Rounded buttons in cocos2d-x - button

With the normal Button class in cocos2d-x, we can create round buttons by using images having the edges rounded off. However the hit testing still "works" on the invisible edges because there is likely just no such feature to ignore the touches that occur on the invisible parts and/or the edges. Does anyone know a fix/workaround for this?
The purpose is to not have the button be tapped if the tap is on an area within the rectangle and on a 0 opacity point.

You should definitely check this IrregularButton class made by Shuai Yuan.


Position jQuery Mobile popup allways 20 pixels below top position of visible area

I´m working on a tool only for tablets (Android, iPad) based on Cordova and jQuery Mobile (1.4.5). In the first phase of this tool, many of the users who have to work with it were asking for some more comfort regarding the behavior of the form popups.
The problem was:
As a user came to one section, I provided him with a collapsible-set, consisting of sub-sections. In this sub-sections, the user gets data-grids with Add, Edit and Delete buttons next to each data-set.
So, as the user tapped on Edit button (or Add), I opened up a popup with the necessary form and form-elements to edit this data-set or add new data to the database. But in many of the upcoming popups the amount of the form-elements is as high, so the popup appears higher or even much higher then the collapsible-set (including the data grid) behind the modal popup is.
The popup of jQuery Mobile is centered by default and even if I positionTo origin and pass x and y coordinates to it, the library/widget wants to position the popup to this coordinates by the center point, rather then the upper left corner.
Users always had to scroll around to come to the start point of the form and after submitting the form, they had to scroll up again to where they tapped on the button to open the popup.
Now I tried to do everything I could imagine, to force the popups top position to 20 pixels below the top position of the visible area on the tablet, regardless of where I am, when tapping on any Edit or Add button.
I was playing around with offset() (window.pageYOffset), etc. and set the position of the popup by:
In fact, the popup is positioned to exactly where I want it, if the top offset is between 0 and 100. On all values above 100, the top position of the popup increases by absolutely incomprehensible value. The only consistent fact is, that the more I scroll down before I tap on a button, the more this value increases - so it does not in/decrease by random.
(BTW: I found out that I have to set "popupLeftValue" to 0, so the popup is positioned in the center horizontally.)
I just can´t see any regularity on increasing value...
Can anybody give me a hint or a punch to the right direction?
Thank you in advance!
PS: I experimented also with .css({'position':'[fixed|absolute]','top':popupTopValue+'px','left':popupLeftValue+'px'}); and that worked well. Only to find out one show-stopper: If I set the focus to an input-field inside the form and than closing the virtual keyboard on the tablet, a reposition-event is triggered and by this, the popup is re-positioned massively below the former position (in fact around 300 pixels below and just marginalized to the right border of visual area). The Cancel and Save buttons are even out of scroll-able area.
(some more funny fact, btw.: if I set the focus to the same input-field, than not closing the virtual-keyboard but directly setting the focus to a select element and after this pressing the back button of the tablet to escape the select menu, no reposition-event is triggered...!?)
On 18th of July 2013 Gabriel Schulhof added this line to a feature-request from one user, who asked exactly for what I´m struggling around with:
"We are indeed considering adding such a feature..."

Qt QGraphicsProxyWidget hiding other QGraphicsProxyWidgets

I'm working on a Slotmachine with QGraphicsScene and -View and I'm close to the end of that project. But now I want to add a small rect to the winning-lines that shows the amount of won credits in that line. The rect is a QLabel in a QGraphicsProxyWidget. I don't know if thats the best way to solve this problem but I'm not able to find a better solution at the moment. I'm setting the proxyWidget to not visible in the constructor of the label but when I'm setting this proxyWidget to visible other proxyWidgets in the scene disappear. And I just dont understand why. It's not hiding every proxyWidgets.
As you can see on the picture there's a red rect in the middle of the first square of the winning line. This is causing the problem. It is hiding the lower white border which is a QGraphicsPixmapItem and the first of the normally three QGraphicsProxyWidgets at the bottom, stake(this is not visible), last gain(letzter Gewinn), credit(Guthaben). I don't know why its not hiding the other Widgets on the bottom because they are all equal. As you can see its not hiding the complete lower border. I just don't know why this happens and why it just happens to the lower border and the left widget on the bottom and not to any other elements. I just don't know how to fix a problem like that.
It's a bit long to read but I don't know how to really describe the problem or how I could show you in the Code. I hope someone could help me.
Solved it by using an QGraphicsTextItem. totally forgot that it is existing. Thanks to the QT Forum.

Flex Drag and Drop

I have an image that I show inside a canvas which I can zoom in on.
The problem is that when zoomed in, I try to drag the image, I can see the outline of the image in the foreground, (i.e.) outside the canvas boundary.
Is there anyway to tell the dragHandler to crop the "grabbed" image outside the canvas boundary?
In my experience using the built in drag/drop flex stuff is overkill for something that involves moving a component around in a canvas.
The easier way to do this (in my opinion) would be to listen for mouse down/up/move the image around in the canvas yourself.
When you detect a mouse down on your image, add a listener for mouse move (pro tip: make sure you set useCapture to true when calling addEventListener) and store the position of the mouse relative the origin of your image. Then whenever you get a mouse move, change the position of your image within your canvas taking into account the position of the mouse within the image (which you stored on mouse down). Keep doing this until mouse up occurs, then remove your mouse move listener.
There are some additional finer points to account for (what if the user drags outside of the canvas? Or outside of the browser window?), but this will get you started.
Hope that helps.

Flex 3 - Rounded bottom corners on a window?

I'm making a flex 3.5a/air2 application and I've made a popup window but I can't seem to get its bottom corners rounded. Setting cornerRadius seems to only affect the top corners.
There doesn't seem to be a roundedBottomCorners property like there is for panels, and adding a controlbar with a cornerRadius also has no effect.
I'm sure this is a very simple problem but would really appreciate any help as I can't find the answer on google or after searching on here!
If you can give up window header (and paint it yourself), try to make transparent window (with transparent background) and construct it from controls you need. I'm sure you can get window of any shape this way.
Ended up making the window transparent and setting showFlexChrome to false. Then using a container I was able to get rounded corners.
It didn't help my other problem which was trying to get a glow effect around the window and still being able to resize it.. for that I had to override the mouseDownHandler from the window class so I could modify the drag locations to the container canvas. What a pain!

When handling a, how do I find the localX/Y with respect to the currentTarget?

I have a component which draws a grid of things and I want a small highlight square to follow the mouse around highlighting the square that the mouse is currently over.
The whole grid is basically just one big sprite (it's a very large grid and this was faster than using pre-existing components) and the highlight square is another sprite which I'm trying to move around according to the mouse position.
So, what I have is a MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE handler attached to the grid sprite and this tries to determine where the mouse is and what square it's over so that it can move the highlight square to the right place. I was using localX/localY for this, but as soon as I move the highlight sprite under the mouse, these become local to the highlight and not the grid!
I was toying with stageX/Y as well, but these seemed to become pretty useless when the stage is scrolled or your component is hiding in nested display containers.
Basically, i think, you want to check the the grid components mouseX and mouseY property which will give you the mouse coordinates relative to that component. Then a little bit of maths should be able to give you what grid element you are over.
Assuming your highlight sprite is a sibling to the grid and they are both children of the main application, and you've drawn child sprites (squares) within the grid: You could add event listeners to each of the grid's square sprites. On rollover, highlight the square. Then you probably won't need to perform any translation of grid or mouse coordinates using grid.localToGlobal(new Point(targetSquare.x, targetSquare.y)) or highlightSquare.globalToLocal(grid_point).
