dialogPostRun method in RunBaseReport - axapta

I have a RunBaseReport which contains overrided dialog method where I'm adding couple of my controls. One of those controls is a combobox.
Controls enabled() property should be changed when I'm modifying combobox.
So basically I need to know when the value of my dfReportType dialog field changes.
public Object dialog(Object dialog)
DialogRunbase dialog = dialog;
//adding my combobox
dfReportType = dialog.addFieldValue(typeid(ReportType), ReportType:DefaultType);
//adding some other controls here
return dialog;
According to many articles that I found I need to override dialogPostRun Method and do something like this:
public void dialogPostRun(DialogRunbase dialog)
But unfortunately I don't have this method in RunBaseReport class.
Which should be there according to msdn .
Are there any other workarounds?

I'm currently on AX 2012 but I still looked at it. I have the method available in the context menu, but not on the first column. I have to go over "Plus..." to find the method in the second column.

Well, there is no dialogPostRun method in Report object that inherits RunBaseReport, but we have this method in Class that inherits RunBaseReport.
So that was my mistake. I used report object instead of class.
If you want to make custom dialog for the report but you also want to use all default controls you should:
Create class
Inherit RunBaseReport
Override dialog, getFromDialog etc.
Override lastValueElementName method
public identifiername lastValueElementName()
//just put name of your report object
return reportStr(YourReportName);
Don't forget to add main() method if you going to make call from menuItem.


How to activate another button using click event of certain button in MS Dynamics AX?

I'm creating a new form in Axapta.
How can I make a Show-->Line View to be activated by clicking on New--> Item?
Should I do this by X++ override methods or it is possible not to use code?
I think it can only be done with code. Override your datasource's create() method and then call the button clicked() method. Note that to call directly the button's Auto declaration propery need to be set to Yes.
For instance in a SalesTable form you could overwrite SalesTable.create() method :
void create(boolean append = true)
SalesTable newSalesTable;
// rest code goes here

Enable/Disable FINISH button of wizard based on user input

I have created a wizard in AX 2012 using wizard wizard... Now i need to put 1 functionality i.e., to Enable or Disable FINISH button based on user input.
I have already tried these 3 ways but without success..
this.finishenabled() -- on SetupNavigation method of wizard class
finishenabled[formrun.tabidx()] = false -- on SetupNavigation method of wizard class
syswizard.finishenable(false, curtabidx(),false) - on Tabpage of wizard form
please do reply if anyone have a solution for this....
The Wizard class has a validate method in which you will do the following:
boolean validate()
return true;
return false;
According to Microsoft, this method does the following:
Used to validate user input, and called before the wizard is closed.
It returns false if user input is invalid. This will prevent the run method from being called when the user clicks the Finish button.
Wizard Class on MSDN
Additionally, you can use the textchanged() method on the field you want to validate (or if not text, you can use the changed method of the object).
if (this.text())
if (!sysWizard.isNextEnabled())
sysWizard.nextEnabled(true, sysWizard.curTab(), false);
if (sysWizard.isNextEnabled())
sysWizard.nextEnabled(false, sysWizard.curTab(), false);
Also from MSDN Enable Buttons
In SysWizard class the check to enable / disable the finishButton is inside a check for this.hasFinishButton() (see SysWizard.enableButtons).
I overcame this issue by overwriting the hasFinishButton() method on your wizard class and set the ret = true. This does mean however that your finish buttons will show in all steps, but you can hide this with other code if necessary.
The simplest way to enable/disable the Finish button on a Wizard form called from a SysWizard class is to retrieve the FormControl object from the FormRun object using the FormControlId and then set the Enabled property based on the your test condition, such as whether another FormControl contains a value. There are many ways to implement this. I'll provide two examples.
In the first example, all of the modifications are done on the Wizard Form.
A FormControl is used that can be called like any FormControl that has the AutoDeclaration property set to Yes.
In the second example, I'll override the finishEnabled() method on my Wizard class, so it behaves in the manner that was expected.
In each example, the formControl is found using the FormControlId which takes the control's label text ("Finish") as the argument. I found the correct Label ID by doing a "Lookup Label/Text" on "Finish" in the code editor and then selected the SYS label with "Label for Finish button in wizard" in the label's Description.
Example 1: FormControl object on Wizard Form:
In the Form classDeclaration add the following:
class FormRun extends ObjectRun
//FormControl objects used to get SysWizard Finish Button
FormControlId finishButtonId;
FormControl finishButton;
Initialize the new FormControl in the top level Form init() method:
void init()
if (element.Args().caller())
sysWizard = element.Args().caller();
finishButtonId = sysWizard.formRun().controlId("#SYS302811");
finishButton = sysWizard.formRun().control(finishButtonId);
Now you can use the control like you would any other form control. In this case, I'm using the state of checkbox control named IsFinished in my WizardForm as the test condition and updating the FormControl state from the IsFinished.clicked() method:
public void clicked()
//set FormControl state based on the current value of the checkbox
*Example 2:*Override the finishEnabled() method in your Wizard class:
Note that you'll need to set the default values for the method parameters otherwise AX will throw a compile error because it doesn't match the signature from the base class. For some reason, AX doesn't properly create the method signature. Get rid of the default call to super and replace it with the code below:
public boolean finishEnabled(boolean _enabled = false,
int _idx = this.curTab(),
boolean _setfocus = false)
return this.formRun().control(this.formRun().controlId("#SYS302811")).enabled(_enabled);
Initialize the control value in the Form init() method:
void init()
if (element.Args().caller())
sysWizard = element.Args().caller();
Call the class method when your controls are updated:
public void clicked()
//set FormControl state based on the current value of the checkbox

Flex extending ComboBox

I created a class CustomCombo.as that extends ComboBox. What is happening is that the CustomCombo combobox is showing as being editable. I do not want this and I cant find the properties to set the editable to false.
I also tried setting the combobox's textInput.editable control to false, but to no avail.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
package custom {
import spark.components.ComboBox;
public class CustomCombo extends ComboBox {
public function CustomCombo() {
// this.editable = false; //<-- THIS DOESNT WORK ***Access of possibly undefined property editable through a reference with static type custom:CustomCombo
// this.textInput.editable = false; //<-- THIS DOESNT WORK ***Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference
After rummaging through the Flex 4 API I found that they suggest to use the DropDownList control. From what I can see is that they removed the editable property from the ComboBox control in Flex 4, but I may be wrong.
I implemented DropDownList and that solved my problem.
I see that you're using spark and not mx. The editable property I referred to is applicable only to mx based list. In spark, ComboBox extends DropDownListBase and is editable by default.
The ComboBox control is a child class of the DropDownListBase control. Like the DropDownListBase control, when the user selects an item from the drop-down list in the ComboBox control, the data item appears in the prompt area of the control.
One difference between the controls is that the prompt area of the ComboBox control is implemented by using the TextInput control, instead of the Label control for the DropDownList control. Therefore, a user can edit the prompt area of the control to enter a value that is not one of the predefined options.
For example, the DropDownList control only lets the user select from a list of predefined items in the control. The ComboBox control lets the user either select a predefined item, or enter a new item into the prompt area. Your application can recognize that a new item has been entered and, optionally, add it to the list of items in the control.
The ComboBox control also searches the item list as the user enters characters into the prompt area. As the user enters characters, the drop-down area of the control opens. It then and scrolls to and highlights the closest match in the item list.
So ideally, you should be using DropDownList in this case.
You're getting null error when trying to access textInput from the constructor because it hasn't been created yet. In mx based controls (Flex-3), you can access it from the creationComplete handler; I'm not quite sure how to do it for spark based controls.
Update: I think I've figured out how to access skin parts in spark (though you might wanna use the DropDownBox instead). You have to override the partAdded method.
override protected function partAdded(partName:String, instance:Object):void
super.partAdded(partName, instance);
if (instance == textInput)
textInput.editable = false;
There's one catch though: it may not work in this case. The source code of ComboBox.as says that
the API ignores the visual editable and selectable properties
So DropDownList it is!
Initial answer, posted for mx ComboBox.
This shouldn't happen as the default value of the editable property is false.
Try explicitly setting the value to false from the constructor.
public function CustomCombo() {
this.editable = false;

ASP.Net Treeview: Strange postback behavior

I have a ASP.NET treeview populated with custom treenodes (ExtensionRangeTreeNode subclassed from TreeNode).
On postback the treeview is populated with TreeNodes, not my custom treenode class.
What's up with this?
This forum entry may answer the question :
Basically, it is said a custom treeview control has to be used. CreateNode function must be overriden to instanciate the right TreeNode type. Here, it would be ExtensionRangeTreeNode instead of "CustomTreeNode".
public class CustomTreeView : TreeView
protected override TreeNode CreateNode()
return new CustomTreeNode(this, false);
Of course, you will have to add the ExtensionRangeTreeNode(Treeview treeview, bool isRoot) constructor signature to your current ExtensionRangeTreeNode implementation.
Without looking at your particular code, I can only assume that you custom TreeNode is not using ViewState. This would explain why it is not getting populated on postback.
DoesExtensionRangeTreeNode fully handle saving itself to the viewstate fully? If so, can you cast the returned nodes to that type?

Why is 'textField' not instantiated when I subclass TextArea in Flex?

I'm experimenting with TextArea and inheritance to implement some additional functionality on the protected textField property.
Unfortunately, when I create a new instance of the subclass, this property is set to null. I'm probably misunderstanding the way super() works, but I thought it would have been instantiated after the constructor finished.
Here's a small snippet of code which extends TextArea:
public final class ExtTextArea extends TextArea {
public function ExtTextArea() {
public function testTextField():void {
if (textField == null)
The invoking code is simple:
var extTextArea:ExtTextArea = new ExtTextArea();
The Alert in ExtTestArea appears every time I run this code.
Why is this? Is there something more I need to do to access the textField property?
Since textField is "the internal UITextField that renders the text of this TextArea" I believe it will remain null until you add it to the display via .addChild(...). I ran a quick test to verify that once I've added it to the display, it is no longer null. You might want to add an event handler to the "creation complete" event and adjust it at that point (I think).
The Flex SDK comes with source code, so you can take a peek and see when this field is initialized. It is not initialized in the constrcutor, but you will see that a new TextField instantiated by createChildren(), which is called when the component is added to a layout container.
