seasonal decomposition loess daily temperature time series - r

I have a 10 year daily time series of air temperatures:
x <- c(rep((seq(-3,5,by=0.85)),365),NA)
I converted it to a time series object like this:
x <- ts(x, frequency=10, start=1)
and ran stlm
stlm(x, s.window=365, robust=TRUE, allow.multiplicative.trend=TRUE, level=0.95)
which produced the error
error in : missing values in object
This is very strange, because meteorological time series are highly seasonal. What could I do to fix that? Is there a problem with the zeros?
Any help appreciated.
UPDATE: There was one missing value in my time series, which produced the error. The partial code
robust=TRUE, allow.multiplicative.trend=TRUE, level=0.95
produced another error and the arguments obviously cannot be used.
How can I decompose my time series adequately into season and trend in order to identify the trend which eventually changed during the 10 years?

you could also try using the dsa package, which is explicitly designed to handle daily data. You have to convert your data first to xts, but then, you'll be fine,
library(dsa); library(xts)
x <- c(rep((seq(-3,5,by=0.85)),365),NA) # I didn't change these strange looking data ;-)
# Converting to xts
dates <- seq(as.Date("2010-01-01"),length=length(x),by="days")
x <- xts(x,
result <- dsa(x, fourier_number=24) # if no monthly recurring cycle is visible
# fourier_number can be reduced or left empty.
sa <- result$output[,1] # This is the seasonally adjusted series
xtsplot(result$output[,c(2,1)], names=c("original series", "seasonally adjusted series"))


Timeseries Analysis: Observed Values do not Correspond with Input Data

I have generated a decomposition of an additive time series for METAR wind data at a Norwegian airport. I have noticed that the monthly average wind values do not correspond with the observed values shown in the decomposition chart. During the month of January (2014) average winds were measured at 5.74 kts, however the chart shows a dip down to a value below 3 kts. I noticed, however, that when I separated each variable into its own dataset and ran the decomposition separately, the issue had been resolved. Has this got something to do with the way imported data is read? ... Sorry if it seems to be a silly question. Screenshots and code below. Thanks!
To define ts data:
RtestENGM_ts <- ts(test$Sknt, start=c(2012, 1), frequency=12)
To decompose ts data:
decomposed_test <- decompose(RtestENGM_ts, type="additive")
To plot decomposed data:
To plot ts data
Input dataset:
Decompoition of additive time series 2012-22:
I tried importing each variable individually as part of their own respective datasets, this allowed for the correct observed values to be plotted. I still do not understand why r needs the imported variables to be separate. Do I really need to split my data across dozens of spreadsheets? Does R stryggle to isolate a single column during decomposition?

read daily data with weekly seasonal in R

I have a daily data with a weekly seasonal component ranging from 2017-03-01 to 2017-05-29. I want to do a seasonal decomposition in R. My code was as follows.
ser = ts(series[,2], frequency=7, start=c(2017,1,1 ))
I got a graph as follows.
But the X axis is wrong in the graph. How can I correct it..?
it isn't correct because you have not correctly expressed the arguments frequency.
Reading the help of the function ts() you can see that:
frequency the number of observations per unit of time.
So you can try use this code:
ser = ts(series[,2], frequency=365, start=c(2017,1))
Because being daily data, every year you have 365 observations.
Verify that it is the correct solution
I think your frequency is wrong. Also, if your data start in the third day of 2017 you put the wrong start. Try this :
ser = ts(series[,2], frequency = 365.25, start = c(2017,3)) #Third day of 2017
Frequency = 7 isn't really interpretable. For instance, frequency = 12 means that you've got data for each month. In this case you've got daily data so, frequency = 365.25
Default ts object in R seems to be very limited. If you want to create time series with weekly seasonality, i'd recommend the mats object from the forecast library. Because it allows multiple periods, you can define week as well as year as seasonal influence:
daily_onboardings.msts <- msts(daily_onboardings$count, seasonal.periods = c(7, 365.25),start = decimal_date(min(members$onboarded_at)))

GARCH parameter estimation and forecast in R with rugarch package

I have a problem with parameter estimation and forecast for a GARCH model.
I have a time series of volatilities, starting in 1996 and ending in 2009.
I tried to estimate the parameters with the ugarchspec and ugarchfit function:
garch1.1 <- ugarchspec(variance.model=list(model="sGARCH", garchOrder=c(1,1)),mean.model=list(armaOrder=c(0,0)),distribution="std")
garch1.1fit <- ugarchfit(spec=garch1.1,data=RV)
The results seemed to be okay, so I went on with the forecast.
I wanted to use the ugarchforecast or ugarchroll function. But when I tried to do it, I recognized that they work with the wrong date. For example, If I try to do a simple forecast like
forecast <- ugarchforecast(garch1.1fit,n.ahead=2)
I get the following results:
0-roll forecast [T0=1979-04-05 01:00:00]:
Series Sigma
T+1 5.373e-05 3.733e-05
T+2 5.373e-05 3.762e-05
So my problem is: why does R say that T0=1979? This cant be correct as my data starts in 1996 and ends in 2009.
When I had a look at the residuals from garch1.1fit, the date is also wrong.
What's the problem here?
I am not sure what object do you use as RV, but I assume it is a numeric vector. Package rugarch works better with xts objects supported by xts package.
Following code should do the job:
time <- #put here time vector from your data
RV.xts <- na.omit(xts(x = RV, = time))
and then your code with changed object RV for new one RV.xts:
garch1.1 <- ugarchspec(variance.model=list(model="sGARCH", garchOrder=c(1,1)),
garch1.1fit <- ugarchfit(spec=garch1.1,data=RV.xts)
forecast <- ugarchforecast(garch1.1fit,n.ahead=2)
The code i provided does two things: first it makes an xts object using time. This object will tell your ugarchfit() function what is the time of this model. Second, it omits possible NA data, which function ugarchfit() do not handle.
Make sure if object xts connected dates correctly by checking:
I think you did not specify date for your ugarch model. Note that R "Date" class is coded in the number of days from the day 1970-01-01.
Following code may help to understand the concept:
As the date is not specified for ugarch model, your data seems to have the number of observations to fill the 1970-1979 years (probably weekends are excluded), and the prediction starts after that period.

Negative values in timeseries when removing seasonal values with HoltWinters (R)

i'm new to R, so I'm having trouble with this time series data
For example (the real data is way larger)
data <- c(7,5,3,2,5,2,4,11,5,4,7,22,5,14,18,20,14,22,23,20,23,16,21,23,42,64,39,34,39,43,49,59,30,15,10,12,4,2,4,6,7)
ts <- ts(data,frequency = 12, start = c(2010,1))
So if I try to decompose the data to adjust it
ts.decompose <- decompose(ts)
ts.adjust <- ts - ts.decompose$seasonal
ts.hw <- HoltWinters(ts.adjust)
ts.forecast <- forecast.HoltWinters(ts.hw, h = 10)
But for the first values I got negative values, why this is happening?
Well, you are forecasting the seasonally adjusted time series, and of course the deseasonalized series ts.adjust can already contain negative values by itself, and in fact, it actually does.
In addition, even if the original series contained only positive values, Holt-Winters can yield negative forecasts. It is not constrained.
I would suggest trying to model your original (not seasonally adjusted) time series directly using ets() in the forecast package. It usually does a good job in detecting seasonality. (And it can also yield negative forecasts or prediction intervals.)
I very much recommend this free online forecasting textbook. Given your specific question, this may also be helpful.

How do I plot multiple data subset forecast predictions onto a single plot

I am new to R and have found this site extremely helpful, so here is my first posted question. I appreciate your assistance and acknowledge the wisdom on this site.
Background: Start with 5 years of weekly sales data to develop a forecast for future production based on weekly sales with a very strong year seasonality. Determined the starting point with: <- auto.arima(arima.ts, stepwise=FALSE, parallel=TRUE, num.cores=6, trace=TRUE )
> ARIMA(2,1,2)(0,0,1)[52] with drift.
Now I wish to certify the accuracy with visual plotting of multiple 'windows' into the data and compare to the actual values. (This included logging the AIC values.) In other words, the function loops through the data at programmed intervals recomputing/plotting the forecast onto the same plot. It plotted correctly when my window started at the head of the data. Now I am looking at a moving 104 week window and the results are all overlaid starting at 104th observation.
require(forecast) ##[EDITED for simplified clarity]
data <- rep(cos(1:52*(3.1416/26)),5)*100+1000+c(1:26,25:0)
# Create the current fit on data and predict one year out
plot(data, type="l", xlab="weeks", ylab="counts",main="Overlay forecasts & actuals",
sub="green=FIT(1-105,by 16) wks back & PREDICT(26) wks, blue=52 wks")
result <- tryCatch({ <- auto.arima(tail(data,156))
arima.pred <- predict(, n.ahead=52)
lines(arima.pred$pred, col="blue")
lines(arima.pred$pred+2*arima.pred$se, col="red")
lines(arima.pred$pred-2*arima.pred$se, col="red")
}, error = function(e) {return(e$message)} ) ## Trap error
# Loop and perform comparison plotting of forecast to actuals
for (j in seq(1,105,by=16)) {
result <- tryCatch({
############## This plotted correctly as "Arima(head(data,-j),..." <- auto.arima(head(tail(data,-j),156))
arima1.pred <- predict(, n.ahead=52)
lines(arima1.pred$pred, col="green", lty=(numtests %% 6) + 1 )
}, error = function(e) {return(e$message)}) ## Trap errors
The plots were accurate when all the forecasting included the head of the file, however, the AIC was not comparable between forecast windows because the sample size kept shrinking.
Question: How do I show the complete 5 years of sales data and overlay forecasts at programmed intervals which are computed from a rolling window of 3 years (156 observations)?
The AIC values logged are comparable using the rolling window approach, but all the forecasts overlay starting at observation 157. I tried making the data into a time series and found the initial data plotted correctly on a time axis, but the forecasts were not time series, so they did not display.
This is answered in another post Is there an easy way to revert a forecast back into a time series for plotting?
This was initially posted as two unique questions, but they have the same answer.
The core question being addressed is "how to restore the original time stamps to the forecast data". What I have learned with trial and error is "configure, then never loose the time series attribute" by applying these steps:
1: Make a time series Use the ts() command and create a time series.
2: Subset a time series Use 'window()' to create a subset of the time series in 'for()' loop. Use 'start()' and 'end()' on the data to show the time axis positions.
3: Forecast a time series Use 'forecast()' or 'predict()' which operate on time series.
4: Plot a time series When you plot a time series, then the time axis will align correctly for additional data using the lines() command. {Plotting options are user preference.}
The forecasts will plot over the historical data in the correct time axis location.
The code is here: Is there an easy way to revert a forecast back into a time series for plotting?
