + 1 - seq_len(I + 1)))
if(S > thres) break
I <- I + 1L
thres <- -log(1 - p)
sapply(seq_len(n), onebin, size, thres)
u <- rbin(100000, 1, 0.5)
v <- rbinom(100000, 1, 0.5)
X <- cbind(u, v)
cbind(Mean = colMeans(X), Var = apply(X, 2, var))
# Mean Var
#u 0.50124 0.2500010
#v 0.49847 0.2500002

Problem with simple numerical estimation for MLE of multinomial in R

I am trying to set up a simple numerical MLE estimation of a multinomial distribution.
The multinomial has one constraint - all the cell probabilities need to add up to one.
Usually the way to have this constraint is to re-express one of the probabilities as (1 - sum of the others)
When I run this however, I have a problem as during the optimization procedure, I might have logarithm of a negative value.
Any thoughts of how to fix this? I tried using another optimization package (Rsolnp) and it worked, but I am trying to make it work with the simple default R optim in order to avoid constrained/nonlinear optimization.
Here is my code (I know that I can get the result in this particular case analytically, but this is a toy example, my actual problem is bigger than this here).
test_data <- rmultinom(n = 1, size = 1000, prob = rep(1/4, 4))
N <- test_data
loglik_function <- function(theta){
output <- -1*(N[1]*log(theta[1]) + N[2]*log(theta[2]) + N[3]*log(theta[3]) + N[4]*log(1- sum(theta)))
startval <- rep(0.1, 3)
my_optim <- optim(startval, loglik_function, lower = 0.0001, upper = 0.9999, method = "L-BFGS-B")
Any thoughts or help would be very much appreciated. Thanks
Full heads-up: I know you asked about (constrained) ML estimation, but how about doing this the Bayesian way à la Stan/rstan. I will remove this if it's not useful/missing the point.
The model is only a few lines of code.
model_code <- "
data {
int<lower=1> K; // number of choices
int<lower=0> y[K]; // observed choices
parameters {
simplex[K] theta; // simplex of probabilities, one for every choice
model {
// Priors
theta ~ cauchy(0, 2.5); // weakly informative
// Likelihood
y ~ multinomial(theta);
generated quantities {
real ratio;
ratio = theta[1] / theta[2];
You can see how easy it is to implement the simplex constraint on the thetas using the Stan data type simplex. In the Stan language, simplex allows you to easily implement a probability (unit) simplex
where K denotes the number of parameters (here: choices).
Also note how we use the generated quantities code block, to calculate derived quantities (here ratio) based on the parameters (here theta[1] and theta[2]). Since we have access to the posterior distributions of all parameters, calculating the distribution of derived quantities is trivial.
We then fit the model to your test_data
fit <- stan(model_code = model_code, data = list(K = 4, y = test_data[, 1]))
and show a summary of the parameter estimates
# mean se_mean sd 2.5% 25%
#theta[1] 0.2379866 0.0002066858 0.01352791 0.2116417 0.2288498
#theta[2] 0.26 20013 0.0002208638 0.01365478 0.2358731 0.2526111
#theta[3] 0.2452539 0.0002101333 0.01344665 0.2196868 0.2361817
#theta[4] 0.2547582 0.0002110441 0.01375618 0.2277589 0.2458899
#ratio 0.9116350 0.0012555320 0.08050852 0.7639551 0.8545142
#lp__ -1392.6941655 0.0261794859 1.19050097 -1395.8297494 -1393.2406198
# 50% 75% 97.5% n_eff Rhat
#theta[1] 0.2381541 0.2472830 0.2645305 4283.904 0.9999816
#theta[2] 0.2615782 0.2710044 0.2898404 3822.257 1.0001742
#theta[3] 0.2448304 0.2543389 0.2722152 4094.852 1.0007501
#theta[4] 0.2545946 0.2638733 0.2822803 4248.632 0.9994449
#ratio 0.9078901 0.9648312 1.0764747 4111.764 0.9998184
#lp__ -1392.3914998 -1391.8199477 -1391.3274885 2067.937 1.0013440
as well as a plot showing point estimates and CIs for the theta parameters
plot(fit, pars = "theta")
Update: Constrained ML estimation using maxLik
You can in fact implement constrained ML estimation using methods provided by the maxLik library. I found it a bit "fiddly", because convergence seems to be quite sensitive to changes in the starting values and the optimisation method used.
For what it's worth, here is a reproducible example:
x <- test_data[, 1]
Define the log-likelihood function for a multinomial distribution; I've included an if statement here to prevent theta < 0 cases from throwing an error.
loglik <- function(theta, x)
if (all(theta > 0)) sum(dmultinom(x, prob = theta, log = TRUE)) else 0
I use the Nelder-Mead optimisation method here to find the maximum of the log-likelihood function. The important bit here is the constraints argument that implements a constraint in the form of the equality A theta + B = 0, see ?maxNM for details and examples.
res <- maxNM(
start = rep(0.25, length(x)),
constraints = list(
eqA = matrix(rep(1, length(x)), ncol = length(x)),
eqB = -1),
x = x)
We can inspect the results
Nelder-Mead maximization
Number of iterations: 111
Return code: 0
successful convergence
Function value: -10.34576
estimate gradient
[1,] 0.2380216 -0.014219040
[2,] 0.2620168 0.012664714
[3,] 0.2450181 0.002736670
[4,] 0.2550201 -0.002369234
Constrained optimization based on SUMT
Return code: 1
penalty close to zero
1 outer iterations, barrier value 5.868967e-09
and confirm that indeed the sum of the estimates equals 1 (within accuracy)
#[1] 1.000077
Sample data
test_data <- rmultinom(n = 1, size = 1000, prob = rep(1/4, 4))

Compute the Bayes factor of an A/B test dataset in r

I am trying to compute the Bayes factor of an A/B test dataset that can be found here. However, I end up with a NaN because the beta coefficient evaluates to zero. In calculating the likelihoods, I am assuming that it follows the binomial distribution. Hence, I am following this formula:
likelihood = choose(n,k) * Beta(k+1,n-k+1)
The code can be found below
data <- read.csv(file="ab_data.csv", header=TRUE, sep=",")
control <- data[which(data$group == "control"),]
treatment <- data[which(data$group == "treatment"),]
#compute bayes factor
n1 = nrow(control)
r1 = sum(control$converted)
n2 = nrow(treatment)
r2 = sum(treatment$converted)
likelihood_control <- choose(n1,r1) * beta(r1+1, n1-r1+1)
likelihood_treatment <- choose(n2,r2) * beta(r2+1, n2-r2+1)
bayes_factor <- likelihood_control/ likelihood_treatment
beta(r1+1, n1+r1+1)
beta(r2+1, n2-r2+1)
As you observed, the problem is that the beta function is returning 0, but this is not because the likelihood is actually 0, it's just that the likelihood is so small the computer is storing it as 0. The second issue is that choose is returning Inf. Again, this is not because the value is actually infinite, it's just that R can't internally store values that large. The solution is to use logarithms, which grow much more slowly, and then exponentiate at the end. Below should work (I tested the logchoose function, and it seems to work)
logchoose <- function(n, k){
num <- sum(log(seq(n - k + 1, n)))
denom <- sum(log(1:k))
return(num - denom)
likelihood_control <- logchoose(n1,r1) + lbeta(r1+1, n1-r1+1)
likelihood_treatment <- logchoose(n2,r2) + lbeta(r2+1, n2-r2+1)
bayes_factor <- exp(likelihood_control - likelihood_treatment)

Using JAGS or STAN when an observed node is the max of latent nodes

I have the following latent variable model: Person j has two latent variables, Xj1 and Xj2. The only thing we get to observe is their maximum, Yj = max(Xj1, Xj2). The latent variables are bivariate normal; they each have mean mu, variance sigma2, and their correlation is rho. I want to estimate the three parameters (mu, sigma2, rho) using only Yj, with data from n patients, j = 1,...,n.
I've tried to fit this model in JAGS (so I'm putting priors on the parameters), but I can't get the code to compile. Here's the R code I'm using to call JAGS. First I generate the data (both latent and observed variables), given some true values of the parameters:
# true parameter values
mu <- 3
sigma2 <- 2
rho <- 0.7
# generate data
n <- 100
Sigma <- sigma2 * matrix(c(1, rho, rho, 1), ncol=2)
X <- MASS::mvrnorm(n, c(mu,mu), Sigma) # n-by-2 matrix
Y <- apply(X, 1, max)
Then I define the JAGS model, and write a little function to run the JAGS sampler and return the samples:
# JAGS model code
model.text <- '
model {
for (i in 1:n) {
Y[i] <- max(X[i,1], X[i,2]) # Ack!
X[i,1:2] ~ dmnorm(X_mean, X_prec)
# mean vector and precision matrix for X[i,1:2]
X_mean <- c(mu, mu)
X_prec[1,1] <- 1 / (sigma2*(1-rho^2))
X_prec[2,1] <- -rho / (sigma2*(1-rho^2))
X_prec[1,2] <- X_prec[2,1]
X_prec[2,2] <- X_prec[1,1]
mu ~ dnorm(0, 1)
sigma2 <- 1 / tau
tau ~ dgamma(2, 1)
rho ~ dbeta(2, 2)
# run JAGS code. If latent=FALSE, remove the line defining Y[i] from the JAGS model
fit.jags <- function(latent=TRUE, data, n.adapt=1000, n.burnin, n.samp) {
if (!latent)
model.text <- sub('\n *Y.*?\n', '\n', model.text)
textCon <- textConnection(model.text)
fit <- jags.model(textCon, data, n.adapt=n.adapt)
update(fit, n.iter=n.burnin)
coda.samples(fit, variable.names=c("mu","sigma2","rho"), n.iter=n.samp)[[1]]
Finally, I call JAGS, feeding it only the observed data:
samp1 <- fit.jags(latent=TRUE, data=list(n=n, Y=Y), n.burnin=1000, n.samp=2000)
Sadly this results in an error message: "Y[1] is a logical node and cannot be observed". JAGS does not like me using "<-" to assign a value to Y[i] (I denote the offending line with an "Ack!"). I understand the complaint, but I'm not sure how to rewrite the model code to fix this.
Also, to demonstrate that everything else (besides the "Ack!" line) is fine, I run the model again, but this time I feed it the X data, pretending that it's actually observed. This runs perfectly and I get good estimates of the parameters:
samp2 <- fit.jags(latent=FALSE, data=list(n=n, X=X), n.burnin=1000, n.samp=2000)
If you can find a way to program this model in STAN instead of JAGS, that would be fine with me.
Theoretically you can implement a model like this in JAGS using the dsum distribution (which in this case uses a bit of a hack as you are modelling the maximum and not the sum of the two variables). But the following code does compile and run (although it does not 'work' in any real sense - see later):
# true parameter values
mu <- 3
sigma2 <- 2
rho <- 0.7
# generate data
n <- 100
Sigma <- sigma2 * matrix(c(1, rho, rho, 1), ncol=2)
X <- MASS::mvrnorm(n, c(mu,mu), Sigma) # n-by-2 matrix
Y <- apply(X, 1, max)
model.text <- '
model {
for (i in 1:n) {
Y[i] ~ dsum(max_X[i])
max_X[i] <- max(X[i,1], X[i,2])
X[i,1:2] ~ dmnorm(X_mean, X_prec)
ranks[i,1:2] <- rank(X[i,1:2])
chosen[i] <- ranks[i,2]
# mean vector and precision matrix for X[i,1:2]
X_mean <- c(mu, mu)
X_prec[1,1] <- 1 / (sigma2*(1-rho^2))
X_prec[2,1] <- -rho / (sigma2*(1-rho^2))
X_prec[1,2] <- X_prec[2,1]
X_prec[2,2] <- X_prec[1,1]
mu ~ dnorm(0, 1)
sigma2 <- 1 / tau
tau ~ dgamma(2, 1)
rho ~ dbeta(2, 2)
#data# n, Y
#monitor# mu, sigma2, rho, tau, chosen[1:10]
#inits# X
results <- run.jags(model.text)
Two things to note:
JAGS isn't smart enough to initialise the matrix of X while satisfying the dsum(max(X[i,])) constraint on its own - so we have to initialise X for JAGS using sensible values. In this case I'm using the simulated values which is cheating - the answer you get is highly dependent on the choice of initial values for X, and in the real world you won't have the simulated values to fall back on.
The max() constraint causes problems to which I can't think of a solution within a general framework: unlike the usual dsum constraint that allows one parameter to decrease while the other increases and therefore both parameters are used at all times, the min() value of X[i,] is ignored and the sampler is therefore free to do as it pleases. This will very very rarely (i.e. never) lead to values of min(X[i,]) that happen to be identical to Y[i], which is the condition required for the sampler to 'switch' between the two X[i,]. So switching never happens, and the X[] that were chosen at initialisation to be the maxima stay as the maxima - I have added a trace parameter 'chosen' which illustrates this.
As far as I can see the other potential solutions to the 'how do I code this' question will fall into essentially the same non-mixing trap which I think is a fundamental problem here (although I might be wrong and would very much welcome working BUGS/JAGS/Stan code that illustrates otherwise).
Solutions to the failure to mix are harder, although something akin to the Carlin & Chibb method for model selection may work (force a min(pseudo_X) parameter to be equal to Y to encourage switching). This is likely to be tricky to get working, but if you can get help from someone with a reasonable amount of experience with BUGS/JAGS you could try it - see:
Carlin, B.P., Chib, S., 1995. Bayesian model choice via Markov chain Monte Carlo methods. J. R. Stat. Soc. Ser. B 57, 473–484.
Alternatively, you could try thinking about the problem slightly differently and model X directly as a matrix with the first column all missing and the second column all equal to Y. You could then use dinterval() to set a constraint on the missing values that they must be lower than the corresponding maximum. I'm not sure how well this would work in terms of estimating mu/sigma2/rho but it might be worth a try.
By the way, I realise that this doesn't necessarily answer your question but I think it is a useful example of the difference between 'is it codeable' and 'is it workable'.
ps. A much smarter solution would be to consider the distribution of the maximum of two normal variates directly - I am not sure if such a distribution exists, but it it does and you can get a PDF for it then the distribution could be coded directly using the zeros/ones trick without having to consider the value of the minimum at all.
I believe you can model this in the Stan language treating the likelihood as a two component mixture with equal weights. The Stan code could look like
data {
int<lower=1> N;
vector[N] Y;
parameters {
vector<upper=0>[2] diff[N];
real mu;
real<lower=0> sigma;
real<lower=-1,upper=1> rho;
model {
vector[2] case_1[N];
vector[2] case_2[N];
vector[2] mu_vec;
matrix[2,2] Sigma;
for (n in 1:N) {
case_1[n][1] = Y[n]; case_1[n][2] = Y[n] + diff[n][1];
case_2[n][2] = Y[n]; case_2[n][1] = Y[n] + diff[n][2];
mu_vec[1] = mu; mu_vec[2] = mu;
Sigma[1,1] = square(sigma);
Sigma[2,2] = Sigma[1,1];
Sigma[1,2] = Sigma[1,1] * rho;
Sigma[2,1] = Sigma[1,2];
// log-likelihood
target += log_mix(0.5, multi_normal_lpdf(case_1 | mu_vec, Sigma),
multi_normal_lpdf(case_2 | mu_vec, Sigma));
// insert priors on mu, sigma, and rho

Maximum Likelihood Estimation for three-parameter Weibull distribution in r

I want to estimate the scale, shape and threshold parameters of a 3p Weibull distribution.
What I've done so far is the following:
Refering to this post, Fitting a 3 parameter Weibull distribution in R
I've used the functions
EPS = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps) # "epsilon" for very small numbers
llik.weibull <- function(shape, scale, thres, x)
sum(dweibull(x - thres, shape, scale, log=T))
thetahat.weibull <- function(x)
if(any(x <= 0)) stop("x values must be positive")
toptim <- function(theta) -llik.weibull(theta[1], theta[2], theta[3], x)
mu = mean(log(x))
sigma2 = var(log(x))
shape.guess = 1.2 / sqrt(sigma2)
scale.guess = exp(mu + (0.572 / shape.guess))
thres.guess = 1
res = nlminb(c(shape.guess, scale.guess, thres.guess), toptim, lower=EPS)
c(shape=res$par[1], scale=res$par[2], thres=res$par[3])
to "pre-estimate" my Weibull parameters, such that I can use them as initial values for the argument "start" in the "fitdistr" function of the MASS-Package.
You might ask why I want to estimate the parameters twice... reason is that I need the variance-covariance-matrix of the estimates which is also estimated by the fitdistr function.
thres <- 450
dat <- rweibull(1000, 2.78, 750) + thres
pre_mle <- thetahat.weibull(dat)
my_wb <- function(x, shape, scale, thres) {
dweibull(x - thres, shape, scale)
ml <- fitdistr(dat, densfun = my_wb, start = list(shape = round(pre_mle[1], digits = 0), scale = round(pre_mle[2], digits = 0),
thres = round(pre_mle[3], digits = 0)))
> ml
shape scale thres
2.942548 779.997177 419.996196 ( 0.152129) ( 32.194294) ( 28.729323)
> ml$vcov
shape scale thres
shape 0.02314322 4.335239 -3.836873
scale 4.33523868 1036.472551 -889.497580
thres -3.83687258 -889.497580 825.374029
This works quite well for cases where the shape parameter is above 1. Unfortunately my approach should deal with the cases where the shape parameter could be smaller than 1.
The reason why this is not possible for shape parameters that are smaller than 1 is described here: http://www.weibull.com/hotwire/issue148/hottopics148.htm
in Case 1, All three parameters are unknown the following is said:
"Define the smallest failure time of ti to be tmin. Then when γ → tmin, ln(tmin - γ) → -∞. If β is less than 1, then (β - 1)ln(tmin - γ) goes to +∞ . For a given solution of β, η and γ, we can always find another set of solutions (for example, by making γ closer to tmin) that will give a larger likelihood value. Therefore, there is no MLE solution for β, η and γ."
This makes a lot of sense. For this very reason I want to do it the way they described it on this page.
"In Weibull++, a gradient-based algorithm is used to find the MLE solution for β, η and γ. The upper bound of the range for γ is arbitrarily set to be 0.99 of tmin. Depending on the data set, either a local optimal or 0.99tmin is returned as the MLE solution for γ."
I want to set a feasible interval for gamma (in my code called 'thres') such that the solution is between (0, .99 * tmin).
Does anyone have an idea how to solve this problem?
In the function fitdistr there seems to be no opportunity doing a constrained MLE, constraining one parameter.
Another way to go could be the estimation of the asymptotic variance via the outer product of the score vectors. The score vector could be taken from the above used function thetahat.weibul(x). But calculating the outer product manually (without function) seems to be very time consuming and does not solve the problem of the constrained ML estimation.
Best regards,
It's not too hard to set up a constrained MLE. I'm going to do this in bbmle::mle2; you could also do it in stats4::mle, but bbmle has some additional features.
The larger issue is that it's theoretically difficult to define the sampling variance of an estimate when it's on the boundary of the allowed space; the theory behind Wald variance estimates breaks down. You can still calculate confidence intervals by likelihood profiling ... or you could bootstrap. I ran into a variety of optimization issues when doing this ... I haven't really thought about wether there are specific reasons
Reformat three-parameter Weibull function for mle2 use (takes x as first argument, takes log as an argument):
dweib3 <- function(x, shape, scale, thres, log=TRUE) {
dweibull(x - thres, shape, scale, log=log)
Starting function (slightly reformatted):
weib3_start <- function(x) {
mu <- mean(log(x))
sigma2 <- var(log(x))
logshape <- log(1.2 / sqrt(sigma2))
logscale <- mu + (0.572 / logshape)
logthres <- log(0.5*min(x))
list(logshape = logshape, logsc = logscale, logthres = logthres)
Generate data:
dat <- data.frame(x=rweibull(1000, 2.78, 750) + 450)
Fit model: I'm fitting the parameters on the log scale for convenience and stability, but you could use boundaries at zero as well.
tmin <- log(0.99*min(dat$x))
m1 <- mle2(x~dweib3(exp(logshape),exp(logsc),exp(logthres)),
vcov(m1), which should normally provide a variance-covariance estimate (unless the estimate is on the boundary, which is not the case here) gives NaN values ... not sure why without more digging.
tmpf <- function(x,y) m1#minuslogl(logshape=x,
s1 <- curve3d(tmpf,
h <- lme4:::hessian(function(x) do.call(m1#minuslogl,as.list(x)),coef(m1))
vv <- solve(h)
diag(vv) ## [1] 0.002672240 0.001703674 0.004674833
(se <- sqrt(diag(vv))) ## standard errors
## [1] 0.05169371 0.04127558 0.06837275
## [,1] [,2] [,3]
## [1,] 1.0000000 0.8852090 -0.8778424
## [2,] 0.8852090 1.0000000 -0.9616941
## [3,] -0.8778424 -0.9616941 1.0000000
This is the variance-covariance matrix of the log-scaled variables. If you want to convert to the variance-covariance matrix on the original scale, you need to scale by (x_i)*(x_j) (i.e. by the derivatives of the transformation exp(x)).
outer(exp(coef(m1)),exp(coef(m1))) * vv
## logshape logsc logthres
## logshape 0.02312803 4.332993 -3.834145
## logsc 4.33299307 1035.966372 -888.980794
## logthres -3.83414498 -888.980794 824.831463
I don't know why this doesn't work with numDeriv - would be very careful with variance estimates above. (Maybe too close to boundary for Richardson extrapolation to work?)
grad(function(x) do.call(m1#minuslogl,as.list(x)),coef(m1)) ## looks OK
The profiles look OK ... (we have to supply std.err because the Hessian isn't invertible)
pp <- profile(m1,std.err=c(0.01,0.01,0.01))
## 2.5 % 97.5 %
## logshape 0.9899645 1.193571
## logsc 6.5933070 6.755399
## logthres 5.8508827 6.134346
Alternately, we can do this on the original scale ... one possibility would be to use the log-scaling to fit, then refit starting from those parameters on the original scale.
wstart <- as.list(exp(unlist(weib3_start(dat$x))))
names(wstart) <- gsub("log","",names(wstart))
m2 <- mle2(x~dweib3(shape,sc,thres),
## shape sc thres
## shape 0.02312399 4.332057 -3.833264
## sc 4.33205658 1035.743511 -888.770787
## thres -3.83326390 -888.770787 824.633714
About the same as the values above.
We can fit with a small shape, if we are a little more careful to bound the paraameters, but now we end up on the boundary for the threshold, which will cause lots of problems for the variance calculations.
dat <- data.frame(x = rweibull(1000, .53, 365) + 100)
tmin <- log(0.99 * min(dat$x))
m1 <- mle2(x ~ dweib3(exp(logshape), exp(logsc), exp(logthres)),
upper = c(logshape = 20, logsc = 20, logthres = tmin),
data = dat,
start = weib3_start(dat$x), method = "L-BFGS-B")
For censored data, you need to replace dweibull with pweibull; see Errors running Maximum Likelihood Estimation on a three parameter Weibull cdf for some hints.
Another possible solution is to do Bayesian inference. Using scale priors on the shape and scale parameters and a uniform prior on the location parameter, you can easily run Metropolis-Hastings as follows. It might be adviceable to reparameterize in terms of log(shape), log(scale) and log(y_min - location) because the posterior for some of the parameters becomes strongly skewed, in particular for the location parameter. Note that the output below shows the posterior for the backtransformed parameters.
logposterior <- function(par,y) {
gamma <- min(y) - exp(par[3])
sum(dweibull(y-gamma,exp(par[1]),exp(par[2]),log=TRUE)) + par[3]
y <- rweibull(100,shape=.8,scale=10) + 1
chain0 <- MCMCmetrop1R(logposterior, rep(0,3), y=y, V=.01*diag(3))
chain <- MCMCmetrop1R(logposterior, rep(0,3), y=y, V=var(chain0))
This produces the following output
The Metropolis acceptance rate was 0.43717
Iterations = 501:20500
Thinning interval = 1
Number of chains = 1
Sample size per chain = 20000
1. Empirical mean and standard deviation for each variable,
plus standard error of the mean:
Mean SD Naive SE Time-series SE
[1,] 0.81530 0.06767 0.0004785 0.001668
[2,] 10.59015 1.39636 0.0098738 0.034495
[3,] 0.04236 0.05642 0.0003990 0.001174
2. Quantiles for each variable:
2.5% 25% 50% 75% 97.5%
var1 0.6886083 0.768054 0.81236 0.8608 0.9498
var2 8.0756210 9.637392 10.50210 11.4631 13.5353
var3 0.0003397 0.007525 0.02221 0.0548 0.1939
