How to select part of a custom element with CSS? - css

To select all elements that start with the class name foo. I can use:
[class^="foo"] { }
What can I use to select a custom element that starts with foo.
I want to have a single selector for both elements.

You can't. The [...] selectors only work on attributes, not element types themselves.
What you can do though, as I'm sure you're already aware, is chain them all into one selectors group, but this will mean that you'll need to know the exact element names:
foo-bazz {
Failing that, you can always just give them all a shared class or data-* attribute:
<foo-bar class="foo"></foo-bar>
<foo-bazz class="foo"></foo-bazz>
.foo {


Any selector for checking if an attribute name starts with a value?

I know you can select the elements if the attribute exists
[data-value] { /* rules */ }
Or that its values starts with some val
[data-value^="foo"] { /* rules */ }
But, can I check if any elements contain contains a prefixed attribute?
[^data-] { /* something like it? /*}
This question came when I was trying to query all attributes of the page that has a prefixed aria atrittube. eg. aria-hidden, aria-live...
Unfortunately it is not possible to do what you want with just CSS selectors, you would have to specify each attribute that you want to include. For example:
[aria-hidden], [aria-live]
It would be possible however to do something with javascript, so you may want to look into that if it's an option for you.

Is there a way to use two classes on one element or emulate this behavior?

I need to do:
<p id="un_but" class="blue_but" class="radius_right">SignUp</p>
but this does not work.
Obviously I could just combine the class properties but I was wondering if there is another way perhaps
<p id="un_but" class="blue_but radius_right" >SignUp</p>
dom element(p) can have only ONE attribute(class), but with multiple values separated by space
One of the lesser known tricks with CSS is the fact that you don't have to limit your elements to just one class. If you need to set multiple classes on an element, you add them simply by separating them with a space in your attribute. For example:
<p class="pullquote btmmargin left">...</p>
This sets the following three classes on that paragraph tag:
You would assign these as generic classes in your CSS:
.pullquote { ... }
.btmmargin { ... }
p.left { ... }
If you set the class to a specific element, you can still use it as part of a list of classes, but be aware that it will only affect those elements that are specified in the CSS.
You can use the important keyword to set precedence over different classes.
For example:
.pullquote { width :15 px !important }
.btmmargin { width:20px }
p.left { ... }
In the example above 20px width attribute will have more precedence.

How can I apply an external CSS class to a span created with dojo.create?

I'm creating a span in my web page with dojo.create, and need to apply CSS to it. I can see how to apply a style to it in the dojo reference, but I'd rather apply it via the external stylesheet (there's quite a few attributes I need to set and I'd rather not do it inline).
So given the example code below, how would I apply the CSS for the printSpan class?
var node = dojo.create("span", {innerHTML:_text, id:"printSpan", class:"printSpan"}, map);
You can write this in your external stylesheet:
.printSpan { color: red; }
This is called the class selector.
By the way, your code should be:
{ innerHTML : _text, id : "printSpan", "class" : "printSpan" }
Notice the colon was inside the "class" string, though it should be outside and printSpan is a different string.

What does the selector [class^="span"] do?

I can't work out what this is:
Line 33 of
.row [class^="span"] {
display: inline;
float: left;
margin-left: 20px;
I understand the style but I've never seen this before
This means a class beginning with the word "span", such as:
<div class="spanning"></div>
The ^ symbol is taken from regular expressions, wherein this symbol refers to the beginning of a string.
It should be noted that this checks for the beginning of the class attribute, not the beginning of the classname. Which means it will not match said selector:
<div class="globe spanning"></div>
The above element has two classes, the second of which begins with "span" - but since the attribute class begins with "globe", not with "span", it will not match.
One could use [class*=span], which would return all classes containing span, but that would also return other classes, such as wingspan.
AFAIK, the way to get classes that begin with a string are to use a double selector:
.row [class^="span"], .row [class*=" span"]{}
This will return the class beginning with span, whether at the beginning of the attribute, or in the middle.
(I also recall working in a solution in the homegrown selector engines used by DOMParser).
That is an attribute selector, specifically one of the CSS3 substring-matching attribute selectors.
This rule applies styles to any element whose class attribute begins with span (^= means "starts with"), that occurs in any element with the class row.
That is a CSS attribute Selector.
Have a look at (Section 2)
E[foo^="bar"] an E element whose "foo" attribute value begins exactly
with the string "bar"

Styling elements with a dot (.) in the class name

Hay I have an element like this
<span class='a.b'>
Unfortunately this class name comes from an eCommerce application and cannot be changed.
Can I style a class name with a dot in it?
.a.b { }
.a\.b { }
However there could be browsers around that don't support this.
Coming very late to this party, but you can use attribute selectors.
In your case, to target the class='a.b' element, you could use:
[class~="a.b"] {...}
// or
span[class~="a.b"] {...}
Additionally, here is the full list of attribute selectors.
Attribute Present Selector
// Selects an element if the given attribute is present
<a target="_blank">...</a>
// CSS
a[target] {...}
Attribute Equals Selector
// Selects an element if the given attribute value
// exactly matches the value stated
// CSS
a[href=""] {...}
Attribute Contains Selector
// Selects an element if the given attribute value
// contains at least once instance of the value stated
// CSS
a[href*="login"] {...}
Attribute Begins With Selector
// Selects an element if the given attribute value
// begins with the value stated
// CSS
a[href^="https://"] {...}
Attribute Ends With Selector
// Selects an element if the given attribute value
// ends with the value stated
// CSS
a[href$=".pdf"] {...}
Attribute Spaced Selector
// Selects an element if the given attribute value
// is whitespace-separated with one word being exactly as stated
// CSS
a[rel~="tag"] {...}
Attribute Hyphenated Selector
// Selects an element if the given attribute value is
// hyphen-separated and begins with the word stated
// CSS
a[lang|="en"] {...}
Perhaps you could scan the elements for these classes and add a class that you could style.
For instance, scan all elements with the “a.b” class and then add a new “style-ab” class or some such.
I haven’t posted any example code for this as people may want to use vanilla Javascript or jQuery and it’s a simple enough thing to do.
To clarify, my gaming framework does exactly as the OP described so translations could be applied to certain divs and spans. It’s not a nasty way to decide class names, it’s just useful for people creating markup when using a dictionary that has keys for phrases
Yes you can.
The meaning of CSS class name like '.a.b' is targeting elements that have CSS name with 'a' which also has class name 'b',that's to say you have both of these class in the same element. Just as div.cssname targeting div elements with cssname.
