QT Tab bar's top highlight with stylesheet - qt

I have a problem when trying to change the color of QTabBar's top line (blue line in the picture below).
Is this a separate part of tabBar (like scroller or tear) or its top border ? And how can I change its color with styleSheet and leave the other parts of tabBar unchanged?
P.S. : My tabBar::styleSheet returns an empty string, so I can't get current style and make changes in it.

If you're using a "system" style, you may not be able to change the color of the line (cause representation of UI elements is not handled by Qt but by the system).
You should define a complete style for QTabBar (and maybe QTabWidget too) that you can customize as you wish.
See the Qt Style Sheets Examples page.

Problem solved:
setStyleSheet("QTabBar::tab:selected { selection-background-color: red; }");


Gtk inspector cant find part of widget

I'm working on a Gtk3 theme using css. I want to style a dialog so I used gtkinspector to check what widgets are inside there. Works well, the inspector recognizes the dialog. But it is apparently unable to identify a border sitting around the dialog. (See image below).
The border around the entire widget doesnt get hilighted by the inspector. .. so what does this consist of?
This is reflected in the css: if I put something like dialog * {green} in the css, everything colors green, except for the border. If I put .background {green} then the border also colors green....
I tried to find 'padding' 'margin' and 'border' entries that could be causing the border, but cant seem to find any....Any ideas?
Without code or a glade file one can't say for sure which properties are being used to add that border.
The border itself isn't a widget but a GtkContainer property. So you must look to the parent, GtkDialog, for the correct properties being used. Most probably its the empty border around the container child (see GtkContainer "border-width") but could be alignment or padding.
If your goal is to change the color of the background color then you should change it via GtkDialog.

GTK+3 Treeview expander not visible

I built a GUI with a treeview based on GTK+3. The tree view does currently not show the expander of the treeview. However, I can see that there is some space reserved for the expander as the indentation of the rows is larger if there is one element with a 'subcategory'.
In addition, I figured out, that the expander is shown if I use another GTK style.
Therefore, I tried to change to color of the expander, but it has no effect:
*.view { background-color: ... } changes the background color of the 'buttons' in the tree view. However, the expander is still not visible.
treeview.view.expander { color: ...} does not have any effect at all.
Now, my assumption is that the expander is hidden or has some transparency, but I could not find any option to change it.
Do you have any documentation links that explains exactly which CSS option does have an influence on the treeview or its expander or a hint what could be wrong in the CSS file?
I figured out what the problem is: I am missing the icon used by the treeview expander in /usr/share/icons.
The problem is solved by adding the icons specified in .expander { -gtk-icon-source: -gtk-icontheme("icon"); } to the icon sources in /usr/share/icons or /~.icons.

Qt Designer button image change while keeping windows style?

I can change the image or any other style of a QPushButton in the designer by changing the stylesheet, but any change in the style sheet changes all the other properties.
For instance, when I change the border image everything else is changed and it does not inherit the rest of the properties from the parent (or windows style).
How can I keep the windows style while changing only the image?
From How can I set Styles to a QTabwidget without overwriting existing styles in QT ?:
A style sheet is all or nothing. so if u all apply style sheet, it
might sort of reset the look for some widgets and to fix that, you
must supply a full stylesheet.
The key parts are:
A style sheet is all or nothing.
you must supply a full stylesheet.
You can set an image for the QPushButton from the code or by using QtDesigner like this:
Select the button
In the properties window set the image and the
size (properties icon and iconSize).
Did you try set style to the single push button:
"QPushButton{background-image: url(:/images/call_up.bmp);}"
"QPushButton:hover{background-image: url(:/images/call_hov.bmp);}"
"QPushButton:pressed{background-image: url(:/images/call_down.bmp);}");

Setting single stylesheet property in Qt

I'm trying to create vertical lines in a QTreeView; rather than painting over lines as suggested by some answers I am using a stylesheet to modify the right border of the cells in the treeview like so:
ui->tripsTreeView->setStyleSheet ("QTreeView::item:!last { border-right: 0.5px solid lightgray ;}");
Unfortunately this resets all other stylesheet properties on the treeview, making it unusable (white on white text, the expand triangle gets a blue background, custom background colours disappear, etc).
Has someone managed to set a stylesheet for a single property in Qt?
Or found a way to extract the current applied stylesheet? I would then do a search-and-replace to add/set the proper border. Unfortunately ui->tripsTreeView->styleSheet() returns only an empty string (meaning it uses the deault stylesheet, but what the heck is the default stylesheet?)
When no stylesheet is set Qt uses a style which matches the style of the OS. When you try to change the stylesheet of even a single property the whole stylesheet of the control is replaced with a default one. I am not sure if the default stylesheet can be extracted. Probably a custom delegate with paint() function reimplemented can do the trick.

Setting state for all children the same as parent

After trying to find a solution for Centering Text on a Button with Offset, I'm doing now a custom component.
The goal is to make a button-like component that has an icon on one side and a centered text filling the rest of the button.
The component contains either two Label/ Buttons to display the Icon and text. Both of them have a background Image, defined in css.
The css looks like this for Icon and the text with exchanged image as background for text
-fx-font-family: "Arial";
-fx-padding: 0,0,0,0;
-fx-background-color: transparent;
-fx-font-size: 28px;
-fx-graphic: url('images/button/cancel.png');
-fx-graphic: url('images/button/cancel-pressed.png');
The images are loaded by setId(). Currently both components are added to a Panel before passing to the stage. They contain an OnClickEvent for processing.
Now to the actual question
How can I achieve that if one Component is clicked, the other one is getting the :pressed from css as well?
Adding the ClickEvent to the Panel is doing nothing (regarding clicking on either Label/ Button)
Adding both of them to a HBox, adding the Event to the HBox work in that regard, that I can click either component and the Event gets fired, BUT the :pressed State is only applied to the component you clicked.
Is it possible to give all childs the notification, that they should behave like they got pressed? Since we have a lot of small Icon, but only one background for the text, placing a Label over the whole thing create a lot of unneeded wasted Image space. Also this would cause the problematic for changing font color if not all css are changed at once (the label-over-button-solution with .setMouseTransparent(true) wouldn't change the font color of the text label since the label doesn't notice button is pressed)
First of all, JFX-8 will support wider range of css improvements, which will allow you to solve the issue easier.
To solve your issue, i can suggest the following : each node have a pressed property. You can add a listener on this property, and when it changes to true, use setStyle(String) method on needed nodes, and use setStyle(null | "") on changing to false.
