how display add_action output in wordpress? - wordpress

hi there is a code in below
function sumobi_edd_show_download_sales() {
$sales = edd_get_download_sales_stats( get_the_ID() );
$sales = $sales > 1 ? $sales . ' sales' : $sales . ' sale';
echo '<p>';
echo $sales;
echo '<br/>';
echo sumobi_edd_get_download_count( get_the_ID() ) . ' downloads';
echo '</p>';}add_action( 'edd_product_details_widget_before_purchase_button', 'sumobi_edd_show_download_sales' );
i need to diplay output of this code to another file


Display multiple category name wordpress

Looking to display all category names for wordpress posts on a specific post.
So if a post is in "web design, seo and social media" i want these category names to display on the post - and NOT all the other categories such as "app design" which it is not related too.
<?php $category = get_the_category();
echo $category[0]->cat_name;
echo " / ";
echo $category[1]->cat_name;
echo " / ";
echo $category[2]->cat_name;
this works currently but if there is only 1 category then i get extra / on the end of the displayed text.
Can someone else with a loop that works better?
$categories = get_the_category();
$cat_id = $categories[0]->term_id;
foreach ( $categories as $i => $category ) {
echo '<a href="' . esc_url( get_category_link( $category->term_id ) ) . '" >' . esc_html( $category->name ).'</a>';
if ( $i < $count - 1 )
echo $separator;
Hope it will help you.
Your code show undefines the $count variable but when I use this code it shows some categories.
$categories = get_the_category();
$cat_id = $categories[0]->term_id;
foreach ( $categories as $i => $category ) {
echo '<a href="' . esc_url( get_category_link( $category->term_id ) ) . '" >' . esc_html( $category->name ).'</a>';
if ( $i < 'count - 1' )
echo $separator;

Insert custom content in WooCommerce

I have some problem in WooCommerce Admin Order menu. I want to add some content in the column but I don't know where I can make it.
This is some example screenshoot about my woocommerce admin order view :
I want to add phone number bellow email address in Order column.
Please help me to do that.
Thank you.
I've had to do this once, i've followed this tutorial :
add_action('manage_shop_order_posts_custom_column', 'match_order_woocommerce_custom_order_columns', 2);
function match_order_woocommerce_custom_order_columns( $column ) {
remove_action('manage_shop_order_posts_custom_column', 'woocommerce_custom_order_columns', 2);
global $post, $woocommerce;
$order = new WC_Order( $post->ID );
switch ($column) {
case "order_title" :
if ($order->user_id) $user_info = get_userdata($order->user_id);
if (isset($user_info) && $user_info) :
$user = '<a href="user-edit.php?user_id=' . esc_attr( $user_info->ID ) . '">';
if ($user_info->first_name || $user_info->last_name) $user .= $user_info->first_name.' '.$user_info->last_name;
else $user .= esc_html( $user_info->display_name );
$user .= '</a>';
else :
$user = __('Guest', 'woocommerce');
echo '<strong>'.sprintf( __('Order %s', 'woocommerce'), $order->get_order_number() ).'</strong> ' . __('made by', 'woocommerce') . ' ' . $user;
if ($order->billing_email) :
echo '<small class="meta">'.__('Email:', 'woocommerce') . ' ' . ''.esc_html( $order->billing_email ).'</small>';
if ($order->billing_phone) :
echo '<small class="meta">'.__('Tel:', 'woocommerce') . ' ' . esc_html( $order->billing_phone ) . '</small>';
Please try this snippet in your active theme's functions.php

Escaping untrusted data in php for my wordPress theme

I have got a comment from someone superior to me who wants me to escape some comment in two php snippets which I have posted below. The problem is I don't know how to do that. Can anyone help me by modifying the snippets.
Comment I got:
Comment #1:
Validate and/or sanitize untrusted data before entering into the database. All untrusted data should be escaped before output.
Code Snippet #1:
if ( get_header_image() && !('blank' == get_header_textcolor()) ) {
echo '<div class="site-branding header-background-image" style="background-image: url(' . get_header_image() . ')">';
} else {
echo '<div class="site-branding">';
Code Snippet #2:
/* translators: %1$s = text link: sangeet, URL:, %2$s = text link: Kiran Kumar Dash, URL: */
__( 'Theme: %1$s by %2$s', 'sangeet' ),
'' . esc_attr( 'sangeet', 'sangeet' ) . '',
'' . esc_attr__( 'Kiran Kumar Dash', 'sangeet' ) . '' );
Comment #2:
esc all get_permalink() in content.php
Code snippet #3
if ( !is_single() ) {
echo '<div class="index-box">';
if ( has_post_thumbnail()) {
echo '<div class="small-index-thumbnail clear">';
echo '<a href="' . get_permalink() . '" title="' . __('Read ', 'sangeet') . get_the_title() . '" rel="bookmark">';
echo the_post_thumbnail('index-thumb');
echo '</a>';
echo '</div>';
My approach:
I used esc_url to esc the get_permalink() in the snippet. Shall I use esc_all? Or esc_url is just fine.
if ( !is_single() ) {
echo '<div class="index-box">';
if ( has_post_thumbnail()) {
echo '<div class="small-index-thumbnail clear">';
echo '<a href="' . esc_url(get_permalink()) . '" title="' . __('Read ', 'sangeet') . get_the_title() . '" rel="bookmark">';
echo the_post_thumbnail('index-thumb');
echo '</a>';
echo '</div>';
As requested:
PS. I didnt write this, only advanced it.
$user = sanctify($_GET['user']);
function sanctify($data){
// Fix &entity\n;
$data = str_replace(array('&','<','>'), array('&amp;','&lt;','&gt;'), $data);
$data = preg_replace('/(&#*\w+)[\x00-\x20]+;/u', '$1;', $data);
$data = preg_replace('/(&#x*[0-9A-F]+);*/iu', '$1;', $data);
$data = html_entity_decode($data, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
// Remove any attribute starting with "on" or xmlns
$data = preg_replace('#(<[^>]+?[\x00-\x20"\'])(?:on|xmlns)[^>]*+>#iu', '$1>', $data);
// Remove javascript: and vbscript: protocols
$data = preg_replace('#([a-z]*)[\x00-\x20]*=[\x00-\x20]*([`\'"]*)[\x00-\x20]*j[\x00-\x20]*a[\x00-\x20]*v[\x00-\x20]*a[\x00-\x20]*s[\x00-\x20]*c[\x00-\x20]*r[\x00-\x20]*i[\x00-\x20]*p[\x00-\x20]*t[\x00-\x20]*:#iu', '$1=$2nojavascript...', $data);
$data = preg_replace('#([a-z]*)[\x00-\x20]*=([\'"]*)[\x00-\x20]*v[\x00-\x20]*b[\x00-\x20]*s[\x00-\x20]*c[\x00-\x20]*r[\x00-\x20]*i[\x00-\x20]*p[\x00-\x20]*t[\x00-\x20]*:#iu', '$1=$2novbscript...', $data);
$data = preg_replace('#([a-z]*)[\x00-\x20]*=([\'"]*)[\x00-\x20]*-moz-binding[\x00-\x20]*:#u', '$1=$2nomozbinding...', $data);
// Only works in IE: <span style="width: expression(alert('Ping!'));"></span>
$data = preg_replace('#(<[^>]+?)style[\x00-\x20]*=[\x00-\x20]*[`\'"]*.*?expression[\x00-\x20]*\([^>]*+>#i', '$1>', $data);
$data = preg_replace('#(<[^>]+?)style[\x00-\x20]*=[\x00-\x20]*[`\'"]*.*?behaviour[\x00-\x20]*\([^>]*+>#i', '$1>', $data);
$data = preg_replace('#(<[^>]+?)style[\x00-\x20]*=[\x00-\x20]*[`\'"]*.*?s[\x00-\x20]*c[\x00-\x20]*r[\x00-\x20]*i[\x00-\x20]*p[\x00-\x20]*t[\x00-\x20]*:*[^>]*+>#iu', '$1>', $data);
// Remove namespaced elements (we do not need them)
$data = preg_replace('#</*\w+:\w[^>]*+>#i', '', $data);
$data = str_replace('"','',str_replace("'","",$data));
// Remove really unwanted tags
$old_data = $data;
$data = preg_replace('#</*(?:applet|b(?:ase|gsound|link)|embed|frame(?:set)?|i(?:frame|layer)|l(?:ayer|ink)|meta|object|s(?:cript|tyle)|title|xml)[^>]*+>#i', '', $data);
while ($old_data !== $data);
// we are done...
return $data;

wordpress acf form display data orderby order_no

For ACF form plugin, I used field group function which contains 10 fields, and loop to display in post like below:
<?php $fields = get_field_objects($post_id);
if( $fields)
foreach( $fields as $field_name => $field )
if($field['type']=='text' || $field['type']=='textarea' ){
echo '<li>';
echo '<label>' . $field['label'] . '</label>';
echo '<span>' . $field['value'] . '</span>';
echo '<span>' . $field['order_no'] . '</span>';
echo '</li>';
Now I want to sort it by order_no, how can I do it?
You could try something like that before you print out:
function objectSort( $a, $b ) {
return $a->order_no == $b->order_no ? 0 : ( $a->order_no > $b->order_no ) ? 1 : -1;
usort( $fields, 'objectSort' );
Note: This is not meant to be a full correct code, I just want to give you an idea for the solution.

Remove posts permalink (href)

I am trying to figure out a way to remove permalink's from posts with the category 'nolink'. I have tried a few java script attempts - but have not managed to get it to work.
query_posts( 'tag=Client-list' );
while ( have_posts() ) : the_post();
echo '<ul class="client-thumb-wrap">';
echo '<a href="';
echo '">';
echo '<li class="';
$category = get_the_category( $custompost );
echo $category[0]->cat_name ;
echo ' ';
echo $category[1]->cat_name ;
echo ' ';
echo $category[2]->cat_name ;
echo ' ';
echo $category[3]->cat_name ;
echo '">';
echo '<img src="';
echo '">';
echo '</li>';
echo '</ul>';
has_term allows you to check if a post has a specific term assigned (or not), try:
$href = ( has_term( 'nolink', 'category' ) ) ? '#' : get_permalink();
echo '<a href="' . $href . '">';
