Replacing HashMap with TreeMap - dictionary

I am trying to replace HashMap used in my code to TreeMap as I need to have the keys sorted.
But just replacing the HashMap declaration with TreeMap is running into various ClassCast exception which were not arising before. I am debugging the code but I cannot follow why is it failing? It fails in the treemap.put(key, value); statement.
private static void insertIntoIndexFile(String datatype, String value, String columnName, String tableName,
long offset) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
Map<Object, ArrayList<Long>> index = new TreeMap<Object, ArrayList<Long>>();
Map<Object, ArrayList<Long>> result = new TreeMap<Object, ArrayList<Long>>();
String indexTableFileName = SCHEMA+"."+tableName+"."+columnName+".ndx";
File indexTableFileObject = new File(indexTableFileName);
long indexfileLength = indexTableFileObject.length();
RandomAccessFile indexTableFile = new RandomAccessFile(indexTableFileObject, "rw");
boolean isValuePresent = false;
// returns sucessfully
index = getIndexFileEntries(indexTableFileName, datatype);
// checking if the key exists
Set set1 = index.entrySet();
Iterator iterator1 = set1.iterator();
while(iterator1.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry me2 = (Map.Entry);
Object key = me2.getKey();
ArrayList<Long> temp = new ArrayList<Long>();
System.out.println("Comparing the hashmap value to value " + key.toString());
isValuePresent = true;
temp = (ArrayList<Long>) me2.getValue();
long frequency = temp.get(0);
temp.set(0, frequency);
index.put(key, temp);
if(isValuePresent == false){
System.out.println("The file has values but this key was not found. Here is the updated hashmap");
ArrayList<Long> temp = new ArrayList<Long>();
Object key = (Object)value;
index.put(key,temp); // this line throws error
writeMapToIndexFile(tableName, columnName, datatype, index);
writeMapToIndexFile(tableName,columnName, datatype, index);
}catch(Exception e){
Here is the stacktrace :
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Long cannot be cast to java.lang.String
at java.lang.String.compareTo(Unknown Source)
at java.util.TreeMap.put(Unknown Source)
at Database.insertIntoIndexFile(
at Database.insertIntoTable(
at Database.main(
Similar stacktrace for each of short, integer etc. I expect the key to be these datatypes. Therefore I have used Object type to store the keys. But I am not trying to cast them String before inserting into the map.
Is there anything that I am overlooking while replacing a hashmap with treemap. I agree its a very broad question but any help would really be great.
Thanks for your time.


Are Guids unique when using a U-SQL Extractor?

As these questions point out, Guid.NewGuid will return the same value for all rows due to the enforced deterministic nature of U-SQL i.e if it's scaled out if an element (vertex) needs retrying then it should return the same value....
Guid.NewGuid() always return same Guid for all rows
auto_increment in U-SQL
However.... the code example in the officials documentation for a User Defined Extractor purposefully uses Guid.NewGuid().
I'm not querying the validity of the answers for the questions above, as they are from an authoritative source (the programme manager for u-sql, so very authoritative!). However, what I'm wondering if the action of using an Extractor means NewGuid can be used as normal? Is it simply within c# expressions in u-sql and User Defined Functions in which NewGuid is unsafe?
[SqlUserDefinedExtractor(AtomicFileProcessing = true)]
public class FullDescriptionExtractor : IExtractor
private Encoding _encoding;
private byte[] _row_delim;
private char _col_delim;
public FullDescriptionExtractor(Encoding encoding, string row_delim = "\r\n", char col_delim = '\t')
this._encoding = ((encoding == null) ? Encoding.UTF8 : encoding);
this._row_delim = this._encoding.GetBytes(row_delim);
this._col_delim = col_delim;
public override IEnumerable<IRow> Extract(IUnstructuredReader input, IUpdatableRow output)
string line;
//Read the input line by line
foreach (Stream current in input.Split(_encoding.GetBytes("\r\n")))
using (System.IO.StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(current, this._encoding))
line = streamReader.ReadToEnd().Trim();
//Split the input by the column delimiter
string[] parts = line.Split(this._col_delim);
int count = 0; // start with first column
foreach (string part in parts)
if (count == 0)
{ // for column “guid”, re-generated guid
Guid new_guid = Guid.NewGuid();
output.Set<Guid>(count, new_guid);
else if (count == 2)
// for column “user”, convert to UPPER case
output.Set<string>(count, part.ToUpper());
// keep the rest of the columns as-is
output.Set<string>(count, part);
count += 1;
yield return output.AsReadOnly();
yield break;

Intersection between two HashSets in Java 8

I have an object as following :
public Class MyObjDTO {
private Long id;
private Boolean checked;
//getter and setters
public final int hashCode() {
Long id = getId();
return (id == null ? super.hashCode() : id.hashCode());
public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
if (this == obj)
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof MyObjDTO))
return false;
Long id = getId();
Long objId = ((MyObjDTO) obj).getId();
if (id.equals(objId)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
And I have two hash sets containing some instances from this object :
HashSet oldSet = new HashSet();
oldSet.add(new MyObjDTO(1,true));
oldSet.add(new MyObjDTO(2,true));
oldSet.add(new MyObjDTO(3,false));
HashSet newSet = new HashSet();
newSet.add(new MyObjDTO(1,false));
newSet.add(new MyObjDTO(2,true));
newSet.add(new MyObjDTO(4,true));
So what I want to do here is to select objects that are in the newSet and not in the oldSet, in this case its : new MyObjDTO(4,true) which I did using this :
Stream<MyObjDTO> toInsert = -> !oldSet.contains(e));
Then I want to select objects that are in the oldSet and not in the newSet, in this case its :new MyObjDTO(3,false) which I did using this :
Stream<MyObjDTO> toRemove = -> !newSet.contains(e));
The last step is that I want to select the objects that are in both newSet and oldSet but they have a different value for the attribute checked , in this case it's : new MyObjDTO(1,false).
What I tried is this :
Stream<MyObjDTO> toUpdate =;
But this one will return both new MyObjDTO(1,false) and new MyObjDTO(2,true).
How can I solve this ?
One way is to first use a map and then adjust your filter condition:
Map<MyObjDTO, Boolean> map =
.collect(Collectors.toMap(Function.identity(), MyObjDTO::getChecked));
Stream<MyObjDTO> toUpdate =
.filter(old -> newSet.contains(old) && old.getChecked() != map.get(old));
Firstly, your equals() and hashCode() methods violate their basic contract. As per the javadoc of hashCode():
If two objects are equal according to the equals(Object) method, then calling the hashCode method on each of the two objects must produce the same integer result.
Your implementation of hashCode() does not follow this contract. Your first step should be to fix that.
Secondly, since Java 1.2 (nearly 20 years ago), java has provided the method removeAll() that does exactly what you want to do for the first part:
// Given these 2 sets:
HashSet<MyObjDTO> oldSet = new HashSet<>();
HashSet<MyObjDTO> newSet = new HashSet<>();
HashSet<MyObjDTO> onlyInNew = new HashSet<>(newSet);
// similar for onlyInOld
For the second part, you'll need to create a Map to find and get the object out:
Map<MyObjDTO, MyObjDTO> map = new HashMap<>O;
oldSet.forEach(o -> map.put(o, o);
HashSet<MyObjDTO> updated = new HashSet<>(newSet);
updated.removeIf(o -> oldSet.contains(o) && o.getChecked()() != map.get(o).getChecked());
In the last step, you rely on the equals() method of the DTO :
Stream<FonctionnaliteDTO> toUpdate =;
The method uses only the id field to determinate object equality.
You don't want to do that.
You want to filter on a specific field : checked.
Besides, you should perform the operation on the result of the intersection of the two Sets.
Note that you should use simply Collection.retainAll() to compute the intersection between two collections:
Set<MyObjDTO> set = ...
Set<MyObjDTO> setTwo = ...
Then you can filter objects that have both same id and checked value by using a double loop : for + iterator.
for (MyObjDTO dto : set){
for (Iterator<MyObjDTO> it = set.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
MyObjDTO otherDto =;
if (otherDto.getId().equals(dto.getId()) &&
otherDto.getChecked() == dto.getChecked()){
You could do that with Stream but IHMO it could be less readable.

Converting Map to Java Bean, some properties cannot be set rightly

// I use this simple program:
public static Object convertToBean(Class type, Map map) {
BeanInfo beanInfo;
Object obj = null;
try {
beanInfo = Introspector.getBeanInfo(type);
obj = type.newInstance();
// When I debugging to here, I found that some properties is different from the variable the Object own. PropertyDescriptor changes charactor case when the variable is not in "String" type.
PropertyDescriptor[] propertyDescriptors = beanInfo.getPropertyDescriptors();
for (PropertyDescriptor descriptor : propertyDescriptors) {
String propertyName = descriptor.getName();
if (map.containsKey(propertyName)) {
Object value = map.get(propertyName);
Object[] args = new Object[1];
args[0] = value;
descriptor.getWriteMethod().invoke(obj, args);
} catch (Exception ignored) {
return obj;
//Using BeanMap is the same question.
Finally I found the root cause.
The problem solved by changing “A01” to "a01".
The variable name must be strict camel rule. First character must be lower case, except first two characters are all in upper case, like "AD".
Because the setter and getter methods will generate in same pattern. so It'll be difficult to recognize the real name of one variable.

Dapper and Downward Integer Conversion

I am checking out v1.25 of Dapper with Sqlite via System.Data.Sqlite. If I run this query:
var rowCount = dbc.Query<int>("SELECT COUNT(*) AS RowCount FROM Data").Single();
I get the following error: System.InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid
This is because Sqlite returns the above value as an Int64, which I can verify with the following code. This will throw "Int64":
var row = dbc.Query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS RowCount FROM Data").Single();
Type t = row.RowCount.GetType();
throw new System.Exception(t.FullName);
Now, the following code will actually handle the downward conversion from Int64 to Int32:
public class QuerySummary
public int RecordCount { get; set; }
var qs = dbc.Query<QuerySummary>("SELECT COUNT(*) AS RecordCount FROM Data").Single();
rowCount = qs.RecordCount;
throw new System.Exception(rowCount.ToString());
When I throw this exception, it gives me the actual row count, indicating that Dapper handled the conversion for me.
My question is, why is it that dbc.Query<int> does not handle the downward conversion in a similar way to dbc.Query<QuerySummary>? Is this intended behavior?
No, that is not intentional. I've committed and pushed changes to github which make the following pass (it fails on 1.25); it should appear on NuGet at some point soon too:
public void DownwardIntegerConversion()
const string sql = "select cast(42 as bigint) as Value";
int i = connection.Query<HasInt32>(sql).Single().Value;
Assert.IsEqualTo(42, i);
i = connection.Query<int>(sql).Single();
Assert.IsEqualTo(42, i);

How can I avoid the null object reference error

I have function init, which runs on the creationComplete of the application. The init calls get_login_share_object function, in which objects are created, which are null.
Now my problem is that, I get a null object reference error on the Alert in "init()". How can I avoid that. Is it possible that I can have a check to see, if the objects are null the program should just skip reading the objects.
private function init():void
var stored_credentials:Object = get_login_share_object(); +" "+ stored_credentials.alias +" "+ stored_credentials.password );
private function get_login_share_object():Object
//create or retrieve the current shared object
var so:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("loginData","/");
var dataToLoad:ByteArray =;
return null;
//read in our key
var aes_key:String = ServerConfig.aes_key;
var key:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
key = Base64.decodeToByteArray(aes_key);
//read in our encryptedText
var encryptedBytes:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
//decrypt using 256b AES encryption
var aes:ICipher = Crypto.getCipher("simple-aes128-ctr", key, Crypto.getPad("pkcs5"));
encryptedBytes.position = 0;
var obj:Object = new Object();
obj.alias = encryptedBytes.readUTF();
obj.password = encryptedBytes.readUTF();
obj.check_remember = encryptedBytes.readUTF();
return obj;
You could check for the null like this:
var stored_credentials:Object = get_login_share_object();
if (stored_credentials) +" "+ stored_credentials.alias +" "+ stored_credentials.password );
trace('No Shared Object');
You should find out why those values are null and fix that first. Generally speaking, if you are expecting a value, it should not be null.
If it really is expected that some of those values are null then yes, you can check them first in two ways:
if(value != null) value.doSomething();
try{ +" "+ stored_credentials.alias +" "+ stored_credentials.password );
// do something else here if the statement under the try failed.
// most likely log the error message and see what it is
Your problem is here:
var dataToLoad:ByteArray =;
return null;
If there isn't any data to load, you're returning a null. So when you try and access the returned object's properties later, you'll get the null object reference error because you're referencing a null object. :)
There are a couple of easy solutions to this. You can check if the return value is null before you try to reference any properties like so:
if (stored_credentials != null) { +" "+ stored_credentials.alias +" "+ stored_credentials.password );
Or you can stop returning a null from your get_login_share_object function. What you return instead is totally up to you, just make sure it returns an object with all the properties you're referencing.
