How to get last incremented id in SQL with single query -

My requirement I inserted successfully I want to bind last increment id to the root folder file was automatic incremented in SQL. I want to bind last incremented id on that bold part place.
This is my code please help me to solve this problem:
string insert = "insert into Articles values('" + html+ "','" + text + "')";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(insert, con);
int i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
if (i > 0)
using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath(#"~\Articles\**ID**.html"), true))
file.WriteLine(value.editor); // Write the file.
return msg;
return msg1;
catch (Exception ex)

Please note that your code is a security risk as it's vulnerable to sql injection attacks as Sean Lange rightfully wrote in the comments.
Also, the empty catch is a problem as he pointed out. Do yourself a favor and never ever use empty catch blocks.
To get the last generated identity value in the current session you should use Sql Server's SCOPE_IDENTITY() function.
Note that if you have an instead of insert trigger on the table SCOPE_IDENTITY() will not give you the correct value.
Your code should look something like this:
string insert = "insert into Articles values(#html, #text); select scope_identity()";
using (var con = new SqlConnection("<YOUR CONNECTION STRING HERE>"))
using (var cmd = new SqlCommand(insert, con))
cmd.Parameters.Add("#html", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = html;
cmd.Parameters.Add("#text", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = text;
var databaseId = cmd.ExecuteScalar();
if (databaseId is int)
using (StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(System.Web.Hosting.HostingEnvironment.MapPath(string.Format(#"~\Articles\{0}.html", databaseId)), true))
file.WriteLine(value.editor); // Write the file.
return msg;
return msg1;
catch (Exception ex)
// Write to log, show an error message to the user


No values output to txtField while reading from SQL Server database in ASP.NET

I am trying to simply read data from my SQL Server database and input them into text fields on a webform.
I can't figure out what I'm missing but everything compiles smoothly and runs but my text fields remain empty.
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
String index = Request.Form["indexTb"];
string constr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["TravelLogConnectionString2"].ConnectionString;
SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(constr);
string selectSql = "SELECT Location, Date, Message FROM EntryLogs WHERE ID='" + Convert.ToInt32(index) + "'";
SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand(selectSql, con);
using (SqlDataReader reader2 = com.ExecuteReader())
while (reader2.Read())
LocTb.Text = (reader2["Location"].ToString());
DateTb.Text = (reader2["Date"].ToString());
MessTb.Text = (reader2["Message"].ToString());
You're calling the reader2.Read(); twice - once in the while loop, once just below:
while (reader2.Read())
reader2.Read(); // <=== WHY call .Read() a second time ?!?!!?!
LocTb.Text = (reader2["Location"].ToString());
DateTb.Text = (reader2["Date"].ToString());
MessTb.Text = (reader2["Message"].ToString());
That's both unnecessary, and could lead to no results being returned.
If your query only returns one row, the .Read() in the while loop would read that row and return it, but then the next line does another Read(), which would not return any data (since the first and only row has already been read).
Just remove that unnecessary second call to .Read() and I bet your data will begin to show up!
And to fix that glaring SQL injection - use parametrized queries! as one should always do anyway!
string selectSql = "SELECT Location, Date, Message FROM EntryLogs WHERE ID = #Id;";
SqlCommand com = new SqlCommand(selectSql, con);
com.Parameters.Add("#Id", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Convert.ToInt32(index);
using (SqlDataReader reader2 = com.ExecuteReader())
while (reader2.Read())
// REMOVE THIS reader2.Read();
LocTb.Text = (reader2["Location"].ToString());
DateTb.Text = (reader2["Date"].ToString());
MessTb.Text = (reader2["Message"].ToString());

How to use SqlConnection InfoMessage

I have this method that calls a stored procedure. My problem is that it does not return a row, but it prints a message. I am trying to capture that print message into a variable. My problem is I have never ever used InfoMessage before and I checked it out online and for the life of me I can't seem to understand it. Can someone help me out or point me in the right direction?
Here is my code:
public List<showWhatClass> showWhatMethod(string deviceWhat, int tagWhat, Decimal latit, Decimal longit, int Process, string CallNext, int CallNextVar)
showWhatCell = new List<showWhatClass>();
using (connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("iosShowWhat", connection))
command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#DeviceId", deviceWhat);
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#TagId", tagWhat);
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Latitude", latit);
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Longitude", longit);
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Process", Process);
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#CallNext", CallNext);
command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#CallNextVar", CallNextVar);
/*SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader();
while (reader.Read())
showWhatClass item = new showWhatClass();
item.CallNext = reader.GetValue(0).ToString();
item.CallNextVar = (int)reader.GetValue(1);
return showWhatCell;
I have tried the following:
connection.InfoMessage += delegate(object sender, SqlInfoMessageEventArgs e)
showWhatClass item = new showWhatClass();
item.CallNext += "\n" + e.Message;
returns nothing.
You can use an output parameter to get the message from stored procedure and use it in your code.
Add output parameter in stored procedure
#name varchar(20) output
And then set value of this parameter
set #name='Mairaj Ahmad Minhas'
Now in your code when you call stored procedure add another parameter like this
command.Parameters.Add("#name", SqlDbType.VarChar, 20);
command.Parameters["#name"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
And after you have called the stored procedure do this to get value from this parameter.
string name = command.Parameters["#name"].Value.ToString();

For Tuncating table what statement is used?

I have created one sp that tuncate table.Table name is dynamic.Here I used dynamic sql.Sp is working fine.I want to execute that sp from cs file).
I know executenonquery returns no of row affected.executenonquery is used for insert,update and delete command.Exectesclare is used for select which has only one cell.EceuteReader is used for selecting multiple record.What shall i use that tell my tuncate table clause executed properly or not?
You can use ExecuteNonQuery to truncate the table.
string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MyConnection"].ConnectionString;
using (SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
string commandText = "TRUNCATE TABLE myTable";
using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(commandText, connection))
lblStatus.Text = "Table Deleted Successfully.";
catch(Exception ex)
lblStatus.Text = "Table can not be deleted, Error " + ex.Message;
I suppose the best way is to use ExecuteNonQuery.
1. It returs the number of rows affected by the statement.
2. And if something doesn't work properly, you will get a nice SqlException which won't go by unnoticed.
catch(SqlException e)
Console.WriteLine("Oh noes!");

Secure website from SQL Injection ' using and an Access database

I currently have a website with a normal registration and login, coded with
I am using an Access database, while using a C# class my friend wrote for handling most of the database actions (executeQuery, executeRead, isExits...).
Now that I've almost finished building my website, I want to start adding security - mostly to my database. I have searched for a while now for a tutorial on the subject, but I could not find anything good exept an old microsoft msdn article which I couldn't realy get its code to work.
The furthest I've got now is just no allowing any dangerous characters in the username and password, (such as ',--,;), but it kind of feels as if it is the worse solution that i can use (why shouldn't my users use this characters?).
I think that the best solution I've found is somehow insertion the variables into the query string after declaring it (something to do with "WHERE username=#user" or something like that), but i couldn't get it to work with Access and with my oleDBManager.
here is my current registration code. handle() is removing all ' from the string, and Validate() checks for dangerous parts in the string.
string username = user.Text;
string password = pass.Text;
bool isThingy = false;
if (handle(ref password)) isThingy = true;
if (handle(ref username)) isThingy = true;
if (username != "" && username != null)
if (password != "" && password != null)
if (Validate(username, password))
if ((db.IsExist("SELECT * FROM Table1 WHERE username='" + username + "'") == false))
int a = db.ExecuteQuery("INSERT INTO `Table1`(`username`, `password`, `logins`, `email`, `fname`, `lname`, `country`, `city`, `birthday`, `userid`) VALUES ('" + username + "', '" + password + "', '0', '', '', '', '', '', '', '" + Convert.ToString(Convert.ToInt32(db.ExecuteCellRead("SELECT MAX(userid) FROM Table1")) + 1) + "');");
if (!isThingy) errorLabel.Text = "Your user has been successfully registered";
else errorLabel.Text = "The ' token is invalid. your user was registered absence the '.";
errorLabel.Text = "This username is already taken";
else errorLabel.Text = "Invalid name format";
else errorLabel.Text = "Please enter a password";
else errorLabel.Text = "Please enter a user name";
as for the oleDBManager (named db in my code):
private OleDbConnection link; // The link instance
private OleDbCommand command; // The command object
private OleDbDataReader dataReader; // The data reader object
private OleDbDataAdapter dataAdapter; // the data adapter object
private DataTable dataTable; // the data table object
private string dbName; // the Database filename
private int version; // the usersTableG office version
private string connectionString; // the connection string for the database connection
private string provider; // the matching driver string for the connection string
private string path; // the path to the database file
public int ExecuteQuery(string query)
int rowsAffected;
// ---
this.command = new OleDbCommand(query,;
rowsAffected = this.command.ExecuteNonQuery();
catch (InvalidOperationException e)
if (e.Data == null)
rowsAffected = -1;
// ---
return rowsAffected;
public bool IsExist(string query)
// ---
this.command = new OleDbCommand(query,;
this.dataReader = this.command.ExecuteReader();
bool a = this.dataReader.Read();
// ---
// ---
return a;
public string ExecuteCellRead(string query)
string output = "";
this.dataTable = this.ExcecuteRead(query);
foreach (DataRow row in this.dataTable.Rows)
foreach (object obj in row.ItemArray)
output += obj.ToString();
return output;
So, as you might see, the main problem is that the user now can not use characters as '.
It suppose the best solution would be using the # variables in the SQL queries, but I have no idea how.
[thanks for your help]
PS. i HAVE changed my tables' name ;)
edit: most of you are telling me to use these parameterized queries, but it would be great if you could give me an example of how to use them, since i've never done that
So, thanks to #Remou, my FINAL code is:
"INSERT INTO `Table1`(`username`, `password`, `logins`) VALUES (#username, #password, '0');"
, new string[] { "#username", "#password" }
, new string[] { username, password });
public int DoWeirdStackOverFlowStuff(string query, string[] vars, string[] reps)
int rowsAffected;
// ---
this.command = new OleDbCommand();
this.command.CommandText = query;
this.command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
this.command.Connection =;
//Parameters in the order in which they appear in the query
for (int i = 0; i < vars.Length; i++)
this.command.Parameters.AddWithValue(vars[i], reps[i]);
rowsAffected = this.command.ExecuteNonQuery();
catch (InvalidOperationException e)
if (e.Data == null)
rowsAffected = -1;
// ---
return rowsAffected;
for whoever needs this =]
Some notes
In MS Access, I have a saved query called UpdateUser, it looks like this:
SET url = [#url],
databasename = [#databasename],
port = [#port],
username = [#username],
[password] = [#password]
I can refer to this query by name in my code, using a command object:
OleDbCommand Command = new OleDbCommand();
Command.CommandText = "UpdateUser"; //saved query
Command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
Command.Connection = cn; //a connection to the database
//Parameters in the order in which they appear in the query
Command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#url", "a"); //a,b,c etc for my test run
Command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#databasename", "b");
Command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#username", "d");
Command.Parameters.AddWithValue("#password", "e");
I don't remember whether Access does the same thing as SQL Server here, but in SQL Server you can escape the single quote mark by doubling it:
username = username.Replace("'", "''");
So you can include single-quote marks in the string, you can store them in the database, and they can't be used as malicious string terminators. server try catch what is going on?

I identified a bug in my code and I'm baffled as to how it could have occurred in the first place.
My question is, I found a skip in the database ID fields (it is an incremented identity field), indicating some records weren't inserted - which means my SQL sprocs (probably) threw an error. Thinking backwards from there, that means that my business object should have caught that error and thrown it, exiting immediately and returning back to the page's codebehind (instead it continued right on to the second stored procedure). I don't understand why or how this is possible. What's going on in respect to the code execution skipping my try catches?
Page code behind:
protected void submitbutton_click(object sender, EventArgs e){
} catch( Exception ex) {
business object code:
public static void savetodatabase(){
int ID1=-1;
int ID2=-1;
//store the billing contact
SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand("SaveInfo1", con);
cmd1.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd1.Parameters.Add("#Ret", SqlDbType.Int);
cmd1.Parameters["#Ret"].Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;
cmd1 .ExecuteNonQuery();
ID1 = Convert.ToInt32(cmd1.Parameters["#Ret"].Value);
catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; }
finally { con.Close(); }
if (ID1 > 0)
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SaveInfo2", con);
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
ID2= Convert.ToInt32(cmd.Parameters["#Ret"].Value);
catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; }
finally { con.Close(); }
SQL Code:
PROCEDURE [dbo].[SaveInfo1]
-- ... parameters ...
INSERT INTO Table1 ( ... ) Values ( ... )
PROCEDURE [dbo].[SaveInfo2]
-- ... parameters ...
INSERT INTO Table2 ( ... ) Values ( ... )
INSERT INTO Table3 ( [ID], ... ) Values ( #SpecialID, ... )
Your exception handling is horrible. Never do this:
catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; }
All that accomplishes is to screw up the stack trace in the exception. It makes it look like the exception originated at the point of the throw.
Never do this:
} catch( Exception ex) {
You don't know what exception happened. You have no idea whether or not it's safe to redirect, and on top of it all, you lose all information about what the exception was!
You should also get into the habit of implementing using blocks:
public static void savetodatabase()
using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("Connectionstring"))
int ID1;
//store the billing contact
using (SqlCommand cmd1 = new SqlCommand("SaveInfo1", con))
cmd1.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
cmd1.Parameters.Add("#Ret", SqlDbType.Int);
cmd1.Parameters["#Ret"].Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;
ID1 = Convert.ToInt32(cmd1.Parameters["#Ret"].Value);
if (ID1 <= 0)
int ID2 = -1;
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("SaveInfo2", con))
cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
ID2 = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.Parameters["#Ret"].Value);
A using block will ensure that the resource will have its Dispose method called, whether or not an exception is thrown.
Isn't the more likely scenario that someone just deleted some records from the table?
If records are deleted, their unique identifiers will not be recycled, even when new records are later inserted. You can use RESEED in SQL to reset the identity seed to 0 if you desire, but I suggest against that unless you wipe the table. Otherwise you could end up with primary key violations.
Also, make sure your column's identity seed is set to increment 1 at a time.
Your code doesn't matter, just go to Web.config and play with appropriate node:
<customErrors mode="On|Off" />
Use the using clause to auto-close a connection, instead of manual in the finally clause
you can test the catch. just change the procedure:
PROCEDURE [dbo].[SaveInfo1]
-- ... parameters ...
INSERT INTO Table1 ( ... ) Values ( ..., some_out_of_range_value_here, ....)
to have some hard coded out of range value (so the insert fails), and then run your application...
