Set a job to failed using Hangfire with ASP.NET? -

I have an ASP.NET app which sends emails whenever the user signs up in the web site. I'm using hangfire in order to manage the jobs and postal in order to send emails.
It all works great, but here's the thing:
I want the superuser to change how many times the APP can send the email before deleting the job.
Here's my code
public static void WelcomeUser(DBContexts.Notifications not)
var viewsPath = Path.GetFullPath(HostingEnvironment.MapPath(#"~/Views/Emails"));
var engines = new ViewEngineCollection();
engines.Add(new FileSystemRazorViewEngine(viewsPath));
Postal.EmailService service = new Postal.EmailService(engines);
WelcomeUserMail welcomeUserMail = new WelcomeUserMail();
welcomeUserMail.To = not.ReceiverEmail;
welcomeUserMail.UserEmail = not.ReceiverEmail;
welcomeUserMail.From = BaseNotification.GetEmailFrom();
catch(Exception e)
DBContexts.DBModel dbModel = new DBModel();
DBContexts.Notifications notificacionBD = dbModel.Notifications.Find(not.NotificationID);
notificacionBD.Status = false;
notificacionBD.Timestamp = DateTime.Now;
notificacionBD.Error = e.Message;
int numberOfRetriesAllowed = ParameterHelper.getNumberOfRetriesAllowed();
if (notificacionBD.Retries > numberOfRetriesAllowed)
//In this case Hangfire won't put this job in the failed section but rather in the processed section.
throw new Exception(e.Message);

Why not just add attributes to handle it automatically?
[AutomaticRetry(Attempts = 10, LogEvents = true, OnAttemptsExceeded = AttemptsExceededAction.Delete)]
public void MyTask(){
//doing stuff
Or you could just make your own attribute that mimics the AutommaticRetryAttribute class but you handle it how you want?


vulnerability from security team in forget password controller in asp .net

I have a controller form application and the security team they said there is a vulnerability you can put any user_id fom postman inside the controller like this
how I can remove this vulnerability check the code below:
public JsonResult ForgotPassword(string emailId)
var helper = new Helper.Helper();
List<SqlParameter> args = new List<SqlParameter>();
args.Add(new SqlParameter("#Pin_email_id", emailId));
var req_resp = new Dictionary<string, object>();
using (DataSet dataset = helper.ExecuteSqlQuery("Web_Forgot_Password", args))
if (dataset != null && dataset.Tables.Count > 0 && dataset.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
if (dataset.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Status"].ToString() == "Success")
req_resp["status"] = true;
req_resp["message"] = dataset.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Description"].ToString();
req_resp["code"] = dataset.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Code"].ToString();
string password = dataset.Tables[0].Rows[0]["user_password"].ToString();
SendForgotMail(emailId, dataset.Tables[0].Rows[0]["user_name"].ToString(), helper.Decrypt(password), dataset.Tables[0].Rows[0]["employee"].ToString());
return Json(req_resp);
req_resp["status"] = false;
req_resp["message"] = dataset.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Description"].ToString();
req_resp["code"] = dataset.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Code"].ToString();
return Json(req_resp);
req_resp["status"] = false;
req_resp["message"] = "Request Failed";
req_resp["code"] = "1005";
return Json(req_resp);
var response = new
status = false,
message = "Request failed",
code = "1005"
return Json(response);
Well normally you store only password hashes in your database, which are not decryptable. Watching helper.Decrypt(password) in your code and sending the original password as a plain text in email is something painful. Normally I would just send a password reset link which can be used only once.
I checked the SqlParemater docs, it is added as a String value the way you use it, so it is not SQL injectable. Without the exact SQL I cannot tell much. I think they meant that it is SQL injectable, but then they should send evidence at least.

How to access already existing data in Realm cloud using Xamarin Forms?

I’m using Realm for my Xamarin forms App.I have synced my data in Sql server with Realm cloud.Now I want to view the data which is there in Realm cloud in my Xamarin Forms App.
I used code
public ListsViewModel()
LogoutCommand = new Command(Logout);
AddressCommand = new Command(AddList);
//TaskLists = new IQueryable<Address>();
IQueryable<Address> TaskLists = Enumerable.Empty<Address>().AsQueryable();
private void AddList()
_realm = Realm.GetInstance();
TaskLists = _realm.All<Address>();
My TaskLists.Count() gives 0.But my ROS has the data from sql server and they both are in sync.And I'm able to Login to my Realm Object Server through my Xamarin Forms App.But my Xamarin Forms app is not syncing with my ROS that is the data which is there in my Realm object server is not displaying in my APP.I want to display the data of Address class in my App.The data of address class is put through SQL server.I just Have to retrieve the data of Address class. I even tried using SyncConfiguration.
private async void AddList()
User user = null;
user = User.Current;
catch (Exception ex)
if (user == null)
user = await NavigationService.Prompt<LoginViewModel, User>();
catch (Exception ex)
var uri = user.ServerUri;
Constants.Server.SyncHost = $"{uri.Host}:{uri.Port}";
var config = new SyncConfiguration(user, Constants.Server.SyncServerUri)
ObjectClasses = new[] { typeof(Address) }
_realm = Realm.GetInstance(config);
//_realm = Realm.GetInstance();
TaskLists = _realm.All<Address>();
_realm.Write(() =>
_realm.Add(new Address { ID = 8, ZipCode = "Judson123" });
Still I’m not able to fix it.Please Help me with this.

Workflow application.PersistableIdle event not firing

Hi I am new to Windows Workflow. This may be very easy, but I am stuck on this from long.
I have a state machine workflow, in which i have a workflow host class.
Persistence is not working in this code. While debugging pointer never goes to application.persistableIdle event.
I use custom input argument, for which I have set as Serializable.
below is my code of the host class:
static InstanceStore instanceStore;
static AutoResetEvent instanceUnloaded = new AutoResetEvent(false);
static Activity activity = new Activity1();
static Guid id = new Guid();
static int intContractHeaderKey;
static Contract contract = new Contract();
public ContractActivityHost(Guid wfid, Int32 contractHeaderID)
if (intContractHeaderKey > 0)
LoadAndCompleteInstance(id, intContractHeaderKey);
static void StartAndUnloadInstance(Int32 contractHeaderID)
contract = new Contract();
//var objContract = new object();
var input = new Dictionary<string, object>
{"TheContract", contract}
input.Add("ContractHeaderKey", contractHeaderID);
WorkflowApplication application = new WorkflowApplication(activity, input);
application.InstanceStore = instanceStore;
//returning IdleAction.Unload instructs the WorkflowApplication to persists application state and remove it from memory
application.PersistableIdle = (e) =>
return PersistableIdleAction.Unload;
application.Unloaded = (e) =>
//application.Idle = (e) =>
// {
// //application.Unload();
// instanceUnloaded.Set();
// };
//This call is not required
//Calling persist here captures the application durably before it has been started
id = application.Id;
//contract = (Contract)objContract;
intContractHeaderKey = contract.ContractID;
static void LoadAndCompleteInstance(Guid wfid, Int32 contractHeaderID)
//string input = Console.ReadLine();
while (!contract.ContractWFPause)
WorkflowApplication application = new WorkflowApplication(activity);
application.InstanceStore = instanceStore;
application.Completed = (workflowApplicationCompletedEventArgs) =>
//Console.WriteLine("\nWorkflowApplication has Completed in the {0} state.", workflowApplicationCompletedEventArgs.CompletionState);
strWFStatus = "Completed";
application.Unloaded = (workflowApplicationEventArgs) =>
//Console.WriteLine("WorkflowApplication has Unloaded\n");
strWFStatus = "Unloaded";
private static void SetupInstanceStore()
instanceStore =
new SqlWorkflowInstanceStore(#"Data Source=.;Initial Catalog=WorkflowInstanceStore;Integrated Security=True;");
InstanceHandle handle = instanceStore.CreateInstanceHandle();
InstanceView view = instanceStore.Execute(handle, new CreateWorkflowOwnerCommand(), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));
instanceStore.DefaultInstanceOwner = view.InstanceOwner;
I have been trying to resolve this from long time, but not sure where I am missing anything. I have gone through couple of sample applications and changed my code to match the flow and logic, but still it does not work.
After application.persist, record is inserted in [System.Activities.DurableInstancing].[InstancesTable] view.
But debug pointer does not move beyond instanceUnloaded.WaitOne();
it actually goes to idle state. if I uncomment application.idle event, it goes in that event code.
Any help to resolve this would be great.
Please check If you have added the below details
instanceStore = new SqlWorkflowInstanceStore(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["WFPersistenceDb"].ConnectionString);

WF4: Bookmark with NonBlocking option

Has anyone used CreateBookmark() with BookmarkOptions.NonBlocking?
I'm trying to use it with MultipleResume option but seems I cannot even resume.
Bookmark activity:
public InArgument<string> BookmarkName { get; set; }
public InArgument<BookmarkOptions> BookmarkOptions { get; set; }
protected override void Execute(NativeActivityContext context)
var options = BookmarkOptions.Get(context);
Test Code:
public void TestMethod1()
wfat = WorkflowApplicationTest.Create(sm);
var res = wfat.TestWorkflowApplication.ResumeBookmark("First", "data");
Assert.IsTrue(res == BookmarkResumptionResult.Success, "Resumption fail with result:" + res);
Assert.IsTrue(wfat.Bookmarks.Contains("First"), "No first bkmk");
private void InitWorkflow()
sm = new StateMachine()
States =
{ //First state with non blocking bookmark
new State(){
DisplayName = "First",Entry = new BookmarkActivity(){BookmarkName = "First",BookmarkOptions =
BookmarkOptions.NonBlocking | BookmarkOptions.MultipleResume},
Transitions =
new Transition(){ }
}, //Second state with blocking bookmark
new State(){
DisplayName = "Second",Entry = new BookmarkActivity(){BookmarkName = "Second",BookmarkOptions =
Transitions =
new Transition(){ }
new State(){
DisplayName = "End",
IsFinal = true
sm.InitialState = sm.States[0];
sm.InitialState.Transitions[0].To = sm.States[1];
sm.States[1].Transitions[0].To = sm.States[2];
Result of ResumeBookmark in above test code is 'NotFound'
I would appreciate any working code that demonstrates NonBlocking option.
Even NonBlocking bookmarks are removed when the activity that created it is completed. They allow the activity to continue execution but that's it.
Bottom line you've to maintain an activity in a not completed state (usually the outside activity) and everything inside it will execute even when a NonBlocking bookmark is found.
That's why you're getting a NotFound error. The activity that created the bookmark has ended and the bookmark no longer exists.
P.S.: A somehow usual use case for NonBlocing bookmarks is, for example, when you've a long running activity, that might throw exceptions while executing, and that way you've the possibility to resume the workflow at a previous state.

Directory levels Quotas on remote shared folder

I have 2 servers in AD (2008R2)
On one of them I have shared folder (c:\Shared\dirForUserAAA ==> \DC1\dir1)
On other one I have c# program that must manage folder quota on \DC1\dir1
Is it possible and how it can be done?
I try to use this piece of code, but it works only on local paths :(
public static void SetQuotaToFolder(string UNCPathForQuota, int quotaLimitBytes)
if (!Directory.Exists(UNCPathForQuota))
// Create our interface
IFsrmQuotaManager FSRMQuotaManager = new FsrmQuotaManagerClass();
IFsrmQuota Quota = null;
// First we need to see if there is already a quota on the directory.
Quota = FSRMQuotaManager.GetQuota(UNCPathForQuota);
// If there is quota then we just set it to our new size
Quota.QuotaLimit = quotaLimitBytes;
catch (COMException e)
if (e.ErrorCode == (int)0x80045301)
// There is no quota on this directory so we need to create it.
Quota = FSRMQuotaManager.CreateQuota(UNCPathForQuota);
// And then set our desired quota
Quota.QuotaLimit = quotaLimitBytes;
// some other COM exception occured so we return the error
catch (Exception e)
// Generic error handling would go here
// and finally we commit our changes.
Old Question, but if someone needs a hint:
Open a RemotePowershell on the server where your folders are saved. Then use the Cmdlets from here
Some code snippets:
Open Runspace:
public static Runspace CreateAndOpen(string domain, string username, string password, string computername)
string userName = username + "#" + domain;
var securePassword = password.ToSecureString();
PSCredential credential = new PSCredential(username, securePassword);
var connectionInfo = new WSManConnectionInfo(false, computername, 5985, "/wsman", shellUri, credential);
connectionInfo.AuthenticationMechanism = AuthenticationMechanism.Default;
connectionInfo.OpenTimeout = 2 * 60 * 1000; // 2 minutes
Runspace powershellRunspace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(connectionInfo);
return powershellRunspace;
Set a quota on a path
public void SetQuotaTemplateOnPath(Runspace runspace, string path, string template)
using (var pipe = runspace.CreatePipeline())
var newFsrmQuotaCommand = new Command("New-FsrmQuota");
newFsrmQuotaCommand.Parameters.Add("Path", path);
newFsrmQuotaCommand.Parameters.Add("Template", template);
newFsrmQuotaCommand.Parameters.Add("Confirm", false);
var results = pipe.Invoke();
if (pipe.Error.Count > 0)
//Handle error
